Chapter 710 The sun falls
Cang Yin...

Focusing on the mighty power of the path of destiny, relying on the power increase provided by the original sin "Never Return Home", forcefully lock the target, and even the fate line of everything in the area where the target is located, and then use the blue fire that burned 22 copies of the only divinity as the means of attack .

So far, this skill can be called a super enhanced version of "Destined to Die".

But its power is many times stronger than "Destined Death"!
But this is not the strongest place of "Cang Yin".

Its strongest point lies in the perfect fusion of "Fate Restart"!
Therefore, once the target or area is locked by the "Cang Yin", not only the external material level, but also the deep soul, spirituality and even the destiny level, will be branded, and will be burned by the supreme fire forever, endless loop...

Until the target is completely wiped from all levels.

Traces that no longer exist.


The golden figure and the giant dragon were suddenly enveloped by a huge cloud of blue fire like a nebula. The distorted colorful halo scattered and fluctuated, and even "squeezed away" the golden and red light and heat that originally filled the star world, creating a "white Hole".

The spirally twisted "white hole" has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and is constantly expanding. At first glance, it looks like a bottomless deep hole and a huge round pale star.

Like the Mobius ring, this is a spectacle area that cannot be observed from any angle. Inside, the supreme holy flame originating from the "King of Cang Yi" is exploding, burning, and emitting countless times per second— —

Boom boom boom! ! !

The entire "white hole" suddenly collapsed into a point, then expanded, and then twisted and collapsed again, and then expanded rapidly...

This process intensifies!

The area of ​​each expansion is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed is getting faster and faster!
Like the high-speed strobe when the frame is stuck, it is dazzling!

It seemed that the entire star world could no longer bear the aftermath of the battle of gods, and spider web-like fine cracks appeared, and the horizon also swayed.

Mr. Jing Yao watched this scene from a distance and couldn't help being shocked.

From the terrifying "white hole" area, he felt a strong sense of fate of "burning to death", and this power has definitely surpassed the scope of the true god.

As for whether it can be regarded as the "old days" level, Mr. Jing Yao doesn't know.

But He knows that if any true God is placed in the place of the Lie Father, he will surely die!

Including Himself!
In the center of the "White Hole", the locked father is suffering countless collapses and explosions every second, as if the fate of death is condensed within this second and repeats itself infinitely.

The phantom of the dragon of light has long been torn apart by the blue fire, leaving only a golden figure struggling endlessly in the pure destruction.

Even the most powerful true god in the world can hardly resist such power.


Thousands of voices of prayer came from nowhere:

"The place where all the light is, where all the blaze is, where all the stars are embraced, where all the greatness is..."

"You are the source of combustion, you are the light of the sky, you are the master of the star world..."

"You are the symbol of fearlessness, you are the supreme warrior, you are the pure white sun, shining brilliantly..."



The "White Hole" was suddenly enlarged by a dazzling golden light!

Both Chen Lun and Mr. Jing Yao saw that the "white hole" had expanded to the size of half a star realm.


A flaming golden-red sun is slowly opening one eye!
The eyes are full of madness, resentment, murderous intent and malice!

"Kingsley's 'arrogant' authority!"

The crystalline star once again sent a message to Chen Lun.

This is also the first time Chen Lun felt the calm and calm Mr. Jingyao, and he felt anxious.

"This is the foundation of the Sun God's existence. He is almost unable to sustain it, so he did not hesitate to use this authority. With this, Kingsley can temporarily shield all the power around him and stay in an 'absolute' state... Be careful, Kingsley has lost his mind, and is likely to plan to die with me!"

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

What is meant by "absolute", in short, immune to all external influences.

Self-respect, contempt for all!
Dangerously intense, coming through spiritual intuition.

He opened the database as quickly as possible, with a cold face, and ruthlessly allocated the sanity of all the players in the world to his own panel.

Immediately, he raised his hand and waved at Mr. Jingyao.

The fate line of the two was immediately intercepted in advance.

It is equivalent to a piece of text being "cut" on the "pasteboard" and can be dropped again at any time.


Chen Lun's fearless eyes widened, staring straight at the pure white light.

His expression was even distorted and ferocious, containing the killing intent at all costs.

"Today, I will burn the sun to death!!!"

While roaring, Chen Lun urged "Fate Restart", enveloping himself and Mr. Jingyao, and at the same time, throwing all the harvested billions of rationality into the "Cang Yin", which is bound to burn the sun into ashes!


next moment.

