Chapter 69 The Story of the Adorable New Group

Emerald Town.

Under the scorching sun.

The ruins to the west have been cleared, and a group of people are hard at work building at this time.

The recruited men were covered in dust, yelling, and worked together to carry the stones, while the women were cooking a large pot of vegetable and mushroom soup.

Polaris wiped the sweat from his forehead and found that the back of his hand was covered with black dirt.

He sighed secretly.

"I can't go on like this, I'm just being treated as a low-level worker doing simple and repetitive physical work..."

Su Keying came over and handed him a bowl of vegetable soup.

Polaris thanked him, took a sip of soup and felt refreshed.

The two of them finished their missions on the field farm, earned dozens of copper kroes, and rushed to Emerald Town without stopping.As the farmer said, the Red Apple Church was indeed rebuilding the church, so the two of them took advantage of the opportunity to sign up.

But unlike what they had expected, they didn't see the monks in charge at all. Usually, there were only two church guards directing them here.

As a result, the plan to obtain extraordinary knowledge by joining the church was shattered.

"It really isn't that simple."

Polaris finished the soup without a drop, returned the bowl to Su Keying, and said with emotion.

"Isn't there no gain at all... You unlocked the sub-profession [Worker], and I also unlocked the sub-profession [Cook]."

Su Keying said comfortingly.

"For the group of people who are still on the farm, it is estimated that the occupation entry on the panel is still blank."

Polaris sneered when he thought of other players.

Before leaving, they saw a player who finally couldn't bear it and attacked the NPC on the farm. They didn't know what the purpose was.

Maybe he wanted to kill the farmer to get the resources and property on the farm, or maybe he just wanted to test the game mechanism... or even used that NPC as a wild monster to earn experience and upgrade.

However, every player who made a shot was stabbed to death by the farmer with a pitchfork.

Although it's just an ordinary NPC in the "New Village", it's still very easy to abuse them, a group of newcomers who have just entered the game.What's even more ridiculous is that after those guys were resurrected, they were chased to death by the farmer's dog again, and the dog even squatted at the "resurrection point" outside the farm.

The three daily resurrection chances have been used up, and those players gave it for nothing today.

Precious internal test time was wasted. If they continue to die after going online tomorrow and use up the ten weekly resurrection opportunities, then it can basically be declared that this internal test will return empty-handed.

"Do you know how this church was destroyed? Polaris."

Su Keying said suddenly.

Polaris came back to his senses and was slightly startled.

"Isn't it because of an accidental fire...?"

When he came here, he heard the workers say so, but soon realized that Su Keying's question was definitely not.

"What did you find out again?"

Polaris suddenly felt that acting with this woman was not a bad thing.

Su Keying really knew something, she giggled.

"I just learned from an aunt that the Red Apple Church was attacked a month ago. The clergy and guards here were all killed, and the church was burned down by that person."

Polaris was taken aback.

As a veteran player in the online game industry, he always makes preparations before entering a new game.

Although "The Age of Mysteries" released limited information before the official opening of the server, he also captured some of it through various channels.Among them, he not only knows that there are seven righteous god factions in the entire Sun Continent, but also knows that each of them represents an extraordinary sequence path, and is a big force with extraordinary power.

Someone dared to take action against the church, so cruel, he must be not a simple ruthless person!

"Hey, both of you, sorry to bother you."

A man's voice came, Polaris and Su Keying looked for it.

I saw three men approaching. They were wearing the same linen robes as their own, and their game IDs were on their heads. They were obviously three players.

"I am a cadre of the 'Heroic Soul' guild, a horseman... These two are members of the 'God's Love' guild, Goutoujin and Forgotten Wuji."

The leading "horse man" man stretched out his hand and smiled.

"If you are interested in cooperating, we can exchange information first."

Polaris and Su Keying exchanged glances and nodded.

He shook hands with the centaur and asked:

"What kind of cooperation law?"

"Let's talk about it in another place, it's too hot here."

The horseman pointed helplessly at the sun in the sky, and tugged at his drenched chest.


Polaris responded briefly.

He turned around and applied to the church guard to resign, but he only got one-tenth of his wages, a few coppers, and was scolded.

But he didn't care.

A group of people found a shady place to rest, and the centaur sat on the ground and spoke first:

"There are few people in the internal test. The two of you are able to lead the big team here. You must be sensible people and understand the importance of the first-mover advantage... If we cooperate, the gains will definitely be better than fighting alone."

The others nodded, expressing their approval of his statement.

The horseman continued:
"To express my sincerity, let me first talk about the internal information of our guild... In remote towns like this, there are usually official extraordinary organizations, shelters and one or two other sects.

Although they are the most direct channels to obtain extraordinary knowledge, they are very difficult. "

Polaris hummed, and mentioned the useless work he and Su Keying did in the Red Apple Church today.

"You can't do this..."

The centaur shook his head.

"The three of us didn't plan to go to them from the very beginning. It's too difficult, the cycle is too long, and there are opportunities in every town in the empire. There is no need to die here..."

The two men Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji also chuckled lightly.

"We took a mission to hunt wild wolves on that farm. Fortunately, we also unlocked the sub-profession [Wolf Hunter] of the Combat Department..."

Su Keying curled her lips, these two guys are really annoying, I don't know what to show off here.

She immediately shared some of the information she knew.

The horse man's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Is the person you're talking about still in Emerald Town? If he can single-handedly kill a church branch, he must be an extraordinary person... If you can start from him, the chances of obtaining extraordinary knowledge will be much greater."

"Should have left, I saw the wanted notice posted by the Red Apple Church..."

Su Keying took out a piece of paper she had collected.

On it is a young man with black curly hair, his face is unknown, his name is Jack, and his identity is marked on the back as a suspected member of the History and Ritual Association, with a bounty of 100 gold pounds.

If Chen Lun sees this arrest warrant, he will be surprised.

Because the Red Apple Church actually used the extraordinary power of the divination system, knowing his alias must have cost a lot.

It can be seen how much the Red Apple Church hates him.


Hearing that this ruthless man was not in town, the horseman shook his head regretfully.

He immediately said:
"We need to maximize the precious time of the closed beta, and don't do useless work here. It's best to explore the map around and find a big city first, so that we can widen the gap with others in the official public beta..."

"But we have no money, and the cost of traveling long distances is very high."

Polaris frowned.

The horseman smiled, this is the shortcoming of the Lone Ranger, the lack of important information.

"Usually there will be a train station near the town. We can take that to the nearest city. The price is not expensive. A few dozen copper croisses are enough."

"Let's think about it."

Polaris said.

The horseman nodded, and Polaris and Su Keying walked aside and whispered a few words.

After a while, the two came back again.

"Okay, we agree to this plan, what do we need to do?"

"very good……"

The horseman nodded with satisfaction.

"It takes some distance from here to the train station. We don't have enough money to hire carriages and guards, so we need to walk by ourselves... There are mostly robbers and thieves and other wild monsters on the road, whose level is higher than ours, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, we not only need to collect enough fare in the shortest time, but also need to find a way to get a set of equipment for self-protection on the road. "

Polaris and Su Keying nodded.

"Okay, let's split up and start before tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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