I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 99 How to relieve worries, only add points

Chapter 99 How to relieve worries, only add points

Going back to reality.

Chen Lun rubbed his temples, but the pain did not decrease.

Fortunately, [Maggie's Tears] is continuously providing recovery effects, making him feel a burst of coldness, and the discomfort is gradually relieved.

"This book... still has a lot of secrets waiting for me to explore, and I will study it slowly in the future."

He was holding "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" in his hand, and put it close to the [Jingzhe] bookmark.

In the next second, the green light flickered, the book disappeared, and it had been bookmarked.

Chen Lun then put all the bookmarks and the things on the table into the dimensional space of the grape ring and kept them with him.

After finishing all this, he went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Borrowing the light, Chen Lun looked at the handsome guy in the mirror and showed a bright smile.

"My current strength... should have almost reached the upper limit of [Sequence 8]."

He wiped the drops of water with a towel, and murmured:

"Promotion is the pinnacle? Heh..."

It's not enough!
Chen Lun hung up the towel, went back to the room, changed into pajamas, and lay down on the bed.

"add a bit!"

He put his head on his hands and looked at the ceiling.

My own attributes have slowly improved, and the short board effect is not as obvious as it was at the beginning. I no longer need to reserve all attribute points as hole cards like before.

Dexterity has reached the low-sequence threshold of 50 points, and there will be profit penalties if it continues to increase, so Chen Lun set his sights on other attributes.

Strength is 35 points, for a [Sequence 8] transcendent, it is above the middle level, but he is not satisfied.To a certain extent, strength is equivalent to the lethality in melee combat. His speed is extremely fast. If his strength can keep up a bit, the effect will be even better.

So he marked 5 points of attributes, pulled his strength to 40 points, and entered the upstream level of [Sequence 8].

Then Chen Lun added the remaining attribute points to stamina and intelligence. Stamina determines his physical strength and resistance, and intelligence affects the strength bonus of skills. These two attributes become more and more powerful as he advances. important.

The 17 points of attributes are distributed reasonably, the endurance reaches 31 points, and the intelligence is 30 points, which are relatively average.

As for faith?

Chen Lun said that he didn't need that thing.

Faith mainly affects skills such as magic and prayer, and tends to favor church clergy.If you are watched and favored by the gods, you may have a chance to gain more powerful power if you lower your favor.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Lun, he would rather believe in his fist.

"There is also a plan for a sub-professional, um..."

Chen Lun pondered.

At the beginning of the journey, I was still very weak, and every ounce of strength was extremely precious, so I did not hesitate to upgrade the original [Fisherman] to the full level.

But as the strength becomes stronger, this sub-profession seems to be a bit of a hindrance, and it is time to replace it.

Because in the low-sequence stage, players can have at most two sub-classes, and if they increase, there will be income penalties, and more experience points need to be paid to improve, and the gains outweigh the losses.

The best way at present is to replace it with a more suitable one.

"Although it is not difficult to wash out a sub-job, what should I replace it with...?"

he thought.

There are many ways to get rid of sub-jobs, and Chen Lun has no less than ten in his mind, but only for the first time.Starting from the second time, there are also corresponding penalties.

So before replacing, Chen Lun had to think carefully.

"It's good to have a sub-profession, but..."

He suddenly thought of something, with a strange expression on his face.

Because of that sub-profession, most of them came from the Red Apple Church.


Hypericum Girls School.

staff domitory.

A middle-aged man stood in the middle of the room, quietly looking at Majli whose body was separated on the ground.

"Greed is the original sin of the earth, I have taught you many times, Marjry."

He sighed.

If Chen Lun saw him, he would recognize that this was a man whom he had met once in the black market at the port.Rebecca's history teacher, Professor Mollymer.

Molimo took out a small box of matches from his arms, took out one with his fingers, and lit it lightly.

The flame flickered.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his other hand and made a strange gesture towards the corpse.

wow wow...

The sound of pages turning rapidly appeared out of thin air all around.

