I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 630 Amazing Discovery

Chapter 630 Surprising Discovery (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

Ke Lu's body fell down.

The four knights came back to their senses.

"Neil Lucius! You bloody bastard!"

"catch him!"

"Master Baron Miller must be informed of this matter as soon as possible!"

They yelled a few times, and immediately drew out the crossed swords around their waists in unison, each of them was wearing full metal armor and an oval helmet like a steel egg, and rushed over.

Neil grinned.

He threw away the scythe in his hand with a clang. This thing couldn't cut through knight armor at all. Only Kelu, who was wearing leather armor, was killed by his sneak attack. For the next battle, he still had to use regular weapons.

So he immediately picked up Ke Lu's saber, and after pulling it out, he faced the four knights head-on.

It's hard to describe this battle.

The nearly a hundred militiamen who were watching were stunned, from the beheading of the young master Kelu to the confrontation between the "dumb" boy and the four knights.

They all just froze in place.

He neither dared to step forward to help, nor dared to leave rashly.

Everyone exclaimed incessantly, staring at the dazzling fight.

The sword skills of the four knights are very exquisite. At the same time, even though they are wearing armor weighing tens of kilograms, their bodies are not clumsy. They use swords, maneuvers, and even use knee kicks and elbows to display various fighting skills, which is quite powerful.

But Neil's performance was even more beyond their expectations.

Originally thought that this little guy just took advantage of the convenience of a sneak attack to kill the unsuspecting Master Kelu, who had just become a knight. The four knights of his side shot together, and he should be able to capture him without any effort.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they fought, the faces of the four changed drastically!

This boy's strength is too strong!
I saw Neil holding the cross sword tightly, using the tip of the sword and the body of the sword to pick or deflect, hitting the incoming sword with precision, making a crisp sound of striking and sparks, but in fact, the force had already been deflected. oblique transfer.

His figure was twisted in a weird way, sometimes bending over, sometimes leaning back, and the hand holding the sword was swinging...

At first glance, he is not fighting for life and death.

It's dancing!
Weird, bizarre and murderous dance!

There was a clear sound.

The cross sword in Neil's hand trembled several times in a row, parried a knight's sword, and quickly popped out like a poisonous snake hunting, hitting the man's throat.

The sharp point of the sword easily pierced into the lock's neck guard, piercing his neck in half!


The sword in the knight's hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

He clutched the bleeding wound on his neck and fell headlong.

The other three knights only felt the cold rushing from their hearts to their heads!
Neil Lucius...

This little guy lives under their noses every day, and no one knows better than them what an ordinary boy he is.

Wielding a practice sword on weekdays is enough. Even Neil, who can be easily trampled by Master Fogg, can now compete with knights like them who have experienced fighting on the battlefield.

No, to be precise, it is one against four, and they will be suppressed!
"You're not Neil Lucius!"

"His thumb should have been chopped off by Baron Miller!"

"The devil! He must have made a deal with the devil in exchange for the power of flames. This is obviously the 'fire dance' that church priests only possess!"

The voices of the knights came out excitedly from under the helmets.

Neil's face was twisted and ferocious, his eyes were filled with the pleasure and excitement of revenge, he simply stopped pretending, and said in a deep voice:
"I endured humiliation for two years, just for today... Everyone in the Dutt family, as well as your accomplices, are all going to die!"

Dangdang! !

He used his sword skills with all his strength, parried the long sword, and immediately ran into the arms of a knight with swift steps, knocking him into the air with a standard shoulder.

The cross sword in his hand followed closely behind, slashing across his neck.

Blood splattered.

Neil never looked at the knight again, and danced the killing dance towards the remaining two knights.

The ending was no surprise.

In unbelievable emotion, the two knights were killed by Neil with a cross sword through their throats.

Not long after, Neil held the bloody cross sword, and the corpses of Kelu and the four knights lay beside his feet, and turned to look coldly at the militiamen.

"Master Neil!"

"I implore Lord Neil to forgive me!"

"We were also forced to do nothing. After Lord Birch died in battle, the adults in our villages and even the knight leaders did not actually succumb to that despicable guy Miller Dutt..."

"Now that you have killed Keludut, I am willing to serve you, and only you are qualified to inherit the Black Horn collar!"

