I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 563 The Unremarkable Crystal

Chapter 563 The Unremarkable Crystal
"How could an undead stranger break through the blockade of the ceremony and appear here..."

Louisa withdrew her hand, frowning slightly.

The little blond girl Dolomi beside him has grown more than ten centimeters taller, and she looks like she is twelve or thirteen years old, but her delicate and small face is extremely calm.

He raised his small hand slightly, spread his five fingers, and continuously absorbed the sinful blood in the city, and said in a clear voice:
"It's turbulence in the spirit world."

Although Louisa, the Pope, was not as good as her elder brother, she was also a seasoned Sequence Three Demigod. Suddenly, her face became solemn.

"It's too coincidental. Just after this city was blocked, some people were brought in by the turbulence of the spirit world... They will leak what happened here, brother."

"A thing that is too coincidental is not a coincidence, but a deliberate one. As the high-ranking person of fate, the behind-the-scenes pusher has enough ability to do this... But don't be nervous. Even if the Sun Royal Family knows about the situation, they will not dare to use the imperial judgment." With the strength of the regiment, the Church of the Sun can be assigned to deal with it at most.”

Dolomi said, looking down at the city with a pair of red eyes indifferently.

"You will lead the remaining four ten-core archbishops to hold them back and buy me another two days... When the authority is restored, I will let them come and go."

"Yes, brother."

Louisa prayed and answered softly.

The condensed blood clot in Dolomi's hand gradually took shape, and turned into a bright blood diamond, which was gently put into his mouth.

Throat throbbing, scarlet tongue licking the corners of his mouth, with an intoxicated expression, the flesh and blood king said without emotion:
"Annoying Fate Fly, I'll come back later to clean you up."

A white soldier chess piece fell and stood on the black and white grid chessboard.

But before it stood firm, it was eaten by the black queen in the next second.

"Using the characteristics of an undead stranger, you can immediately report the tragedy of the sunset city to the Sun Royal Family, which can indeed attract the intervention of the empire, but Louisa still has four ten-core saints under her command, with their support , this will not affect Dolomi's ceremony at all..."

Conrad put down the queen chess piece, took a sip from the wine glass at hand, and said with a chuckle.

The hazy pink light in the intoxicated winery shines on the chessboard through the stained glass, presenting a gloomy atmosphere.

On the other side was a handsome gentleman in a black suit.

Chen Lun's face was calm, his eyes were fixed on the chessboard, and then, he picked up a white bishop's chess and slanted into the opponent's camp, ate a black knight, and then said:
"Terrence will lead the team to contain the power of the Red Apple Church. I don't care if it affects Dolomi's ceremony."


The King of Slaughter showed an expression of great interest.

He seemed to have thought of something, and while raising his hand, he drove the black chariot straight to the side of Bishop Bai, blocking its retreat.

The wine glass fell on the table, and the ice cubes collided with the inner wall, clinking.

"I heard that Terrence had a feud with you, so you are avenging yourself, Jack... Heh, interesting script."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Your Majesty."

Chen Lun raised his head and blinked his innocent face.

"It's just a coincidence. After all, the Pope of the Sun, Emperor Vernier, is going to sit in the king's city, and the other archbishops of the Sun Monastery have their own responsibilities. Only Terrence is the best candidate..."


Conrad said with a half-smile.

"So what's next? What are you going to do?"

"Since we have abandoned sons as bait, we need to add another flame..."

As Chen Lun said, he picked up a white chariot and drove straight at Huanglong from the other side, landing in the opponent's hinterland.

The chariot seemed to have a fierce look in its eyes, staring straight at the opposing king.

In the evening, Sunset City.

The living creatures in the city are still indulged in debauchery, the debauched sounds are endless, and the noisy and even piercing birds and insects come and go one after another, and one after another newborns absorb the nourishment of their mothers and fall to the ground.

Desire is like blood, spilling on the city.

Lay out a tablecloth called "Multiply".

The exciting and paradoxical atmosphere fills the streets and alleys, even every inconspicuous corner.

The residences of the three supernatural forces, the Hailing Regiment, and the History and Ceremony Association, were dead silent.

Numerous red-robed monks filed out, led by the ten-core avatar, who held the heads of the leaders of the three factions, and walked along the street, ignoring the naked and entangled bodies, and went straight back.

It's just that no one noticed that at their feet, a crystal as small as a white spot was picked up by the ants.

The ants held the crystals high, climbed up the trees, and prepared to send them to the nest to support the mother.

However, an inexplicable wind blew by, and together with it and the crystal, they were drawn into the caterpillar's nest between the branches.

The caterpillars ran over the ants and crystals, and were immediately infected, their bodies covered in a bright pale luster.

A migratory goldfinch landed on a branch. It had just finished mating and was in desperate need of energy. When it turned its head and saw a caterpillar nest, it croaked excitedly and flew over to eat a few.

