I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 568 Promoted to Dramatist

A breeze blows.

Grape vines sway gently on the exterior wall of the retro mansion.

The surroundings are quiet and dark, filled with a psychedelic atmosphere.

This is the Kingdom of God of the Slaughter King, a realm transformed by his own authority, which does not exist anywhere in this world.

Of course, the Kingdom of God also needs something to rely on, and "Sinking Winery" is now residing in a corner of the Kingdom of God—"Spider Web Hell" that the old man buried his bones in.

Because of the particularity of the connection between the cobweb hell and each layer of space, the King of Slaughter can spy on any layer of space from here, including the real world, the spirit world, the dream world, the ghost world, and even the astral world...

Chen Lun was standing by the carved glass window on the second floor of the mansion, silently overlooking the window, he seemed to feel that on weekdays, Conrad was like this, silently watching all living beings——

It is also like a hunting spider at the top of the food chain, secretly staring at its prey.

Chen Lun's gaze pierced through the void and caught a glimpse of the doomsday scene of Xiyang City. He couldn't help but think:

'Is this the monstrous wave that was created after fueling the flames... The three painful ladies were all attracted, and even Mrs. Qiangwei lowered part of her real body. '

He took a deep breath and felt his heart beat faster.

At this moment, it’s as if I feel the same way as Howard... the kind of hidden behind the scenes guiding the direction of the incident, when the target successfully enters the game, the sense of accomplishment, the sense of gain, and even the pleasure of playing with others can’t help but arise in the heart .

But Chen Lun quickly withdrew this feeling, shaking his head and laughing at himself.

"Those who play with fate will eventually be played by fate. Howard is the best example. I need to always keep in mind that I should take as few shots as possible... Moreover, I am far inferior to him, and these methods are too simple, but he He is indeed a very good "teacher". '

At this time, a prompt box pops up on the panel——

[You have indirectly rewritten the fate of many high-ranking people through "joking with fate", and have had a huge impact on the present world...]

[Get 1000W experience points and 20 points of regional popularity! 】

Chen Lun glanced at the panel with a smile on his lips.

Soon, another series of reminder boxes followed.

[Dolomy Poorness (rebirth) has been killed, Conrad successfully captured its only divinity...]

[You have completed the S-level side mission: Murder Feast! 】

[Task rewards: 5000W experience points, 10W gold pounds, 4 blessing points, 100 regional popularity and Conrad's favorability! 】

[Conrad's favorability for you has increased!Currently for close! 】

[You successfully guided the event in Sunset City, and finally changed the fate of Dolomites Poorness and Judelia...]

[Complete the promotion task: masterpiece of the world! 】

[Obtain the main profession "Sequence Three - Dramatist (Fate Faction)"! 】

"I've been promoted to Sequence Three..."

Chen Lun exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling welling up in his heart.

'The me now is finally on the same level as Howard was once. Even if I look at the whole world, I might be considered a famous big shot. '

In contrast to the Imperial Tribunal, the nine presiding judges are also the four saints, and only the first presiding judge is the third demigod... Also like the Church of the Seven Gods, most of the pope-level figures are demigods.

Right now, Chen Lun is already on an equal footing with the popes!
'I have accumulated a lot of experience points, use them all, and add a wave of points by the way...'

He was in a happy mood, and with a swipe of his finger, he invested all the more than 6000 million experience points on the panel into the main profession.

Now every level up requires 300W experience points, and every time it increases by 10W, the "experience hole" is getting bigger and bigger.

[Sequence Three - Dramatist LV17 (full level 70)]


[You feel your body transforming again, charm +10, will +10, insight +10, luck +5! 】

[You got 17 skill points and 51 attribute points! 】

Chen Lun looked at his panel and stroked his chin.

'Sure enough, the higher the sequence, the higher the growth coefficient, and the gap will be wider... I just don't know what range the attribute threshold of the sequence three is, um, just try it out. '

He added these 51 attribute points to the strength and endurance of the "short board" on average, and found that the income penalty was actually triggered. Every two attribute points can successfully add a little basic attribute...

Chen Lun couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

'The attribute threshold of sequence three is around 650? '

He then took a deep breath.

'So, can I be considered a demigod standing at the end of Sequence Three now... However, I seem to be just a 17th-level budding dramatist. '

Chen Lun couldn't help smiling even more.

'When the main profession reaches level 70, the four basic attributes can be increased by about 100 points, which is completely crushing the values ​​of the same level, and I still have 25% of the total attribute bonus of [Balague Crown] ...'

He felt horrible thinking about it now.

The further back the panel attribute goes, the effect of each point is very different, just like 1 point of power for a saint, and 1 point of power for a low-sequence transcendent, they are completely different.

Chen Lun sorted out the panel, and finally presented it as——

Basic attributes: strength 650, dexterity 653, endurance 650, intelligence 656, faith 160.

Special attributes: Charisma 115, Will 128, Insight 107, Luck 85.

Regional popularity: 363 points (epic popularity: 12).

Chen Lun immediately added the 4 blessing points he got to [Moonlight Blessing], which was the only blessing that didn't reach full level except for [Knowledge Collector].

