I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 556 The Bird of Fright

Chapter 556 The Bird of Fright
After counting 10 minutes.

With a loud noise and tremor, the dark green snake fell to the ground.

Two of the three pairs of wings on His back were broken, and a long cut was made in the belly of the snake, and the blood and internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

The snake's body was covered with pale crystals, as if it had been infected, and the crystallized area was still spreading... In addition, some parts turned into wood, and the stiff skin was covered with annual ring patterns.


Sigmund collapsed on the ground, with a huge snake head, his eyes were cloudy, and he asked low and low questions.

Not far away, the masked man Dante was lying on the ground, his chest and abdomen were also torn open, which was exactly the same as Sigmund's injury.

But countless tender green branches spread from the wound, intertwined and twisted into a ball, stitching the wound together.

Dante slowly got up as if nothing had happened, and walked over.

Beside him, there are Boccaccio in tuxedo and Qiao Ke in black robe.

Several white snakes meandered past, wrapped around the ancient lantern, and sent it back to Qiao Ke.

"The Jade Magic Lamp... so your target is it..."

The giant snake seemed to have realized it, and muttered to itself.

However, the three of them ignored him. Among them, Qiao Ke stretched out a pale arm from the black robe, holding a lantern, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Your Majesty, please respond..."


The glass cover of the lantern was cracked and unresponsive.

"Forget it, you are just a coward who has survived from the ancient era. If you expect him to respond to you, you might as well expect the sun to rise from the west tomorrow."

Boccaccio on the side laughed.

"It's just trash among the ancient gods."

Dante nodded mechanically, and a low evaluation came from under the mask.

The pupils of the giant snake that fell on the ground shrank sharply, showing a fright and anger. Sigmund heard the wanton blasphemy of the other party, but was unable to defend it, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

At this moment, the lantern slowly emitted a bright green light.

A message that looks like sound waves and thoughts spreads from the emerald magic lamp, and it is still in the ancient Yanita language:

"Human beings, believe in me, and I will give you supreme power."

Joe laughed hoarsely.

"Power... the power of doom?"

"Yes, bad luck, misfortune, unforeseen misfortune... I am in charge, believe in me, and act on my behalf, you will become the favored person of bad luck."

"So can bad luck beat fate?"

Joe continued to ask.

The green light emitted by the emerald magic lamp flickered slightly.

"Misfortune has already defeated fate, fate has fallen, and misfortune will last forever..."

"It's amazing!"

Boccaccio on the side held his hat and gave a thumbs up.

As he spoke, he poked Dante with his elbow again, and said teasingly:

"Dante, why don't you sacrifice your faith?"

The masked man didn't say a word, but raised his hand "obediently and obediently", the power of the Awakening of Insects bookmark was transmitted, and countless illusory vines covered with years and years were wrapped around the lantern.

The emerald magic lamp, which already had cracks, suddenly turned green.

"Human, you..."

In the voice or thought, there is a little surprise.

"Since bad luck is so powerful, we should not be worthy of being favored... But I can introduce you to a more suitable candidate, and you will be satisfied!"

Boccaccio bent slightly and approached the lantern, and said happily.

He immediately turned his head to look at Dante and Joco.

"We might as well give the lantern to His Majesty Oscar. He should be able to divination the location of the emerald bird through this lantern, and then visit him face to face..."

Bang! !

The emerald magic lamp suddenly exploded without warning.

The green glow dissipated and fragments flew across.

Sigmund on the side had dull eyes and despair.

"The emerald bird crowned, destroyed the magic lamp..."

What made him even more astonished was that the three strange powerhouses in front of him clearly knew the giant serpent of fate, and that was the king of angels that only existed in legends...

It is no wonder that the emerald bird will smash the magic lamp under the crown.

If it falls into the hands of the giant snake of fate, maybe it can really be used to locate the specific location of the emerald bird, so as to find the door.

Of course, what Sigmund didn't know was that Oscar was trapped in the extreme east and couldn't escape at all, so he didn't have time to find the emerald bird... These were just made up by Chen Lun to bluff people.

Facts have proved that the kingfisher is indeed cautious enough.

Destroy the magic lamp to avoid future troubles.

Boccaccio sighed regretfully, while Qiao Ke in the black robe slowly walked towards Sigmund, and said in a hoarse voice:
"It must be very hopeless that the god you believe in has left you."

Sigmund opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't make any sound.Qiao Ke stretched out his hand, and the group of pale snakes moved forward around his arms, dancing in mid-air.

"Don't despair, Sigmund, because you will die whether you despair or not."

Snakes staggered, and invisible silk threads crossed Sigmund's snake head.

【You killed Sigmund the Clown of Misfortune, and gained 100 experience points and 5 points of regional popularity! 】

[You have completed the A-level hidden mission: Misfortune Clown! 】

[Task rewards: 200W experience points, 3W Lan Gabo and Sid Mitchell's favorability! 】

["Xi Ke" Sid Mitchell's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently friendly! 】

The pale snakes under the black robe squirmed like tentacles.

