Chapter 84 Mysterious Association (Please read more!)
"Mr. Spades, um...please sit down."

Black Skull groaned, and immediately raised his hand to indicate that Chen Lun could sit down on an empty seat.

Chen Lun nodded, found a chair at random, and sat down.

"Since there are newcomers joining, why not introduce yourself first."

The black skull leaned back slightly and leaned against the back of the chair.

The first to agree was the rough woman who fought with Chen Lun.

"You can call me 'fin', if you have a 'pulling boat' business, you can find me."

The so-called "pulling a boat" is a slang term, similar in nature to pimping, but more straightforward.Because this is directly kidnapping a woman and sending it to the client.Or kidnap customers and force consumption.

Chen Lun could smell a trace of sea salt and fish from her body. This woman may be living in the area of ​​Lorna Port, and even works in the port on weekdays.

"Is it [Sequence 8-Navigator]...?"

He secretly guessed in his heart.

Then the other five people introduced themselves successively.

A short-haired woman wearing a white mask calls herself a "civet cat", and Chen Lun can't feel any extraordinary fluctuations in her.

The middle-aged man beside her was wearing a bone mask with ancient words engraved on it.His voice is very forceful, his tone is calm, and his alias is "Scrooge".

A stooped, old man with a big gray hat on his head, covering his face, only showing a little gray beard, his name is "Scholarship".

The other two particularly attracted Chen Lun's attention.

A slovenly, unshaven man with no camouflage and indifferent eyes, dressed in the linen robes of a lowly commoner.He looked ahead and said two words lightly:

The last one was wearing a black suit with a white shirt lining, but a silver jug ​​was buckled upside down on his head... I don't know how he could see things clearly.

I saw him spread his hands reluctantly, and a male voice came out from the silver pot:

"You can call me 'gentleman,' newcomer."

Chen Lun nodded, but did not respond.

He was secretly vigilant in his heart.

At present, this mysterious association hidden in the former site of the Pompeii manor has gathered seven people from the mysterious field at the same time, and except for the "civet cat", the other six are all extraordinary.

And their sequence is not low.

At least Chen Lun didn't feel the existence of any [Sequence 9].

"I don't know if [Philip's inheritance] was taken away by them..."

Chen Lun only felt a headache.

"It seems that our Mr. Big Stomach was probably killed by this Mr. Spade... Tsk tsk, when did Amber City have such a strong man?"

The gentleman chuckled.

The civet glanced at him and retorted:
"It is not ruled out that it is a token that was picked up."

"Ha ha……"

The gentleman shook his head, and the silver jug ​​around his neck shook slightly.

The miser spoke from the side:
"That doesn't explain how he found it here."

"Could it be that the 'shelter' arrested the 'big eater' and exposed our meeting place?"

Knowledge said.

Hearing the word "shelter", everyone fell silent and fell into a cold scene.

"Don't be nervous, everyone..."

Black Skull said lightly.

"Just relying on a 'shelter house' can't help us. Maybe Mr. Spade's information was given by the big eater... Don't speculate any more, it's meaningless."

He knocked on the table and continued:
"Let's start today's process, first the transaction link."

Chen Lun looked at the black skull in surprise, not knowing why he excused himself.

As the initiator of the association, Black Skull seems to be quite authoritative. After hearing what he said, everyone stopped worrying about the reason why Chen Lun found this place.

"[Low-sequence moon faction mysterious substance] two copies, in exchange for extraordinary things, who wants it?"

Fish Fin took out two crumpled paper balls and roughly spread them out, revealing two dark purple balls.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and the gentleman spoke:
"Are you going to hunt down the monks of the Church of the Moon again? Be careful that you will be caught someday..."

"Mind yourself, Urinalhead."

Fin sneered.

The gentleman shrugged and said nothing more.

"I want."

Hammer said lightly.

"What do you want in exchange? Let me state first, I don't need a mysterious substance."

"how about this?"

Hammer took out an "umbrella" with a weird shape. The end of the hook was actually a butt and handle with a trigger. It looked more like a two-handed flintlock.

"Man-made [D-level monster]? How does it work? What is the cost?"

Fish Fin became interested and asked quickly.

"Open the parachute, pull the trigger, and launch an extraordinary incendiary bomb... extract body water as ammunition."

The hammer cherishes words like gold, explain briefly.

"Okay! Change it!"

The fins pushed the two black and purple balls over, and the big hand reached for the umbrella flintlock.

Unexpectedly, the hammer pressed down on the gun body.

"What do you mean?"

