Chapter 668 Surrender
"Warning! Don't go any further!"

A cold and low mechanical sound sounded.

On the high platform, several "full-reformed" elite armed personnel blocked the way, protected the high-level federal officials behind them, raised their arms, and pointed the electromagnetic gun in the palm of the black hat man who was walking slowly.

"Protect Your Excellency the President!"

A majestic middle-aged man in a uniform with a gloomy face shouted in a low voice.

Accompanied by heavy footsteps, eight "full-reformed" elite armed personnel came out of the shadows, firmly protecting the old man in the wheelchair.

The "mechanical sentinels" hidden on both sides of the high platform and on the ceiling of the hall also popped up, and the heavy machine guns accurately locked the target.

The gentleman in the black hat stopped under the aim of many "guns".

The distance between the two sides is less than ten meters.

"Your Majesty Jack Speight, whatever you want, the Federation can give you... Please raise your hand high."

Federal President Gu Qingshu sat in a wheelchair and said in a deep voice.

The old man's cloudy eyes were like a deep pool, and he couldn't see clearly the scene below.

"I have sent those ants to harass me several times, and now I know they are begging for mercy... Heh, I gave you a chance."

The gentleman in the black hat stood upright, ignoring the muzzles around him.

"But it's a pity that the Azure Federation didn't cherish it..."

As the tone of this sentence turned cold, all the high-ranking federations present felt their hearts tremble and their expressions changed slightly.

"Cover Your Excellency to evacuate!"

The middle-aged man who spoke just now gave the order again.

However, his violent shouting echoed throughout the hall, but the expected firing sound did not sound, and the surroundings were completely silent.

The middle-aged man's expression gradually became astonished, and his eyes widened.

Even the high-ranking federal officials present showed consternation.

I saw the gentleman in the black hat sticking a cane, raising his other hand, and spreading his black fingers.

The gravitational and repulsive forces were launched simultaneously, covering every fully modified armed person and mechanical sentinel.


A piercing sound pierced the hall.

On the high platform, more than a dozen fully-reformed armed personnel and those mechanical sentinels were all twisted into a ball, gradually shrinking, as if they were squeezed by an invisible force.

Clang a few times.

The two-meter-high fully-reformed armed personnel were "pinched" into high-density metal balls the size of basketballs, and their bionic skin was soaked in thick blood, rolling on the high platform...

The middle-aged man who gave orders swallowed his saliva, sweating profusely.


The spokeswoman, unable to bear the psychological pressure, screamed.

However, in the next second, she exploded into a cloud of blood mist.


Disappeared in this world.

The black-hat gentleman's finger moved slowly again, pointing at the middle-aged man in the top ranks of the Federation.

" don't..."

Silently, the man suddenly felt a gravitational force from the inside out, roughly pulling his body, and at the same time, an incomparable repulsive force from all directions, squeezing in the opposite direction.

Unspeakable fear and pain emerged at this moment.

He wanted to speak, but his lungs seemed to be sucked out of air, and he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth.

Bang! !

In the next second, the middle-aged man in uniform followed in the footsteps of the spokeswoman, turning into a cloud of blood on the spot!
The secretary was pushing the wheelchair, planning to take the federal president Gu Qingshu to escape here, but the two of them flew back upside down like toys and fell to the ground hard.

The old man raised his head, only to see the gentleman in the black hat with the light behind him, looking down at his expression, he couldn't see clearly.

Up until this moment, Gu Qingshu had understood that he was bound to die.

He raised his head and glanced at the Pope Su Hong not far away. The other party's eyes were lowered, his face was expressionless, and he had no intention of helping him from the beginning to the end.


Even if he takes action, it is impossible to change anything.

No one on Zhanlan Star can compete with the terrifying existence in front of him!

Gu Qingshu instantly understood Su Hong's intentions, he immediately struggled to his feet, and angrily yelled at the man in the black hat:

"The Federation will not surrender to you, outsider! Freedom belongs to Zhanlan, and the future of mankind must be bright..."


A blow from the carved ivory cane pierced his head.

interrupted the speech.

"Your Excellency the President..."

The people on the high platform were silent and terrified.

The extraordinary players who were arrested in the audience exclaimed.

"The federal president was... killed?!"

"Will the King of Cang Yi kill us all?!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

Chen Lun pulled out his cane, and the blood slid from the tip of the cane, tick tock.

The secretary to the president who was sitting on the side was trembling, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were fixed on Gu Qingshu's body, and he dared not speak.

"Your Majesty the King in Green Clothes..."

Among the high-ranking members of the Federation, a slightly fat middle-aged man squeezed out a smile and spoke humbly.

However, he bang in the next second and turned into blood mist.

The other high-level people on the high platform couldn't help but tremble.


The gentleman in the black hat stretched out an index finger and put it on his lips as a silent gesture.

The whole hall was suddenly dead silent.

Chen Lun showed a satisfied smile, and immediately said to the man in the white shirt:
"Do you think that three demigods plus some saints can stop me? Or do you want to lead the Holy Church and the Federation to resist to the end?"

"You misunderstood, Your Majesty the King of Cang Clothes."

Pope Su Hong smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He made a gesture, and in the next instant, two azure blue flame doors emerged from beside him, and then two old men in cloaks walked out of them.

The three of them crossed their arms together and bowed their heads to the black hat gentleman.

"Your Majesty, the president can be re-elected, but human beings cannot perish because of it... On Zhanlan Planet, no one knows what is meant by an 'angel' and what is meant by an 'eternal' better than Shengjiao... What you represent is the supreme authority."