[Moonlight blesses LVMAX (blessing)]

Blessing Description: The favor bestowed upon you by Margaret, the moon god, can keep you protected by the moonlight all the time.

Blessing effect: Greatly increase mystery resistance and soul strength, all attributes +5. (Double night effect)
The attribute increase of this blessing is not large, but it is comprehensive, and the key point is that it can greatly increase the resistance to mystery. This is a very useful effect for Chen Lun... It is even more resistant!

In the end, he focused on the two new skills he had learned after being promoted to [Dramalist].

One is called "Writing Destiny", and the other is "Three Unities".

Writing fate - put pen and paper on paper, assume a predetermined target fate line, and thus have a great impact on its fate trajectory, so that the development of things tends to the content of the words you write.

It should be [Desperate Joke] advanced skill, [Dramaist] exclusive sequence ability... After writing the fate, there will be no less than one position determination, and it will be affected by the target's mysterious resistance.

'The effect of this skill is far stronger than that of [Desperate Joke]. In addition to my own high position, it is enough to affect high-ranking people... If the "murder feast" is repeated, maybe I can plan more Easier and less revealing. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

He turned to another skill.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Trinity—the rule of drama structure, the writer should follow that the story takes place at the same time, at the same place, and at the same event.

The effect of the skill is that under the premise of observing the "Three Uniforms", you can write temporarily to rewrite the development track of the current event.It also needs to be judged no less than once, and is affected by the target's mysterious resistance.

"The splendor of drama depends on the conflict, and the splendor of conflict is concentrated in one point."

Chen Lun carefully felt the characteristics of this skill, and instantly thought of the fateful battle with Howard...

At that time, the opponent used the "three uniforms" to tamper with his own course of action, so that he was always in a suppressed position in the battle.

If he hadn't been able to resist and endure, he would have been crushed to death by Howard.

'This is the skill that the high-ranking man of fate really uses in actual combat. With it, [Dramalist] can basically be invincible when facing opponents whose power is not higher than his own! '

Chen Lun's eyes gradually lit up.

At this moment, he thought of a lot.

Compared with other people with high destiny, their usual method may be to specialize in being behind-the-scenes pushers. If they are accidentally discovered, they can use "three uniforms" and "teleportation" to save their lives.

Very disgusting and cunning!
But I seem to be different from them...

'Although I'm just an immature old bastard, I also play the role of "muscle guy" and "social butterfly"... It doesn't matter if I get caught for making trouble one day, if fate can't solve it, I will use my fist solve. '

Chen Lun grinned.

'If fists can't solve it, I'll shake it! '

He whistled cheerfully.

Secretly said "Zhenrun".

[Writing Destiny] and [Three Uniforms] both have 5 levels, and each level requires 3 skill points. Chen Lun spent a total of 24 skill points to upgrade them to the full level.

I feel very comfortable all of a sudden.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed something, and looked out of the window again.

'Is it over...'

sunset city.

The city has almost been reduced to ruins soaked in blood, and the eastern periphery is only a piece of cracked scorched earth.

The chaotic fighting gradually subsided as Conrad's authority was digested.

Terrence's one-eyed was full of murderous intent, and he swung a fierce hammer, hitting a petal knight who was also a saint. The hammer shattered the opponent's armor and body, and the burst of hot light instantly melted it .

White gas several meters long spewed out from the mouth of the monster with the head of a sheep and the body of a man.

The blood all over Terrence's body has been dried, turning into black dirt and remaining on the original white hair. At first glance, it looks like a broken black sheep's head stone carving.

He jerked his head away.

Shaking his head, his square pupils glanced around. The fragmented ground was strewn with corpses, the scorched earth was covered with blood, and the limbs of out-of-control monsters could be seen everywhere.

On our own side, the original seven Lantern Guard squads, with a total of 83 elite transcendentals, remained, most of whom died after witnessing Mrs. Qiangwei's real body, and the rest were lost in the chaos.

Of the other four members of Lieyang Monastery, only three were still struggling under the attack of the Wandering Knights and the Natural Sect, and the other was missing.

The results speak for themselves.

"Grigoris has fallen, damn it..."

Suddenly, Terrence felt a chill in his heart.

The four forces present at the scene were affected by the mighty power of the King of Slaughter, and were involved in this terrible chaos, causing heavy casualties.

Sunset City has been destroyed, and the Three Painful Ladies, the King of Slaughter, and even Madame Rose have appeared one after another. This is no longer a situation where they are qualified to intervene.

The only good thing is that...

Dolomy Poorness has completely fallen.

Killed with thunder by the King of Slaughter hidden in the end.

The empire no longer had to worry about a great enemy.

However, this is not entirely a good thing for the Church of the Sun, and even the Cuisul Empire, because it is very likely that the Slaughter King has gathered five copies of the only divinity.

He is only one step away from the position of the true god of conspiracy!
"I must report back the situation in Xiyang City as soon as possible, and I can't stay for a moment!"

Terrence was terrified in his heart, and a certain intuition developed faintly.

The originally relatively stable situation in the empire is very likely to undergo major changes...

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