Chapter 658 Touching Reality
"——If, I mean, if... it's really like what Jack said, what does the federal government want?!"

Everyone in the Polaris team had a heated exchange in the chat room.

"—Could there be some conspiracy? For example, through this game, to brainwash and control the people of the entire Federation? After all, according to the characteristics of the star path, it can tamper with cognition... In other words, we won't be fooled long ago, right? ?!"

Goutoujin said anxiously.

"—Zhuo! Don't scare me, Brother Gouzi!"

Dragon King replied.

"—Tell you to read less web articles, brainwashing is coming, what's the point of doing this? I think it's more likely to get something from here!"

Tail said.

"—For example, extraordinary power."

As soon as Polaris made this statement, the chat room fell silent.

half an hour.

He continued his analysis:

"—According to the past few years, through Dongyang and Weiyin's personal connections, we have inquired about some secrets of the high-level federation, including the Zhanlan Holy Cult... I wonder if you still remember the first teaching of the Holy Cult?"

"——'For the sake of ideals, to gain freedom, build a bridge with the hands of brothers and sisters, leading to the Kingdom of God, our Lord.'"

Dongyang said the answer verbatim.

He had the most contact with the president Xiaoguang, and Xiaoguang successfully joined the Holy Cult a year ago in the real world, so Dongyang has a good understanding of the teachings and has a deep memory.

"—Yes, then can we understand the 'bridge' here as a 'game'?"

Polaris said.

"—Brother Beizi, you mean the 'Zhanlan Holy Flame' believed by Zhanlan Sacred Cult, whose kingdom of God is in the game?!"

The horseman replied.

The players couldn't help being surprised.

Polaris, however, denied this speculation.

"—No, what I mean is that the Federation and the Holy Cult may intend to use the 'game' to obtain extraordinary power from it, and then use the extraordinary power as a 'bridge' to find the so-called Lord's Kingdom of God in reality!"

Everyone in the team was shocked by this statement.

Polaris then added another fire:

"——There is another doctrine in the Zhanlan Holy Cult, 'The end is approaching, and only by going to the Kingdom of God, the Lord, can we regain our lives', and another title of 'Zhanlan Holy Flame' is 'Lord of Sanctuary' !"

"--Isn't that really the case?!"

"--I can only say, Brother Beizi, your guess is too ridiculous!"

"—The extraordinary power has been brought to reality, so maybe one day the real world will be as chaotic and chaotic as in the game, and even a battle of gods will occur, and everything will be destroyed... Isn't this also the end of the world?"

Polaris' words opened the minds of everyone present, and they immediately thought of many possibilities, and felt deep fear.

Chen Lun stood silently aside.

In fact, he could hear the players' "secret" exchanges clearly. After all, with his current position and strength, he didn't even need to carry out "thought stealing" to know the voices of everyone.

Regarding Polaris' speculation, Chen Lun secretly agreed.

Because no one knows better than him what the old "blue flame" wanted...

He wants the power of the Sun Continent's Ten Great Paths of God!
He longs to devour, to absorb, to fuse!
This is the influence of original sin, or his instinct!

In short, if He succeeds, then the Yanita world and even the "real" azure world will have no meaning of existence... At that time, a more powerful holy fire, maybe just breathing, can blow up the doomsday fire that destroys everything !

Thinking of this, Chen Lun's desire for power became more determined and urgent.

"Just being an angel is not enough, it is far from enough. Even if you are promoted to a true god in the future, you can only maintain the status quo like Duke Huan at best, or even worse... Only the idea of ​​transcending the sequence and completing the transformation of reality and reality can be achieved. The way of the holy fire, so that he has no way to go, can truly drive away the prying eyes of the old days and foreign gods, and can redeem everything! '

And the next step that Chen Lun can't avoid is to get the last Four Seasons bookmark, so as to completely control the original crime "Never Return Home", and move towards Sequence One [Ouroboros].


Chen Lun called softly.

