Chapter 133 Erya
On the second day of the Shangyuan Festival, which is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the dictionary compilation team of Zixiao Temple officially started work.

There was no ribbon-cutting or leadership speech, and the only ceremony was that Chen Jingke officially named the small courtyard used by the editorial team.

Eryayuan, a very simple name.

"Erya" is the first dictionary in China, so it is appropriate to name it after it.

There will be nothing else after that, everyone is acquaintances, just start working directly according to the previously discussed plan.

However, considering that dictionary editors have a greater workload and need a better organization and a clearer division of labor to ensure that tasks are carried out in an orderly manner, Chen Jingke clarified his duties for the first time.

"I have the audacity to be the editor-in-chief, do you have any objections?"

"Don't dare."

"Don't you dare? That means you have opinions in your heart. Hey, sad."

"Haha..." Everyone burst into laughter.

After enlivening the atmosphere, Chen Jingke continued: "Yihe is the deputy editor-in-chief, and I am solely responsible for the dictionary compilation when I am away."

Yihe got up and made a cross-hand salute like a man, and said, "Thank you, Master, and I hope you will support me a lot."

Needless to say, everyone supported her of course.

Chen Jingke said again: "Ms. Wu will serve as the general counselor, and all matters related to culture must be based on her opinion."

Wu Shu didn't speak, just stood up and performed a Wanfu salute.

Naturally, everyone would not have any different opinions, and after only two days of contact, they were already convinced by the Queen.Whether it is knowledge, insight or scheming, they are crushed in all directions.

After that, he appointed two team leaders to assist Yihe in his work.

Once the organizational structure is resolved, the work will officially begin.

With the information and foundation left when marking the pinyin before, everyone got started very quickly, and it was almost a seamless connection.

But compared to last time, there are many more reference books this time.

When pinyin is marked, there are only two reference books, Yupian and Qieyun. This time, the reference books include dictionaries such as Erya, Shuowen Jiezi, Yupian, and Qieyun.

It also includes more than ten classics of Confucianism, Taoism, Art of War, including the Nine Classics, Analects, Mencius, Tao Te Ching, Nan Hua Jing, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Guan Zi, and Han Feizi.

Moreover, Chen Jingke used all the annotated editions of Hongwenguan, or Sun Simiao's annotated editions, and the reason is self-evident.

There are very few people who can read so many books, and those who have researched it can be said to have none of them. Basically, Yihe and others have only read one or two books.

This highlights the advantages of elite family education. I have read the Nine Classics and Wu Shuquan, as well as the Analects of Confucius and the Tao Te Ching.Just read it through, not a deep study.

But right now, she doesn't need to do in-depth research, and she's not annotating these classics.It's just a collection and summary of the meaning of each word in different situations, and more patience is needed.

Of course, the deeper the understanding of these classics, the faster and more accurate the collection, but their conditions are like this, and they can't be too demanding.

Faced with this situation, Wu Shu, as general counsel, put forward his first suggestion:
"Distribute these classics equally to everyone, read them through first, and then everyone is only responsible for the parts related to the books they have learned."

"This can not only increase the speed but also reduce mistakes, and it can also reduce everyone's pressure."

Naturally, this suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone, so everyone selected classics according to their hobbies and what they had learned before.

While sorting all the characters in pinyin order, learn these classics.

While he was busy compiling the dictionary, Pan Shizheng visited Sun Simiao alone.

"Junior Brother Pan, please sit down." Sun Simiao was not at all surprised by his appearance, as if he had already guessed that he would come.

Pan Shizheng also knew that his purpose could not be concealed from others, and after sitting down, he said with emotion: "The biggest shock I have received in this life is what my brother and nephew Chen brought to me."

"You let me know what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Sun Simiao said modestly: "Junior Brother Pan is overrated. I am only a few years older than you. I was lucky enough to accept a good disciple."

He said this with sincerity, and he was really lucky to meet Chen Jingke to achieve what he is today.

The two masters and apprentices complement each other more.

But to Master Pan who didn't know it, Sun Simiao was being vain, and said with admiration: "I used to only admire one person, and that was my master, and now there is another senior brother."

Sun Simiao said: "Mr. Shengxuan is also someone I admire, and I dare not compare him."

The two of them were not that kind of ordinary people, and they didn't exchange too many pleasantries. After saying a few words to each other, they turned to the main topic.

Master Pan said solemnly: "Senior brother must have already guessed my reason for coming."

Seeing Sun Simiao nodding, he continued, "I admire my brother's ideals and ambitions, and I also intend to join in this grand event."

"However, I am not alone. I am responsible for the rise and fall of the entire Maoshan faction. The matter is so important that I have to be cautious."

"So there are a few questions that I need to ask clearly before I can make a decision. Please forgive me for any conflicts and answer me honestly."

Sun Simiao said sternly: "It's okay, I will be as cautious as Junior Brother Pan when I put myself in the shoes of myself. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Pan Shizheng asked the first question: "How do seniors view the various branches of the Taoist sect?"

Sun Simiao said: "It's just some small differences caused by different understandings of Taoism. This does not affect the fact that Taoism in the world is one family."

"My apprentice said a word in the book Journey to the West, red lotus, white lotus root and green lotus leaves, the three religions belong to the same family."

"Because of this sentence, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun will help Daode Tianzun to win when the saints in Zixiao Palace are performing the law, and get the opportunity to preach in the world."

"Three cleans in one body, one prospers and one loses all, this is my view on the various sects of Taoism."

Pan Shizheng heard another deep meaning, Zixiao Temple only innovates but does not seize power.

As long as each faction accepts the god system created by the Daomen Tulu scriptures, each family will still be in charge of their own affairs in the future, and Zixiao Temple will not interfere in other people's housework.

He was naturally very satisfied with this answer, and what he was most afraid of was that Zixiao would watch the party and fight against dissidents to eliminate dissidents and try to attack all factions.

"My second question is whether the imperial court and the sage support your innovation, and if they support it, how much will they do?"

Sun Simiao didn't answer directly, but asked: "You should have heard about what happened on the upper floor of the imperial city the night before yesterday, right?"

Master Pan nodded. Although he has been living in seclusion in Zixiao Temple, he is very familiar with the disturbances in the outside world.

The queen almost publicly announced the marriage, so he naturally heard such explosive news.

At the same time, I also understood what Sun Simiao meant. The emperor even married the first princess, so the support will naturally not be small.

"I would also like to congratulate senior brother in advance, the disciple is Princess Shangdi."

Sun Simiao said with a smile: "It's too early, too early, we'll wait for His Majesty's orders to come down. What's your third question?"

Master Pan said seriously: "Who is Lingtu? He deserves so much attention from His Majesty and Empress."

(End of this chapter)

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