Chapter 598 The New Home

"Your Majesty Jack Speight!"

Kaplan and the other four Matthew queens only felt their eyes flicker, and a gentleman in a black hat suddenly appeared in front of them, and they hurriedly saluted.

"Don't be too polite."

Chen Lun raised his hand to signal.

"Your Majesty, there has been a drastic change in the land of Matthew. Do you know anything?"

Queen Kaplan lowered her head slightly, with a slightly haggard face.

"The scorching sun and the father of darkness had a divine battle, and the darkness fell, and its incarnations 'Red Mother' and 'Dark River' died with it..."

Chen Lun looked at the scene of the sky collapsing in the distance, and said lightly.

The four Queen Matthews suddenly showed horror.

They looked at each other, and Kaplan asked again:
"Your Majesty Jack, who is the 'Dark Father'?"

Chen Lun glanced at them.

"He is the incarnation of the martyr father, used as a medium to discharge pollution, and also the source of disasters in the surface world."


The queens opened their mouths slightly, unable to speak for a while.

Chen Lun sighed and told the truth:

"You remnants of Matthew are actually the anchor used by the martyr to stabilize yourself... and your mission is to live in this dark underground for generations, and pray to him for what will never be obtained' Forgive', until they can no longer bear the pollution and die."

"So, is this the reason why the 'Darkborn' have such a short lifespan... The so-called divine punishment is nothing but fabricated lies to deceive our faith."

Queen Maureen muttered to herself.

The other queens also believed Chen Lun's words, after all, the other party had no reason to deceive them.

The sad atmosphere quietly rose.

The four queens who shouldered the continuation mission all felt despair and faint resentment.

boom! !

In the distance, the "corpse" of the red mother collapsed, countless hot magma clusters rained down, and the dark red liquid on the ground surged past. Many Matthew survivors had no time to escape, and they were caught on the spot, leaving no bones left.

Screams and screams continued, and chaos spread throughout the underground.

"My lord Jack, I implore you to save Matthew's land."

Queen Kaplan immediately knelt down.

He endured the pain, his body trembling slightly.

Here lives the last survivors of the Matthew family. They have endured thousands of years of suffering, but now they are facing catastrophe.

If there is no external force to intervene, everyone including the queen will die here.

The other three Queen Matthews also knelt down to him in unison.

"We tried to pray to the scorching sun, but we didn't get any response... Now, the land of Matthew is desperate. If you can't help it, then tens of millions of survivors here will die quietly and be completely buried by history ...In the future, no one will remember us."

Queen Kaplan choked up.

Maureen and the other two queens spoke one after another:
"I implore you to save the land of Matthew..."

"Even if only a small number of people are taken away, we will serve you from generation to generation!"

"We will be your most devout believers!"

Chen Lun saw that the tens of thousands of dark descendants gathered behind Queen Matthew all knelt down, worshiped him, and shouted his honorable name, begging for salvation...

At this moment, he somehow sensed his own existence, imprinted on these dark descendants, and absorbed thousands of points of sanity from it, which were kept in the "Jingzhe" bookmark.

Chen Lun was silent for a while, and then said:
"In your blood, there is a hidden father's backhand. Once the Matthews are exposed to the sunlight on the surface, they will cause a backlash and die on the spot...even your four queens will not be spared."

" could this happen?!"

Kaplan and the other four queens, as well as many dark descendants showed panic and despair, and all of a sudden, low-pitched sobs came and went.

It seems that everyone has seen each other's tragic ending.

"It seems fate is destined, Matthew will perish here."

Queen Kaplan was disheartened, and she looked up in grief and wept.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe and the atmosphere was brewing to the extreme, Chen Lun held a white cane in one hand and slowly took off his hat with the other.

He said aloud:

"No, fate is destined, Matthew will not perish. On the contrary, you will see the light again, live in a peaceful and peaceful new home, and gradually prosper!"

The queen and even the dark descendants cast their gazes one after another with surprise on their faces.

Chen Lun then raised his cane high. In the process, the cane quietly took off its disguise and turned into an ivory white scepter.

An iron crown also appeared above his head, and a gray and white shawl danced on his shoulders.

"I am the man of destiny! I am the guide of destiny! Jack Speight hereby declares that the survivors of Matthew will no longer serve their martyr father in the future, but will live in my kingdom of God as a resident of fairyland!"

Kingdom of God? !
The expressions of the four Queen Matthews changed.

They stood up suddenly, and the despair that had fallen to the bottom of the valley found the dawn again at this moment.

The dark descendants also stood up one after another, feeling puzzled about their new status as "fairyland residents", and looking forward to it.


Behind Chen Lun's head, a ring of light appeared.

Through the ring, everyone overlooked a vibrant forest, as well as black plains, mountains and yellow sand. In the depths, an ancient nameless city stood quietly.

"That is?!"

The queen and countless dark-born women looked forward to it.

"Bring all the remnants of Matthew here, and I will guide you all to your new home—the 'Fairyland', my kingdom of God."

Chen Lun said calmly.