Fin frowned.

"not enough."

Hammer said, adding immediately:

"Another fifty gold pounds."

Fish Fin was silent for a moment, nodded, gritted his teeth and took out another [Low Sequence Moon Faction Mysterious Substance].

"The market price of [Low Sequence Moon Faction Mysterious Substance] is around 50 gold pounds, which is very reasonable."

Black Skull reminded from the side.

Iron Hammer didn't speak in response, but nodded slightly, accepted the three black and purple balls, and handed the umbrella gun to Fish Fin.

Next, there were two more transactions, both of which were barter, and rarely purchased with currency.

Transcendents who have reached this stage are rarely short of money.It is more to become stronger in the mysterious field and go further in the sequence path.

"Mr. Spades, don't you have any needs?"

Black Skull asked.

Chen Lun found that other people were looking at him, knowing that he was not going to do anything, and looked very suspicious.

So he chuckled, and took out a [Low Sequence Conspiracy Faction Mysterious Substance], a small gray ball.

"I am very interested in the sequence pathways other than the seven righteous gods. If any of you have extraordinary knowledge, this is a deposit... We can talk about it in private, and the price is easy to negotiate."

Chen Lun really needs to promote knowledge, but he can't say it clearly.

"The hidden sequences outside the seven righteous gods...[Fate], [Conspiracy], and [Nature], these three sequences are rare, and I don't have them."

Black Skull shook his head.

After the rest of the people whispered a few words, they also fell silent.

"Well, if you have relevant information, you can also sell it to me as a reward for a low-sequence mysterious substance."

Chen Lun pretended to be sorry, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, if everyone has no deal, then speak freely."

Black Skull hosts the party.

The atmosphere of the association was a little flatter and more relaxed.

"I heard that there has been a lot of turmoil in the parliament recently. After the assassination of Congressman Daniel, Congressman Lawson was proud and seemed to have found a big backer..."

the gentleman joked.

"As far as I know, he is a mid-sequence Transcendent with strong strength... and has an [A-level monster] in his hand."

Scrooge added.

The others were taken aback.

"Are you sure it's [A-level monster]?!"

Fish Fin was surprised.

Not only has she never seen a monster of this level, she has never even heard of it, which is really too rare.

"That's not his."

said the miser indifferently.

Others secretly speculated whether the strong man behind Congressman Lawson stole something from a church or robbed some association.

After continuing to communicate on this topic, the civet cat spoke:

"... Earl Bradley is really a fool. His wife has a new love, but he was kept in the dark."

"Maybe it's not that I don't know, it's just pretending not to know."

Xuezhi coughed twice, and then smiled.

"If the Countess's new love is a powerful Transcendent, Earl Bradley may not dare to say a word... This is the reality."

The others nodded in approval.

There is actually a deep gap between ordinary people and the mysterious realm.Regardless of your extraordinary status and wealth, in front of the mighty Transcendent, you are just a weak life that can be killed with a snap of your fingers.

Even if they are wanted by a shelter, they can escape to other places.

Unless it is a heinous crime, the empire will not send too much force to hunt it down.

Chen Lun did not speak, reduced his sense of presence, and silently collected information.

After half an hour.

Black Skull got up to end the party.

"The old rule is to leave one by one. The next meeting will be three days later. If there is an accident, a secret notice will be published in the newspaper to reschedule."

Immediately afterwards, he signaled Chen Lun to leave first, and led Chen Lun into a side door of the tomb.

Entering the side door, Chen Lun found that there were more than a dozen branched passages inside, which seemed to lead to different exits.Only then did he realize that the former site of the Pompeii Manor was just one of the paths.

Black Skull sent Chen Lun to the exit, then nodded and turned back.

Chen Lun noticed that there was a finger-sized bell hanging on the other party's cuff.

He took this detail to heart.

Leaving from the exit, Chen Lun found that he had returned to Xiashuitan in the outer city, which was a huge outlet of the drainage canal.

"Who designed this stronghold..."

Chen Lun secretly admired it.

Not only is it hidden, but it also extends in all directions. It is really the best choice for a safe house.

Suddenly, a person's name flashed in his mind.

"Couldn't it be Philip...?"

The original words in the diary read, "...I hid all the supernatural things I have accumulated and collected over the years in the backyard of Viscount Pompeii's house, and I dug there—"

Dig an underground maze? !

 Thanks to the beautiful woman-book friend 1420265785439801344 and the spirit of the secret method for a monthly ticket!
  There are also recommended tickets from other beauties!

  Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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