Su Hong said in a deep voice.

"On behalf of Zhanlan Sacred Cult, I surrender to you."

In the entire hall, on and off the high platform, everyone was shocked by this.

The "supreme" holy religion of the Federation has surrendered to others!

This means that the entire Federation has declared surrender!
"Your Majesty the King of Cangyi, from now on, the Holy Cult will fully assist and satisfy all your requests..."

As Su Hong said, his mind raced very fast, thinking about what the other party wanted.

"I can assure you that within seven days the federation will elect a new president, and relevant departments will do their best to establish a new church for you, preach the gospel, and spread the faith... It only takes a hundred years, no, 50 years, Admiral Zhanlanxing All over your followers."

Chen Lun smiled and remained silent.

He didn't really care about it at all.

Perhaps for other high-ranking people, faith is extremely important, but Chen Lun has a "homing" bookmark that symbolizes autumn in his hand, and he can harvest other people's reason at any time, so it is not so urgent.

'Zhanlan Star is the private land of the old "Zhanlan Holy Fire". There is no other way of power here except the way of the holy fire... so that the strength of Su Hong and other high-ranking people is much weaker than that of ordinary saints and demigods. few. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

The characteristic of the holy fire path is fusion, it can be very strong or weak, depending on how much power of the sequence path has been absorbed.

Helplessly, the conditions of Zhanlanxing are quite "bad".

There is not even a single divinity here, and the demigod is over.

"Your Majesty the King in Green Clothes..."

Seeing that Chen Lun was silent, Su Hong and the others couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Chen Lun glanced at them and said lightly:
"As you arrange, Mr. Su Hong."

Su Hong breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly agreed.

At this moment, Chen Lun spoke again:
"I hope to go to the Federal Scientific Research Center, there is what I want... In addition, let's release all the captured super players, the 'Ark' has been destroyed, and it is impossible for the humans of Zhanlan to leave the solar system , these are meaningless."


Su Hong and the others froze for a moment.

"Your Majesty, what... what does this mean?"

His pupils narrowed sharply, and even a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"literal meaning……"

Chen Lun turned around, walked towards the high platform, and said casually.

"Why didn't you think that the prophecy of the so-called 'doomsday' would not be the 'Holy Fire' itself that you believe in? Heh... He has already sealed off the solar system and treated this place as a sumptuous feast, human beings It's just food."

" can't be won't be!"

On the high platform, the faces of the high-level federal officials who heard these remarks changed, crying and laughing, as if their faith had collapsed and they were insane.

Even Su Hong's face was pale.

The expressions of the two demigod archbishops beside him were distorted, and disbelief burst out of their cloudy eyes.

Chen Lun didn't care whether these people believed it or not, he just told them the truth, just for the sake of being a member of Zhanlan Star.

"Your Majesty the King in Green Clothes."

At this time, Su Hong's trembling voice sounded.

Chen Lun stopped and tilted his head slightly.

"What's the matter?"

he asked indifferently.

"The Holy Cult and the Federation are willing to pay any matter what you want, we will do our best to do it for you. I only pray that you will have mercy on the humans on the blue planet and give them a way out when the end comes...even if it is Let a small part of the fire continue to continue, and we are also satisfied."

Su Hong's voice was quite deep, with a hint of loneliness in his tone.

He seemed to believe Chen Lun's words.

Chen Lun frowned.

Unexpectedly, the pope of the holy religion not only understands current affairs, but also has a compassionate heart, and he can be regarded as dedicated to the human beings on the blue planet.

"Oh, it depends on my mood."

Chen Lun chuckled, turned and left.

If the so-called "doomsday" really originated from the old "blue holy flame", what qualifications and ability does he have to protect others...

At that time, it will be hard to protect yourself.

'Only by being promoted as soon as possible can we win a chance...'

Chen Lun thought to himself.

The extraordinary players in the lobby were quickly released.

A total of 810 people were arrested, more than half of them were drained of life and extraordinary power, turned into a part of the "holy fire", and as the power source of the "Ark", they disappeared together in the "solar wind"... …

No matter what the identities of these dead people were, Chen Lun didn't care what kind of public opinion storm their "disappearance" would cause.

At this moment, he was having a short conversation with Polaris and others outside the warehouse area.

"Teacher, you have really come..."

Polaris lowered his head and said excitedly.

The four ladies, Su Keying, Wei Yin, Pumpkin, and Qingtian Xiaoyu showed gratitude on their faces, and at the same time reverence arose in their hearts.

They believed more and more that it was their pious prayers that brought them a new life.

"Well done, Bei."

Chen Lun applauded.

"Your Advent Ceremony helped me a lot..."

He said, his expression became serious.

"Actually, Zhanlan Star has an extremely mysterious connection with the Sun Continent. Both worlds are under the threat of 'doomsday', which is related to the terrifying existence outside the starry sky and above the detached sequence...I came here for this reason, here Has what I need."

"Doomsday? An existence beyond the sequence?!"

Polaris and others were extremely shocked.

Chen Lun nodded.

"Those who are still too far away from you, you should be promoted to a high position as soon as possible. Only in this way, you are eligible to participate... Zhanlan Star is your hometown, and you probably don't want to see it destroyed."

Polaris and others inexplicably felt a pressure.

They had also speculated before that the reason why the Transcendence shines into reality... Now it seems that it may have something to do with the "doomsday".

"At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, wait for me at the gate of the Federal Scientific Research Center."

Chen Lun glanced deeply at Polaris.

"It's time for your saint promotion ceremony to be completed."


Polaris looked stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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