I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 584 The 4th ultimate skill, nowhere to go

Chapter 584 The fourth ultimate technique, nowhere to go (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Chen Lun stagnated at high altitude for a long time.

A huge circle surrounds the Sun Continent, like a special seal.

'What is the real intention of Lord Huan to do this?Is it because of some terrible disaster outside the Misty Island, or is it to block the Seven Gods and prevent them from escaping here? '

His gaze changed several times, and finally fell silent.

'Although I'm already a demigod, it's probably too early to find out this secret...'

Chen Lun had a vague premonition that Duke Huan's move would very likely involve the ultimate mystery of this world.

The current self is not qualified to touch it.

After taking a long breath, he set his sights on Port Bunsen in the north of Byron, and the homing ship sailed away from the pier again amidst the sound of the siren.

'This trip was originally to look for Lucy, but she was caught in a loop and couldn't get out... Fortunately, I didn't make the trip in vain. That "Mystery of the Deep Sea" contains extremely advanced magical knowledge, even if I don't have it yet Ability to bring it out, but try to peek inside. '

Thinking about it, Chen Lun's figure disappeared out of thin air.

On the deck of Homing, Boone was flipping through "Mystery of the Deep Sea", fascinated. Behind him, the Mind of Knowledge team from the Madman school had already started to move and quietly surrounded him.

Boone seemed to notice something, stopped reading, turned his head and his face changed slightly.

He took out the dead fish statue, and everyone in the Heart of Knowledge team also took out their staffs, and the conflict was about to break out.

But right now.

The two sides were horrified to find that a gentleman in a black hat appeared in the middle at some point.This person stood upright, with an ivory white cane in his hand, and the brim of his hat covered his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

"A high-ranking person?!"

Everyone faintly felt the suppression of the life level, and only felt that their breathing was stagnant.

The captain of the Heart of Knowledge team is a middle-aged male. He took a step forward, saluted the gentleman in black hat cautiously, and said in a deep voice:

"I have seen this majesty, we are members of the 'Heart of Consciousness' team of the madman school, and we have come to hunt down the extraordinary fugitive Boon Charles, I don't know your majesty..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the gentleman raised his hand.

Then came a calm and low voice:
"It's none of your business here."


The Heart of Knowledge team was shocked.

The leader's face tightened, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

The strange high-ranking person in front of him obviously wanted to intervene in their tasks, but he didn't dare to disobey the orders of his superiors, so he fell into a tangle.

"Your Majesty, we are acting under the order of Collins University scholars, please raise your hand..."

"Collins fell six years ago."

Chen Lun shook his head.

He looked at the blank faces of the people in the Heart of Knowledge team, and felt that these people were pitiful. He didn't know how many times they had cycled here, and they didn't know anything about the outside world.

"Please don't make such a joke..."

The captain of the heart of knowledge squeezed out a smile.

Chen Lun was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, he raised his hand and stretched out his index finger, and flicked it.

"Don't get in the way."

boom! !

The powerful and unparalleled repulsion instantly acted on the members of the Heart of Knowledge team. They had no power to resist, and immediately flew upside down from the deck, and were bounced thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye, falling into the sea one by one.

Seeing this, the boat passengers around couldn't help panicking.

Screaming and chaotic, they all moved away from where Chen Lun was.

But Chen Lun didn't care, he turned his head and looked at Boon.

The guy's eyes hidden under the woolen hat and scarf were full of tension and apprehension, and his body was too stiff to move.

"Your Majesty, you...why did you help me?"

Boone's voice trembled slightly, and he said in awe.

"You think too much."

Chen Lun just said lightly.

He reached out with one hand, and under Boone's terrified gaze, he took out the dark green tome directly from his arms.

Boone reflexively wanted to snatch the book back, but just as he raised his hand, an invisible mountain seemed to fall from the sky, instantly crushing his body!

Boom! !

The terrifying gravitational force directly pressed him to the deck, making a loud noise.

Boone was trembling all over, with bruises on his forehead and neck, struggling to stand up, but he couldn't even raise his head!

In his sight, there was only a pair of shiny black leather shoes and the legs of dress trousers with a strong sense of verticality.

Chen Lun ignored Boon on the ground, and opened "Mystery of the Deep Sea" by himself...


The moment the book was opened, Chen Lun even felt it twisting forcefully in his hands, a sea breeze mixed with salty smell, blowing from the pages, filled with daunting ancient breath.

[You have read "Mystery of the Deep Sea" (current progress 1%)]

[You have gained 5 experience points...]

【You have a deeper understanding of deep sea magic and pollution...】

Chen Lun carefully flipped through the book, the expression on his face became more serious, and occasionally, the look of horror would flash away.

The esoteric level of "Mystery of the Deep Sea" can be said to exceed any mythological classics that Chen Lun has read.

Its influence on Chen Lun was enormous.

In particular, the in-depth analysis and elaboration of the pollution in it even made Chen Lun enlightened, and then thought of the mythical biological characteristic "Crystal Cell" stolen from Clarenso...

The two are also highly erosive, contagious, and diffusible, but the difference is that mysterious pollution is uncontrollable, while "crystal cells" are controllable.

