I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 689 Lucy's House

Chapter 689 Lucy Goes Home
After Chen Lun sent the "Returning Ship" away, he floated on the sea surface with rough waves under his feet and thunder and lightning above his head. He looked around at the terrifying scene as dark as night, expressionless.

Under the black top hat, a round of pale infinity symbols appeared in the dark eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there are dense fate lines in the entire sea area of ​​Port Bunsen and even Misty Island. These "lines" seem to be arranged by an invisible hand to form a huge circle.

'This is the "circulation" arranged by Huan Gong! '

Chen Lun couldn't help but marvel at the power of this miracle.

With his strength, he couldn't see these at all, but now he can easily detect them at a glance... Even through observation, Chen Lun is absorbing the knowledge and power contained in them bit by bit.


[After testing, you have mastered the pre-skill "Twisting Fate LVMAX"...]

[You have comprehended the skill "Fate Restart" through observation! 】

【Fate restart LV1】

Skill description: Through long-term observation and thinking, you have comprehended this powerful ability that contains the great power of fate from the traces of a great existence.

Skill effect: You can intercept the target's fate line and connect it end to end to form a closed infinite ring. This cycle will make the target break away from the shackles of time and space, and repeat the development of fate.

(Note: This skill will consume a lot of sanity and stamina, and is also affected by Mystic Throne and Mystic Resistance.)
"Destiny is restarted, and the profound skills developed by Huangong are now mastered by me..."

Chen Lun couldn't help but took a deep breath and smiled.

"Fate Restart" has a full level of five, and each level requires a full 10 skill points. Fortunately, Chen Lun has ample reserves, and directly spent 40 skill points to upgrade it to the full level on the spot.

[Fate restarts LVMAX]!
Chen Lun swung his cane and took a step while supporting the brim of his hat.

In the next second, he appeared in the sky above the Explorer Islands.

A terrible storm also enveloped the area.

Surrounded by turbulent waves and torrential rain.

According to the original fate line, Captain Angler would lead his men to burn, kill and loot along the eastern coast, but now they can't be seen at all.

Most of the ships of this group of guys were overturned by the storm halfway.

Chen Lun didn't care about these small characters, but his eyes locked on a girl on the shore. The broken boards of small fishing boats were scattered on the beach, and the girl with long dark green hair stood in the rain, looking at a loss.


A familiar voice suddenly interrupted Lucy's thoughts.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she turned her head suddenly.

In the rainstorm, a tall gentleman in a black hat was walking towards him with an ivory carved cane.

Lucy couldn't help being startled, and then couldn't hide the joy on her face, and blurted out:

"Mr. Jack!"

Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, and after taking two steps forward, she wanted to throw herself into the opponent's arms, but the reserve in her heart made her stop in place again.

Chen Lun sighed secretly as he looked at her.

Lucy didn't know that she had been stuck in this cycle for nearly ten years, and she didn't know that not long ago, Irina came to kill her, became the winner of the "Honor Carnival", and gave birth to the Eternal Sleeper.

In fact, when Chen Lun was promoted to Sequence One and completed the great concept of "overlapping fate", he overlooked everything in this world, including Lucy's fate...

The reason why he didn't act immediately to save her from the cycle was precisely because not intervening was the best way to save her.

Now it seems that becoming the so-called winner of the "Honor Carnival" is not a good thing... Lucy died in the cycle, which just happened to achieve Irina, and at the same time got rid of the influence of the "Honor Carnival".

At this moment, is the time for Chen Lun to show up.

Chen Lun stretched out his hand and rubbed Lucy's head, as if the elder cared for the younger generation.

"go home."

He spoke softly.

Feeling the warm hands above her head, Lucy forgot that she was in a heavy rain at this moment, and the cold sea wind and rain all around seemed to have disappeared, only the strong sense of security brought by the man in front of her.

In her heart, she didn't care about any "honor carnival" or any gifts, she just wanted to leave with the other party.

"Well! Mr. Jack, Lucy will go home with you!"

Lucy narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said crisply.

Chen Lun quietly glanced at Lucy, then raised his cane and drew a circle in the air.


In the circle, there was a scene of the fairyland, where the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. Lucy was startled.

"Go, Ahsoka, they are waiting for you."

Chen Lun did not explain to Lucy, but said in a gentle voice.

Lucy nodded heavily to him, then stepped into the circle and entered the fairyland.

At this moment, Chen Lun quietly cut off the cycle of fate in this area with a swipe with the tip of his stick, and Lucy's fate line got rid of the cycle and returned to normal.

For some reason, Lucy felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart, as if a long time had passed, and what she had been looking forward to had finally appeared before her eyes.

And with that comes a lot of memory!

The 3000+ days and nights she was trapped in the loop, and the truth!
Lucy was startled suddenly, and found that hot tears had burst silently from her eye sockets and fell down her cheeks.

"It turns out that it's been so long..."

She looked up again, and found that the environment she was in was no longer the beach covered by storms and gloomy skies, but in front of a magnificent and huge city.

Under the bright sunlight, Ahsoka, Feliciano, and Raphael were standing at the door, countless white cats in missionary robes stood behind them, and black cats stood in armor, holding swords and shields. sides.

"Sister Lucy! You are finally back!"

Ahsoka shouted in surprise, and strode over.

Lucy stared blankly at the mature lady in front of her, as if in a lifetime.

"Ahsoka, it turns out that you have grown up so much... and Feliciano, you have also changed, you have become so mature and manly."

"Senior Lucy, I didn't expect that you are still the same as before, and your appearance has not changed at all."

Feliciano said with emotion.

"The teacher sent down the oracle and told us everything. I am very glad that you were able to escape from danger... From now on, live here with us."

