I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 602 The Prophecy Comes True

Chapter 602 The Prophecy Comes True
real world.

Azure Federation, gorgeous city.

Under the night, a gorgeous colorful light shines, all kinds of avant-garde and fashionable girls are posing in the holographic projection, promoting the latest products of the major consortiums.

In the downtown area, the high-rise buildings of the Flash Eagle Consortium stand here.

On the outer wall of the building, the translucent glass windows are pieced together to form a huge projection screen on all four sides, and the new version 3.0 CG of "The Age of Mysteries" is being played in rotation.

In the mid-air of the sky, a holographic image was projected by the high-precision transmitter on the roof. It was the scene of the mobilization of the high-level players of the Heroes' Guild before the civil war in the game.

It seems that the sword has been sharpened, and it is ready to go to the final boss Jack Speight...

At this time, at the gate of the headquarters, the fully automated iron fence slowly opened with the unlocking of the mechanical sentinel.

A golden suspension convertible drove out, Dongyang lit a cigarette wearily, and chose automatic driving.


At this time, the personal terminal on Dongyang's right arm sounded a notification tone.

He turned his head and glanced, it was his wife calling, and his face became helpless.

After choosing to answer, Dongyang leaned back on the leather seat with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yang Dongcheng! You haven't come back so late, did you go to the bar to play machine girls again?!"

On the projection screen, a beautiful young woman appeared, roaring angrily.

The corner of Dongyang's mouth twitched.

"The version has been updated in the past few days, and I have to work overtime at the company..."

He said helplessly.

"You don't even know what time it is? Come back from working overtime and pay more!"

The woman's voice continued to growl.

"Cough, the wind is too strong and I can't hear clearly, that's all, let's talk when we go back..."

Dongyang choked on the smoke and said hastily.

Taking advantage of his wife's staring eyes, he quickly turned off the call.


He let out a long breath.

However, the moment he looked up, on the road, a high-speed red hover car slammed into him!
Vaguely, through the stained glass window, you can see a young man with a hairy head who is high on electronic medicine inside.

Dongyang's heartbeat accelerated, and his face changed slightly.

Seeing that the two cars were about to collide!
For some reason, he felt that the scenes around him slowed down, but his thinking was extremely clear, and a powerful force surged from his body, so he pulled the emergency operation panel by reflex, and yanked it to the left!

At the critical moment, the convertible suspension vehicle passed by the red suspension vehicle that was changing lanes, and it just stopped in the emergency parking area, and the cooling device under the chassis released blue smoke.

boom! !

Suddenly, an explosion came from not far ahead, and Dongyang was shocked.

He looked up and saw that the red hover vehicle had collided with other vehicles, and the explosion produced raging fire, accompanied by metal fragments flying across.

Dongyang was sweating profusely, panting heavily with lingering fear, his face was pale.

"I was almost killed by those idiots!"

He inadvertently glanced at the cigarette butt between his fingers, and there was a long ash left, which did not fall off...

"Hiss... what the hell is going on?!"

Dongyang took the last puff of his cigarette, trying to recall everything that happened just now.

The sudden change in himself seemed to speed up his reaction several times, so he escaped a catastrophe and was not killed in a car accident.

At the same time, I couldn't help thinking of the words that Jack said to him before going offline——

"Dongyang, when you go home tonight, please pay attention to red..."


Dongyang's pupils shrank sharply.

The other side of the city.

There are guests in the high-end apartment where Polaris lives.

His grandma was busy greeting him.

"Mr. Su Bei, this is a contract issued by the group. We came here with sincerity. You only need to sign it, and one billion credits will be yours."

A blond man in a suit and leather shoes said with a smile.

He pushed over a transparent tablet with a document displayed on it.

Behind him stood two burly men, their faintly exposed hands were shiny black and covered with metallic luster.

Polaris recognized that it was Freeman's cutting-edge composite material, one of the toughest metals developed by Azure Federation.

He couldn't help guessing secretly that these two bodyguards probably had more than ten types of combat chips planted on them. Even the Armed Forces may not be able to deal with them in a short time.

Taking a deep breath, Polaris looked down at the contract.

Soon, his brows were wrinkled.

The general content of the contract is related to the confidentiality agreement. There is only one core point, which is to let him join the God's Love Guild, act as a spy in the game, continue to hide beside Jack as a student, and pass on information about him to the guild at all times.

When necessary, it is necessary to respond to the guild's instructions and carry out backstabs.

Obviously, God's Love Guild has known the value of Polaris for a long time, but after version 3.0 went live, this value has undergone a qualitative change.

After all, among Jack's students, there is only Polaris, an individual player.

Billions of credits...

Polaris stared.

This is a huge sum of money that he can never use up in his life!

At this time, a prompt came from the personal terminal.

Polaris raised his hand and glanced, his pupils shrinking slightly.