The pure white dazzling light illuminated the entire star realm.

annihilate everything...

Bang! ! !
The night sky in this world suddenly brightened like day.

Countless people and creatures raised their heads in horror, looking at the pure white glaring sky, they forgot where they were and who they were, and their minds went blank.


A hurricane strong enough to blow houses away has blown across the Yanita Continent!

The earth trembled, and the waves continued to surge!
dong dong dong! !



People's screams were buried by the loud noise, and countless people and objects, buildings and vegetation were all engulfed and scattered like dust.

A shocking explosion completely illuminated the world!
The terrible tsunami and light and heat broke through the epochal shackles of fate, submerging and destroying the three misty islands surrounding the Yanita continent.

The round-the-island ceremony arranged by Huan Gong was declared broken.

The Yanita Continent is no longer isolated from the outside world.

Shortly thereafter, some plates in the north, southwest, and northeast of the continent broke and sank toward the endless ocean.

Lava, climbed up the earth.

The world is like the end of the world.

The horrific turmoil lasted for several hours.

Until the white light in the sky suddenly collapsed into a point, it immediately expanded and exploded, turning into countless golden and red meteors, which bloomed like fireworks and streaked across the sky.




Accompanied by three bells that resounded throughout the universe.

Countless people who survived the natural disaster, as well as the transcendent, high-ranking and eternal beings in the mysterious field, were all sluggish.

It is the majestic death knell of Godfall...

Its sound means the passing of the great sun god.


The sun is down!

"My lord! My lord has fallen!"

"The sun... the sun is dead?!"

"Gods! Why? Why are you treating us so cruelly!"

"No! No! Impossible!!"

Countless devout sun believers were devastated.

They knelt down on the ground like ruins, and what's more, they were discouraged by the collapse of their beliefs and fell to the ground, like a body without a soul, losing the motivation to continue living.

There are those who are mad, those who are silent, and those who weep...

The world wailed because of the death of the sun.

In the star realm that is on the verge of collapse.

A burning figure was powerlessly floating in the air, and the pale flames all over his body were almost extinguished.

Chen Lun suddenly opened his eyes.

He endured the body that was about to collapse, and stood up again.

Looking around, there was a sea of ​​white flames.

The fragmented star world is radiating residual warmth into the present world.

Mr. Jingyao has regained his human form, and his skin was cracked like porcelain. He slowly came to Chen Lun's side. Although his face couldn't hide his weakness and tiredness, his voice was still powerful:

If it wasn't for the last moment, Chen Lun spared no effort to expend a lot of rationality to wrap him with "Fate Restart", but there was only one result, and that was to be completely annihilated into nothingness under the self-destructive white light of the martyr father.

Chen Lun didn't even have the strength to speak, so he just shook his head.

He sensed his own state.

All the values, including the reserved life, physical strength and sanity, have all fallen to the bottom, and there are more than a dozen negative states hanging on him, the situation is quite bad.

But fortunately, Liefu finally died.

Died in the "Cang Yin" that surpassed the power of the true god.

And died in his own madness.

Chen Lun raised his hand with difficulty, and an invisible gravitational force spread out. Through the index of fate, he found the remnants of Kingsley Wordswall scattered everywhere after the fall.


More than a dozen light groups of various colors flew from all directions, and finally landed on the palms of Chen Lun's hands.

On the left hand lay the ten unique divinities held by the martyr father, including 5 parts of the sun, 4 parts of the dark sun, and 1 part of the stars.

On the right hand, there are eight other light clusters, including 5 copies of the sole divinity of the heretics of the Dragon of Light, 2 copies of the unique divinity of the sun that once belonged to the sun king Andre, and the S-level monster [Sunshine Gun].

Chen Lun glanced behind him, and saw the turmoil in the present world through the cracks in the astral world.

His gaze scanned the periphery of the Yanita Continent for a week, and he clearly captured the scene of the collapse and sinking of the three misty islands.

'The circumnavigation ceremony has been ruined...the power of the Old One and the Outer Gods is coming, and I have no time left. '

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, under Mr. Jingyao's dazed eyes, he stuffed the only divinity in his hand into his mouth!

Except for the 2 unique divinities of the sun that originally belonged to Andre, and the [Sunshine Gun], the other 15 unique divinities were all turned into firewood for the "Holy Flame Face"!

Boom boom boom! !

Chen Lun's body collapsed in an instant, and even after "restarting", it completely turned into an extremely pale pillar of fire, piercing through the star realm.