Polaris and his companions stopped communicating and cast their gazes.

Everyone felt that in the blink of an eye, Mr. Jack raised the white cane in his hand, and the tip of the cane lightly touched the center of Polaris' eyebrows.

"What I want you to do is to go back to my hometown, complete these specific rituals, pray and call my real name..."

Polaris only felt that there was a little more information in his mind.

He shook his head suddenly, his expression gradually shocked.

The companions beside him looked at him suspiciously. After Polaris digested the information, he explained the general situation in the chat room.

What the teacher passed on to him was a complete advent ceremony!

Including materials, time and place requirements, layout methods and order, and the most important directional name.

These are an "advent ceremony" created by Chen Lun based on his own understanding of the real world. He doesn't know whether he can succeed. past……

But Chen Lun had to try.

He is bound to win the last Four Seasons bookmark.

"—Fuck?! Playing so big?!"

"—Can this ritual really bring Jack back to the real world?!"

"—You'll know if you try it."

"—Don't, don't try! Although we believe in Jack, this matter is too serious. If he is really brought back to reality, with his strength in the game, what if he accidentally destroys the world? ?!"

Dongyang quickly stopped everyone's "dangerous" thoughts.

However, he was resisted and cursed by Wei Yin.

"—Traitor! You suspect Jack?!"

"——No... It's just that this matter is really too dangerous, we can't try it rashly, let's discuss it again."

Dongyang didn't want to quarrel with this chaebol lady, so he said helplessly.

Chen Lun looked at the players silently, "listening" to their communication, with a faint smile on his face.

He knew that these people were not idiots, and after experiencing the magical incident of transcendence shining into reality, they would be more or less vigilant about their own advent ceremony.

But he was sure that these people would complete the ceremony as he said.

After all, everything is preordained...

There was not much time left for the forced logout, and the Polaris team couldn't do anything else, so they simply found a place and exited the game nervously.

[Disconnecting from data connection, saving data...]

【Saved successfully! 】

[The game is exiting...]

【exit successfully! 】


There was a sound of an air valve unlocking.


The door of the sleeping cabin slowly opened, Polaris got up from the transparent blue nutrient solution soaked in it, and the data cable automatically disconnected from the data interface behind his ear.

Polaris adjusted to the environment a little bit, and wiped his face with his hands.

Looking around, besides the sleeping cabin he was in, there were thirteen nutrition cabins quietly placed around him, with different styles, and some of the sleeping cabins had cute cartoon stickers on their doors.

Soft yellow lights cast down from the high ceilings, reflecting a halo on the black glossy marble floor.

The spacious basement is quite clean, with elegant and high-end decoration and a sense of technology.

This is the ending of "Little Rich Woman", that is, the private villa of Zheng Ling, the eldest daughter of the chaebol.

The "secret base" of the top players of the Polaris team.

"Abei, are we really going to help Jack complete the ceremony next?"

At this time, after wiping his body, Dongyang, who was wearing a casual shirt, walked over and asked in a deep voice.

Polaris got up from the sleeping cabin, silently took the towel handed over by Goutoujin, and was thinking about something while wiping his body.

Even the few girls who were only wearing underwear and showing a slim figure didn't care.

"Let's get out of here first."

Polaris suddenly turned around and said.


Everyone was surprised.

"Is it because of Jack's prophecy and warning?"

"The Federal Armed Forces Division will really come to arrest us? No way...Zheng Ling's father is the third director of the 'Red Consortium'! And with so many players, I don't believe that we have acquired extraordinary power..."

The Dragon King said nervously.


At this time, Polaris raised his hand, and a deck of poker cards placed on the table not far away flew into his palm, and immediately swiped at an extremely fast speed.

Three spades cards popped up, and they were "A", "J" and "9"!
"Go! Only 9 minutes!"

Polaris knew that there was no time to explain, so after his complexion changed slightly, he gave a direct low drink, then took the clothes hanging on the wall by himself, and ran out the door.

