Chapter 58

Baron Barney was invited to Pompeii Manor the next day.

Chen Lun came to work on time in the morning, and found a chic carriage at the gate of the manor.

After entering the villa, he saw a fat middle-aged man sitting on the sofa talking and laughing with Viscount Pompeii.

"Come on, Barney, let me introduce you."

Viscount Pompeii enthusiastically introduced Chen Lun to his friends.

"This is my governess for Rebecca, Mr. Jack."

"Hi, Mr. Barney."

Chen Lun extended his hand friendly.

Baron Barney looked at him a few times, smiled and stretched out his hand.

"You are so young. I never thought that Mr. Jack would be a scholar at such a young age..."

He immediately turned his head and asked Viscount Pompeii suspiciously:
"I remember you found Mrs. Youlai, didn't you?"

Viscount Pompeii smiled awkwardly, briefly explained a few words, and took it lightly.

The Viscount then told Chen Lun that Rebecca was frightened yesterday and is still resting now.He let Chen Lun visit the villa by himself, and he could also walk around the manor at will.

After speaking, he and Baron Barney sat back on the sofa.

Chen Lun heard Viscount Pompeii's subtext, and he didn't want to disturb his conversation with Baron Barney.

"It was about the horse yesterday..."

he thought.

Viscount Pompey probably wanted to ask Baron Barney about this matter, but he couldn't let outsiders be present because he was concerned about his old friend's face.

Chen Lun found the butler Binoz who was instructing the maids to clean in another hall.

"Butler Binoz."

He walked up to say hello.

"Mr. Jack, may I help you?"

Seeing him, the old housekeeper straightened up and said with a smile.

Through Chen Lun's performance in the past two days, Binoz changed his opinion of this young man.

It can be seen that the Viscount Pompeii and his wife did not repel him so much at first.

As the housekeeper of the manor, the old man who has experienced two generations of Viscount Pompeii will be more catering to the owner's opinion, and naturally his attitude towards Chen Lun will be slightly better.

"Your Excellency the Viscount said that he can let me visit the villa. I want to visit the study, is that possible?"

Chen Lun said politely.

Binoz showed a dazed expression.

"Oh, of course, Lord Viscount will not reject a scholar who loves knowledge...

Especially since he was Miss Rebecca's teacher. "

The old housekeeper gestured towards the upstairs.

"Come on, Mr. Jack, please come with me."

Chen Lun followed Butler Binoz up the stairs.

The revolving wooden steps are spacious and shiny because the maids wipe them clean every day.

On one side of the second floor, there is an exhibition hall full of artworks.

The old butler didn't stay long, and after taking Chen Lun in, he walked into the other side of the exhibition hall.

"That's it, Mr. Jack. If you need anything else, you can find me."

After he finished speaking, he bowed slightly and left.

Chen Lun looked at the books in the room, his eyes lighted up.

"Good guy, so many must get me one with extraordinary knowledge!?"

Thinking to himself, Chen Lun started directly.

The study room is on the side of the art exhibition hall, but the interior space is a little larger than the exhibition hall.

A chandelier hangs from the ceiling, consisting of eight light bulbs, illuminating the entire study room brightly.The place is very empty, the bookcases on the four walls are attached to the ceiling, full of various tomes are neatly arranged.

Two wooden ladders are placed aside for people to take books easily.There is a large desk and several chairs in the middle of the study, where you can sit and read and copy.

For Chen Lun, this is very nice!

Time flies.

Before he finished flipping through the books on one wall, he picked up a thin yellow-covered book and opened it to read.

[You discovered the mysterious book of the natural faction! 】

["On the Instinct of Survival" (5% progress)]

[Through reading carefully, you got 25 experience points]

[You discovered the knowledge of the hidden transcendent path (complete)! 】

[Natural Faction Sequence 9 Savage]

Chen Lun looked happy.

"There really is! And it's another hidden path!"

Could it be that I am of European imperial blood?

That has to be!

He took the book in his hand and hurried down the wooden ladder.

Come to the desk, sit down, and read carefully without wasting any time.

Another hour passed.

["On the Instinct of Survival" (15% progress)]

[By reading carefully, you have gained 50 experience points]

[Through reading carefully, you have some experience and comprehend the skills [the weak eat the strong]! 】

[LV1 of the weak and the strong (passive)]

Skill description: Years of animal trainer career have given you a deeper understanding of nature.

In the animal world, the weak are prey to the strong, and the law of nature is natural selection.

By analogy, you can improve your own attributes by observing the way animals survive and reproduce.It is limited to Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma and Insight, and the upper limit of each item is increased by 1 point, and cannot be obtained repeatedly.

"Auxiliary passive skills that improve your own attributes?"

Chen Lun was a little surprised.

This type of skill is quite rare, and although the improved attributes are limited, they are permanent.

Forging iron still needs to be hard, and the panel attribute is the basis of strength.

He is very satisfied with this skill.

Chen Lun swiped 4 skill points on it, charged directly, and instantly filled it up.

[LVMAX (Passive)]

Skill description: ... limited to strength, dexterity, endurance, charm and insight, and the upper limit of each item is increased by 5 points, and cannot be obtained repeatedly.

"Five attributes, each can be increased by 5 points, adding up to 25 points...!?"

That's a pretty impressive number!

It is almost equivalent to the benefits brought by upgrading to level 10 out of thin air.

And it also contains two special attributes, charm and insight.These two attributes cannot be improved through attribute points, so they are very precious.

"I made a lot of money...Fortunately, the [Fate faction] path I took has something in common with this [Natural faction] path."

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

Logically speaking, each sequence can only acquire the skills of its own path through the corresponding extraordinary knowledge.

But there are exceptions, such as Chen Lun's current situation.

In his previous life, he had some vague guesses from this phenomenon. Perhaps there are unknown connections and secrets between each sequence.

Tuk Tuk.

There were two gentle knocks on the door.

Chen Lun turned his head and saw that the old butler Binoz was standing at the door, making a gesture of apology.

"Excuse me for reading, Mr. Jack. Your Excellency the Viscount invited you to the restaurant for lunch...

In addition, the Viscount's family and Baron Barney will go out in the afternoon to visit Cuidi Zoo.

Your Excellency the Viscount asked me to ask you, do you want to go together? "

Chen Lun got up, and stuffed the yellow book in his hand into a corner of the bookshelf.

When I left, I didn't forget to touch it a few times, reluctant to part.

"This book is great, wait for me to spoil you next time..."

Then he turned and came to the door, showing a polite smile.

"Of course, I am willing to accompany you. It is my honor."

(End of this chapter)

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