Chapter 142 Untitled
Religious innovation involves so many things that it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.Especially for Taoism, a sect with many related classics, it is the most troublesome.

Moreover, Zixiaoguan's reform this time is not a patchwork, but a complete change.

Among other things, just modifying the classics is a cumbersome matter.Let alone one month, it would be good to complete it in one or two years.

If Taoism is a completely original religion, it’s okay to say, just change it according to your own ideas.

But there is still Taoism behind it, and Taoism must be considered when revising classics. If the revision is not good, Taoism will definitely be the first to stand up and oppose it.

With this constraint, innovation is doomed to be a long process.

It is impossible for Chen Jingke to complete this work alone, and even for Sun Simiao, it is necessary to work together.

All they have to do is to draw up a framework, and then hand over the work to their allies, and let them put their own classics into it according to this framework.

He had already discussed this framework with Sun Simiao before.

However, in order to show respect for the allies, I still took it out and discussed with Pan Shizheng, Tian Shiwen, Cheng Xuanying and others one by one.

As the saying goes, if a mule is a horse, it will be known when it comes out. This discussion highlights the ability of Pan Shizheng and others. They really put forward many pertinent opinions.

Pan Shizheng and the others were also greatly shocked, and at the same time, they were like enlightened, and had a thought: So things can still be done in this way, and the scriptures can also be interpreted in this way.

For example, with regard to the theory of leaving the world and entering the world, the Taoist view of leaving the world is an extension of Taoism's thought of governing by doing nothing.

Chen Jingke solved this problem with a sentence from the Tao Te Ching: Dao often does nothing but does everything.

Do everything in accordance with the "Tao", this is what Lao Tzu said himself.

My Taoism uses the "Tao" to educate and save all living beings, and it is also following the "Tao", so we have to join the world to save the common people.

Here he also borrowed from Mencius's thought that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are good, you will benefit the world. I am a Taoist who is a "savvy person" and naturally I have to shoulder my due responsibilities.

What's more, he also inserted a concept that all living beings are equal... Although it is a Buddhist thought, it is really excellent, and it is no problem to use it.

It's just that here he explained the source of "all beings are equal": Lao Tzu said, the world is not benevolent and treats all things as straw dogs.

Since everyone is a humble dog, they are equal.

This radical thought was naturally questioned by everyone, but Chen Jingke blocked them with one sentence: Buddhism dares to say it, why can't we Taoism?

In reality, there are three, six, nine, and grades. If in the religious world, we are still divided into three, six, and nine grades, then why do we still believe in religion?
It is because there are things in religion that do not exist in reality that we believe in religion.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone stopped talking.

In fact, they are still ignorant and ignorant. If you go to Tianzhu to see other people’s Tianzhu religion, they will classify people into different grades in an open and honest manner, and they will not be able to change it from generation to generation. That’s called level.

It took everyone ten days to finally finalize the framework.

The matter is not over yet, and then we discussed another thing that is also very important to religion, the ritual of fasting and offering sacrifices.

Praying before meals, the way of praying, chanting of God's blessings, blessings and blessings, the way of celebrating marriage and childbirth, etc., all belong to the ritual of fasting and offering sacrifices.

As mentioned earlier, the ritual of fasting at Zixiao Temple was reformed by Chen Jingke by referring to the etiquette of many religions throughout the ages, and it has been officially promoted all over the world.

But at this time, it is natural to consider the feelings of allies, and some places have been revised and improved.

The main revisions are ethics and burial.

In terms of ethics and morality, many Confucian ideas such as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness are borrowed, emphasizing that loyalty and filial piety come first.

In terms of funerals, simple burials and festival burials are advocated.

Gold, silver, treasures, etc. are the wealth of the human world, and they are used to benefit the human world. Trying to bring them to the underworld will damage the yin virtue.

The more treasures buried with you, the more yin virtues will be lost, and it is very likely that they will become negative yin virtues and suffer torture after going to the underworld.When reincarnated, they were cast into poor families, or even reincarnated as animals.

However, the practice of burning paper money is affirmed here, which can be regarded as a way for everyone to express their grief.

The sacrificial burial has also been highlighted. Although the sacrificial burial system has been abolished, private burials with other people have occurred from time to time.

As a time traveler, Chen Jingke is well aware of a truth, good words of persuasion are often ignored, and sometimes bad words and curses are effective.

For example, it is not allowed to take out the garbage here, and then the garbage can be taken out as usual.If the slogan is changed to a vicious curse such as "You have to take out the garbage, it will be clean immediately."

The same is true for things like human sacrifice. The effect of persuasion is not obvious, so let's just curse.

It is directly stated in the Xinzhai Jiao ceremony that it is a heinous crime to employ human beings to die, and they will definitely go to the eighteenth level of hell, and it will bring disaster to their children and grandchildren.

I don't know how much effect it will have, but even if one less person is victimized because of this, it will be regarded as infinite merit.

During the period, everyone also took time to learn about the new medicine, and then they completely accepted the matter of revising the alchemy, and were also impressed by Sun Simiao.

This is really re-digging the foundation and building a new temple of medicine.

Sun Simiao didn't say anything, but he felt very ashamed in his heart that he had taken the credit for his apprentice.

But he didn't take the initiative to clarify his thoughts out of his own pride. He did this to protect Chen Jingke. Besides, no one would believe it even if he said it.

If you really feel embarrassed, take good care of this silly apprentice, and pass everything on to him when you get old.

Why did Sun Simiao willingly let Chen Jingke succeed him?You know he has a son.

Although his son is obsessed with cultivating Taoism and has never married yet, if he really wants to find someone to inherit the incense, he must first force his son to marry a wife and have children instead of finding a disciple who is not related by blood to inherit.

Is it just because of appreciation?This is impossible.

There are too many Taoist priests accepting apprentices, why don't others do this?
The reason is simple, Chen Jingke gave him the prestige that should belong to him without any grievances.Comparing his heart to his heart, he is also willing to give everything he has to Chen Jingke.

To put it bluntly, we still give to each other and fulfill each other.

The matter of the new Danjing was decided, and everyone discussed how to promote it.

At this time, news came from the book printing house that the block casting was completed ahead of schedule, and Chen Jingke was invited to check and accept it.

Chen Jingke's heart moved, and he immediately invited everyone to the outer courtyard.

When they saw the densely packed 20 character blocks in the warehouse, everyone was shocked.

After knowing the usage of these blocks, I can't help but admire Chen Jingke's whimsy again.

Chen Jingke was still very proud of himself, but he did not forget the purpose of coming here, and said:
"Therein lies the solution. As long as we print enough books, all problems will be solved."

(End of this chapter)

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