Chapter 595 Keep Observation

The top players on the high stone platform were all stunned.

"Urgent version update? Data failure? What the hell?!"

"Hey, I haven't played enough, I'm going to be forced to log off the assembly line, what are you doing, Mr. Zhuo Te!"

Everyone in the Polaris team discussed in a low voice for a moment, each brow furrowed.

"I think the version update really came too suddenly. Could it be related to God War? After the father of darkness was killed, a golden dragon jumped out of the black ball, and he said something to Jack..."

Su Keying analyzed.

She glanced at the bullet screen, which was full of question marks, obviously surprised by the sudden pop-up update prompt of the game.

Unknown data failure...

It seems that something big happened!
"I think what Keying said makes sense. Not long after the father of darkness died, an update prompt popped up immediately."

Dongyang nodded in agreement.

Polaris shook his head and said in a low voice:
"It doesn't make sense. If this is a normal plot process, there is no reason for it to be a 'data failure'... I don't know if you still remember the incident that Dongyang once mentioned."

"what's up?"

The Dragon King looked puzzled.

Dongyang was taken aback, and the rest of the team also cast their gazes.

"The uncle of Xiaoguang, the chairman of the Hall of Heroes, is a member of the game development team and has the identity of a federal scientist... Didn't it say at the time that there was a piece of data born out of thin air in the running program of the main server supercomputer, and there were letters' J'?"

Polaris said in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned, and immediately remembered this matter.

"So Beizi, what do you mean... the so-called unknown data anomaly actually refers to the 'J', Jack Speight?!"

The Dragon King was surprised.

Polaris nodded.

"Hiss... Damn, if this is the case, what the hell is Jack? The main story was terminated early in version 1.0, and now it's coming again in version 2.1, and it feels like the situation is even more serious!"

Goutoujin took a breath, with an exaggerated expression.

Dongyang glanced at the countdown panel, and interjected:
"There is still half a minute to go offline, let's meet offline at a place and have a good chat about the new version."


"Then the bar at the corner of Wildcat Street in Splendid City."

Wei Yin thought about it and made a suggestion.

"'Mechanical Bride'?"

Dongyang confirmed.

"Yes, that's the bar!"

"it is good."

Everyone agreed.


The white light dissipated one after another, and all members of the Polaris team went offline.

The rest of the players on the high platform didn't stay for long and quit the game one after another.

It was empty all around.

Councilors such as Frey and Akbin were not surprised, they knew that this was a special feature of the undead stranger.


The center of the cracked earth illuminated by the sun.

Chen Lun looked at the Dragon of Light that had completely drifted away in front of him, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

After digesting those extremely secret information, he now only feels a heavy heart.

The path and extraordinary power of the gods all come from the old days above the sequence, from the original sin they control...

The so-called unique divinity, in layman's terms, is actually like some kind of "use authority" emanating from the original sin, whether it is to use it to realize the S-level monster, or to promote it to an angel or even a higher sequence, the power All from source sin.

And on the sequence of the three paths of fate, nature and magic, the old man named "King of Comedy" fell early, leaving behind the original sin of "not returning home"... This is what Duke Huan left for him, most precious heritage.

Chen Lun was faintly excited, but more inexplicably depressed.

Whether it is outside the sky or overseas, there are old days and outer gods watching... The old power has obviously penetrated into the Yanita Continent. The path of the Seven Gods is the most obvious evidence. root cause.


Want this world!

Or they want to commit crimes "not returning home"!
And everything here, including humans, they don't care.

Chen Lun turned around, straightened his hat, and returned to Arnold and Martin.

Only then did he realize that Arnold was already sitting on the ground, falling into a deep sleep with the broken sword in his arms.

Martin on the side whispered:
"The scorching sun is too tiring... More than ten years of fighting have exhausted him both physically and mentally. He has just recast his body to be promoted to Sequence One, and had a battle with the Father of Darkness just now... After seeing the spirit of the Dragon of Light disappear, he and fell asleep peacefully."

Martin is a smart man, he didn't ask what the Dragon of Light had said to Chen Lun.

Putting back on his white wide-brimmed hat, the former Pope continued:
"I will stay here and pray for the scorching sun until he wakes up."

Martin's expression became serious.

"Your Majesty Jack, you are a respectable person. If there is a need in the future, I will help you unconditionally under the premise of the sun's permission."

"Thank you."

Chen Lun lifted his hat to thank him, and then glanced at Arnold.

"If the scorching sun wakes up, please also convey my thanks."

"of course."

Martin Gustus bowed his head and returned a salute.

Chen Lun no longer missed it, and teleported to the high platform with one step.

Looking at his subordinates, he just said calmly:

"Let's go back."

real world.

