Chapter 7 Trust Me

Three days later.

The life in the underground prison is so dark that Chen Lun can only judge the passage of time by the number and frequency of food delivered by the guards.

During this period of time, he has gained a lot.

Every day he would be taken to the No. 7 basement to interpret the notes, and Floyd would stand by and record the "mythical history" he dictated.

As more and more content was recorded, Will's mood gradually became less irritable.

This monk seemed to see a bright future, a bright future, full of hope in his heart, and his mood was getting better day by day.

But Chen Lun just couldn't see him having a good time, so he deliberately slowed down the pace immediately, and the content of the talk became less and less every day, just like some authors who are getting shorter and shorter.

Will wanted to strangle Chen Lun to death on the spot, but he didn't dare.

Because so far, Chen Lun is the only one who has survived in front of the notes, and only he can "interpret" the contents of the notes.

Even Will had to serve him carefully, so as not to cause irreversible accidents because of his impatience and let him read too much content.

The truth is handled to death.

Chen Lun has pushed the "Beast Tamer's Handbook" hidden in the diary to more than half of the progress, and he has gained about 500 experience points in total.

In addition, his character broke out again, and he once again comprehended an exclusive skill of [Beast Tamer]——

【Animal Imitation LV1】

Skill description: Through a long time of getting along with animals, you learn the ability to perceive some skills and characteristics from them, and thus gain extraordinary powers that humans do not possess.

Humans have limits, don't be human!

But please remember that it is up to you to learn their strengths, not quirks or "specialties".

If you're really interested in dead crab headless fish, just pretend I didn't say...


The prison door was opened again.

Floy came in holding the tray. Seeing this, Chen Lun stopped his push-ups and thinking, and stood up to meet him.

"You came."

Chen Lun first looked at the situation in the corridor and found that there were no guards nearby, so he took the bread and mushroom soup from her hand and said thank you.

He secretly exercised while the guards were fishing. Although the effect on attribute improvement was extremely slow, given the current bad situation, it was somewhat helpful.

Prisoner fitness, no shame.

In his previous life, he exercised like this at home, and the effect was very good, but his body was getting worse day by day.

In fact, it's just because his genetic disease is too stubborn, exercise has no effect, when should he die or when should he die.

"Are you... doing weird exercises again?"

Froy sat beside Chen Lun, watching him tear and bite the bread.

In the past few days, she occasionally came here when the guards sneaked out to drink. As she got in touch with Chen Lun, she became more and more curious about this man.

In such an environment, the other party did not feel fear, and even conveyed a positive and optimistic mood to her in turn.

really weird.

But Floyd enjoyed the feeling.

Since her brother died, she was abandoned by her cold-blooded parents, and then sold to the Red Apple Church.

Everything she sees and hears is the darkest and bloodiest thing in the world.

Coupled with the malicious guards, Brother Will's harsh or obscene words every day, and the occasional malice in Father Carter's eyes, Floy, who was already pessimistic and numb, was even more desperate.

But after getting close to Chen Lun, she regained the feeling of being by her brother's side.

Peaceful and reassuring.

Chen Lun ate a little too fast, choked, and swallowed the food reluctantly after taking a sip of hot soup.

"Well, exercise."

He put down the bowl, turned his head and looked at the girl beside him, feeling an inexplicable feeling.

The opponent is a big shot in the future, the kind of big shot that can make players cry.

More than once, Chen Lun saw players post rallying order crusade posts on the forum, but every time they returned home without a feather, the defeat was a complete mess.

It doesn't matter what high player you are on the list, what kind of plutocratic guild, you will be slapped to death in front of the famous dead nun.

Maybe in the future, players will be able to conquer Floyd, but in that version at that time, she was the existence of the ceiling, and even in the later versions.

It's not only players who can grow and become stronger, but also NPCs.

"Secret Age" is a complete and real world, every character in it has their own life trajectory, growth process, they have flesh and blood, and have their own souls.

This is also the charm of this game all the time.

But even so, Floy has abused the players thousands of times, but the players still treat her like first love and go to her day after day.

Not only because of her good looks, good figure and first-class temperament, but also because of her tragic life experience...

Well, most of the players go to her because of her good looks.

In that big version, countless players have very complicated feelings for Floyd, both love and hate, unforgettable.

Chen Lun is no exception.

But what he cares more about is Floy's tragic experience.

He knew that the reason why Floyd was so powerful could not be separated from that [A-level creepy back-sun potted plant].

And this is the crux of the tragedy.

From the very beginning, Floy was a pawn of the Church cultivated to bear the [Potted Plant in the Sun].

It was a humanoid weapon that they brutally blended to kill an innocent girl.

This also led to the fact that Floyd would eventually be annihilated and become a soulless body, at the mercy of the Red Apple Church.

Chen Lun once felt sorry for this, but he was powerless.

Because this is the setting of the game, from the moment the player enters the game world, Floy's ending is already doomed.

"But now, I can change her fate."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

Floy was taken aback for a moment, then immediately looked away.

"Are you planning to escape from here?"


Chen Lun simply admitted, and then fell silent for a while.

"I still plan to take you with me."


Floy turned her gaze around again, and saw Chen Lun's eyes widen.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm serious."

Chen Lun had a serious face.

"It can be seen that you don't really like this place, but you can't leave."

Floyd was just silent.

He raised his palm, flexed his index finger and moved it, a glimmer of light flashed across his fingertips.

Then he opened his mouth slightly and let out a small, high-pitched squeak, just like a rodent.

Soon, under Floy's shocked eyes, seven or eight fist-sized black mice swarmed from the corners and crevices of the prison, and gathered at Chen Lun's feet.

A mouse jumped onto Chen Lun's palm, raised its head and called out to him.

Chen Lun also responded, and those friends at his feet added a few words from time to time, and Chen Lun continued to nod.

"They said that there are three floors here, with a total of fourteen iron gates. The gate connected to the exit on the ground is extraordinarily strong, and there are more than [-] guards scattered around."

Floy covered her small mouth, and it took a while before she confirmed in a low voice:

"You...are a transcendent?"

Chen Lun nodded and waved away the rats.

"I now believe that you can take me away...what do I need?"

Floy pursed her lips, and slightly clenched her little hands hidden under the red robe.

After her brother's death, she never had such big emotional fluctuations, even when she was betrayed by her parents, she just kept silent.

Only those who have experienced darkness will yearn for light even more.

Chen Lun leaned over and started whispering in Floyd's ear.

"I need you like this... jiligualawaibiwaibi..."

Feeling the heat in her ears, Floy felt a little uncomfortable, and her face began to flush.

But at the same time, the light in her eyes became brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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