Chapter 643 Conspiracy
"Noah, congratulations, you will be able to serve as the bishop of the church soon... and I am just a little nun doing odd jobs."

Maggie said with a smile.

Noah scratched the back of his head embarrassingly.

"Don't say that, Miss Maggie."

He raised his finger, and the shadow instantly spread across the entire room. The corpses of those white cat missionaries were immediately shrouded in pitch-black "shadow coffins", and immediately condensed into a ball, which was collected in Noah's palm.

"Go back, send them back to my king's kingdom of God, and sleep beside my king..."

Noah said softly.

Maggie also took back the idea of ​​joking, and nodded seriously.

After the Polaris team said goodbye to Noah, they also left separately. Although the S-level mission failed this time, the main purpose of Brother Beizi has actually been achieved, and the next step is to start preparing for the promotion of the saint.

Everyone in the team was very happy about this.

Moreover, they got in touch with the Dawn Church, and they found the organization, and they might be able to join in the future at any time.

Wait for everyone to leave.

Outside the empty and dead residential buildings, only the sound of gunfire and artillery continued.

More than ten minutes later, the air fluctuated and twisted, and three straight figures walked out of it. The leader was none other than President McNeil of the History and Ceremony Association.

His eyes froze for an instant, looking at the corpse on the ground, he was silent for a while.

"Shaquille is dead."

McNeill sighed.

Behind him, a woman in a brown turtleneck trench coat said:

"Dawn Church is not that easy to deal with, he is careless."

McNeil didn't answer.

With a sullen face, he waved his hand.

clap la la...

The sound of pages turning suddenly sounded all around.

The large, empty room seemed to be covered with a layer of dim light.

The outlines of the floor, ceiling, walls, and windows began to be pulled away, layered upon layer, exuding a dull color, and then, as if going back in time, the picture began to go back.

From Noah and others entering the room, to Shaquille's arrival, and just as he had time to make a move, he was hypnotized by the singing, and was immediately covered by shadows until he fell to the ground and died...

Chairman McNeill and the two "Seven Sages of Secret Keepers" behind him watched silently without saying a word.

The "replay" picture was reflected in their eyes.

Soon, McNeill's fingers moved slightly, and the scene went back again, but this time, it stopped when the magic scroll appeared and Noah's singing sounded.

"That's the key to Shaquille's demise."

McNeil said lightly.

Another male sage with long hair and shawl spoke:
"A scroll made by the demigod of magic, which contains angel-level hypnotic power... This is the breath of Sighing Lady Dominia."

The female sage said in a deep voice:

"This group of people came prepared. Not only did Shaquille's trap fail, but he was caught on his own neck... It even made the young priest a success and helped him transform into the [dark side]."

"The Church of Dawn has been hiding in the old spiritual world, and we don't have much information. Now it seems that the three ladies of pain have become the objects of the Church of Dawn. Excluding the known god of cats, there are four slave gods. Angels, including Ms. Dim, the king of angels, are indeed difficult to deal with..."

McNeill said, and looked at Alex again.

"This guy is very strange. Be careful when you meet him in the future. I suspect that he is a fictional character of an angel of fate. He has the characteristics of immortality and a powerful monster."

The two people behind listened to the president's words and nodded solemnly.

McNeill took a step forward, and the demigod of the earth [Grave Digger]'s sequence ability was activated, and his figure was covered with a layer of dim light, as if blending into the picture of history.

He walked straight to Alex's "corpse", bent down and took off a Ouroboros-shaped ring from his finger.

Yet at this moment.

McNeil frowned.

"Anti-divination spooks? Or to promote power..."

He murmured, and his face turned cold immediately.

"The aura of the King in Cang Yi, huh, he has been dead for so long, and still wants to protect these people under his command?"

McNeill clenched his palms tightly and pulled the snake ring out of the history with all his strength. There seemed to be a painful hissing around him, and the other two members of the "Seven Sages of Secrets" saw a picture transmitted from afar. Come.

It was a small white snake, curled up in the hands of the young man with glasses, and then lost its breath of life.

Both of them heard the young man's exclamation.

Can't help but sneer happily.

"With this token, His Majesty the Roller will definitely be satisfied."

McNeil opened his palm, his faint eyes staring at his palm.

The snake ring covered with a faint yellow color was lying quietly.

In the depths of the spirit world, in a secret space artificially opened up.

There is a vast expanse of ice here.

The biting cold wind blew violently, carrying snowflakes as sharp as knives, roughly washing the entire snow-white world.

In the depths of the heavy snow with extremely low visibility, an unpretentious stone round table was placed on the vast ice surface, surrounded by a dozen figures of various sizes.

"As the host of this party, I would like to offer you a toast first."

Gentleman Snow picked up the wine glass carved from ice crystals and said with a smile.

The feathered hat with slanted edges and the white fur cloak on His head danced in the wind, like an elf in the snow.

Everyone was silent, but raised their cups symbolically as a signal.

In the quiet environment, only the eloquent earl with the flower hat said:


half an hour.