Soon, the goldfinch's pupils were covered with a layer of white crystals, and it spread its wings inexplicably in terror, trying to escape in the direction it came from...

When it crossed a hazy red barrier above the city, it didn't instantly turn into flakes like other animals trying to leave, but went straight through without any fluctuations and made no sound, and disappeared into the sky.

Several hours later, the goldfinch finally returned to its homeland, the Coleridge Forest...

That night.

Natural sect resident.

Hidden in the depths of the forest, in a settlement built next to towering giant trees, Saint Lutina Castillo was summoned urgently.

When he walked into the "Heart of the Sacred Tree", he was surprised to find that dozens of high-level people had gathered here.Mrs. Elk was no longer as lazy as before, but sat on a high seat of thorns. The giant elk also stood upright, looking down at everyone with serious eyes.

"The patrol team of Priest Nascimento received urgent information from the residents of the sanctuary. A large-scale mysterious incident occurred in the west of the Coleridge Forest... Animals such as fish, birds, insects, and beasts reproduced like crazy. The speed is shocking."

The one who spoke was a hunchbacked old woman, the high priest of Sitaia, one of the twelve saints of the natural sect.

"Has the specific reason been investigated?"

Another middle-aged lady who was dressed more modernly asked in a deep voice.

He is also one of the Twelve Holy Ones, High Priest Rhaenys.

"It's not clear yet, but the results of the divination point to the Empire's Xinbang, which also has the shadow of the Red Apple Church."

Sitaya replied slowly.

"The patrol team brought back the corpses of some animals. Their spirituality has dissipated, and there are traces of flesh and stars left on their bodies. Some high-ranking people have affected them, forcing them to reproduce continuously, and give birth to offspring, and then absorb Nourishment for its soul and flesh."

"This is trampling on the peace that my religion has worked hard to maintain for thousands of years!"

Another tall priestess sneered.

His name is Xia Di, his long hair is coiled up, two antlers are decorated on the top of his head, and some red shells are hung on it.

"The group of lunatics from the Red Apple Church didn't give up after being kicked out of the empire, and now they have meddled in the big forest again..."

High Priest Xia Di turned to look at Mrs. Elk on the high seat of thorns.

His voice is full of chills:

"Your Majesty Aisha, please allow me to lead the Sacred Tree Guards to kill the enemies of God! Our sect has endured for thousands of years, and it is time to strike hard at the enemies!"

Mrs. Elk didn't answer, she raised her hand and rested her chin, a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes, and immediately called Lutina Castillo's name softly.

The tall and elegant saint stepped forward and bowed her head respectfully.


"You go to Xinbang Sunset City in the empire yourself. The three high priests, Sitaia, Renis, and Xia Di, and five holy tree guards will go with you... [Bottle of Fairy in the Lake] You also take it. "

Mrs. Elk spoke softly.

The high-level officials, who were originally murderous, couldn't help being shocked.

Although they all intended to deal with the Red Apple Church, they did not expect His Excellency the Pope to be uncharacteristically willing to send so much power.

It's fine for the saint to do it herself, but she also needs to bring the town teacher-level monster [Bottle of the Fairy in the Lake], which is a gift from the Mother Goddess of Nature!

The higher-ups looked at each other, as if they had sensed something.

If it was just the Coleridge Forest being polluted and harassed, there would be no need to mobilize the crowd like this. Behind this matter, there must be a bigger hidden story...

When the high-level people dispersed, the three high priests appointed by name began to mobilize their forces to prepare for the departure, while the saintess Lutina was left behind.

"Ma'am, there is a lot involved behind this matter?"

The saint stood dignifiedly in front of the high seat, raised her head and asked.

Mrs. Elk directly dropped a letter, which fell into Lutina's arms, and immediately said:

"See for yourself."

Lutina opened the envelope suspiciously, took it out and browsed.

Soon, a serious look appeared in His eyes.

"No wonder you made such an arrangement. It turns out that the 'Rose Gardener' has been reborn and intends to sacrifice Sunset City to restore power... Once he succeeds, the sect will face this powerful enemy again."

As she read on, the expression of Saintess Lutina quickly turned to surprise again.

"I didn't even expect that Mr. Jack would hide behind the scenes to stop all this."

Mrs. Elk sighed, shook her head and said:

"This letter was sent by the God of Cats. His meaning is very clear. It is to let us help Jack and prevent Dolomie Poorness from restoring authority...Of course, you don't have to really lead a team to get involved. After the riots in the western part of the forest subside, it only needs to be deterred outside Sunset City."

"Don't interfere?"

The saint raised her eyebrows.

"With the appearance of Sequence Four, you can count on a flesh and blood angel, or stir up the situation under the watchful eyes of the Red Apple Church and the Rose Royal Family, don't underestimate that gentleman..."

Mrs. Elk sighed with emotion.

He then smiled and added:
"All we have to do is to put pressure on each other, and then...just watch the performance on the stage."

(End of this chapter)

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