Mr. Jingyao retreated again and again, so powerful that it surpassed cognition, and it made him feel extremely painful even when he approached.

"Is this what Clough wants to see... With 'fate' as the foundation, overlap the 'sacred fire', and burn the ten paths of gods, so as to have the power beyond the sequence in disguise."

Angela murmured.

Immediately, he coughed, and the cracks all over his body spread.

"Next, I'm afraid I won't be able to help him much..."

In Mr. Jingyao's eyes, which are as vast as the universe, there is a flash of relief.

In the boundless pain, Chen Lun felt that endless power was pouring into him, causing the blue fire to expand and burn, making the "Holy Fire Face" reach a higher level, and even he himself could hardly control it!

'The one-time addition of 15 copies of "firewood" has greatly increased the power of the "Holy Fire Face"...a total of 37 copies! '

He couldn't hide his shock.

Even though the "sacred fire" originated from himself, Chen Lun himself was terrified by the horror.


Some kind of message from Lie Fu's leftovers, through the burning of authority, surged into Chen Lun's mind.

That is the way to rise above the sequence, to become above the sequence.

It's the only way—

First of all, you must have entered sequence zero, the position of true god.

Secondly, it is necessary to thoroughly digest this pathway plus 10 adjacent pathways.

Finally, integrate with the source sin of this way.

It can make itself tangible and intangible, and eventually become the "old days".

The martyr Kingsley Wordswall was stuck at the last step, because he lacked the starry sky path source sin "cosmic lighthouse", he couldn't escape the sequence at all.

After Chen Lun got the information, he couldn't be happy at all.

Even if he possesses the original sin of "not returning home" on the path of joy and sorrow, the most critical step of the detachment sequence has already been achieved, but this is not the same as the process of climbing the path of God!
Be the old days, no ceremony required!
No need for so-called influence!No faith required!Don't even need anchors and sanity!


No matter what ritual or method, once it becomes the old days, it will not be able to maintain all the attributes associated with "people".

Human nature, thinking, imagination, morality, wisdom, etc., etc...

In the old days, all the attributes of being a person or being a living body will inevitably be lost. These have no meaning for the existence above the sequence.

'Transcending the sequence means transcending everything, and eventually becoming a blind and ignorant greatness, who can only rely on instinct to wander outside the starry sky...and this is also the necessary price for obtaining supreme power. '

Chen Lun lowered his eyes and fell into a long silence.

After the flame on his body gradually shrunk and finally disappeared, Mr. Jing Yao approached again.

"Jack, are you okay?"

Angela seemed to feel a vague sense of loss from him, so she couldn't help asking.

"Nothing, just some feelings..."

The black dress reappeared on Chen Lun's body. He put on a hat to cover his expression, and chuckled with a hoarse voice.

"I didn't expect that we really defeated the strongest Sun God."


Seeing this, Angela didn't ask any more questions, but continued:
"For future plans, I may not be able to help you too much, Jack...Kingsley fell, and the barriers of this world were destroyed. The line of sight from the outer continent and even the starry sky will soon cast you. be prepared."

Chen Lun was silent for a few seconds.

His voice came from under the lowered brim of his hat:
"Then let them come."

Mr. Jing Yao couldn't help but startled.

Although Jack's tone was downplaying, he could still hear some implicit confidence in it, and it could even be said that it didn't matter.

"As long as you have confidence..."

Mr. Jing Yao said with emotion.

"Everything that Clough predicted has happened, and now only you have the strength to save this world."

"Mr. Angela."

Chen Lun said softly.

"You were seriously injured in this battle, so go back to Wonderland to recuperate."

"then you……"

Mr. Jing Yao asked.

Chen Lun turned his head to look beyond the star realm, and said indifferently:
"'Firewood' is not enough, far from enough. I feel the old strength from the remnants of my father... So if I want to have the power to face the sequence directly, I need more unique divinity."

Mr. Jingyao's eyes narrowed.

He heard Jack's subtext.

The other party intends to continue hunting, not only Mud Weng, but also angels and gods in other ways. As long as they are insignificant characters, Jack will kill them and take away their only divinity.

Mr. Jing Yao didn't say much.

He knew that in order to save the world, there must be enough sacrifices.

"Good luck, Jack."

Mr. Jingyao said solemnly.

Chen Lun just waved his hand and stepped forward.

Accompanied by the complete collapse of the star realm, and the vision turned into a little bit of bright light, his voice came:
"I am luck itself, don't worry, Mr. Angela..."

 Calvin is serious, there is only one chapter today;
(End of this chapter)

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