Chapter 653
From the "deceitful corpse" of the scavenger leaving the field, to the retreat of Dagon and Mr. Gudao, until the "Golden Wall" was re-blocked, it was only a few breaths.

However, in such a short period of time, this small episode hastened the process of the downfall of the worldly sect...

The King in Cang Yi beheaded the commander, and temporarily lost his opponent. He began to roam the arena recklessly, looking for opportunities to play tricks, making the remaining angels fearful.

No one knows who the next target to be decapitated is!
Like an invisible ghost, following behind him all the time, the omen of death soared to the extreme, as if at any time he could hear the horrifying sound of the blade slicing across the back of the neck and scratching the bones of the cervical spine.

But no matter how vigilant the scroll-keeper and other angels are, accidents always happen.

Either the terrain suddenly changed unpredictablely, or he "ignored" some details inexplicably, resulting in frequent mistakes in battle.

The angels on the scroller's side are quite clear that behind these "accidents" are their own destiny lines, which were instigated by an invisible hand, causing the original development track to take a sharp turn downwards, leading to an irreversible and terrible situation. abyss……


Gentleman Snow, who was fighting the silent lady Margaret, was standing on an ice field created by him. The huge "weasel" with snow-white wings on its back had just fought with the dark demon wolf, and its head flew out of thin air.

A look of astonishment appeared on the spinning mouse's head.

Although he was fully vigilant, he still didn't notice the trace of King Cang, and he didn't even catch the slightest sign of the other party's attack...

terrible! !
These are the last thoughts of Mr. Snow.

As an eternal existence, an angel-level ancient god, of course He will not die because of losing his head, but the key point is that there are indelible "crystals" and "strings" on Cangwang's sword blade.

Once they are injured, they will penetrate everywhere, scrambling to corrode the body and spirit... So to be precise, Lady Laughing and the commander did not die from the slashing, but died from the erosion.

Gentleman Snow could clearly perceive that in the short moment when he was decapitated, he had experienced several rounds of "competition" in terms of personality, weight and resistance.

But the result was a disastrous failure.

His gradually quiet consciousness seemed to be able to see a tall pale figure standing at the end of his life, overlooking himself with indifferent eyes, and condemning himself to death with a cross sword.

That is King Cang.

The King of Pale Clothes, Jack Speight.

After the other party becomes eternal, it is impossible for an ordinary angel to be his opponent. In the fairyland, the other party can hunt wantonly even from a god-level angel by virtue of his personality comparable to that of a true god...

Gentleman Snow regretted entering the fairyland, but it was too late.

Bang! !

Snow Gentleman's head crashed down, shattering the ice sheet.

A piece of snow-white ground cracked like a mirror, and the huge, headless, two-winged creature in the center instantly turned into a crystal sculpture, losing its breath.

"Mr. dead...I...have nowhere to escape..."

A tall and thin fir tree made of endless soil and gravel is standing in the torrential flood. A round of expressionless human faces emerge on the surface, and the mouth is slowly whispering.

"This is fate... the final fate of the ancient gods... to return to the embrace of no return... what Mr. Clough once said to me... the prophecy..."


An invisible sword curtain fell from top to bottom.

On Xiangshan's face, however, she closed her eyes and showed a relieved smile.

The smiling face instantly split and split in two.

When the crystals covered His body, at first glance, it looked like a pale flower bud blooming on the surface of the sea.

The "God of Solid Sealing" Xiang Shan, has fallen!

The God of Cats, the Three Painful Ladies, Xi Ke, and the Gatekeeper all showed surprise... Although they also couldn't perceive the existence of Cang Wang, they could make up a scene in their brains through the posture of the enemy angel being decapitated. An invisible figure wandered around the arena with the cross sword in his hand.

This is a fairyland, his home field!
He is the king here, the only ruler here!

On the withered face of the curator Leonid, the expression was stiff.

He lowered his head, and saw a thin wound appear out of thin air on his left chest, and blood gushed out... The heart in the chest cavity was twisted to pieces, and countless microscopic particles shone with pale light, flowing through the whole body along the blood.

