Chapter 587 Counterattack (ask for a monthly ticket!)
The news of Chen Lun declaring war on the darkness quickly spread throughout the empire.

The royal family, the Church of the Seven Gods, and even the various forces in the mysterious field knew about this matter. Some supported it, some admired it, some ridiculed it, and some watched it coldly.

But all cannot deny one thing.

That is the move of the generous parliament, which will surely be recorded in the annals of history.

Leader Jack "White Dragon" Speight will also be remembered.

Because no matter what, with such a bad pollution situation, it is a good thing for the stability of the world and all forces to have someone take the lead in counterattacking the dark world.

After nearly a week of preparation.

At the end of October in the solar calendar 4423.

The mighty team, divided into ten teams, marched deep into the spirit world at the same time.

There are quite a few councilors who voluntarily participated in this operation, while the number of players is even greater.On average, each group has 10 to [-] to [-] people, led by the incarnation of the consul of the Senate, supported by members of the Golden Cup.

Among them, the Four Horsemen of Fate lead a group respectively, while he is hidden in the invisible.The circus cadres were arranged to follow the death knight Qiao Ke. This group was numbered one and was the most important team.

Action day.

The ten crusade teams were attacked one after another in the second level of the spirit world.

An exaggerated number of polluting organisms flooded in like a tide.

However, the performance of the Immortal Stranger exceeded the expectations of fellow members of Parliament.

Tens of thousands of extraordinary players shot together, charging forward without fear of death, and the gorgeous streamer like fireworks illuminated the dim vision.

Players who took the three paths of the sun, flesh and blood, and the deep sea have become a solid barrier, firmly resisting the dark tide.

Flanks, conspiracy, the moon, and even a very small number of destiny players are crazy output, harvesting polluting creatures.

In the rear, natural players are in charge of healing, while stars and magic players burst into flames, arrows and various spells emerge one after another, attacking the pollution tide overwhelmingly.

Hundreds of tainted creatures die instantly, falling to the player's horrific force.

The circus cadres and councilors were shocked.

"It's no wonder that Master Jack has confidence in them. The progress of the undead strangers is indeed too fast. It has only been more than two years since they appeared, and such a huge group of extraordinary people has emerged..."

Above the front line, on the huge platform made of shadows, dozens of Jinbei councilors gathered here to have heated discussions.

"Before, they were just allowed to hunt freely, and the curbing effect on pollution was limited... Now that we gather this force, under our command, we can definitely counterattack to the dark world! Maybe we can really eliminate this disaster completely!"

Boom! !

More waves of pollution emerged again from the edge of the dim horizon around them, as if descending out of thin air, the crusade team was under tremendous pressure all of a sudden!
"The player on the left couldn't stand it anymore, the front line was directly overwhelmed, and the pollution monster came in!"

A player yells.

In the nearby channel, speeches flashed by so fast that they couldn't be seen clearly.

Fortunately, before departure, Chen Lun deliberately subdivided the players in each team, just like in the Scarlet Battle, there were almost a hundred players in a group.

Under this arrangement, players have their own chat channels to communicate, and the originally chaotic formation is being adjusted in an orderly manner during the transmission of information.

Not long after, the Jinbei members received the order from Lord Jack and officially took action.

More than a dozen meandering shadows are like long ties, passing over the players' heads, and falling straight on the "gap" of the fight, resisting those strange polluting creatures in time.

The Polaris team is fighting hard at the moment.

One of the Golden Cup members fell from the sky and landed not far from them.

"Brother Beizi, reinforcements are coming!"

The Dragon King shouted happily.

Seeing this, Polaris summoned up his confidence, directly transformed into a "crocodile man" form, and rushed into the pollution tide with a stick and sword in his hand.

There were too many monsters, he didn't even have room to move, and the "Antelope Hoof" was useless.But he is already a [trapeze], relying on teleportation and the cuticle that resists blows, he forcibly killed a bloody path.

Boom boom boom! !

Several black and red magic flying cards fell into the surrounding pollution tide, and a violent explosion occurred, and the players who were closer were very excited.

"It's Brother Beizi!"

"Amazing, what the hell!"

There are many anchor players in the crusade team. They have already started live broadcast and video recording. Even those who failed to participate in this main mission can watch it in real time on the game forum.

At this moment, dozens of live broadcast rooms are broadcasting the current situation of the battlefield from different positions and angles at the same time, and a total of more than 2000 million viewers are watching here.

The heroic posture of Polaris was once again noticed by the players.

As expected of No.1 on the ranking list...

Just then, a mutation arose.

Behind the pollution tide, a large group of men in black robes suddenly jumped up, with silver praying mantis knives spread out in both arms, leaped up, and quickly attacked and killed the frontline players.

"Dark followers!"

"Beware of the sixth child!"


In the chaos, dozens of white lights emerged, and these players were instantly killed by the sharp mantis arm if they were not paying attention.

The dark believers are not only powerful, but also master some kind of magic to manipulate polluted creatures.

I saw a skinny old man who was the leader standing in the turbulent pollution tide, holding up the mantis arm, black sticky jelly sprayed from his mouth and nose, and attached itself to the surrounding polluted creatures as if they had vitality.

Not long after, hundreds of polluting creatures seemed to have received an invisible order, and adjusted their charge formation, attacking the weak points of the player group like every stitch.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

"Why is there no one there?!"

"Help me!!"