The militiamen dropped their farm tools and weapons and knelt down to salute the young man.

Their faces were full of awe, and a small number of them showed expressions of joy and expectation...

These people have lived in the Black Horn Territory for generations, and they have feelings for the original lord Lucius's family. They surrendered to Baron Miller before, but the situation forced them. Now Neil, as the only surviving bloodline, has enough strength. The militia Most of them are willing to join its ranks.

"Thank you."

Neil had no expression on his face and said something flat.

He took a deep breath.

He raised his finger and pointed at a few familiar militiamen, temporarily appointed him as the captain, and ordered him to lead the team into the main building of the castle and bring out the Dutt family.

"Yes, Lord Neil!"

Four or five relatively burly men picked up the ax and machete again, shouted, and rushed to the main building of Fort Blackhorn with a crowd of militiamen.

The door of the main building was closed tightly. Obviously, the battle just now had already attracted the attention of the people inside.

Individual guards didn't dare to resist at all, quickly discarded their weapons, prostrated themselves on the ground, and were bound and controlled by the militia again.

The door was knocked open, and a woman's scream came from inside.

Neil just sneered, then looked away.

He turned around, bent down and groped for Kelu's headless corpse, found a silver lion's head token, quickly took off the leather armor on him, and put it on himself.

Compared with fully enclosed knight armor, Neil prefers lighter leather armor, which is more conducive to his good swordsmanship.

He then proceeded to search for loot on the remaining four knights.

Complete knight armor, helmets, and cross swords are very valuable and rare strategic materials. Often such a set of knight equipment is equivalent to the income of hundreds of farmers who have worked hard for a year.

If a territory can make up twenty sets of such equipment, it can be regarded as extremely rich.


There was a crisp click.

Neil took off a knight's helmet and looked at the man with wide eyes and distorted expression. He recognized the man as Kurus, and he called him "Uncle Straw" when he was a child.

He poked the corpse's head.

His fingers suddenly stiffened.

At this moment, Chen Lun, who possessed Neil's body, also discovered something extremely incredible——

'Um?This is? ! '

Chen Lun's perception, together with Neil's line of sight, was placed behind the corpse's ear, where there was a small, rectangular strip-shaped black indentation, and a perfect circular indentation below.

Neil looked at the "wound" with a puzzled face, unable to understand what it was.

But Chen Lun was too familiar with him——

Data interface!

This is clearly the "Zhanlan 2070 protocol data interface" that was popularized in 1.0 AD in the previous life, and every newborn must be equipped with it!
'It can't be wrong... Even the interval between the black dots next to the input port is exactly the same. This is definitely a data interface, but why? '

Chen Lun was quite shocked.

He immediately asked Neil to examine the bodies of the other three knights, and even Kelu's head was picked up for examination.

The results were without exception.

Behind the left ears of these people, there is a strip-shaped and circular notch hidden. Chen Lun suddenly realized that the so-called "baptism of redemption" is very likely to place data interfaces on these people!

'Since the data interface is installed, it must be necessary to transmit data or download data... Is there any large-scale technological equipment of the Federation inside the Church of Redemption?But how does this make sense? ! '

Chen Lun was shocked by the facts at the moment, and his thoughts could not help but diverge.

'So these so-called "knights" are actually programmed with some kind of combat skills, or chips?How does the Outer Continent relate to reality...'

this moment.

He suddenly thought of the dream he had had.

In the dream, Duke Huan reminded him that the last bookmark of the four seasons is particularly important, and the clue lies in the outer continent...

'Could it have anything to do with the Church of Redemption? '

Chen Lun calmed down and thought carefully.

He decided to continue to use the "probe" of Neil to investigate the Church of Redemption in depth, so as to find the important clues he needs!
"Your Excellency Snake, this... what is this?"

Neil pointed to the data interface and asked in his heart.

Chen Lun replied flatly:
"The biggest secret of the Church of Redemption is also the source of the knight's power."

"So it is."

Neal was stunned.

At this time, he suddenly heard fierce yelling, even hysterical roaring:

"Let go of me! You damned pariahs! I am the son of a baron, how dare you treat me so roughly?!"

Neil's eyes turned cold.