Wear clothes while running.

At this time, everyone woke up like a dream, knowing that Polaris would not joke about such a thing, so they all got dressed as quickly as possible and left.

Over the past year, the top players of the Polaris team have successively inherited the attributes and progress of the game characters, reaching the level of Sequence Seven one after another.

But even so, they did not dare to confront the federal government rashly.

Leaving from the basement, everyone walked along the garden path in the backyard of the villa to a remote street.

Under the evasion of Polaris' divination, they and their party quickly left the villa through the blind spot of monitoring.

During the period, there were surveillance cameras that could not be avoided, so Chen Xi used magic power to cover the surveillance probes with a layer of dirt.

Less than 10 minutes after everyone left the villa, three high-tech blue vans arrived at the gate. There was even a helicopter hovering above, casting four column lights to form a projection seal, sealing off the entire building. villa.

Immediately, a large group of armed men with real guns and live ammunition got on and off the van suspension vehicle, all of them were semi-reformed people, their bare arms and necks were made of metal and mechanical structures, their expressions were serious, and they acted in unison.

On the roof of the building more than 100 meters away from the villa, the Polaris team hid behind a huge billboard, with a dignified face.

"It's really the Federal Armed Forces Division that dispatched..."

Goutoujin murmured in shock.

"There is definitely a reason why they dare to arrest people like this. I'm afraid even Zheng Ling's father is in danger now..."

Dongyang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said calmly.

Hearing his words, Wei Yin's face tightened, and worry appeared in his eyes.

"Even dare to break into the villa of the third director of the Red Consortium, what should our family do?!"

Su Keying suddenly thought of something and said anxiously.

Everyone couldn't help being horrified, and the nervousness was beyond words.

Seeing this, Polaris clenched his fists.

He was also very worried about grandma. If the Federal Armed Forces Division came to his door, how could an elderly man resist? He was afraid that he would be taken away roughly and suffer a lot.

Polaris is a filial person, but at this moment he knows better that he can't panic, let alone be impulsive, otherwise it will only lead to bad things.


He said in a solemn and serious tone.

Everyone quickly cast expectant gazes at him, hoping that the "leader" who has been leading the team can make suggestions and come up with a solution.

"Although we already have extraordinary power, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the federal government at this stage...Even if we kill a member of the Armed Section, it is meaningless, and it will cause even greater trouble. Don't forget, the Ether Section And members of the Holy Cult also have extraordinary powers."

Polaris said, taking out a palm-sized cylindrical device.

This is the "portable data transfer station", version 3.24 launched by the black consortium "Doug Group", which is equivalent to a data sharing medium.

He pulled out a data cable, inserted it behind his ear, and signaled to everyone.

Seeing this, the rest of the team members tacitly pulled out a data cable and connected it to their own database.

Soon, Polaris transmitted the ritual information given by the teacher to everyone's brain chip.

And said in a deep voice:

"We have no other way now, if we can complete the advent ceremony, maybe we can turn to Jack for help..."

Everyone listened and couldn't help feeling ridiculous.

Turn to an NPC for help? !
But after thinking about it again, Jack's successful prophecy twice in succession, plus the experience of transcending into reality, they decided to believe in Polaris once.

Individual power is indeed too weak.

Facing the pursuit of the federal government, they may have only this.

Not long after, everyone downloaded the data memory of Polaris.

"Divide the work and cooperate separately."

Polaris took a deep breath and said.

"Brother Dong, you take the horseman, Kuangbenkuang and Dragon King to find a place that meets the requirements of the ceremony, Goutoujin and Wang Wangwuji find a new foothold, and you ladies like Chenxi go to collect ceremony materials..."

"OK, no problem!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Polaris heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he has heard all the materials for the ceremony, and he can find them in the Federation. Otherwise, if he really needed those things in the game, he would have to be blind.

But what Polaris doesn't know is that these problems have long been anticipated by his teacher...

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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