Chapter 546

After leaving the principal's office.

Chen Lun first went to the big library, deliberately searched for information about "The Nether Realm", but found nothing.

It can be seen that the land boundary is indeed an extremely secret existence in the mysterious field, and it is difficult to obtain its information by ordinary means.

So Chen Lun returned to the apartment again, and using his avatar far away in Lengye City, he summoned the spirit messenger of the Generous Council and asked him to call the detailed information of "Ghost Realm" for him.

The Faceless Servant never let him down, and this time was no exception. In just over an hour, it returned again and incarnated the information Chen Lun needed.

Because the senses of Zhenghua's two bodies are shared, Chen Lun can easily obtain what the avatar sees and hears while sitting in the professor's apartment of the college.

However, to Chen Lun's surprise, even the Generous Council did not have much information about the "Underworld", only some relatively simple and basic information...

The nether world, together with the spirit world, astral world, and dream world, is called "the other world". They are opposite to the present world, and while they have a certain mysterious connection, they are also independent of each other.

Throughout the ages, many occultists and even high-ranking people have studied the past world one after another. These people may have different views, but one of the definitions is exactly the same... That is, the appearance of the past world is accidental, not Inevitably, at the same time, it is also very likely to be the residence of the gods, and it is the area where angels walk and move from the gods, and it is almost impossible for mortals to set foot there.

Even if there are very few lucky ones who enter the other world due to various coincidences, most of them end up in a tragic and unknown ending.

Chen Lun also noticed that the Speaker Azgirro had commented on this information:

"The original afterlife and this world are absolutely independent, but because of the old man who buried the bones, the two worlds are connected by the 'spider web hell' woven by him, creating many hidden passages and bridges made of pale spider silk... Among them It is clearly known that there is a relatively stable connection between the Nether World and the Dream World. If you want to go to the Nether World, it would be a good choice to use the Dream World as a transit point, but please be careful, the danger of the spirit world in that world can be said to be the least of."

Chen Lun sat on a chair in the room, thoughtful.

According to the information, there is an even older way to go to the Netherworld, that is to pray to Mrs. Qiangwei or the Bone-Buried Old Man through a directional prayer ceremony, and there is a certain probability of being taken to the Netherworld.

However, this ancient ceremony has been baptized for a long time, and it has become a legend. After all, the high-ranking people know the reason... The old man who buried the bones fell, and Mrs. Qiangwei went into hiding. They will no longer respond to the present world.

The decline of the ceremony is also inevitable.

'Then is there any way for the old principal to get in? '

Chen Lun couldn't help guessing.

After thinking for a while, he smiled. As the principal of one of the two major academies in the Kingdom of Byron, and a knowledgeable high-ranking mage, Hugo must know more than himself. If there is no special means, there is no exploration.

'It's really unfounded to worry about, just look at it at night and you'll know. '

Soon, the time turned to midnight.

Holding a white cane, Chen Lun walked slowly to the downstairs of the two main buildings. Looking up, the mechanical clock hanging on the "Bridge of Thoughts" clearly read 11:30.

"You came on time, Your Majesty."

The old headmaster Hugo, who looked rather short, laughed.

He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, a loose dark green suit was ironed straight, and he stood with his hands behind his back in the cold night.

"Punctuality is a gentleman's code, Headmaster."

Chen Lun said in a joking tone, taking off his black hat as a gesture.

It was still quite cold in the college late at night, and the small snowflakes were falling leisurely. The old headmaster looked up at the big clock and said softly:

"Now it seems that His Majesty Ibrain will arrive later. I hope he will not be too late, otherwise he will miss the zero point, and he will have to wait until next month if he wants to enter the Nether Realm again."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold voice floated over:
"Sorry, I was delayed on the road for a while, I hope I didn't miss you, Hugo."

Chen Lun and the old principal turned their heads and saw a tall, short-haired woman wearing a silver gauze walking quickly.

"It's okay, the difference is less than 1 minute, and it's still early before the departure time."

Principal Hugo smiled.

When Ibrain saw the gentleman in the black hat, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal. He smiled lightly:
"Meet you again, Jack, but this time I should call you Your Majesty. I just heard you say 'punctuality is a gentleman's creed', and I took it very seriously, but I'm late..."

"It is a lady's privilege to be late, Your Majesty Ibrain."

Chen Lun nodded slightly.

Ibrain was slightly taken aback, and then smiled.

"you're right."

After finishing speaking, he even snorted again.

When Hugo saw that the two knew each other, his eyes were full of meaning, and at the same time, he gave up his plan to introduce them, and directly talked about the precautions for this trip to the Netherworld:
"It is said that the Nether Realm is the residence of Mrs. Qiangwei. Before the bone-burying old man lost control, he was almost only active in the Nether Realm...there is different from the spirit world, and the level of danger is much higher, so we must be careful."

'Is Youjie the territory of Mrs. Qiangwei? '

After hearing what the old principal said, Chen Lun couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart.

Next, Hugo explained some other matters, such as trying to avoid making too much noise, avoiding excessive use of mythical power, etc., otherwise it will easily attract the attention of creatures from the nether world. Although the strength of the three is enough to deal with it, the handling It is also quite troublesome.

And some unknown existences living and wandering in the Netherworld can even threaten high-ranking people, so avoid it if you can. After all, the purpose of Hugo's trip is to explore the footprints of the "first generation Scorpio" Honorino, not to hunt monsters.

