I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 699 Hunting the True God

Chapter 699 Hunting the True God

On the moon in Wonderland, outside the replica of No. [-] Denton Street apartment, a few goldfinch perched on the branches, chirping towards the bright flowers all around.

The environment here has changed a lot.

After getting married, Chen Lun used his mighty force to create a vast garden to surround this warm residence.

At the same time, it also fictionalizes that many small animals live here, adding a touch of vitality and fun to the original dead environment.

The morning light is soft, coming in from the window.

Chen Lun only wore a loose white shirt, standing in front of the window sill, overlooking the beautiful scenery outside, smelling the sweet fragrance of flowers.

At this time, a pair of cool little hands wrapped around his waist from behind, and a soft touch came from behind.

"you're awake."

Chen Lun smiled.

Even if he didn't look back, he could still see Floyd's lazy look.

The dignified and solemn Pope of Dawn was only wearing a thin black nightgown at the moment, showing off his perfect figure.

The buttonless collar slipped slightly from the left shoulder, revealing the fragrant shoulders.

The smooth, light golden long hair was scattered casually, although it was a little messy, it added a little charm to it.

With her face sideways, Floy quietly leaned against her husband's back, closed her eyes, and greedily sniffed the scent that fascinated him and belonged exclusively to her lover.

The faint light shone on the two of them, and Floy's pink nose and half of her fair face shone like beautiful jade in the morning light.

As the gentle wind blew by, Floy's eyelashes trembled, and then they slowly opened, revealing those beautiful eyes like purple gemstones, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, and softly spoke in an ethereal voice:
"Well, I'm awake...Honey, I'll make you breakfast."

As she spoke, Floyd, who had officially become a wife, raised her hand and tucked her hair behind her ears, held her husband's head, pecked at the corner of his mouth, and then turned and went downstairs with a light smile.

Chen Lun watched Floyd disappear outside the door with a smile.

Afterwards, he went straight to the coffee table and sat down, lying on the comfortable leather sofa, and raised his hand to take out something.

A small and delicate glass bottle.

A silvery, breathing ball of light emanated from the bottle.

If you look carefully, you will find that this is a mythical creature that looks like a firefly. It is the size of a finger, and its carapace is as shiny and smooth as metal. In the early morning and daytime, it is also very obvious.

It was delivered to the door by Mr. Jing Yao three days after the wedding.

Brilliant Empress Jessica Filomina asked her to hand over the complete knowledge of the star path.

As for the unique divinity of the stars, Jessica did not mention it, and Chen Lun did not urge it. After all, he knew very well that it is not easy for a true god to voluntarily give up his position and give his own authority. thing.

'Since you are willing to hand over the knowledge of the stars, and say that the star god is not so stubborn that there is no cure... let's push him back in the hunting order of the godhood ceremony. '

Chen Lun's expression was indifferent, thinking to himself.

'It can be regarded as giving him the last time to think about it. If he really doesn't want to give up his position as a god, then you can't blame me. '

He turned his head to look at the scorching sun outside the window, his thoughts diverged.

When Mr. Jingyao handed over the glass vial, he mentioned that the distance between the martyr's father was completely out of control. In fact, it has been less than ten years.

This made Chen Lun's sense of urgency even greater.

"The mother and the bone-burying old man have already fallen, and the eternal sleeper was killed by me... Now there are only four true gods left, Father Lie, Ni Weng, Lady Qiangwei and Empress Brilliant. As the most powerful sun god, Lie Father should be ranked last. After all, he is the deterrent of Yanita Continent to the starry sky, and at the same time, he is the most difficult to deal with. Only when the 'Holy Flame' has more firewood, can I have greater confidence in dealing with him. '

His eyes were gloomy, and his thumb stroked the pattern on the glass vial.

"As the saying goes, if a persimmon is soft, it stands to reason that the Brilliant Queen is the best target, but since she has handed over her knowledge and has some friendship with Mr. Jingyao, let's not move her for now..."

After a little thought, Chen Lun decided on his next hunting target.

A true god who can be called an "old acquaintance"—

Mrs. Rose.

At the beginning of the time travel, he appeared in the dungeon of the Red Apple Church, and forged an "indissoluble bond" with this orthodox church that believed in the blood god.

Since then, he has fought wits and bravery with the Red Apple Church all the way until it was completely eradicated. Chen Lun even helped Conrad, the King of Slaughter, to take the life of "Rose Gardener" Dolomi Poorness and his only divinity. .

The two sides have long been dead.

It can be said that among the old seven gods, the person who has the deepest hatred against Chen Lun is none other than Madame Qiangwei, Marialena.

And he will also become the true god who Chen Lun first performed surgery on.

Even putting aside the grudges, Mrs. Qiangwei is the most easy-to-handle "soft persimmon" besides the Empress Brilliant.

After all, compared to the strongest father and the mud man with outstanding self-protection ability, Mrs. Qiangwei's current state is the worst, and she is the most suitable to attack.

At the beginning, Marialena was severely injured by Huan Gong, and she was always limited by the Netherworld and could not move easily. Later, in the Sun King battle, Miss Shengshu found an opportunity for her rash attack, and was "beaten up" again... …

After making up his mind, Chen Lun gently raised his hand.