In the blink of an eye, an ivory white cross sword covered with beautiful patterns quietly came into view, stained with his own blood, and his gray and emaciated face was reflected on the shiny sword.

The sword tip reflects the light of the scorching sun in the fairyland, gorgeous and dazzling.


The tall crown of the Curler fell down, revealing a head of dry and messy dark brown long hair, covering His ferocious expression.

Even without turning his head, he could sense that a figure in a pale robe was standing behind him expressionlessly, holding the sword.

Leonid was on the verge of running out of sanity.

He is also powerless to fight.

Raising his head, the scroller saw that the Cat God, the Three Painful Ladies, Xike, the Gatekeeper and Oscar were already standing in front of him, looking at him with pity.

The golden sacred tree in the distance swayed gently in the breeze.

There was silence all around.

"A brand new era is really coming, but has nothing to do with me."

Blood was oozing from the mouth and nose of the scroller, and he was extremely miserable. His mummy-like palm picked up an old sheepskin.

In this process, Oscar and others did not stop it.

Just watched him quietly.

With blood on his fingertips, the scroller wrote on the sheepskin——

"Fifth Era, in mid-June of solar calendar 4428, the mudman obeyed the gods, and the scroller Leonid planned to attack the fairyland and seize the authority of the Cang King... The ancient gods Emerald Bird, Laughing Lady, Thousand Commander, Snow The gentleman is gone, the cedar is gone... Leonid is gone!"

As soon as he stopped his fingers, he laughed inexplicably.

"Greed is indeed the original sin of the earth. It seems that you are indeed more foresight than me, Sid."

"You understand too late, Leonid."

Xike Sid Mitchell just shook his head.

The examiner knew he was going to die, so he smiled and asked:

"Then what about fate? It represents a sad fate. After dominating the Sixth Era, what should the world do... let everything end in tragedy?"

"you are wrong."

Xi Ke said lightly.

"Sadness is left to fate itself... What the world gets is laughter, joy, and beauty."

The examiner couldn't help but startled.

All the angels also shifted their gazes, and looked at the tall figure in pale clothes behind the scroller.

Carrying sorrow in oneself, giving joy to the world?


Is this the mission of the King of Cangyi...

"Haha, this is also the motto left by Duke Huan? Sid."

Leonid laughed hoarsely.

Xi Ke had a serious expression on his face, and said solemnly:
"No, He has never said such a thing, but He has conveyed such facts to the world, to history, and to me, the witness... If it weren't for Huan Gong, this world would have ceased to exist. You can If you don't believe it, you can laugh at it, or even scorn it, but... this is fate."

The scroller's smile gradually disappeared, and he was silent for a while.

"Sorry, I can't understand..."

The crystals gradually spread from his chest to other parts, gradually climbing up his neck and cheeks.

Finally, Leonid whispered:
"But I will give you due respect as the god of the earth, the pioneer of a new era, the creator of a new history, King Cang."

His movements gradually became stiff, and his eyes finally fell on Xi Ke.

"I hate you, Sid, but I also envy you, who can witness a brand new history..."

After finishing speaking, the scroller completely turned into a cold crystal statue.

Xi Kexide sighed, walked forward, bent down and picked up the sheepskin on the ground, after looking at it, he asked the gray-clothed figure:
"King Cang, can I keep this sheepskin?"

Chen Lun was a little surprised.

Xi Ke's attitude towards him is very respectful, out of the tone of equal communication.

"Of course, please."

Chen Lun nodded.

Seeing this, Xi Ke solemnly put him in his arms.

Chen Lun looked around, and immediately raised his hand and spread his five fingers.

Originating from the unique divinity of Ms. Laughing Lady, Chief Commander, Gentleman Snow, Shanshan and Scroller, a total of nine colorful light clusters fall on the palm of my hand.

Except for the two copies of the earth's only divinity of the scroller, the remaining seven are like the "bad luck" authority of the emerald bird, and belong to the only divinity of heretics.

He intends to give these as rewards to the angels present. After all, it is thanks to them that the fairyland can be kept.