The tables, chairs, beds, and decorations in the room, including Margery's body, all emerged as illusory outlines, and then kept changing and flashing.

As the phantom swayed like frame skipping, it gradually formed the illusion of time going backwards, and each scene became a retrospective of history, which was displayed in front of Mo Limo——

Margery's phantom figure hurriedly opened the door, ready to leave, when suddenly a black palm pierced from outside the door, separating his body.

Just as the murderer was about to step through the door, Molimer could see his true colors.

boom! !

Professor Mollymer snorted.

All the phantoms in front of him began to collapse, and the figure of the murderer disappeared.

"Extraordinary counterattack?!"

He narrowed his eyes, and blood spilled from the corners of his eyes.

The flames began to fluctuate violently, as if they were about to go out in the next second.

"You can't look at his history anymore, otherwise it will cause a bigger backlash..."

Mollymore thought.

He increased his extraordinary power to maintain historical retrospect, but immediately chose to shift the target and put it on the letter written by the student Margery.

Countless phantoms of ashes appeared out of thin air all around, and then gathered like thousands of birds returning to their nests, flying towards the match in Molimo's hand.

A pitch-black letter slowly returned to its original appearance in the flames. Professor Morlimer took out the phantom and quickly scanned it.

"Hmm... Spades?"

Morlimer flicked his hand, and the flame in his hand went out.

Then all the phantoms in the room returned to silence and returned to normal.

On the far side of the inner city.

Bradley Square.

Because it was invested and built by Earl Bradley, it is named after him.

This is the most prosperous downtown area in the inner city, and the most high-end stores in Amber City will open here.There is a lot of traffic near the square, and the carriages of the dignitaries can often be seen passing by here.

There is a luxuriously decorated gallery next to the square, and the gate is facing the square.

Its signboard reads "Time Amber".

The gallery was very quiet, and the guests consciously kept silent, admiring the paintings on the wall silently.People in the same industry occasionally communicate, but also deliberately lower the volume.

At the end of the gallery are the backs of two men standing in front of a large-scale oil painting, looking up to appreciate it.

The person in this painting is a brown-haired young man in a military uniform, who turns around and leaves at the corner of the battlefield, in sharp contrast to many of his companions who are charging into battle.

The corner of the oil painting has its name "Deserter", and the author is Beckmann.

"Your assistant is dead, and this is the way to commemorate him?"

asked the man in the black suit.

"Roderick, although I am also sorry, but this is the greatest respect for him."

The man in the white suit smiled.

"It's a big moment for Viguery to transform from a boy to a man and I'm sure he'll love it."

Roderick looked at the gallery owner, and there was no sadness on his face.

Cold blooded?

If Beckman was not a cold-blooded person, he would not cooperate with him.

"I once gave him a handwritten painting as a help, but in the end he died...Of course, I saw the murderer in the eyes of that painting."

Beckman said.

"The murderer should be in your association now."

"Oh? I think I know who it is..."

Roderick thought for a while and said.

"When the clean-up operation begins, I will help you pay more attention to him, so it can be regarded as revenge for your assistant.

In exchange, I need your help to suppress Mo Limer, the president of the "History and Ritual Association" in Amber City. "

Beckman smiled, shook his head and said:

"A low-sequence ant is not my enemy, nor is it worth my help."

Roderick frowned slightly.

"Don't forget that I will also help you arrest the traitor of the Church of the Sun, Ferry, isn't this person very useful to you?
Although I am the special commissioner of the shelter, I can't hide everything here. You should understand how much pressure there is. "

"He's just a target of the 'circus' group, not mine...

Of course, in order to maintain my image as a good member of the 'circus', I will try to get this done. "

Beckman said.

"At that time, I will fulfill my original promise and help you destroy this extraordinary organization...

But I won't take action in your clean-up operation. At most, I will 'unintentionally' convey the news to the Red Apple Church. I believe that Bishop Newman is interested. "

Roderick pondered for a moment, then nodded.

The Red Apple Church has been chasing the History and Ceremony Association frantically in recent times. If Bishop Newman makes a move together, I believe Morimer will be doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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