Azure Federation.

Countless players who have been forced to go offline are full of dissatisfaction, and swearing at the game official can be heard everywhere on the streets.

Splendid City, the federal scientific research center.

Dozens of top scientists in white coats are surrounding the supercomputer, sweating profusely and calculating something.


"Your calculation is wrong!"

"According to the running track, this is normal..."

"Wrong! Look at the data yourself, it's all messed up!"

"Impossible! Impossible! How can letters be calculated by themselves in the program?!"

Three or four white-haired old men crowded around a middle-aged man, arguing a lot.The middle-aged man who was operating complex instruments and keyboards wiped the sweat from his forehead, but he dared not say a word.

At this time, a researcher in a white coat with a mechanical prosthetic eye came in, followed by two men and women in blue uniforms.

"Doctor Shi Yu."

Many scientists greeted each other.

Immediately, they respected the two young men and women again:

"Meet the two priests."

"Don't be too polite."

The man gestured with his hand.

He and the woman next to him are both high-level executives of the Federation's Ether Division, and they are also the priests of the Zhanlan Holy Cult, and their status is quite high.

"We came here this time mainly because of the 'unknown abnormal data' that appeared in "Age of Mysteries"... I heard that the game has a sudden version iteration, forcing players to go offline?"

"Yes, Mr. Xie Xu, we have checked the records and speculate that the unexpected situation is most likely caused by the data that appeared out of thin air."

A mature female researcher said softly.

Xie Xu frowned slightly.

He reached out to take the report and looked down.

After a while, he handed it to the companion beside him.

"Mr. Xie Xu, is there a way to correct the data in Ether Science? If this continues, the game world will completely deviate from the original calculation track..."

The middle-aged man who was calculating asked cautiously.

Xie Xu glanced at his nameplate. The researcher's name was Guang Zhiwei.

He suddenly had some impressions, so he asked aloud:
"Are you also a Holy Brother?"

"Yes, Lord Priest, I am a new member who joined the Holy Church three years ago."

Guang Zhiwei stood up quickly.

Xie Xu patted his shoulder and said with a smile:
"Yes, you are young and promising. I heard that there is a guild named 'Heroic Pavilion' under the Flash Eagle Consortium. Is the president your nephew?"

From the looks of the two of them, Xie Xu obviously looked 27 and [-], and Guang Zhiwei was middle-aged, but no one felt that it was against harmony.

Because everyone present knows that the high-level members of the Holy Cult hold extraordinary power... the power derived from the "fire of salvation" of the Lord of Faith can delay aging and increase lifespan.

And the officiant Xie Xu in front of him is probably much older than Guang Zhiwei!
"Yes, Xiaoguang is my nephew. He was appointed as the president just after graduating from the Federation College."


Xie Xu nodded.

"In a few days, he can submit his application form to the Holy Church, and I will personally review it."

"Thank you, Master Priest!"

Guang Zhiwei quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, we are all holy brothers... The first doctrine of my religion is that all talented people are eligible to join the religion."

Xie Xu smiled.

Immediately afterwards, he began to answer Guangzhiwei's original question:

"Unfortunately, the Ether Division has no means to intervene in the progress of this game... Its birth and development all originated from the 'black information disk' captured in outer space. However, I believe you have also studied this for a long time .”

Xie Xu shook his head.

"The other priests and even the chief priest have speculated that the information disk is most likely the product of another extraordinary power... You don't need to care about the progress of the game, just keep observing and recording, and collect information."

"Yes, Lord Priest."

Guang Zhiwei and other scientists nodded.

Chen Lun returned to Lengye City with his team.

He felt faintly uneasy.

The spiritual intuition also changed accordingly, as if warning him that something bad was about to happen.

'Before the Dragon of Light dissipated, he warned me that the Father of Darkness is an important sewage medium created by Lie Fu... Now that I have helped the scorching sun completely destroy it, Lie Fu will never let me go. '

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

He paces alone in the room.

'Forget it, let's settle the most important thing first. '

Not long after, Chen Lun stopped suddenly.

He slowly took out the Four Seasons bookmark.

Awakening of Insects, Homing and Hide and Seek, three cards float in front of you.

'Is this the key to control the never-returning homeland?But how do I find it...'

Chen Lun's idea just appeared.

The three cards in front of him emitted a strange light.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force pulled him to an unknown space.

Chen Lun frowned, but did not resist.

Suddenly, his body disappeared in place.

When Chen Lun dazzled again, he found himself on a vast and boundless lawn.

In the distance, a golden and illusory towering tree stood tall.

Under the tree, a beautiful woman with orange-red long hair was sitting, dozing off boredly. With the arrival of Chen Lun, he raised his eyelids sleepily, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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