Roll forward and come back with two things.

These are two boxes, one black and one red.

The black box is a leftover from the fall of Sigmund.

[A-level monster - Sigmund Lucky Box]

Item description: An item that contains the power of destiny. It looks like a simple jewelry box, but when you open it, you will find that it contains only some cheap, colorful balloons.

"Will people who believe in bad luck also suffer bad luck?"

Item effect: Inflate the balloon to the full, it can be used as a one-time consumable.Once the balloon explodes, it will affect all targets within a [-]-meter radius, apply the negative status of "everything is unfavorable", and continuously reduce the luck value. (until luck is cleared, but affected by mystery resistance)
Item cost: By consuming one's own luck and sanity points, it is used as the power to fill the balloon. (Every 24 hours, a balloon will be recovered by itself, and a maximum of 20 balloons can be saved)
'It's a good trick, and it will have miraculous effects under certain circumstances... But for me, the occasions where it can be used are probably relatively limited. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

Another red box is a music box.

This is the item carried by Sigmund. It has a red wooden appearance, with high-quality gold inlaid on the corners and corners. There are some weird characters on it that are neither familiar nor Asian. Nita or Ancient Wizarding Language.

Joe opened the lid.

A male doll is revealed.

It has no facial features, but it stands upright, wearing a striped white suit and a scarlet tie on its chest.

[Unknown token - the music box of the Eternal Eternal]

Joe didn't twist the mainspring rashly, but put it away carefully.

a few days later.

Port of Enlightenment, Zoltan Grand Hotel.

Raphael hosted five students, including Felice Anno, to celebrate here.

"Although it's a pity that I couldn't invite His Majesty Jack Speight, I still want to express my gratitude to him... If Mr. Fren hadn't acted in time, we might have died on that desert island. "

The handsome young man with long brown curly hair raised his glass and laughed.

"Thanks to Mr. Fren, I can finally sleep well. The dream about the ancestors has not reappeared in the past two days... and the bad luck on Feliciano and me has also been eliminated with His help. I hope you can express my gratitude on my behalf.”

"Yes, Mr. Raphael."

Polaris smiled and nodded, and raised his glass as well.

On a sunny day, Xiaoyu stood up and encouraged everyone to clink their glasses:

"Come, praise the teacher, praise our courage to sail and take risks!"

"Praise Professor Jack!"

Lucy, Ahsoka, and Feliciano laughed and toasted cooperatively.


The scene in the hotel was reflected in Chen Lun's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he secretly sighed:
"It's time to stock them up. Learning and trekking is a long process, and I can't stay here forever..."

Thinking to himself, he closed a book in his hand and inserted it back on the shelf.

'And judging from the situation of Polaris and Sunny Rain, they can't easily integrate the knowledge of adjacent pathways to create unique skills like me... Controlled experiments are meaningless, this is not a general function of the player panel , I still have an unknown uniqueness in me. '

Chen Lun took a step forward and walked slowly between the bookshelves.Glancing at the environment on the fifth floor of the library, I feel happy.

After developing the ultimate skill "Four Sides of Destiny", he felt more and more powerful and convenient about this ability...his body is hidden behind the scenes, doing what he wants to do, and the rest of the trivial things can be done in most cases Solved by four avatars.

They each inherited part of their own unique powers, far superior to the incarnations of ordinary saints, and they also have independent personalities and thinking abilities... Even in the case of joining forces, the four saints of the ordinary sequence are not opponents, and Sigmund is Classic example.

'Keep reading... There are still seven or eight shelves of books that I haven't finished reading, so I can't just waste it like this. '

Smiling, Chen Lun raised his hand to touch the spine of the book, and turned on the "quantum reading" mode.

Time turns.

More than a month passed quietly.

The weather in the Kingdom of Byron has become even colder.

Through this period of quiet training, Chen Lun thoroughly read all the mysterious books in the St. Byron College Great Library and the Secret Collection on the fifth floor.


In addition, the deaths of circus players in fairyland and hidden dungeons, as well as killing polluted creatures in the spirit world, continuously provided Chen Lun with almost 500W experience points.

In addition, the Cross Society of the Scorching Sun, who was moved by fate and led to hunt in the dark world, shared the 200W experience points.

Chen Lun's current panel reserves have reached an astonishing 5160W experience points, which is enough for him to fill up the main professional level.

Inside the professor's apartment, the living room.

The gentleman in black hat was sitting on the sofa, quietly drinking hot milk.

No one noticed that he was secretly manipulating the panel, allocating a large amount of experience points to [Sequence Four - Clown LV40]...

The golden light flickered continuously.

[Sequence Four - Clown LV60 (MAX)! 】

(End of this chapter)

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