"Yes, Sister Lucy! 'Wonderland' is the teacher's kingdom of God, it is very safe here, and the residents here are also very friendly..."

At this moment, Ahsoka took off the majestic veil of the former city lord, and seemed to return to the way he used to talk about everything in front of Lucy when he was young.

The three of them are both Jack's students, and even though they haven't seen each other for ten years, their relationship remains the same as before.

Ahsoka seemed to have endless things to say. As they walked to the cat city, they told Lucy about the big and small things that happened in the past ten years.

Including the development of Wonderland, how the teacher assassinated Emperor Andre, the World War, the teacher was promoted to an angel and even a god, and now he is only one step away from the true god, etc.

Lucy's heart was beating very fast.

She never expected that so many things would happen in ten years.

And I also missed these wonderful things.

"Mr. Jack is about to become a true god..."

Lucy murmured.

"No wonder He was able to save me from the loop."

Seeing Ahsoka chattering beside him with an excited expression on his face, Lucy's mood was extremely complicated.

Once again she is rescued from desperation by Mr. Jack.

Lucy had made up her mind to work hard to grow and become stronger, to become Mr. Jack's help...but in the end, she still became his trouble.

"Sister Lucy?"

Ahsoka suddenly noticed Lucy's gloomy expression, so he quickly comforted her.

"Don't be sad, the days to come will be peaceful and happy. Believe in me and the teacher."

Lucy raised her head and saw Ahsoka's encouraging smile, as well as the thumbs up of Feliciano and Rafael, her mood gradually brightened.

"Well! From now on, this will be my home!"

Chen Lun looked at the back of Lucy following Ahsoka and others into the city of cats in the circle, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


The ring slowly closed.

Chen Lun's smile also disappeared.

He turned his head and swept towards the sea, his eyes calm.

"Lucy's matter is over, so next, it's time to clean up this guy who loses his temper when he wakes up..."

A burst of invisible force swayed across the sea, affecting a large area.

It also radiated through Chen Lun's body.

An extremely intense drowsiness suddenly struck!
"Oh, drag me into a dream?"

Chen Lun chuckled, but did not resist, letting sleepiness engulf him.

He stood on the shore and fell asleep facing the storm...

Whoa! !

Opening his eyes again, Chen Lun found that he was standing on a pale ground, and the atmosphere around him was not only familiar, but also quite familiar and close.

"This is the dream world."

Chen Lun looked around and found that the feet were covered with pale crystals.

In the distance, whether it is mountains or vegetation, they are all covered by crystals, like a pale and bright world.

This is because he delivered nearly ten copies of [Infinity] to the dream world in order to avenge Dagon, causing the entire dream world to be polluted by his own power, and it became what it is now.

As far as the eye can see, there is a giant round sphere.

Chen Lun felt strong coercion from the giant sphere.

That is not a spectacle, but the "throne" of the Eternal Sleeper!
Chen Lun remained silent, and flew straight towards the sphere. Along the way, he saw many dream creatures turned into crystal sculptures, standing in place.

This world seems to have no life, a dead silence.

When Chen Lun came to the bottom of the sphere, he noticed that countless ordinary people who had fallen into the dream world were piled up on top of each other like mountains.

They are all poor people who were forcibly dragged into the dream world and swallowed up by Sebastian Pardo, the eternal sleeper.

Among them, there are even many transcendents, most of them are members of the Madman School, and a few are wild transcendents... Almost all of these people died with a peaceful expression.

Boom! !

Not far away, there were loud noises.

Chen Lun took a step and came to the source of the sound. At a glance, he saw a white-haired old man wearing a crown, holding a scepter, and fighting a giant fish head covered with pale crystals.

"William Lev, King Byron, and... Dagon Garcia?"

Chen Lun frowned.

He only watched the battle for a short time, and he saw that King Byron, who is a magic angel, was at a disadvantage, with many injuries on his body, and he was just holding on at the moment.

And Dagon's state is extremely strange.

He obviously has no life breath, but he moves freely in this dream world, like a corpse puppet, ravaging William Lev.

'Is it the means of the Eternal Sleeper...well, or it can be said, the power of that old remnant? '

Chen Lun narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.


Another bang.

The crystalline Dagon's webbed claws containing terrifying lightning shattered King Byron's magic shield with one blow, the magic circle formed by countless rings and triangles dissipated, and the old angel vomited blood and flew backwards.

William Lev dragged a long track on the ground, crushed many crystals, and collapsed on the ground, dying.

He raised his cloudy eyes and looked at the gentleman in black hat in the distance.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"The King of Cang Yi...Your Majesty..."

At this time, Crystal Dagon seemed to have discovered something. Kaka turned his head and looked at the pair of bulging eyes covered in paleness, looking down on the "small" Chen Lun.

An exaggerated, creepy smile appeared on his mouth.

Between opening and closing, a hoarse and terrifying voice came out:

"King Cang, you are finally here... Hohohoho, I will crush your head little by little, and return the humiliation of the past!"

Chen Lun's eyes drooped, and he rubbed his cane with his thumb.

The next moment-

There was a terrifying bang!

A figure in Cang Yi, who was several times taller than the fish-headed giant, suddenly appeared in front of Him, leaned slightly, grabbed Crystal Dagon's neck with his big hands, and lifted him up!

The fish-headed giant hundreds of meters tall, right now, is like a half-dead white frog being held in the hands of a figure in green clothes!

King Cang dragged Crystal Dagon to his face, under the rusty iron crown that was burning with illusory flames, his pale hair fluttered, and his half-closed eyes, neither sad nor happy, reflected the appearance of Crystal Dagon.

"Are you serious?"

 Image review is from 08 am to 30:[-] pm, so the illustrations for this chapter may not be displayed until tomorrow;
  The one that is obviously empty is the position of the illustration;

(End of this chapter)

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