Chapter 559 Murder Prologue
Chen Lun nodded to the speaker.

He took a deep breath, raised his glass and drank it down.

The luscious and mellow wine flows over the root of the tongue and down the throat, leaving a mixed fruit flavor that fascinates the soul.

Chen Lun is now a high-ranking saint, so naturally he will not be as intoxicated as before, but this glass of wine seems to be just an introduction, allowing him to establish some kind of mysterious connection.

He heard a call from far away.

At the same time, Chen Lun also saw Speaker Azgirlo, who was sitting on the other side of the coffee table, also drank a glass of wine and looked at him with a smile.

Spirituality was drawn, but Chen Lun did not resist.

He relaxed his body, changed to a comfortable position, lay on the sofa, and immediately let his vision drag far away...

Like a moment, like a thousand years.

Suddenly, Chen Lun found himself in a lush and psychedelic manor.

Countless grape vines are covered with a retro old mansion. Huge, round, purple-red grapes are connected in clusters, like introverted pearls, adorning the building.Surrounded by lush but quiet vegetation, it is only covered with a thin layer of pink mist, giving people a sense of darkness.

The mansion is brightly lit, and under the eaves of the main gate, there is a string of black wind chimes made of unknown materials, making crisp ding-dong sounds from time to time.

Chen Lun noticed that Speaker Azgirlo, in a gray robe, was standing quietly on the left, smiling and nodding at him, and raised his hand to signal him to knock on the door.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Lun took two steps forward and knocked on the door.

Tuk Tuk...

In just two breaths, the dark red wooden door opened by itself, and the light shone from the inside.

"Come in, I'm on the second floor."

A magnetic and gentle male voice came from the mansion.

Chen Lun knew that it was Conrad's voice.

He looked back at the speaker, and found that he deliberately stood behind him, like a qualified butler, humbly following behind the guests.

Chen Lun took a step forward and walked into the mansion.

The decoration and layout inside are very tasteful. In addition to being spacious, the bright yellow light makes the overall atmosphere quite warm... However, the various hanging paintings and reliefs are in a uniform dark tone, and the contents are mostly grotesque and indescribable. .

What caught Chen Lun's attention in particular was the two exquisite knight armors in the corner of the hall. They each held a trident and a curved-edged spear, and they were all shiny and black.

Climbing up the clean and tidy wooden circular ladder, Chen Lun came to the second floor.

There are no rooms here, just a larger hall, the floor is covered with soft coffee-colored blankets, and a tall, red and black chair is placed in the middle.

There is a faint wine fragrance all around, mixed with unknown floral fragrance.

A man was lazily sitting on a high-backed chair, with a white high collar lined with ruffles like flowers, and an extremely retro black tuxedo on the outside, but the tail was slightly longer, scattered on the carpet wantonly like a cloak.

His hands are wearing white gloves, one hand is leaning on the armrest, and the three fingers are holding a goblet with unfinished wine in it.

"I have seen His Majesty the King of Slaughter."

Chen Lun was more than ten meters away, took off his hat, and saluted his chest.

"Sit down, my guest."

Conrad chuckled and raised his hand.

Chen Lun thanked him, and immediately took a few steps forward, and sat down on the sofa beside him.Taking this opportunity, he quietly raised his eyes to look at the Slaughter King.

Conrad has black hair, which is simply tied into a short ponytail, with two strands of hair falling down in front of his forehead, giving people an elegant but slightly unruly impression.

His appearance is indescribable, if the most accurate word can be used, it is gentle.

Although it is extremely weird to use "gentleness" as a metaphor for the King of Slaughter, this is what Chen Lun feels in his heart at the moment.

If he hadn't known that Conrad was the king of angels with a conspiracy path, and had single-handedly entered the cobweb hell and captured the two unique divinities of the death twins, Chen Lun's first impression would have been that he was just a certain A descendant of a fallen nobleman, he may also work as a poet or connoisseur of paintings.

Ancient, elegant, and full of knowledge.

"Your Majesty Conrad, has the former Pope of the Red Apple Church been born?"

Chen Lun withdrew his mind and turned his attention to the business.

Conrad smiled and said softly:
"Not yet... Dolomy Poorness's rebirth birthday will be the day after tomorrow. The exact time is 45:[-] in the morning."

Chen Lun was thoughtful, and then asked in a deep voice:

"So what do you want me to do?"


Conrad raised his other hand, flexed his index finger, and rested his chin lightly.

He pondered for a few seconds, then cast a calm gaze, and said with a smile:

"I need you to create a mess for me."


Chen Lun frowned lightly.

"Yes, chaos... It's a power I haven't digested yet, Jack. I need to watch it, stroke it, and finally tame it."

Conrad's tone was gentle, like whispering to a lover.

He lifted the cup-holding hand lightly, and then said:

"Once Dolomy Purnis is born, he will gradually become an adult within seven days, but it will take a longer time for him to take over the power again. I believe he will not have that patience... After all, an angel in a weak period is like the most delicious No matter how far away the wine is, it will attract gluttons."