Another hundred white lights dissipated on the battlefield.

Just as the players in this area were anxious.

Behind the aged dark believer who was the commander, a figure in a black dress suddenly appeared!
The long pale golden hair fluttered, and the huge black sickle fell quietly!

A head shot up into the sky.

During the spray of blood, the manipulated polluted creatures suddenly lost their guidance, and were driven by the instinct of killing, flocking towards the player indiscriminately.

"Jack's nun..."

Many players noticed this scene with excitement on their faces.


A howl of a wolf spread over the battlefield.

A giant black wolf emerged, holding an illusory yellow orchid in its mouth, and charged the nun in the black dress into the tide of pollution.

The deformed monsters were dismembered under the scythe, and blood was flying everywhere.

It seemed that nothing could stop her steps.

In less than half a minute, more than 20 dark believers died under that scythe!

On the other side, circus cadres such as Noah, Alex, and Antonio also shot one after another, targeting and killing dark believers.

As long as there is no command of these guys, it is only a matter of time before the players clear the pollution tide.

The intense fighting lasted for almost an hour.

The mortals in this world are completely unaware of the terrible turmoil that has taken place in the second layer of the spiritual world...

Beneath the dim horizon of the end of the world.

There are mountains of corpses and rivers of blood.

After the players die, they all turn into white light and dissipate, returning to the resurrection point in this world, so that these are all strangely shaped remains of polluted creatures.

In this battle, 10,000+ players were killed once, and tens of thousands of players were killed more than twice. The battle was quite tragic.

On the ruins of the bloody battlefield.

I saw ten thin figures in black robes walking slowly over countless wreckages, and the remaining polluting creatures all around unanimously moved out of the way.

The players present, Jinbei councilors and circus cadres, and even the audience who were watching the live broadcast all noticed this scene immediately.

The black robe came off slowly.

Ten humanoid monsters with a combination of flesh and machinery were revealed.

The face was bloody, blue flames were burning in the two dark eye holes, black gears on the jaw, shoulders and limbs were turning tirelessly, spattering sticky weird grease.

A powerful heart was exposed, beating rhythmically.

"Dark Craftsman?!"

"Family of the Dark Father..."

"It's a boss-level monster! A mythical-level polluting creature!!"

The players threw out probes one after another, horrified.

Although I can't see the specific information, the name and danger are deeply imprinted in my heart.

"Why don't ignorant humans surrender to the darkness?"

A dark craftsman puppet opened its mouth, and the brass spring piece made a crisp, human-like sound under the action of the gear.

"You should all become part of the darkness!"


The ten dark artisan puppets suddenly flashed an afterimage and rushed towards the player.

Dozens of arms that were almost invisible swung hundreds of times in a few seconds, and all kinds of cold weapons grasped tightly across the players' bodies, beheading them instantly.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Ten tracks ran over the wreckage, stirring up flesh and blood spray.

The dense white light dissipated one after another.

Boom boom boom! !

On the shoulders of the dark craftsman puppet, two iron cannons stood up, and they fired powerful shells, killing thousands of players in an instant.

Seeing this, the rest of the players quickly retreated, because they knew that this was not an enemy that could be killed by numbers at all...

Great rear.

Qiao Ke in black robe turned his head and looked aside.

A white-haired old man wearing a pointed hat was sitting on a small bench, carefully reading an ancient scroll.

"Master Carmen, I will leave these ten dark families to you."

Joe's hoarse voice sounded.

The circus cadres all looked at the old mage with anticipation in their eyes.

After Carmen joined the team, they had never seen him take a shot.


Carmen raised her head and glanced at the battlefield in the distance.

His turbid eyes were fixed on the ten black artisan puppets that were raging constantly.

"Why is this thing a bit like the church guard you created?"

He shook his head, didn't delve into it, put away the scroll and stood up.

"Hey, I hope my old bones won't ruin your business..."

Master Carmen took out the staff from the canvas bag, and gently touched it in front of him.

The blue-green rod tip crystallizes with brilliance.

The ground rumbled, and a stone platform tens of meters high rose from the ground, lifting Carmen to the sky.

He was muttering something, and a blue-green light emerged from his body, and one after another of the Fredericks appeared on the surface of his body.

Countless players looked at this side, and the audience in the live broadcast room also noticed this old man. After some insiders learned about it, it turned out that this mage was a member of the circus, a magic saint named Carmen!
After seven or eight seconds of singing.

Master Carmen's eyes suddenly widened, and he swung his staff forward.



A dazzling blue-green laser burst out from the tip of His staff.

A beam of light with a diameter of several meters hit a dark craftsman directly, instantly annihilating it into dust!
The old mage waved his staff.


The laser accurately swept across the remaining dark artisan puppets, without exception, they were blasted into nothingness by the laser in an instant.

chi chi...

The laser dissipates.

On the battlefield, a huge black pothole and an S-shaped fissure were left behind, with terrifying magic remnants and even strong pollution.

The players present who took the magic path stared blankly, speechless.

Immediately, when they looked at the old mage on the stone platform again, their eyes were full of heat...

Chen Lun, who was invisible, looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Worthy of being Ms. Fred Cui's student, Master Carmen is really hidden, killing ten mythical creatures with one spell..."

He quickly glanced at the panel record.

Looking at the extra 4000 million experience points, he smiled even more.

'Need more...'

(End of this chapter)

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