I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 621 The Building Will Fall

Chapter 621 The building will collapse (ask for a monthly ticket!)

the present.

Tresul Empire, Royal City Tourmaline Kloster.

In the bright blue sky, it seemed that a layer of translucent "film" was torn off, and the clouds were pushed away by an invisible force, leaving a bright circular area.

Straight down, it is the royal city built on the mountain.

At this time, a ray of light fell from the sky out of thin air, and the light source seemed to come from another world.

Countless residents looked up at the strange celestial phenomenon with doubts on their faces.

Immediately after the second ray of light, the third ray, the fourth ray...

Until a brilliant brilliance fell, the residents of Wangcheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What the hell is that?!"

"The... second sun?!"

"Oh, my father! This, this is incredible!"

However, it is the "second sun" that these ordinary people call, exuding terrible high temperature, shaped like a golden star, slowly emerging from "another world", and then suddenly falling!
"Fall, fall!"



Women were screaming in horror, children were crying, and the upper and lower urban areas of Wangcheng were in chaos. The crowd was in a panic, the horses were frightened and ran wildly, and loud noises could be heard from the end of the street from time to time.

The dignitaries in the central area, and even the clergy of the Church of the Seven Gods all looked up, staring dumbfounded at the golden-red star, like a meteorite, or a huge fireball, getting bigger and bigger in sight...

Leaders of the church such as Sister Olmedo were shocked, because they, high-ranking people, recognized at a glance——

That is not a "second sun", nor is it a natural phenomenon.


Sun King Andre Trisul!
To be precise, it was his remains!

"how come?!"

"The Sun King...has fallen?!"

"In the end what happened?!"

The high-ranking people who witnessed this scene couldn't help being shocked, and they felt unbelievable emotions.

They just feel their scalps go numb.

Emperor Andrei, who ended the war at the end of the Fourth Era, unified the continent and created the Fifth Era, fell so suddenly!
What did he die for?

Who killed him? !
Confusion accompanied by shock, lingered in the hearts of all the high-ranking people.

With their unanimous gazes, they could clearly see that the surface of the star that radiated high temperature and golden light was covered with a thick layer of pale crystals.

"That is……"

"The power of the King in Cang Yi!"

"Your Majesty the Sun King, did he die at the hands of the King in Green Clothes?!"

"Chaos! The order is out of order!!"

"Can't even Emperor Andre stop him..."

In the exclamation of countless people.

The huge golden star seemed to be slow, but it hit the highest point of the royal city quickly and straightly.

There, it is the end of the white marble staircase, where the Sun Palace is located!
Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, the entire royal city was shaken for a while.

Millions of residents of the royal city were at a loss in the atmosphere of boiling panic. The crowd looked at the Sun Palace on the top of the mountain, where it had already turned into a sea of ​​flames!
"The palace is gone..."

"My God! Why is this?!"

"Did the martyr no longer bless the Trisur Empire?"

The crowd was terrified, and the residents of Wangcheng felt uneasy.

The fire on the top of the mountain became more and more raging and began to spread downwards. Terrible pollution spread along with the light and heat. Many residents felt sick and dizzy from a distance, fell to the ground and vomited. What's more, they burned themselves to death on the spot.

The official response was extremely quick, but conventional means were useless.

The public security and disaster relief departments were helpless, and the surviving members of the royal family immediately sought help from the church area of ​​the Hailing Regiment, but the head priest Camacho there expressed that he was powerless.

Even if he just saw the huge golden star on the top of the mountain from a distance, he felt terrified, let alone approaching him and using the sequence ability to put out the fire...

That is simply a fantasy!

Even if it is a saint, whoever dares to get close will die!

As the fire spread, the central area was almost reduced to ruins.

The square burned endlessly in the fire, the trees fell down wailing, the original green flower garden turned into a sea of ​​red flames, the streets were scorched black, and the exquisite and gorgeous buildings collapsed one by one...

Countless residents died tragically here, but more surviving people dragged their families and rushed to the big elevator.

The carriage was blocked by the tight crowd, screams and roars were accompanied by chaotic loud noises one after another, and a chorus called panic was staged.

Due to the large number of fleeing people and the overload of the large elevator, there was commotion at the upper and lower entrances, and even the guards of the public security station could hardly control the order.

Chaos, noise, panic...

Everything has lost the peace of the past.


Princess Anna Trisul was escorted by seven light-bathed holy guards, and borrowed their mighty power to float in the sky, overlooking the royal city below in a daze.

I saw that the once prosperous and solemn city was now shrouded in flames and fear.

That dazzling star smashed down the top of the mountain.

The originally majestic golden palace was turned into ruins, leaving only a huge pothole.

The star is lying in the center, and it is constantly pumping out light and heat.

"Father... really fell?!"

Anna's voice trembled.

Behind him, a Yuguang Sacred Guard said in a hoarse voice with a grimace on his face:
"Your Highness, my condolences... According to the latest information from the Church of the Sun, His Majesty the Sun King personally pursued the King in Green Clothes, and a battle of gods took place in the spirit world. Twelve angels including the King of Slaughter, the Three Painful Ladies, Dagon, and the God of Cats They appeared one after another, and even the true gods such as Madame Qiangwei, Miss Shengshu and even Liefu performed miracles!"