Conrad's eyes were restrained, and his tone was firm:

"He will definitely do something to quickly adapt to the new body and complete the integration of authority... This is the opportunity, and what you have to do is to seize this opportunity."

"Born the day after tomorrow, grown up in seven days."

Chen Lun murmured, thinking flashed in his eyes.

He went on to ask:

"So, Your Majesty, I only have less than ten days to prepare?"


Conrad nodded.

He then smiled, his deep eyes cast on Chen Lun, and he said softly:

"I have to inform you in advance, Jack, that I will not take action until the chaos is completely fermented. Everything needs to be considered by you."

Chen Lun couldn't help but startled.

The King of Slaughter doesn't make a move, and he relies on himself to set up the stage?It is also necessary to ingeniously move the fate lines around, fuel the flames, and cause a huge chaos...

However, this is a game involving high-ranking angels!

Can you do it yourself?

Chen Lun suddenly felt the pressure, like a dark cloud approaching.

The silence lasted for a few seconds. Conrad shook the wine glass, and the crisp jingling sound of the ice cubes hitting the inner wall broke the deadlock.

He took a sip of wine, then chuckled lightly:
"Don't be nervous, Jack, I believe you can do it...Oscar thinks highly of you, and so do I, because I believed from the very beginning..."

Conrad sat up straight, then leaned forward, the hair on his forehead drooped, and said with a smile in his eyes:
"You're going to be something amazing."

Chen Lun quickly lowered his head and said modestly:

"It is an honor to be valued by you so much."

"Ha ha……"

Conrad smiled.

"I didn't make a move because I didn't want to scare the snake. As the 'Rose Gardener', Dolomie Purnis was deeply loved by Madame Rose. This rebirth was not only supported by the Red Apple Church and the Rose Royal Family. Behind the scenes, Madame Rose also had great influence. Maybe I'm watching silently... If I want to succeed in this situation, I need a suitable timing."

He raised a finger and spoke more gently:

"You are currently limited to Sequence Four, and this matter is really difficult for you, so I will give you some other help... The Generous Council will provide you with all the information and resources you want, even if it is Azgielo, you can also send him as you like."

After hearing this, Chen Lun couldn't help turning his head to look to one side.

Standing not far away, Speaker Azgirro smiled and nodded slightly at him.

"One last tip for you, Jack."

Conrad said.

Chen Lun looked at the King of Slaughter and waited for the following.

"Mother Goddess of Nature, that is, Miss Sacred Tree Mia Meiweis, there is a quarrel between Him and Madame Rose Marialena. The roots of the Golden Sacred Tree even spread to the Netherworld... As far as I know, Madame Rose A large part of the reason why it is hidden from the world lies in this."

Conrad said lightly.

Chen Lun lowered his eyes, and the first thought that came to his mind was——


"Back then, Duke Huan used the god of death as a chess game, which indirectly caused internal strife among the three families of the sun, moon and stars. Afterwards, he obliterated the god of death, seriously injured Mrs. Qiangwei, and made his friend Mr. Jingyao chase after Ni Weng. Just deal with Mrs. Qiangwei!This is one of Duke Huan's successors! '

Chen Lun understood in his heart.

Immediately, I thought of a lot.

'If this is going to create a huge chaos and create opportunities for His Majesty Conrad, then it would be the best choice to involve the Natural Sect. '

But immediately, he had concerns again.

"However, Mrs. Elk and Saintess Lutina treat me well, and they also have a close relationship with Maggie, the god of cats... If they really do this, their affection may drop to freezing point. '

Conrad sat on the high-backed chair without making a sound, just waiting quietly, giving the gentleman in black hat time to think.

half an hour.

Chen Lun raised his head slowly.

"Your Majesty Conrad, thank you for your reminder. I think I should have more to write about."

"very good."

Conrad looked delighted, nodding in satisfaction.

He then waved his hand, and a glass of wine appeared out of nowhere in Chen Lun's hand, which contained the same scarlet wine as Conrad.

"Well, good luck to you, Jack."

Conrad smiled and toasted.

Chen Lun took a deep breath and also raised his glass in response.

The wine glasses were separated by several meters, but there was an inexplicable collision sound.

Conrad drank the wine in one gulp, and the emotion of a low smile echoed in the hall:

"Chaos is the best ladder, I look forward to witnessing your masterpiece..."

That night.

Gentle purple moonlight spilled into the window sill.

Chen Lun was leaning over the desk, the ivory pen in his hand refused to take pity on the manuscript paper.

He frowned slightly, his eyes were serious.

Powerful brain power and computing power were overloaded, and the memory flashed rapidly. Chen Lun maintained this posture for a long time, finally let out a breath, and wrote down several key words on the paper——

"Lutina Castillo", "Chrysalis of the End" and "Waiting".

(End of this chapter)

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