Immediately, he looked up at the blond man with a polite smile, and said lightly:

"Sorry, I'm not interested in this contract."

The blond man's smile froze, but he quickly made amends:
"Mr. Su Bei, if you are not satisfied with the terms, we can continue to negotiate, and it is not impossible to even increase your quotation. After all, you are the number one player on the leaderboard and have a special status. We..."

"No need."

Polaris shook his head.

"It's not about money, it's about principles."

The blond man wanted to say something else, but Polaris raised his hand to stop him, and made a gesture of please.

The two bodyguards behind the man narrowed their eyes and were about to make a move when there was a knock on the door.

Polaris' grandma went to open the door, and Dong Yang, Chen Xi, Su Keying and a group of high-players all walked in.

When Wei Yin saw the scene in the living room, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly shouted:

"The three dog gates of the Dog Consortium must get out!"

After all, behind the girl in the princess dress, more than a dozen bodyguards with guns armed to the teeth poured in, and surrounded the blond man and two big men amid Bei Zi's surprised expression.

Cold sweat fell from the blond man's forehead.

The girl he recognized as speaking was Zheng Ling, the daughter of the third director of the Amnesia Dancer Foundation.

"Sorry, Miss Zheng, let's go now."

After all, he fled with two bodyguards.

Wei Yin wanted to jump up and give this man a kick, but Su Keying and Honey Grapefruit stopped him just in time. The eldest lady looked at their backs and was still cursing.


Only the Polaris team was left in the living room.

"...So, what Teacher Jack said to us has all come true?!"

Polaris was shocked.

Dongyang and the others nodded solemnly.

"Chenxi has always had a male subordinate who is interested in her in the company. This time, he took advantage of the time to deliver flowers after get off work to confess to her. After being rejected, he planned to use force. Fortunately, she was vigilant enough and had installed two electric shock chips all the time. , directly short-circuited that guy on the spot..."

Polaris looked at Chenxi, and found that she was acting nonchalantly, she was obviously a woman who had seen big scenes, and this small episode was nothing.

What Mr. Jack said to Chenxi at that time was exactly:

There are many flowers, but be careful with thorns...

At the same time, Polaris remembered that just now, the Doug Group sent someone to bribe him, which does not exactly correspond to his own prophecy——

"Among wealth and persistence, you still need to make another choice, and this time, it will completely change your life, Ah Bei."

Taking a deep breath, Polaris said in an unbelievable deep voice:

"Mr. Jack's power can penetrate into reality?!"

"We actually speculated before we came here that it might be that the supercomputer, which is the main server of the game, is connected to the federal network and predicted our trajectory and what we will encounter through big data..."

Su Keying on the side whispered.

But Polaris dismissed this speculation.

He shook his head and said decisively:

"Even with big data, it's impossible to be so accurate!"

Polaris took a deep breath and stared at the others.

"And, I can tell you very clearly, I..."

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally took out a deck of cards, and threw it into the air while grandma left for a short time.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, these cards were suspended in the air for two seconds before they fell powerlessly.

"Extraordinary power...brought to reality?!"

Everyone present was stunned.

At this time, Dongyang suddenly realized that the moment he almost got into a car accident, it might be because he inherited the extraordinary power in the game that he avoided death.

So he quickly recounted his experience again, corroborating the Polaris case.

"So, is this true?! We will all have extraordinary powers in reality..."

Goutoujin and the others raised their volume.

Soon, Polaris and Dongyang stopped him with warning eyes.


Dongyang's face was solemn, and he raised his finger to silence.

"A long time ago, the chairman Xiaoguang mentioned to me privately that there are actually superhumans in the Federal Ether Core, but I didn't care about it at the time... Now that I think about it, whether it's official politicians or scientists, they They are all members of Zhanlan Holy Cult, what do you think of?"

"The church in the game?!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"No wonder..."

Polaris murmured.

"It's no wonder that the three consortiums of Flash Eagle, Doug, and Amnesiac Dancer, as well as other consortiums, have spared no effort to settle in "The Age of Mysteries"... There are extraordinary secrets hidden in this game, which can also be brought into reality. Behind this must be the Azure Sacred Cult the meaning of!"

"We can't continue talking, that's all for today!"

Dongyang realized something and interrupted quickly.

He stood up and solemnly said to everyone present:
"I can say very responsibly that the secrets involved in this matter are fatal, and no one can leak them out, let alone let others suspect that we know the truth... In the future, the offline communication of supernatural things must be kept secret, and we must not take it lightly, otherwise the armed forces will The Mobile Force, and even senior officials from the Aether Division will come to your door, and you all know the consequences."

"We know that we will never leak anything out!"

Everyone quickly agreed.

At this time, Wei Yin took out a dozen finger-sized color chips, and said mysteriously:

"This is the key card of my private villa. It can be used as our secret base. We will communicate there in the future..."

Everyone was surprised.

Is this the strength of a rich woman?
(End of this chapter)

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