Outside the sunset city, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

The scarlet blood rained down, corroding a large area. The stone main road, decorative stone pillars, and even the fields and hills on both sides, all turned into muddy pools of blood.

And the glare of the horribly high temperature dried up the blood, leaving behind pieces of scorched earth.

The pungent smell rose from the outskirts of the city along with billowing thick smoke.

The Lantern Guardian team and the Red Rose team fought together, and every participant in the battle, at least an elite transcendent in the mid-sequence, caused indelible damage to the present world with every gesture.

It is foreseeable that there will be no living beings in this area, even within dozens of kilometers, and the strong high-level pollution will remain for several years or even longer.

Sunset City was either reduced to a dead city or turned into ruins.

The ignorant and poor ordinary people in the city are still indulging in the joy of reproduction, completely unaware of all this.

Their fate seems to have been decided as early as Dolomi's arrival.



Like the trembling of a Hong Zhong, it resounded throughout the universe.

The flickering light, even in daylight, is still dazzling.

The two sides have already played their anger.

The five archbishops of Lieyang showed their mythical creature forms one after another, turning into sheep-headed monsters of different shapes, covered with thick white hair, and burning with flames all the time.

The leader, Terrence, is eight meters tall, with a sheep's head and a human body. The horns on his head resemble two giant scimitars. There are two pairs of square horizontal pupils on his face, and his eyes are fierce.

The muscular right arm held up the same huge casting hammer, and kept hitting a "mountain of meat" that was much bigger than him. Every blow would splash countless flesh and blood droplets. The casting hammer The flame on it then burned it into fly ash.



The hammering white light covered an area several kilometers in radius, and even the temperature climbed to more than 50 degrees.Heavy snow fell from the sky, melted into water, and then evaporated into fog.

Looking down, a white misty area appeared on the right side of the sunset city shrouded in red mist.

in the fog.

Terrence was covered in blood, his white wool was stained and filthy.

On the "mountain of meat" in front of him, countless red pupils were opened, and under the red pupils, there were countless mouths. They screamed, cursed, and cursed in unison with Lu Yisha's voice:
"Terrence, you trash, do you think you can kill me with the [Aries Forging Hammer]? It's just a Sequence Four, and you want to suppress a demigod? It's ridiculous!!"

The mountain of meat suddenly bulged, and a pair of bright red butterfly wings bloomed on the back. Only by looking closely can one find that these wings are actually bloody muscle tissue, with a pattern of irregular skeletons underneath.


The mountain of meat suddenly exploded, taking advantage of the gap knocked by the sheep-headed monster, cracked the cavity, and swallowed it with countless sawtooth "mouths"...


The black queen piece captured the white bishop with an unrivaled posture, and the piece rolled over and fell off the black and white checkered board.

After a chuckle, Conrad's deep voice came:

"Chaos is brewing, but not for long."

The King of Slaughter crossed his fingers in white gloves, resting his elbows gracefully on the table, and looked at the opposite bank with a pair of smiling eyes through two strands of black hair.

"Even if the power of the Rose Royal Family is under the control of the Natural Sect, Terrence's influence on the situation is quite limited. Dolomi's ceremony is still going on, and he will complete the restoration of authority tonight..."

Chen Lun silently looked at the chessboard.

Immediately, under Conrad's puzzled eyes, he picked up his own white queen, jumped over layers of black chess pieces and landed beside the black king, and immediately said with a smile:

The gentleman in the black hat raised his head and looked at the Slaughter King.

"You lost, Your Majesty."

Conrad watched him quietly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and joked:

"Jack, although I'm not proficient in chess, you can't bully me for not knowing the rules...Your white queen is still blocking four pieces in front of you. This is cheating."

"The White Queen has always broken the rules. Since she wants to win, the rules are nothing."

Chen Lun also laughed.

Conrad looked at the white queen next to his black king with great interest, and immediately picked up the black king chess piece and played with it in his palm.

"But, Jack, your white queen may not be able to checkmate this game, because the black king will not just stay where he is."

Chen Lun shrugged and said meaningfully:

"But you can choose to let the Black King die."

Conrad frowned.

He smiled lightly, and put the black king back to its original place again.


In Yuyang City, on an inconspicuous landscape tree.

The caterpillar nests between the branches are already covered with eggs, and the dense white spots are actually crystals, and they have already eroded the inner core of the entire tree.

The caterpillars hanging upside down on the branches turned into cocoons one after another, like brilliant diamonds growing from the tree.

The chrysalis cocoons trembled suddenly, as if they were suffering from pain, their bodies swelled and wriggled, as if something was about to break out.


A large number of chrysalis cocoons cracked a crack, and soon after, gorgeous red butterflies broke out of the cocoons, flapping their wings and dancing excitedly.

Soon, the number of butterflies increased. Hundreds gathered together, and as if they had received some guidance, they headed towards the west of the city...