Dressed in an ancient khaki bishop's uniform and wearing a high hat, the mummy-like curler played with a snake ring in his hand and hissed:
"I have obtained the key to enter the 'Wonderland', Garcia, are you interested in participating?"

Dagon sitting at the other end of the round table frowned slightly.

"The 'Fairyland' is the Kingdom of Cangwang, and its predecessor was the old spirit world... Not only is there the cat god inhabited there, but now there are three ladies of pain joining in. Are you sure you want to rush in like this?"

"That's why I chose to cooperate with 'Esoteric Cult'."

The scroller smiled lowly.

"With the help of the ancient gods, the cat god and the three ladies of pain are no longer obstacles... After you and I enter the fairyland together, we will give priority to gaining power. Even if there is any accident that makes things impossible, we must destroy the fairyland and destroy the world A promotion ceremony where the king may exist."

Dagon Garcia pondered.

His eyes swept across the ancient gods around the round table. Among these existences, the weakest ones were all angel ranks, and the strongest Mister Gudao even faintly overwhelmed him.

This made Dagon more confident.

"Destroy the fairyland... Are you planning to force King Cang to take action, thereby interrupting his angel promotion ceremony?"


The examiner said lightly.

At this time, squatting on the chair, the hat boy who was hiding most of his body in the retro pointed hat said sharply:
"What are you going to do? Leonid...Don't forget, what we want is 'Never Return'. If you can't win it for us, then cooperation is out of the question."

"There is no 'non-return home', and cooperation is out of the question."

The earl of tongue-in-cheek repeated.

The scroller glanced at the hat boy, hissed and laughed:

"Of course I will not forget this important cooperation condition, but to be on the safe side, the plan is to use the Pope of the Dawn Church as the starting point... In his hands, he is in charge of the authority of the fairyland."

"A mere saint, leave it to me at that time."

With a bird head and a human body, the emerald bird in a dress said lightly.

Mr. Gudao, who is the most burly and burly, spoke in a powerful voice:
"Then I'll be responsible for dealing with the God of Cats. The three ladies of pain will be handed over to the commander, Gentleman Xue and Xiangshan, and the rest of the secret sect members will follow you two together, how about it?"

The scroller and Dagon pondered for a while, and agreed to the proposal.


At night, a round of bright moon hangs.

This is the "spectacle" that Floy spent several years to barely use the power of [Les Miserables] and Wonderland to create.

Countless fairyland residents marveled, praised, and even sang.

Every night, in the City of Cats and the City of Light, many residents look up at the moon and pray to the gods in their hearts.

But what they don't know is.

The purpose of Pope Floyd's move is pure and simple.

He is just waiting for a person for a vow.

Above the huge round pale star.

In the silent darkness, a simple three-story apartment stands here, surrounded by a vast gray land without any life.

On the first floor of the apartment, there is a flower shop surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, filled with all kinds of flowers, and there are two cups of steaming scented tea on the table.

On the side of the door of the apartment, there is a metal nameplate.

"Seven Denton Street".

half an hour.

A figure came down from the second floor.

It was Floyd who was wearing a black dress and an apron on his chest. With a smile on his lips, he walked into the flower shop alone with two plates of food.

Putting down the dinner plate, he elegantly tied down the apron, folded it neatly and put it aside, then sat alone on the chair, staring out the window in a daze.

The beautiful purple eyes are reflecting the dead darkness and the empty gray land.

"Five years, Lord Jack..."

the girl murmured.

"Floy is already on the moon, but why haven't you come back?"

He raised his right hand, looked at the two rings on the middle finger and the ring finger, and fell into reminiscence and contemplation.

It was an ivory snake ring, and a ring inlaid with purple gemstones.

The thoughts in Floyd's heart are increasing day by day, which is especially suitable for this lonely environment, and is in stark contrast to the bustling and lively fairyland world under the moon.

He has now reached the end of the Black Sun Sequence Four [Undead], and all the conditions have been met early, but he has never attempted the promotion ceremony of the Sequence Three and a half god [Ember].

"The Ember, the one who survives the fire, lives to die..."

Floy murmured.

"But I dare not, Mrs. Jack... Floy is afraid that I will never see you again, and I am worried that I will fail your entrustment, and no one can control Wonderland."

I don't know how long has passed.

The scented tea and meals are completely cold.


Floy was awakened from her daze by the sound of prayer.

He sighed and walked out of the flower shop slowly.

As soon as he went out, His image suddenly changed. The original casual black dress turned into a large and solemn black robe and cloak, with the Pope's crown on his head.

His expression also became indifferent.

Floy turned into a ray of black light, descended from the moon, and landed straight in front of the Dawn Church in the City of Cats.

Noah, Maggie and Alex are all waiting quietly.

Seeing that Noah had been promoted to Conspirator Saint, Floyd's eyes flashed with surprise, but before he had time to congratulate, he saw Noah hastily raised his hand.

In the open palm is a small white snake curled up into a ball that has lost its breath of life.

"Please forgive me, Pope Floyd. The white snake left by Mr. Jack was destroyed by the enemy in my hands..."

Floy frowned slightly.

He took the white snake's body carefully, and after a while, he said coldly:

"History and Ritual Society!"

(End of this chapter)

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