Chapter 575 Priest (Ask for a monthly ticket!)
"Is the truth hidden in the land of Matthew..."

Chen Lun murmured.

In fact, he is also quite curious about the past history of the underground world, subconsciously telling him that there are hidden mysteries in that dark place.

There are few men, feminist rule, and the "Red Mother" with its own turnover and light hangs high on the dome. Most of the female residents named "Darkborn" were born in the so-called "Dark River". curse……

A thick and long-lasting sense of dusty history is filled there.

At that time, Chen Lun, who first came to the land of Matthew, was still very weak, unable to do many things, and had no access to too high-level secrets, but now it is different.

He is already a demigod.

I dare not say that I am invincible in the underground world, but there is definitely no problem with self-protection.

Chen Lun's mind changed, and he planned to go again.

Although the rewards for this mission entrusted by Princess Anna are mediocre, the experience points he needs to upgrade to [Dramaist] are quite terrifying, and he cannot easily let go of any opportunity.

And, he himself wanted to find out the truth.

Maybe there will be some surprises...

The land of the king's city, Gonzalo.

This is a suburb located in the southeast of Tourmaline Kloster, more than 200 kilometers away from the royal city. It is neither prosperous nor deserted, but it can be said to be a peaceful rural field.

"Gonzalo" is actually a homophony of the common language of the empire. It actually originated from the ancient Yanita language, with multiple meanings such as "chasing light", "feeling warmth" and "tranquility".

But there are not many people who know this now, even the local old people, I am afraid they have rarely heard of it.

There are many Gonzalo villages, but they are unevenly distributed. They were once settled by a group of exiled farmers, and gradually developed into the current scale.

After the population grew to a certain level, the empire built a small town in the north of Gonzalo, which was convenient for governance and management, and it was also beneficial for local villagers to purchase daily necessities and sell agricultural products.

at this time.

The Polaris team was walking into one of the villages along the country road.The villagers along the way greeted them friendly, and the rustic atmosphere was strong.

"Huh... After working for a long time, I can finally rest."

Goutoujin let out a long breath, and smiled happily.

"After handing in the materials this time, I will be able to rise to level 80! Finally, I haven't held you back, and I can start the promotion task of Sequence Six soon!"

In the current team, the highest level is still Polaris, and the 101st-level Sequence Six is ​​far ahead.

Although he went to Byron Kingdom to study with Teacher Jack for a period of time, his level did not lag behind much, but his strength has improved.

The rest, such as Dongyang, Pumpkin, and Chenxi, are already Sequence Six Transcendents, with a level of around 85.The rest of the horsemen are generally at the full level of 80 and are doing promotion tasks.

"Hehe, if my mother and Keying hadn't discovered this place, you would have been promoted so quickly?"

Taiyin sneered.

Goutoujin opened his mouth, but this time he was really powerless to refute.

Some time ago, Su Keying and Wei Yin happened to come to Gonzalo because of an investigation mission, intending to investigate the weird "earthquake event", but to no avail.

However, it was discovered that in the village, there was a special priest NPC, who didn't even have a name, just called "Father Gonzalo".

The priest hated evil and often helped the villagers, and was deeply loved by the locals.

He also has a considerable hatred for polluting creatures.

As long as the player can turn in the killing certificate, he can receive a rich experience value from the priest... This kind of certificate can usually be replaced by leftovers from polluted creatures, which is very convenient.

The Polaris team relied on this priest NPC to collect a lot of experience points.

Other players are hunting bitterly in the spirit world, but they are doing the same thing, but with two harvests, it is difficult not to lead.

And they can also go to Wonderland to download books at any time.

There are quite a lot of channels for obtaining experience points!

Regarding the hidden copy of "Jack's Past" in Wonderland, the strategy inside the circus has even been advanced to "Chapter 2: The Black Knight".

Not to mention that tens of thousands of players have experienced this hidden dungeon, the difficulty is still there, mainly because there are multiple camps to choose from, the Sun Church's Lanternkeeper team, the Moon Church's Purple Moonlight team, the Asylum Executioner's team, and Jack's protagonist team.

A contest revolves around saving the black knight "Byers".

The playability is very high under the multi-week actual combat.

And change the original plot trajectory, but also get a high score.

It's just that a hidden boss named "Howard" will suddenly pop up at the end. If you fail to avoid the incident in advance, you will be 100% instantly killed by him.

At least so far, no one has found a way to crack it.

The Polaris team temporarily stopped the game, but focused on overcoming the main mission and leveling up.

Fortunately, Wei Yin and Su Keying discovered such a treasure land, which made their level rise like a rocket, and they were full of motivation every day.

I'm afraid that one day, this NPC will suddenly disappear.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Damn foreigner!"

"The Munis family is so pitiful that they were brutally murdered by these beasts... My lord priest, please judge this matter!"

Polaris and his party were about to go to the cabin where the priest lived in seclusion, but they found a group of villagers gathered not far ahead.

Looking closer, the four players were surrounded by groups, and the angry villagers were holding hatchets and pitchforks, and the crowd was furious.

The priest was among them.