The angels, however, were completely uninterested.

"We can't absorb and digest the only divinity of the heretics, and it doesn't have any effect in our hands... You can keep it. Based on my understanding of 'No Return', they may have unexpected effects."

Oscar laughed.

Seeing this, Chen Lun didn't force it, so he put away these unique divinities.

But he took out two copies of the only divinity from the scroller, and handed them to Xi Ke, who was a little stunned.

"King Cang?"

Chen Lun just smiled and said lightly:
"I'll kill Montgomery."

Xi Ke couldn't help but startled.

Of course, he heard the subtext of the other party.

King Cang inherited Duke Huan's last wish, and he is bound to complete the great cause of killing the Seven Gods... and these two unique divinities are the kindness he bestowed upon himself.

He wants to make himself the future Landlord God!

Even though Xi Ke has never had the ambition to become a god, and just wants to live a peaceful life in the hometown of Shengai... But the fate is so strange, when He chose to believe in King Cang and helped the Sun King in the first battle, things developed The direction has already changed.

Recalling what Leonid said to himself just before his death.

Xi Ke couldn't help thinking deeply.

Perhaps, staying in the fairyland in the future, becoming a god believed by the Shuguang Church, and witnessing the opening of a new era by King Cang would be an interesting thing.

"Thank you."

Sid gave an extremely rare thank you.

He took the two copies of the only divinity, and saluted King Cang with his chest.

["Xi Ke" Sid Mitchell's favorability for you has increased! 】

[Currently respect! 】

Chen Lun smiled when he saw this.

He was not busy chatting with the angels, but turned his head to look at the hat boy and the earl who were weak and weak on the ground.

These two ancient gods belonged to the bottom of existence in the esoteric religion of the world. After being captured by King Cang, they were unable to contain the raging crystals in their bodies, so they endured fear and watched the entire process of the "Battle of Tianyuan".

The desperation in their hearts gradually spread, and reached its peak after the death of the scroller Leonid...

When all the angels turned their eyes, King Cang walked towards him with the cross sword in his hand, and the two of them were terrified.

But Oscar suggested with a smile at this moment:
"Jack, the authority of these two guys is a bit interesting, maybe you can let them work for you."


The edge of Chen Lun's sword stopped in front of Earl Xue Tong, and there was a slight difference... The flowered hat of the opponent was cut in half by the blade, which looked extremely funny.

"Efficacy, effectiveness!"

The eloquent earl hastily repeated.

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes, and mist flashed in his eyes, reflecting the figures of the hat boy and the earl of the tongue.

''Hoarding' authority versus 'imitating' authority...'

He immediately saw through the strength of the two of them, secretly said something interesting.

"How about staying under the White Throne from now on?"

Chen Lun looked down at the two of them and asked indifferently.

"'God of Fruits' Ronan salutes you, the great King of Pale Clothes."

The hat boy was very sensible, and immediately knelt down on the ground.

It's just that his body is too short, so that he can only see the large pointed hat covering the ground, and the voice comes from it.

"Douglas the 'Mirror God' salutes you, the Great King of Pale Cloths."

The earl of the tongue followed suit and knelt and surrendered together.

Chen Lun was not at ease, and immediately drew up a contract of the highest standard out of thin air with his fingers. The fingertips were covered with crystals, which grew into a continuous document at a speed visible to the naked eye, floating in the air.

The regulations on the contract are quite harsh, even worse than the secular contract of prostitution, but the hat boy and the earl of the tongue don't care. It's enough to survive... As eternal existence, they don't want to die just like that.

When two people sign the contract.

From the far end, there was a crisp and crisp sound of wine glasses clinking.


And a familiar, elegant chuckle came:
"I testify."

It is Conrad who has become the true god of conspiracy.

But this time, everyone at the scene heard it clearly. After saying "I witness", Conrad gave a slight surprise.

Immediately laughed.

"Come over for a drink sometime, my friend."

 Update seven thousand and five today, let Feiwan sit on his hips for a while

(End of this chapter)

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