"New home..."

Kaplan murmured, his heart beating faster.

He immediately communicated in low voices with the other three queens.

Not long after, batches of mid-sequence dark-born guards, led by the queen's confidants, headed in all directions.

They shoulder the heavy responsibility of escort.

At the same time, the four queens each took the initiative to use their high-ranking power to convey the good news of "going to a new homeland" to the minds of every dark descendant through blood power.

Looking at their hopeful faces and efficient actions, Chen Lun couldn't help but smile.

In less than two days.

Under the wise decision-making of the queens of Matthew, the united will of all dark descendants in the underground world and the belief in breaking the boat were finally condensed into miraculous efficiency.

Batch after batch of Matthew survivors were sent to fairyland by Chen Lun.

Except for those dark descendants who unfortunately died in the disintegrating body of the "Red Mother", most of the remaining people managed to survive.

A total of more than 2000 million dark descendants finally saw the sun again after thousands of years...


The land of yellow sand, the nameless city.

Queen Matthew stood on the ancient high platform, looking up at the scorching sun in the sky, with an excited and pious expression.

"Praise the Lord of Fairyland, praise the scorching sun!"

The ancient city that was originally dead and silent is now full of vitality.

Countless Matthew remnants were placed here, and they will become residents of Wonderland and new residents of the Nameless City in the future.

At this time, on the streets, roofs and squares, Wu Ya Ya was full of kneeling people, bathed in the warm and bright sunshine, with tears streaming down their faces.

"Praise the Lord of Fairyland, praise the scorching sun!"

Sounds of pious praise and prayer echoed in the nameless city.

Standing in front of the queens, Chen Lun suddenly felt a profound sense of existence, and a majestic reason emerged from his heart, which was immediately transferred into the "Jingzhe" bookmark.


Chen Lun suppressed the surprise and joy in his heart.

Sanity point reserve has reached an unprecedented new height.

Overlooking the countless residents of Wonderland, Chen Lun immediately thought of another question... 90.00% of them are women. After losing the "underground river", how can they reproduce?

'Well... there is no way for the time being, we can only wait for the opportunity in the future to introduce new fairyland residents. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

After returning to the present world, he felt a little tired.

The warnings from spiritual intuition are getting stronger.

Chen Lun walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Floyd heated up a glass of milk and brought it to him with her own hands.

"Thank you."

Chen Lun took it and responded with a smile.

He took a sip lightly, opened his arms, and the nun leaned into his arms tacitly.

"I feel the uneasiness in you."

Floyd spoke softly.

Chen Lun put down his glass, was silent for a while, and then said:

"I have a hunch that a crisis is coming."

He put his arms around Floyd, kissed her pale golden hair lightly, and added:

"This is an unprecedented crisis..."

Floy raised her head slowly, her lavender eyes showed no fear, she showed a quiet smile, and said softly:

"I will face it with you, and so will other cadres."

Chen Lun responded with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately ordered:
"Let others get ready, our next enemy is most likely the empire..."


Floyd didn't ask much, she just solemnly agreed.

After the nun got up to leave, Chen Lun lay on the sofa and rested for a while.

'panel. '

He muttered silently.

His eyes scanned his various data, and finally stopped at the skill [Animal Imitation]. Among them, the entries of five mythological creature characteristics imitated from the Dragon of Light are impressively listed——

The original "Extreme Beauty" was replaced with "Day of the Beginning", which has the effect of greatly increasing the weight of the mystery, and endowing it with a strong light characteristic of mystery resistance... If someone with malicious intentions uses divination or mysterious means on Chen Lun, But anyone who is not qualified enough will be burned by the fire of mythology.

"Crown of Ember Fire" replaced "Hell Resistance", the effect is somewhat similar, but it is more than one level stronger, greatly improving the resistance to fire and high temperature... After all, it is derived from the characteristics of the ancient sun god, Chen Lun can even now Exemption from the burning of mythic fire.

"The body of the ancient dragon" replaced the "Armor of Didak", which can be regarded as "original and genuine" instead of "fake and counterfeit".

"Hot Source" replaced "Indefatigable", and the effects are similar, both increasing the upper limit of stamina and enhancing the recovery speed, but the strength of the increase cannot be compared.

In the end, "Endless Light and Heat" replaced the "Heart of the Crazy Pot". This mythical creature characteristic can be said to be the strongest mythological creature characteristic of the Dragon of Light... Its effect is to sacrifice sanity in exchange for a short-term, all-round improvement !
Including panel attributes, life value, physical strength, physical and mysterious dual resistance, the power and range of mythical power...

The increase is even close to 50.00%!

Chen Lun turned off the panel.

He turned his head to look out the window, scanning the sky and the sun.

In his eyes, a fighting spirit quietly appeared...

'If you want to fight, let's have a good fight... It's been a long time since I made a full-strength shot. Now if I reveal my mythical creature form and fully activate all ten characteristics, what height can I reach? '

Chen Lun withdrew his gaze, his eyes restrained.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, Church of the Sun..."

(End of this chapter)

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