Chapter 86
Rebecca's leg injury is almost healed.

She is very happy today because her good friend Gabila came to the manor to look for her.

Gabila's mother and Mrs. Pompei are best friends, and they have a good relationship, and they often attend the salon gatherings of noble ladies together.

And Rebecca and Gabila have known each other since they were young, and they also attended classes at the Hypericum Girls' Academy together.

It happened that Rebecca also missed this friend a little bit, so after greeting her parents, she and Gabila left Pompeii Manor, intending to go out for a stroll.

"Rebecca, I haven't seen you in almost two months!"

Gabila wore the high-necked tutu she wore on the road, a long shawl under Raff's collar, and a Capote bonnet.Rebecca's dress was similar to hers, but with more lace trimming on the mutton sleeves and a more muted dress.

"Is your leg really any better? We'll be fine after walking this far, right?"

Gabila asked concerned.

"It's okay. Father has already asked a doctor to see him. As long as he doesn't exercise strenuously, he will be fine."

Rebecca said.

The two strolled for a certain distance, and unknowingly walked to the pier area, when Gabila suddenly said mysteriously:

"Rebecca, do you know about the mysterious realm?"

"Mysterious field..."

Rebecca suddenly remembered what had happened in the past few days. Her family was kidnapped, unable to move like a sculpture, and then witnessed the scene of Mr. Jack fighting the enemy.

"I heard that there are actually extraordinary powers in this world, just like tricks... No, it should be called magic! It's very magical and powerful!"

Gabila said excitedly.

"In the incident of 'Cui Ti Zoo' a while ago, the man who caused the riot was a transcendent with mysterious power!"

"He's not the one who started the riot!"

Rebecca was a little annoyed.

Mr. Jack saved everyone!
He is my knight!

It's not a bad guy!
Gabila glanced at Rebecca in surprise, not knowing why she was so excited.

"All right……"

She chose not to say anything about it and changed the subject:

"Rebecca, I heard that there is a black market here, and there are some mysterious shops hidden in it, where you can buy some props that are only available in the mysterious field...

Do you want to look for it?Maybe we can have magic too! "

After hearing this, Rebecca felt a little ready to move.

To be honest, she felt more and more that Mr. Jack was perfect, and there was a distance between herself and him.

"If I also have magic, Mr. Jack will be shocked, right?"

Rebecca thought to herself and chuckled.

Gabila cast a puzzled look, and Rebecca immediately controlled her expression and returned to normal, then said nonchalantly:
"Okay, let's go!"

Gabila smiled, took Rebecca's hand, and searched for it on the street.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or fate, but they really let the two find the market hidden in the pier, but they didn't know that it was a black market.

The two just took it as curiosity and wandered around inside.

After Chen Lun saw the two of them, he didn't come forward to say hello.

Because he found that behind Rebecca, there were a few sneaky people watching in secret.

"Rebecca! Look!"

Gabila shook Rebecca's hand excitedly and pointed to a shop in the corner.

On the dilapidated light board, the words "House of the Witch" are lit up, but because the light bulb is old, the word "Witch" is not lit up, and it is easy to be misunderstood when viewed from a distance.

The two looked at each other and walked into the shop immediately.

A young woman with impasto eyeshadow was reclining on a chaise longue behind the counter with a pipe dangling from her mouth.From the looks of it, he should be the owner of this shop.

She gently took off the pipe with her slender and fair fingers, glanced at the two of them casually, and said:

"Sorry, it's closed, please go back."


Gabila was surprised, and immediately saw a middle-aged customer in the shop, looking at the old objects.So she pointed at that person and questioned:
"Why are there still customers after closing?"

The woman rested her elbows on the table, leaned her head on her wrists, and let her long hair hang loosely.

She took a sip of her pipe and smiled slightly.

"Because this is a smart guest, and you are not."

"What do you mean?"

Gabila frowned.

"Ms. Mollymer?!"

Rebecca suddenly said.

Gabila turned her head and found Rebecca's expression was very surprised.Following her gaze, she looked at the middle-aged guest, and after a little scrutiny, she found that the other party turned out to be a professor of history at the Goldilocks School for Girls.

"Oh, so it's Rebecca and Gabila."

The middle-aged man turned his head and smiled.

He wears a pair of glasses and has the air of a scholar.

"Why did you come here? It's not safe at night."

Professor Mollymer shook his head lightly, admonishing him.

As he spoke, he walked to the counter with a clay pot in his hand, and took out a gold pound to pay.

"It's four gold pounds . . . a fake as usual, Miss Rosa."

The woman accepted the four gold coins and asked flatly:

"Since you know it's fake, why buy it?"

Professor Mollymer touched the lines on it, and said sincerely:

"Although the jar is fake, the workmanship is real, consistent with the pattern of the old era, and it is of great research value."

"Look, this is a smart person who knows it's fake, but willingly pays for it."

Rosa smiled.

Seeing her smile, Gabila felt ashamed for some reason.The other party obviously did not have a world-shattering appearance, but he gave off a peerless charm.

Gabila looked away, not looking at those calm but moving eyes.

"So you're saying we're too stupid to recognize fakes and get scammed?"

Her tone was slightly dissatisfied.

"Since it's a business, why remind us! It's good to make money, I don't believe there will be such a kind liar!"

Gabila was a little annoyed, not only because she was looked down upon by others, but also because it was revealed that there were no real props in the mysterious field, and she felt unwilling.

"Because I don't want to get in trouble, girl."

Rosa turned the pipe upside down and gently bumped it against the corner of the table to shake out the ash inside.

"There is nothing you want here, please go back."

Gabila wanted to say something, but was stopped by Rebecca.

"Forget it, let's go, it's getting late."

"But... well!"

Gabila was furious, but finally compromised.

Professor Mollymer, who had been standing by, said aloud:
"Do you want me to take you home?"

"Don't worry about it, sir, we will escort these two ladies..."

Then a frivolous voice came.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw four or five men in black entering the shop.They blocked the door, surrounding Gabila and Rebecca.

"I don't know you!"

Rebecca said.

She was a little scared. If she had known earlier, she would not have traveled so far to such a remote place.

"Miss, you are being self-willed again. The boss told us to protect your safety... It's getting late, so let's go back now."

As the man in black said, he was about to drag the two of them away.

Professor Mollymer wanted to speak, but found himself pointed at a musket.

The man held a flintlock gun and shook the muzzle mockingly as a threat.His companion also took out a gun and pointed at the boss Rosa.But the latter had a calm face, silently lit a new shredded tobacco with a match, and smoked the pipe by himself.

Suddenly, the leading man was startled, and found himself floating out of thin air.

"The boss also told me, let me take you home."

A strange male voice came from behind him.

I saw a black-haired young man appearing at some unknown time, gently picking him up like a chicken.

"Go back to the trash house."

 Thank you for the 15000-point reward and 10 chapters of the monthly pass for the beautiful woman—the wind tells the rain's love story!Good job, thank you very much!One more chapter is owed, and it will be added on the shelves!

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(End of this chapter)

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