He stood up slowly, turned his head, and looked at Master Fogg indifferently.

This guy was only wearing pajamas, and was being supported by two burly militiamen, and he knelt down in front of Neil.

"Neil! How dare you bastard do this?!"

Fokker looked up at Neil with a grim expression.

The humble man in front of him, who used to be unable to fight back, was now wearing a leather armor, holding a cross sword in his hand, looking down at him with dignity.

This made Falk feel absurd and angry in his heart.

The huge gap made him forget the situation he was in.

The old butler Rolf, a dozen maids and servants, the three wives of Baron Miller, and the eight young heirs of the Dutt family all knelt on the ground, looking at the blond boy with horror.

"Brother Neil, don't kill me!"

"Please don't hurt me!"

"Neil, I breastfed you when I was a child, do you remember? Please show mercy and don't hurt your younger siblings..."

Crying and begging continued.

Neil turned a blind eye.

With a bang, he raised his cross sword and aimed it at Fogg's eyes.

The latter is a thrill.

The originally fierce expression suddenly distorted.

It turned into fear in an instant.

"Don't...don't kill me! Neil! Kill me, and you're done!"


Neil's eyes were tyrannical, and the cross sword turned.

With a puff, Fukdut's head spun and fell to the ground, and fell in front of his younger brothers and sisters amidst screams and cries.

He kept moving, and the sword edge slashed across the necks of these people one by one, killing everyone in the Dutt family.

Blood was spilled all over the ground, and corpses were scattered all over the place.

The militiamen looked at each other without saying a word, they were all intimidated by a fifteen or sixteen year old boy.

Among the captured people, Neil only left one person alive, and that was the old butler Rolf.

"Rolf, you have served my Lucius family for decades, and you have taken good care of me on weekdays. I won't kill you."

Neil's face was stained with blood, and he looked at the old man coldly with his sword in his hand.

The old butler was trembling, knelt on the ground and lowered his head.

"Master Neil, I am incompetent and cannot help you!"

"I just need you to do one thing for me. If you do it well, you will still be the steward of Blackhorn Castle. If you don't do it well, you will have to die."

Neil said lightly.

"What's the matter? Neil... my lord?"

Butler Rolf asked anxiously.

Neil took out a pre-written letter and handed it over.

"Ride on horseback to Yadan, and deliver the letter to Baron Shabatai."

The old butler took the letter and was slightly taken aback.

Neil looked up at the sky beyond the castle.

Next, he will lead people to catch up with Uncle Miller and give them a fatal blow!
"None of you can escape!"

After half a day.

The incident at Blackhorn Fort spread and fermented.

None of the citizens thought that the heir of the former lord, the young master Neil Lucius, would kill four Lord Knights with one against four in front of hundreds of people!

In addition, Uncle Miller Dutt's family was killed!

That was an existence that everyone feared, but Neil, who was only half a boy, actually killed four of them!He also left the territory with the rest of the militia!
Countless people were horrified and inexplicable, thinking that Neil was blessed by the God of Fire to obtain such supernatural power.

But there are also some people who believe that Neil was able to gain such power in just two years, mostly because he was bewitched by demons.

It is the power he bought with his soul.

These voices were quietly passed into the Redemption Church and into the ears of Pastor Jordan.

The old pastor was standing in front of the statue of the Candlestick Goddess, praying, with a serious expression on his face.

In the past two years, he has actually been following Neil secretly, so he knows him quite well... Otherwise, he would not have proposed to give him asylum at the mass a month ago.

But now it seems that Neil's performance is completely beyond his imagination.

Pastor Jordan didn't think that Neil's past was hiding his clumsiness, let alone the so-called "miracle" that allowed him to suddenly gain power.

He is even more biased, and it is the work of the devil.

"Could it be that Neil Lucius is really possessed by a demon... If that's the case, then it must be an extremely powerful demon, who was able to escape the test of the 'Candlelight Ceremony'!"

Priest Jordan took a deep breath.

Just in case, he decided to report this matter to the church as soon as possible. No matter whether Neil was possessed by a demon or not, it would never be wrong to let the church check him.

"I hope not, oh..."

 I wish you all a happy Children's Day!

(End of this chapter)

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