He paused for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and finally said:
"His Majesty the Sun King fell under the sword of the King in Green Clothes, and the latter was also killed by the punishment of Lie Father... During this period, the eldest prince Anuo appeared and unfortunately fell!"

Princess Anna's body shook violently.

She was pale and her eyes were empty.

"Father, and brother, all..."

"His Royal Highness! Please cheer up!"

Another Yuguang Shengwei said in a deep voice.

"Right now, you are the only one who is qualified to assume power in the Sun Royal Family and maintain the order that is near collapse... Beelzebub, Byron, and Shuo Li are at war with the empire. Without your leadership, the empire is in jeopardy!"

Anna Trisul didn't answer.

She seemed to be in a daze, staring blankly at the chaotic royal city.


"Why did Jack kill his father? Has he really been corrupted by darkness? Now that he is dead, there is no answer...Brother Arnuo, I will never see him again..."

The seven Yuguang Shengwei behind him looked at each other.

They all saw deep worry from the faces of their companions.

The body of the Sun King fell from the spiritual world to the present world, directly destroying the central area of ​​the royal city. Unknown number of members of the royal family died in this sudden disaster. Right now, only Princess Anna has a direct bloodline and has the right to inherit the empire.

If she is decadent, then the empire lacking leadership is likely to be eaten by the three major kingdoms, and the order that His Majesty Andre spent thousands of years to stabilize will be wiped out.

Tears welled up in Anna's eyes.

Crystal tears fell and were evaporated by the terrifying fire in mid-air.

At this time, there was a slight crackling sound from below...

Anna and the Yuguang Sacred Guards couldn't help being stunned.

I saw the golden star gradually cooling down, turning into a huge spectacle with crystals on its surface like red agate.

The rising smoke billowed, and in the big pit, lichens composed of pale crystals continued to diffuse outwards, covering the entire royal city at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"The power of the King of Green Clothes still remains in His Majesty's remains, and now the combination of the two has turned into a terrifying spectacle comparable to a dark pollution source... Your Majesty Anna, the Royal City can't stay anymore, and soon, Tourmaline Kloster It will surely turn into a Jedi!"

A Yuguang Shengwei said quickly.

Anna stared at her feet, overlooking the royal city that was gradually turning pale.

half an hour.

She wiped away her tears, and determination flashed in her eyes.

"Help me contact the Church of the Sun. I want to use the 'Day Obelisk' to announce the obituary of my father to the entire empire... and as Queen Anna, lead them to resist the invasion! Rebuild their homeland!"

She spoke softly.

The Yuguang Sacred Guards looked upright, with hope in their eyes.

Finally, Princess Anna pointed to the crimson star below, and solemnly declared:

"In addition, the royal city was relocated in my name, Tourmaline Kloster was officially abandoned, and it was divided into a forbidden area, which cannot be entered for thousands of miles... This is the place where the father's bones are buried, and it is also the 'Agate King Monument' that will always alert Trisul!"

Spirit world.

Under the shattered sky.

on the broken ground.

All around was pale.

The martyr's father still straddles here, blocking the vision and shining white light all the time.

The angels hadn't left yet, they stood there facing each other, silent.

Scorching Sun Anuo, the King of Cang Yi and his nuns died one after another under the punishment of Lie Father. The pale light beam first shattered their bodies, and then pierced through the barrier of the spirit world.

The body of the Sun King fell from the void into the present world.

Before that, the [Sunshine Spear] and the two copies of the unique divinity of the sun path separated out by him were all picked up by three black-robed angels.

During this process, no one intervened to stop it.

It wasn't until the angels in black robes planned to continue to take away the two copies of the only divinity of Scorching Sun, and the three cards left behind by the King of Green Clothes that Maggie, the cat god, stood up angrily.

But in the next second, white light suddenly fell.

The cat god stepped back in fear, not daring to take another step forward.

Only unwilling and sad eyes stared straight at the sun.

This is the father's warning.

No one here dares to covet these "trophies"...

The three black-robed angels were about to bend down and continue to pick them up.

But right now.

They froze in unison.

The expressions of the angels also changed dramatically.

Because in everyone's sight, at some point, a middle-aged man in a velvet robe suddenly appeared.

He picked up the only divinity of the sun and the card on the ground like no one else.

He straightened up again, revealing his true face.

The man has short black hair, a learned temperament, deep facial features, a pair of round-frame glasses on a high nose bridge, and his eyes are as vast as the universe.

"The true god of magic, Mr. Jingyao..."

Unspeakable astonishment rose in the hearts of the angels.

Although they know that Mr. Jingyao has not fallen, this true god has disappeared for tens of thousands of years and has never appeared since the fourth era... According to legend, after chasing and killing Ni Weng to no avail, he searched for the source of knowledge , heading towards the outer universe, never to return.

Didn't expect him to appear here!
"Kingsley Wordsworth, everything should be done in moderation. You should know this truth better than anyone else."

Mr. Jing Yao raised his head and said with his hands behind his back.

The white light remained the same, but Liefu didn't make any response.

But in the next second, the three black-robed angels seemed to have received some message. They were shocked, and then they took a silent step back, rising up with the white light, and gradually disappeared in the spirit world.

The angels suddenly realized.

Lie father, he compromised...

(End of this chapter)

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