Chapter 686 The Final Winner

"Huh? That's it?!"

Maggie, who had just returned to the golden sacred tree, suddenly looked back.

His eyes were startled, reflecting colorful streamers.

I saw a column of glazed flames soaring upwards in the distant place of Tianyuan.But soon, with the shock of the entire fairyland, the pillar of fire spread out and flowed backwards, converging towards the horizon like a funnel, and finally disappeared.

"The flame contained the power of the seven paths of God, including nature..."

Maggie suppressed the shock in her heart, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"That's definitely not the path power I know! How many secrets does Jack still hide?!"

Not only Him, but even the gatekeeper and the three pained ladies who came from the side all looked shocked.

Among them, Margaret, an old woman in a black dress, looked into the distance and spoke slowly:
"It's unbelievable...even though they are separated by such a distance, the feeling of palpitations has not subsided. It can be seen that King Cang's true strength is beyond our estimation."

Under the sky, the city of cats.

Countless fairyland residents on the street still couldn't kneel down, feeling the coercion from Tianyuan and being in awe.

In the Dawn Cathedral next to the central white tower, the hymns sung by the believers slowly stopped, and each of them clasped their hands together, closed their eyes and bowed their heads.

"Praise the Great Cang Wang."

Ahsoka, who was dressed in a gray luxurious robe and her hair was coiled up, slowly opened her eyes, looked at the sky outside the church, and prayed softly.

Now, the aged Daye City Lord has abdicated, and has lived a leisurely life of fishing and drinking tea. Ahsoka's performance in these years has won the love of the residents of Cat City, and he has naturally become the new City Lord.

In the city of cats, Ahsoka has a high status, and even the clergy of the Aurora Church respect her very much.

But there was one thing that she could never forget.

"Have you started to miss Senior Lucy again?"

Beside, Felice Annovin, who was nearly thirty years old, said.

In these years, as the deputy of the city lord, he has grown up a lot, shedding the childishness of the past and becoming more mature.


Ahsoka nodded.

Sentiment flashed in his eyes.

"The teacher is only one step away from the god position, and the whole fairyland is excited about it. Among us, senior sister Lucy admired the teacher the most... But now she has no chance to see this scene."

On the other side, Raphael, who was the captain of the cat city guard, patted Ahsoka on the shoulder and comforted him:
"Miss Lucy will be all right."

"Well, I hope so."

Ahsoka sighed.

She used to have the best relationship with sister Lucy, and she is still worried about it... Although she hopes that the teacher can save her, she dare not disturb the teacher rashly.

North of the Dawn Empire, Byron State.

Port Bunsen, which is close to the extreme northern coast, is as deserted as ever.

A woman in a light brown tunic and a wide-brimmed hat was lazily leaning against the corner of a grocery store, smoking a cigarette, and glanced at the pier from time to time.

Not long after, a medium-sized merchant ship sounded its horn, lifted anchor and sailed away from the harbor, heading towards the foggy sea.

With a gloomy gaze, the woman dropped the cigarette butt and exhaled the last puff of smoke.

"Sure enough... No one below the high position can find the existence of this 'Returning Ship'. The ship and the passengers on board are all affected by the extremely high power of fate and experience endless reincarnation."

Irina has been observing here for more than half a month.

Every morning, the "Homing" will leave the port, but the next day, it will reappear in the port inexplicably, and set off again, going round and round, as if there is no end.

At the beginning, Dagon had warned that besides Irina herself, the last two contestants in the "Honor Carnival", Lucy and Boone, were in extremely special conditions, and their positions were also very dangerous.

But before the last thing Irina paid attention to was finished, Dagon was attacked by King Cang...

Prayer has not been answered yet.

Irina was terrified, which made her more cautious.

He didn't rush to find the last two contestants, but devoted himself to arranging the ceremony of the saint... Thanks to killing several contestants one after another, Irina received the reward from Dagon, and the accumulation was rapid.

It wasn't until more than half a year ago that he was finally promoted to the Saint of the Deep Sea, Sequence Four [Apostle of Disaster], that he came here with more confidence.

"His Majesty Dagon's unfinished warning at the beginning should refer to this kind of cycle... If I board the ship, I will fall into the cycle, and I will not know it like those boat passengers, and I will never be able to escape."

Irina muttered to herself.

Even though he is already a high-ranking saint at this moment, his intuition tells him that the mighty power that causes that cycle is extremely terrifying, and once he is affected, he is also powerless to save himself.


Suddenly, Irina snorted.

A pain deep in his soul made him tremble all over.

He immediately raised his arm, and his bloodshot eyes saw blue and black blood vessels protruding from his arm.

"The bloodline warnings are becoming more and more frequent..."

His heart trembled.

Irina knew very well that if there was any further delay and the "Honor Carnival" could not find a final winner, then including herself, the last three contestants would all be killed by the deep sea pollution contained in their blood.

This is the "urging" from their father, Lord of Abbasye, Sebastian Pardo the Eternal Sleeper.

"We can only do it today!"

Irina took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and made up her mind.