Chen Lun and Ibrain nodded to express their understanding.

The old headmaster then took out some high-level transcendental materials and began to arrange a complex magic circle on the ground. While he was busy, he explained to the two of them without raising his head:
"This special ritual was developed by His Majesty Honorino, and then optimized again by His Majesty Clarenzo. It can help us safely enter the Netherworld without being discovered."

"So Honorino really attacked Madame Qiangwei's divine kingdom?"

Chen Lun frowned and asked casually.

Otherwise, why would He develop this ritual?
It's not going to hang out in the secluded world, and by the way, carry a square hammer to repair the water pipes for Mrs. Qiangwei...

"do not know."

Principal Hugo paused for a moment, shook his head and said.

"The past history has long been buried by time. This is also one of the purposes of this trip. I need to find the traces of Honorino and get rid of the fog that has been hidden in my heart for many years."

After speaking, He continued to arrange the ceremony, his movements were meticulous, skillful and natural.

Time flows, and when the minute and hour hands of the mechanical clock overlap and point to twelve o'clock directly above, the bell will ring.


"ready to go."

Principal Hugo said in a deep voice.

Chen Lun and Ibrain nodded.

The old headmaster threw a burning match and it fell into the center of the circle.

The raging blue-green flames rise up, just like the magical flames on the giant hammer of the bronze statue of Qidi Port.

Under the light of the fire, the falling snowflakes melted and evaporated before approaching, and a vague and irregular long and narrow portal quietly appeared.

Hugo took the first step and stepped into it, followed by Chen Lun and Ibrain.After the figures of the three people disappeared, the ritual circle and the flame that remained in place gradually dispersed, without even a trace of it remaining.

Chen Lun's [General Knowledge of the Five Senses] has already started, and there is no sensory discomfort. He clearly sensed the sudden change of the environment, and he appeared on the endless blood-red land.

The surrounding area was empty, dead silent, lifeless.

There is no sun, moon and stars in the sky, only a crimson distorted color, and even a mist-like pink substance descends from time to time, permeating with a strange and psychedelic power, making the environment even more gloomy and treacherous.

Chen Lun could smell a rotten, weird smell with a strong bloody smell all the time. Chen Lun immediately gave up his sense of smell, and his face remained normal.

It took Hugo and Ibrain a few seconds to adapt to the sudden change in the environment. They endured the harsh environment, and at the same time, they both noticed the calmness of the black hat gentleman, and were secretly surprised.

"According to the original plan, we need to follow the direction where the 'Aura of Skeleton' was born, and finally arrive at the destination under the 'Giant Skull Peak'..."

The old principal looked at the two of them, pointed at the pink mist and said.

"Aura of Skeleton" is a unique substance in the Nether Realm, and it can also be called a spectacle. The way they are born is unknown, and the law is hard to find. At the same time, they have a certain mysterious influence... Any creature that enters the mist will be killed. Controlled by his own strong appetite, he fell into a frantic state of extreme thirst for food.

Creatures in this state will lose their sanity, kill and devour all surrounding targets, even themselves.

Of course, "Aura of Skeleton" can be collected through special means, and it can be regarded as some kind of high-level extraordinary material.

The three of them walked forward slowly, and the crimson land under their feet seemed to be soaked in blood for endless time, the mud was sticky, and occasionally they could even feel it wriggling slightly, like a living thing.

Along the way, the number of exchanges between the three of them can be counted on the fingers. Hugo led the way, using the pink mist as the road sign and direction, but avoided it far away.Logically speaking, Hugo should be interested in the "Aura of Skeleton", but the purpose of his trip was not here, so he didn't bother to collect it.

Through a few conversations, Chen Lun learned the fundamental reason why the Nether Realm is not known to the mysterious realm... Its portal is not only difficult to find, but also requires extremely high insight to break through.

This standard is based on the high-ranking person as the dividing line.

'That is to say, at least 80 points of insight attribute are required to see the portal of the netherworld?Moreover, there is a lack of corresponding rituals, and it cannot be opened... If it is a player, Youjie may already be a map of the late stage. '

Chen Lun couldn't help thinking.

After walking for about three hours, the surrounding environment has changed slightly... On the originally open and boundless crimson wilderness, some weird vegetation appeared. They are like bushes, growing abruptly, but the branches and flowers are not emerald green. But scarlet, pale and flesh-colored.

Upon closer inspection, these "vegetation" are actually living creatures made of flesh and bones, and the bulging branches are still beating vigorously, as if there is some kind of heart-like organ growing in the cavity.

Dozens of blood creeks have unknown origins and spread in all directions, and these fleshy plants grow by the streams, as if they were born by absorbing some of the nutrients.

Farther away, there were bursts of roaring and the sound of flesh breaking.

"There is a fight ahead."

Hugo made a gesture, and the three stopped.

He took out a staff with long arms and thick fingers, swung it horizontally in front of him, and added two flicks, a hazy mirage slowly appeared in front of the three of them.In the picture, hundreds of silver-white worms over three meters tall were fighting with thousands of flesh and blood monsters.

Those flesh and blood monsters have strange scales all over their bodies, some have no heads, some have more than a dozen heads, and their limbs are deformed, which cannot be recognized by common sense.

"It's the Didak bugman, and the creatures from the nether world..."

Ibrain on the side frowned and said.

"Has the pollution in the depths of the spiritual world spread here?"

(End of this chapter)

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