Chapter 122 World Situation ([-])
Looking at the crude map in front of him and recalling the road to the Western Regions, Li Shimin's expression became more serious.

In fact, there is Tuyuhun between Tubo and the Hexi Corridor, but the facts have proved that Tuyuhun cannot resist Tubo and is in danger of being annexed at any time.

Once Tuyuhun is lost, the Hexi Corridor will be threatened by Tubo at all times, and Datang will lose a good horse producing area.

Thinking of the consequences, he couldn't be happier.

He didn't pay much attention to the threat of Tubo before, but now he finally takes this plateau country seriously.

"You know Tubo so well, do you have a way to deal with it?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "I'm just hearing it, and I don't know the specific situation in Tubo. Your Majesty might as well send someone to investigate in detail."

"Well, I heard that many nobles in Subi are unwilling to accept the rule of Tubo, and King Zhang Hung is also determined to take revenge. Perhaps His Majesty can think of a way here."

"There is also Tuyuhun. Murong Nuohebo succeeded to the throne at a young age and lost power. Now that he is getting older, he must want to regain power. Your Majesty may as well help him and take him back to me to defend against Tubo."

"They also live on the plateau, and being able to send troops directly into the plateau to fight is the most important thing for me, Datang."

"It's best to send troops to be stationed in Tuyuhun, and gradually adapt to the plateau environment. You can even migrate some Han people to live there, and then you can directly recruit troops there."

Li Shimin pointedly said: "Are these methods your own ideas?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "No, it was discussed by others, and I just happened to listen in."

Indeed, I heard it from others when I was chatting with a group of history lovers online in my previous life.

It was nothing more than supporting Tuyuhun and Xiangxiong, and alienating the relationship between Tubo and the nobles of Subi, as a check.

Then send people to the plateau to adapt to the local environment. Once a group of soldiers who are not afraid of the plateau environment are trained, they can take the initiative.

Cooperating with all kinds of containment, if it can't destroy Tubo in less than ten years, it can drag it down.

This strategy is not very clever, but it is the most suitable strategy because of its strong maneuverability.

Li Shimin naturally knew this truth, the more so, the more afraid he was of the forces behind Chen Jingke.

With such an understanding of the world situation, he even knows the dangers that have not yet risen, and has thought of a feasible solution.

He doesn't know how strong this force is, but the ability to collect information must be very terrifying, and in many cases information can influence the development of the situation.

Just like the situation on the plateau, if Datang didn't know in advance, it would be too late to know everything after the unification of Tubo was completed.

It can be said that at this moment, in his heart, the forces behind Chen Jingke are more dangerous than Tubo.

But he didn't express this idea, but said: "Didn't you say that there are two powerful enemies about to rise, one is Tubo, and the other is?"

Chen Jingke pointed to the West Asia area and said, "Here, Arabs."

At this time, there is no name Dashi, nor is there an appellation called Arabs.He didn't know how to call them, so he simply used the Arabs directly.

Anyway, he was the first person to introduce this ethnic group to the Central Plains, and he could call it whatever he said.

Li Shimin questioned: "Is this where the Sasanian Dynasty is located?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, on the territory of the Sasanian Dynasty, a group of ethnic groups enslaved by them completed their integration and began to rise..."

He talked about the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic religion. In his previous life, because of his interest, he knew the origin of several major religions, and even read the Tao Te Ching, Diamond Sutra, holy scriptures, and ancient scriptures.

This is one of the reasons why he dared to attack Taoism and try to create a new genre. My creativity is not as good as those saints, but I can copy it. It is relatively simple to be a stitch monster.

"The decadent Sasanian dynasty is not a new opponent of the Arabs at all. They have no chance of making a comeback after a series of defeats. Now they are just relying on the family property left by their ancestors to survive."

"Sassan admired the Central Plains Dynasty very much, and was even willing to pay tribute in the name of a vassal. This is the legacy left by the great Han to us descendants."

"The Arabs are different. They don't have any reverence for us, some only covet us."

"And the Islamic religion they believe in is more aggressive, and expansion is instinctive. Sooner or later, their soldiers will go straight to the Western Regions and block our way out, and there will inevitably be a battle between us.

"But what if we win? The road to the west is still blocked by them."

"Can we still go on an expedition and send hundreds of thousands of troops to fight against the Arabs in their homeland in the Far West?"

Li Shimin's face was also very solemn. Before seeing this map, he might say that it doesn't matter. Anyway, this Arabia is so far away from us, so we are not afraid.

Besides, Datang himself was surrounded by a group of enemies, Jieli was defeated, Xue Yantuo rose again, there were Goguryeo and Baekje, and the semi-separatist Feng family in the south.

The Western Regions are still occupied by the Western Turks, coupled with the upcoming rise of Tubo, it is really impossible to take care of such a distant place in the short term.

In fact, Li Shimin did this in his previous life, sitting back and watching the destruction of the Sasanian Dynasty.

But he cannot be blamed for his short-sightedness. At that time, Datang had just defeated the Western Turks and had not completely surrendered to the opponent. It was indeed incapable of helping the Sasanian Dynasty.

By the time Li Zhi freed up his hand to help, it was too late for the general situation of the Arab Empire.

It can only be said that the timing of the rise of the Arab Empire was too coincidental, and it happened to overlap with the rise of the Tang Dynasty, which has to be said to be a historical coincidence.

Unfortunately, the two empires subsequently went in different directions.

The Arab Empire continued to expand, while Datang adopted a conservative strategy because the Queen was in power, and almost gave up foreign expansion.

Afterwards, there was a long period of chaos, and it was not until Tang Xuanzong succeeded to the throne that it began to expand again.However, this period of glory only lasted more than ten years before the Anshi Rebellion occurred.

The failure of the Battle of Talas made the Central Plains Dynasty forever lose the opportunity to advance westward.In the next more than 1000 years, the Han army never reached Suiye City again.

Now that Chen Jingke is here, he will not allow this to happen again.

After staring at the map for a long time, Li Shimin finally asked, "How long can the Sassanid Kingdom last?"

Chen Jingke calculated the time for Sasanian Persia to perish, and said: "15 years, if there is no external help, they can last up to 15 years."

"But we must not wait until the eve of their demise before taking action. By then it will be too late. After careful calculation, we still have ten years to prepare."

"Ten years from now, if we don't want to see a strong Arab empire, we have to step up and give Sasanian support."

(End of this chapter)

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