"Although boarding the 'Return' will be forced to be dragged into a loop, as long as I can kill Lucy and Boon within one day before the 'restart' arrives, I can achieve the victory conditions of the carnival and become a The winner in the end... At that time, the Sea God will bestow a gift, which will definitely free me from the influence of the cycle!"

As he thought to himself, the whole person disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

Accompanied by a gust of wind, Irina stepped on the sea surface, and after a few jumps, she caught up with the "Returning" that had just set sail and boarded the deck.

The murloc mage Boone, who was leaning against the guardrail and flipping through "Mystery of the Deep Sea", was startled suddenly. He seemed to feel the attraction of his blood, and turned his head to look.

What caught my eyes was a cruel smiling face of a woman...

The destination of the homing number, the Explorer Islands.

The east coast is being raided by pirates.

The distorted, ferocious-looking Captain Angler led his men to burn, kill and loot wantonly, and the fishermen howled and screamed.

Lucy was hiding in the small fishing boat, sticking her head out, observing the situation on the shore silently, with a cold look in her eyes.

Her appearance at this time was the same as before, eighteen or nineteen years old, young and beautiful.

That impressive long dark green hair fluttered in the sea breeze, extremely gorgeous.

Lucy didn't know that she had reincarnated more than 3000 times, and she didn't know that nearly ten years had passed.

No matter what happened that day, her physical state and memory would be reset the next morning.

So much so that her memory still stayed on the day when she quietly left St. Byron's College, and she didn't inform Senior Polaris, nor Ahsoka and others.

"Killing the contestant, Boone, is the first step for me to become a winner."

Lucy said to herself.

However, until the killing on the shore ended and Captain Angler led his men to retreat, the murloc mage Boone did not come as expected.

She couldn't help but wonder.

At this moment.

A turbulent wave about ten meters high surged from the sea like a tsunami, and slapped on Captain Angler's dilapidated ship.

With a loud bang.

The ship was torn apart, and countless pirates died screaming, even Captain Angler, who was Sequence Five, was not spared.

In Lucy's horrified eyes, the waves seemed like a thousand weights, crushing the burly Captain Angler into pieces!
A woman in a light brown windbreaker came riding the waves, accompanied by strong wind and thunder, and floated directly above the small fishing boat, overlooking Lucy.

"You're the only one left, Lucy Payne...I really didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It's a pity that I was too cautious and took so long."

Irina's eyes were cold, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"A high-ranking contestant?!"

Lucy looked up in disbelief.

"How is this possible! If high-ranking people are involved, what's the point of this 'honor carnival'?!"


Irina obviously had no intention of explaining, but said indifferently.

She raised her hand to grab it, and immediately held a ball of dazzling purple lightning in her hand, which made a loud noise.

Immediately fell down suddenly——

"Go to hell! The final winner is me!"

Crack! !
Lucy looked up in a daze, she didn't expect that she would be attacked and killed by a high-ranking saint. At this moment, despair filled her heart.

At the same time, there is also a strong unwillingness and longing.

"Mr. Jack... Lucy wants to see you again."

Lucy burst into tears.

However, in the next moment, Zidian pierced through her body like a spear.

boom! ! !
The small fishing boat was turned into dust by the power of the mythical thunder and lightning, and Lucy was also destroyed at this instant, her body and spirit completely dissipated, leaving only a few ashes floating in the sea breeze.

Irina clasped five fingers, and the purple arc remaining in her palm jumped, and uncontrollable excitement and joy appeared on his face.

"Dead! They are all dead at last! Hahahaha! I am the last survivor of 'Honor Carnival'! I am the winner!!"

Soon, he saw that the waves around him became more and more violent.

The sky was covered by thick and gloomy clouds, and there were lightning and thunder.

Irina felt her blood speeding up, and her deep veins were cheering, congratulating Him, which seemed to indicate that a great moment was coming.


The strong wind swept across, and a familiar but seemingly unfamiliar figure gradually emerged from the distant sea.

Irina looked shocked and her eyes were lost.

I saw an ancient square stone pillar breaking through the sea and standing up, and a huge fish-headed giant was clinging to it.

But the head, arms, waist, and other parts of the giant fish head were covered with patches of pale crystals that looked like scabies.

"Dagon... His Majesty Dagon?"

Irina spoke with a trembling voice.

Seeing Dagon's shocking appearance, he couldn't help feeling a little fearful.

The protruding eyeballs of the fish-head giant, which seemed to never close, were covered with barnacle-like crystals, making it impossible to see clearly.

Dagon opened his mouth with difficulty, and let out the unique hoarse voice of the dying:
"Irina... congratulations, you have become the winner of this... carnival..."

As he spoke, he twisted his neck mechanically like a puppet, making a terrifying muffled sound.

Crystal's eyes aimed at Irina's direction.

Irina couldn't help but wondered what the Cang King had done to Dagon so that this great master of the deep divers would suffer such a terrible injury.

"You will receive the supreme gift of the Father!"

Dagon roared.

There seemed to be suppressed indescribable excitement and anticipation in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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