The ivory pen from the four seasons bookmark emerged in his hand, and he lay on the comfortable and soft sofa, writing directly in front of him out of thin air.


Pale flames fell down the golden and indigo nib, dragging and leaving traces in mid-air, forming a series of gorgeous continuous handwriting:
"—To Ms. Mia Meiweisi, please forgive me for interrupting. The martyr is about to lose control. I have planned to hunt the old seven gods and ascend to the position of the new god of destiny. Now the time has come. Lian Na is the first target, I wonder if you are interested in participating..."

After writing this secret invitation letter, Chen Lun thought about it and left the name "Jack Speight" on the signature.

Immediately, he snapped his fingers.

The Canghuo text twisted and condensed into a group of flames the size of a bottle cap in a spiral shape. It landed on his fingertips, and with a flick of his fingers, it disappeared instantly and was sent to Miss Shengshu's hands.

Chen Lun smiled slightly.

As Madam Qiangwei's old enemy, he believed that Miss Shengshu would be interested in his plan.

Although Chen Lun is confident in his own strength, if there is a true god who is willing to go with him, then he will be so happy. After all, hunting will be safer.

After finishing all this, he picked up the glass carved vial, pulled out the wooden cork, and with a bang, the fluorescent insects inside fluttered and flew, flashing a dazzling silver light, and planned to escape from the window sill.

Chen Lun's face was calm, but he just stretched out an index finger, and the darkness rose, and the strong gravitational force captured and wrapped the bug, and dragged it to the palm of his hand.

The mythical creature-level bug kept struggling in his palm.

He lowered his eyes and looked directly at the silver light. In an instant, a majestic torrent of knowledge flooded into his mind.

The knowledge that is enough to defeat a mortal's rationality in an instant and cause him to lose control and die suddenly calmed down in Chen Lun's mind, and he arranged them neatly, waiting for Chen Lun's consciousness to "review".

Sequence Nine [Hunter], Sequence Eight [Fraudster], Sequence Seven [Heart Thief], Sequence Six [Witch], Sequence Five [Summer], Sequence Four [Witch], Sequence Three [Daughter of the Star], Sequence Two [Star Color], Sequence One [Flashing Firefly]...

Even the Sequence Zero [Silver Mother River] of the True God!
These are all controlled by Chen Lun!

'All the knowledge of the top ten paths of gods have been completely collected. '

Chen Lun closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

A ball of blue fire rose from the palm, instantly burning the little bug to ashes.

'Although the three starry sky pathways of the sun, the dark sun and the stars have not been absorbed and integrated by Canghuo, it is not a bad thing to plan ahead. '

Chen Lun opened his eyes and thought.

"Aspect of Holy Fire" is currently switched to an avatar state by him, and it is in the first stage of the sequence [Seven Cores] with "Aspect of Destiny", and can only accommodate the power of seven paths that are not in this sequence.

Only by waiting for the "Sacred Fire Face" to become a god and ascend to Sequence Zero [Candle Officer], can the upper limit be expanded and the ten paths of perfection be reached. At that time, the complete knowledge of the three starry sky schools that one has mastered will be useful!
[You have mastered the complete knowledge of the ten paths of God! 】

【Bless the "Knowledge Collector" to be promoted...】

[Knowledge Collector LVMAX (blessing/full level 10)]

Blessing Description: A blessing given to you by Angela, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Blessing effect: The experience value obtained through mysterious knowledge will be greatly increased, and there is a high probability of obtaining skill points and attribute points from reading, will +100.


Chen Lun frowned.

He looked at the prompt on the panel and couldn't help smiling.

Since he became the King of Angels, he had actually stopped paying attention to those entries on the panel, because they were insignificant to his own growth and could not play a decisive role.

It's just that I didn't expect that this blessing had finally reached the full level at this time, and the "unknown existence" in the original description was also lifted.

It is Mr. Jingyao.

Chen Lun had guessed for a long time, but now it just confirmed the answer.

"The true gods and angels of the path of sorrow and joy, and even the high-ranking people who have received the favor of Huan Gong, actually took care of me a long time ago..."

He couldn't help shaking his head with emotion.

'Unfortunately, the increase in the efficiency of gaining experience points brought about by the full-level blessing is useless to me. '

Instead of reading books, brushing monsters and doing tasks to accumulate experience, it is better to directly open the "background database" and move your fingers easily.

Chen Lun felt that the 100-point increase in will was of great help to him. After all, compared with other eternal beings, he did not have much advantage in special attributes.

Arnold Sun's willpower is the highest he has ever seen, as high as more than 500 points, and Chen Lun is ashamed.

Right now, my willpower, with the blessing of the full-level blessing "Knowledge Collector", has reached the early 300s, which is also a good harvest.

"Honey, breakfast is ready, come down to eat..."

At this time, Floy's quiet and ethereal voice came from the stairs outside the door, with a relaxed and cheerful tone, which made Chen Lun couldn't help but smile.


(End of this chapter)

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