He has an ordinary middle-aged appearance, wearing a white wide-brimmed hat, wearing a plain white monk robe, and holding a white leather Bible in his hand.

The four players didn't seem panicked, but instead scanned the group of villagers with great interest.

Polaris threw out an investigation. These players were not high in level, only around 40, barely the strength of Sequence Eight.But there are only some ordinary villagers around, they really don't need to worry, they can easily slaughter the whole village with their hands.

Perhaps it was just because of concern about the wanted by the empire, that's why they didn't wantonly kill them.

"Brother Beizi?!"

"Hey, it turned out to be the top player on the leaderboard!"

"Boss, help save the field!"

The four players noticed the Polaris team and shouted hastily.

The villagers also turned their heads and looked at Polaris and the others.Fortunately, during this period of time, when they submitted the materials in Gonzalo, they did a lot of small tasks, and they got close to the favorability of these villagers, so they were not regarded as accomplices.

"Mr. Polaris, and everyone else, are these four immortal strangers friends with you?"

Holding the Bible in his hand, the priest turned his head and asked with a smile.

Polaris shook his head.

"do not know."

"Ah That's good."

The priest groaned.

He immediately took a step forward and raised his hand as a signal.

The angry villagers surrounding him suddenly fell silent, which shows that the priest's prestige is extremely high.

"Strange outsiders, do you admit the fact that you killed the five members of Muniz's family?"

The priest turned to look at the four players and asked in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I don't know anything."

One of the players with the ID "Flying Hair" pretended to deny it, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The other three players also denied it in due course.

The priest nodded.

Immediately he roared ferociously:

He suddenly raised the Bible in his hand, as if holding a brick, and chopped it down vertically, hitting the "flying hair" hard on the forehead.

boom! !

This Sequence Eight player's head exploded on the spot, and he was instantly killed.

The white light dissipated, and everyone was shocked.

The other three players did not expect that this ordinary priest in the countryside was so powerful that he instantly killed his teammates with one blow.

They didn't intend to catch them without a fight. After exchanging a few words in the channel, they suddenly fought back violently.

However, before he had time to use his sequence ability, the white bible had fallen down again.

"Lying is a sin! Avoiding is cowardice!"

Bang! !

Another player's head blossomed and died suddenly.

"God said that those who kill intentionally should be punished, and then listen to the teachings of the light..."

The priest moved quickly and slapped the bible horizontally in his hand, and the remaining two players were followed by the second.

After the group of four players is destroyed.

The priest gently wiped the blood stains on the Bible with a look of compassion.

"Even murderers have the right to hear the Gospel of our Lord, devout missionaries, have sent your teachings into their minds."

He silently prayed and recited.

"Praise the sun."

The surrounding villagers saluted with respect and satisfaction, and at the same time said something in their mouths:
"Praise the sun."

Polaris and the others looked at each other.

They always thought that this priest was just a special ordinary person, but they didn't expect to kill four Sequence Eight players in seconds.

But the information detected is indeed only the attribute value of ordinary people, and even the level is only more than 20 levels...

Zhong Gaowan waited for the villagers to disperse with doubts.

They acted as if nothing had happened, and submitted to the priest the proof of biological contamination as usual.

"Good job, may the light of justice shine on you forever."

The priest smiled gently, not seeing the ferocious look just now.

He opened the Bible, recited a eulogy for the members of the Polaris team, and immediately raised his right hand.

They didn't see any supernatural phenomena either, and they received generous rewards of experience points one after another.

"Okay, Mr. Polaris, and all you righteous outlanders, today is my Lord's Sunday, and I need to do my daily prayers."

The priest said goodbye to everyone in Polaris with a smile.

"You please."

Polaris nodded in reply.

The priest turned and walked into the cabin, closing the door gently.

The players looked at his back and exchanged glances.

"This priest is getting more and more strange..."

Inside the cabin.

The middle-aged priest came to a simple counter, and in the wooden shrine above it was a portrait of a person whose face could not be seen clearly.

The portrait is shrouded in the fire relief, and under the glare of the sun outside the window, it looks extremely solemn.

The priest took off his white wide-brimmed hat, revealing a shiny bald head.

On his ordinary facial features, he maintained piety and seriousness.

Boom! !

The priest fell to his knees and kowtowed vigorously.

The whole village was shocked.

But the villagers, without exception, didn't make a fuss, and seemed to be used to it.

The earthquake lasted for several minutes.

The priest finished prostrating one hundred heads for today's service, put on his white wide-brimmed hat again, looked up at the statue, and said solemnly:
"Although you are not worthy of my service, there is no other light in this world..."

The priest turned away expressionlessly.

Holding the Bible in his hand, he took a step forward and disappeared into a golden light.

Only the sound remains in the cabin:
"Similarly, although the church is not worthy of my nostalgia, if there is no [Aries Forging Hammer], the empire is very likely to be in turmoil again..."

 Thanks to the boss of "Wearing Vest 314" for rewarding again!

  Thank you very much, it cost a lot!

  There is also a reward of 15000 points for "I don't want to drive, I just want to look bad", which is a waste of money, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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