West side of Sunset City.

The red fog wall at the other end of the chaotic battle.

Dozens of members of the Wandering Knights hid in the dark, and the leader of the Sequence Five captain frowned, frequently looking at a short building not far away.

"Captain Mahart, is it really okay to let the chrysalis of the end mess around at this time?"

A knight asked worriedly.

The other knight beside him was a little bit annoyed, complaining in a low voice:
"The high-level royal family will accept them. Those people don't believe in Madam Qiangwei at all, they are just a group of hypocrites!"

"Shut up, this is the will of His Majesty Mansfield, there is no doubt about it, just obey it obediently."

Captain Mahart said in a deep voice.

He tidied up his armor, but he also sighed secretly.

The leader of the Chrysalis of the End, Elsie, is crowned by a saint, so he can't say anything.The east side of Xiyang City was already at war, and they wanted to help, but they didn't dare to disobey orders and leave without authorization.

It's just that Elsie's gang held secret prayer ceremonies in the low building all day long during this period, as if they were praying for the favor of the dim lady.

But almost everyone knows that the god has never responded to the believers, and only the chrysalis of the end is still tirelessly trying again and again.

Mahat once heard Elsie angrily scolding his subordinates, saying that their beliefs were not pious enough, so they could not hear the gospel of the dark lady...

The degree of fanaticism even far surpassed everyone's belief in Madam Qiangwei.The Wandering Knights privately thought they were pitiful and funny.

But Mahat knew that it was precisely because the dim lady could not respond that the Chrysalis of the End was able to be incorporated into the Rose Royal Family.

After all, it was rumored that there was no harmony between the two gods.

Suddenly, Mahat heard the exclamation of his subordinates:

"Look, there are many butterflies flying from Xiyang City!"

The knight captain turned his head to look, and couldn't help being stunned.

I saw dense red butterflies gathering into clouds and flying towards them in swarms... This was like a sign of a god of high status in flesh and blood, which made everyone in the Wandering Knights solemn on the spot and did not dare to act rashly.

Watching the butterflies fly into the low building.

In the dark hall of the low building, members of the Chrysalis of the End wearing red robes formed a circle, and the ritual circle was carved with blood on the ground, and their faces were also covered with mysterious and weird patterns.

In the mouth, there are still words:

"Blind Lady of Pain, Fairy of the Stagnant Cup, Manipulator under the Apple Tree... Sublime and Vibrant Lady of Darkness, Judelia, my humble servant begs for your response."

Elsie, the short-haired woman in the lead, suddenly trembled.

Because he saw that countless red butterflies flew in through the gaps in the doors and windows and gathered in the sky above the ritual circle.

"The oracle has been sent down by the Lord we believe in! Hurry up and salute!"

Elsie was so excited that she knelt down on the ground with a plop and performed a very standard prayer.

The surrounding members of the Chrysalis of the End also showed fanatical expressions, kneeling down one after another, and crawling around the magic circle.

Elsie's voice trembled uncontrollably:

"Great Ms. Gloomy! Your Majesty Judelia! Our humble servants have finally heard your response! Elsie is very grateful, please give us guidance and mercy, and unravel the maze for us!!"

The red butterflies dance lightly.

Immediately, under the shocked gazes of the believers and Elsie, these red butterflies paired up and mated.

Elsie's eyes flashed with confusion at first, and then he seemed to realize something, and his expression gradually became ecstatic.

He immediately tore off his clothes and shouted:

"My God has issued an oracle to welcome the joyful reproduction!"

After finishing speaking, he mentioned a female member kneeling beside the circle, and rushed out of the low building.The remaining members of the last chrysalis in the surrounding area also followed the leader. In the process, they all came to their senses, and while taking off their clothes after the leader, they chanted the name of Ms. Gloomy.

Under the puzzled, confused and shocked eyes of the Wandering Knights, they gradually moved away until they disappeared into the high wall of red mist...

After a moment of silence, a knight finally approached and asked:
"Captain, what is going on here?"

Mahat opened his mouth, and after a while, he replied in a deep voice:
"I don't know...but I guess, it's probably because Ms. Dimness really responded to them, otherwise Her Majesty Elsie wouldn't be so excited."

"However, the chrysalis of the end left without authorization, won't we stop it?"

said another knight.

Mahat just felt his head was big, and finally said a little annoyed:

"Stop it, what can you do to stop it? As a high-ranking saint under the crown of Elsie, who will resist under the rage... quickly convey the situation to the royal family, and see how to deal with it next!"

"Yes, Captain."

The hovering knights looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally agreed.

The writing of this plot is really thankless. It took a long time to write it, but the beauties are not satisfied, and they are somewhat shocked. Let's do less of this in the future. I am tired.

In addition, thank you for your monthly pass, really appreciate it.

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