Moreover, this characteristic also gave Chen Lun extremely strong plasticity.

It is like a piece of white paper bestowed by the god of murals, waiting for Chen Lun to paint on it and create a masterpiece that will shake the world...

After developing "Earth Tracing Heaven", "Destined Death" and "Four Sides of Fate", Chen Lun has basically developed the characteristics of mythical creatures to the extreme, except for "Crystal Cells" that have not been deeply excavated.

Now, through the inspiration and supplement of "Mystery of the Deep Sea", Chen Lun seems to have opened the door of wisdom...or, the lid of Pandora's box.

Time passed quietly.

Chen Lun's eyes have long been covered with bright white crystals, the "quantum reading" mode is fully open, and his consciousness is completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge of "Mystery of the Deep Sea"...


The deck shook suddenly, and the sea monsters came to attack the merchant ship on time according to the development track in the cycle.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Chen Lun was indifferent and still stood there reading a book.

Boon, who was lying at his feet, trembled all over, and said in panic:
"Your Majesty, please... please let me go! Please!"


Chen Lun still didn't respond.

But his figure swayed suddenly, and a figure in black robe split out.

The death knight Qiao Ke walked to the guardrail in silence. Under the black hood, a pair of cold eyes scanned the sea.

More than a dozen huge black shadows swayed under the sea surface, and the several-meter-high fins cut through the sea water, splashing waves.

"Go to the side of death."

Joe's hoarse voice sounded.

He waved his hand.

Hundreds of white pythons poured out from his wide cuffs, blooming like pale flowers, and plunged into the sea.

Whoa! !
The sea water splashed and set off waves.

Individuals of the snake group are attached to each other with dense invisible threads, like nodes, weaving into a huge "net of death", which suddenly swept over the surrounding sea monsters.

Quietly, sea monsters that looked like incarnations of saints were cut into countless pieces of flesh in an instant, dragging the blood mist and falling towards the bottom of the sea.

On the deck, Qiao Ke in black robe walked towards Chen Lun, overlapping his figure and returning to his original self, and the shipwreck that would have happened was forcibly stopped.

Boone, lying on the deck, was too shocked to speak.

Chen Lun ignored him and continued to read.

He knew that this was just a cycle, and no matter how he intervened, everything would eventually go back to the beginning and start again and again.

So he is indifferent to the development of the outside world.

The homing ship continued to sail on the misty sea. The first officer held a flintlock gun and led a group of crew members to board the deck, intending to find out, but found that it was empty...

Chen Lun used [hide and hide] to hide the existence of himself and Boone, and these ordinary people couldn't find it at all.

Just like that, time passed slowly.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was twilight.

The homing ship has almost arrived at the Explorer Islands, and the buildings on the small island can be vaguely seen from a distance... But the whole ship disappeared directly on the sea at this moment without warning.

Not even the slightest ripple was left.

At the pier of Port Bunsen, a brand new merchant ship slowly docked.

'The homing number is doomed not to reach the destination, and will always wander on this route...'

Standing upright out of thin air, Chen Lun secretly sighed.

He looked down at his empty hands, knowing that "Mystery of the Deep Sea" had returned to the starting point of the cycle and returned to Boon's arms.

But he just chuckled, not disappointed.

Because at the moment before the end of the cycle, he just finished reading all the content, even including the high-level mythological knowledge of the deep-sea pathway!
[You have read "Mystery of the Deep Sea" (current progress 100%)]

[You have gained 495 experience points...]

【You have a deep understanding and unique understanding of deep sea magic and pollution...】

[You understood the core content of "Mystery of the Deep Sea", and discovered the mythical knowledge of the deep sea system "Sequence Three-Ocean Giant", "Sequence Two-Abyss" and "Sequence One-Dream Octopus" from it! 】

[Dream Octopus] is the first knowledge of Sequence One that Chen Lun has mastered. Fortunately, he is already a demigod at this moment, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to remember it.

Chen Lun slowly closed his eyes, his mind was overloaded.

He digested the knowledge on "Mystery of the Deep Sea" and fused it with the "Crystal Cell".

In my mind, at this moment, I couldn't help but think of the sentence that Conrad, the King of Slaughter, once mentioned to him——

"Power and pollution are like twin brothers in one body, inseparable...Only by deeply understanding and experiencing pollution can we grasp power."

Dark green fish scales grew silently on Chen Lun's face.

But soon, the fish scales were eroded by white crystals and transformed...

He opened his eyes suddenly.

Emerald-like vertical pupils flashed bright light.

[Through a long period of study and thinking, you have comprehended the ultimate skill "Boundless"! 】

【LV1 from far and wide】

Skill Description: You have spent a long time studying and accumulating, and under the inspiration of a book written by a god, you burst out with unprecedented inspiration.

You simulated the spread of mysterious pollution through the extreme use of "Crystal Cells", and you personified "Crystal Cells" through the effects of "multitasking" and "Head of Enlightenment", creating this unique terrifying ability.

Skill effect: You have mastered the ability of "controllable quasi-pollution". You only need to release a copy of "Crystal Source" to transform more crystals through erosion and devouring, until paleness crawls all over the ground, and despair reaches the end.

 Chapter 2 later
(End of this chapter)

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