Chapter 144
After spending more than 20 days, everyone finally determined the innovative framework and implementation plan.

Such a big event cannot be hidden from others, and many stakeholders began to inquire about the news.Zixiaoguan had no intention of concealing it, and took the initiative to reveal a lot of information.

Now more people couldn't sit still, and other factions of the Taoist sect moved to inquire about the news.Even the court was no exception, and a censor talked about it at the court meeting.

Li Shimin's response to this was: "Don't worry, gentlemen, I already know about this matter, and just keep paying attention."

In fact, this means to clearly tell everyone that he supports this innovation.

Thinking of Sun Simiao's identity, the officials didn't say anything.

But everyone knew that the imperial court was finally going to make a big move.The royal family recognizes Lao Tzu as their ancestor and respects Taoism. It cannot be as simple as just talking about it.

Everyone knew that there would be a big move, but they didn't expect that the first fire would be Taoist himself.

Daoism, a large religious sect with great influence, involves a lot, and it involves too much in internal innovation.Not only the imperial court and Taoism themselves paid attention, but also Buddhism, gentry and so on.

In the past few days, many suspicious people suddenly appeared around Zixiao Temple. They asked about the situation everywhere, and many people tried to bribe the people in the temple.

The people who were bought by them were very 'greedy' and took the money, and then revealed some popular information to them.

While despising Zixiao's inability to control people, these people stepped up their efforts to try to buy more information.

Some people even use this as a threat to let the bribed people do things for them, otherwise they will disclose the fact that they received money to sell the news in the temple.

However, what they didn't know was that these people reported the matter directly when they returned to the temple.

Chen Jingke's previously established regulations played an important role. Those who dared to reveal the information in the observation would either be expelled or sent to the government for justice.

If you take the initiative to confess and do not disclose important information to outsiders, not only will you not be punished, but you will be rewarded.The money that other people buy from them is also theirs, and they don't want a cent of it.

Then Chen Jingke, Yang Tianlu and others will make up a set of information that can be false and true for this person, so that the next time he encounters a bribe, he can just disclose the false information.

As soon as this regulation comes out, everyone will naturally know what to do when they encounter someone who buys information.

People from all walks of life are warmly welcome to come and buy information, we can say anything.

People's hearts are complicated, and no matter how good the regulations are, they can't stop greedy people. If things go on like this, some people will inevitably make mistakes.

However, when some bribers threatened the bribeees to provide information, it put a layer of shackles on everyone, and they no longer dared to think carefully.

None of those bribers has any kindness, so how could it be possible for them to make money for nothing?Let's follow the rules, the money is not bad and not afraid of being threatened.

More and more news about the innovation is getting out.

Those who inquired about the news got the news they wanted, the people in the Taoist Temple made money, and Zixiao Temple successfully released the news they wanted to let people know.

Three wins.

Of course, only those who have nothing to do with them will do the thing of buying people to inquire about the news. The real bosses will write letters directly or entrust their connections to the people involved to inquire about the innovation situation.

All kinds of letters flew like snowflakes.

Sun Simiao, Pan Shizheng, Tian Shiwen and others replied to these people according to the plan they had made long ago, and they also stuffed two books in the letter.

One is the new version of "Daomen Tulu Zhenjing", which adds the revised ritual of fasting and offering rituals, and the ethical and moral system advocated by Taoism; the other is the Xindanjing.

These books were all printed by the printing workshop overtime.

At this time, the advantages of movable type printing are reflected. Direct typesetting saves the trouble of engraving and saves a lot of manpower and material resources.

In addition to gifts to acquaintances, there are also a large number of products that have been sold on the market, and it can even be said that they are half sold and half given away.

It is said that monks are rich, but in fact Taoists are not much less.Both the Maoshan School and the Louguan School have rich family backgrounds, and even Zixiao Temple is not short of money.

In order to promote this innovation, it is a good deal for them to give away free books.

And after seeing movable type printing, they also offered to help print scriptures of their own faction.

Chen Jingke did not refuse, but at the same time he also said that the coverage of printing books only in Beijing and central China is too narrow, and it would be better if there were more flowers in the whole country.

I, Zixiao Temple, are willing to provide you with a full set of technology, so you can go out and set up a book printing shop by yourself.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised and admired. Woodblock printing is relatively easy to say, but the technical threshold of movable type printing is relatively high, especially the formula of the ink is even more confidential.

Chen Jingke is willing to provide it to them for free, but he can't think of any other answer except Gao Fengliang.

Then they quickly sent people back to build their own book printing workshop, not to mention movable type printing, at least they started to adjust printing, and then desperately printed Daoist scriptures.

It can not only promote its own sect, but also suppress Buddhism.

Seeing this situation, Chen Jingke had to sigh again, Taoism is indeed a great contributor to the progress of ancient Chinese science and technology.

I just don’t know how future generations in this life will evaluate the development of Chinese printing.

Taoism invented printing for printing Daoist scriptures, and then used it to print scientific books, and finally helped human beings realize anti-religion?
Well, the taste of Western Christianity is too strong.

But one thing is true, the gentry class who have mastered knowledge are unwilling to see the popularization of knowledge, and even hinder the popularization of printing.

But now with the help of Taoism, book printing houses can be built across the country, and the gentry will not object at all.

What happened to our printing of Taoism?

As the biggest competitor of Taoism, Buddhism will inevitably follow suit, and it won't be long before printing houses will spread all over the country.

Today a bookshop can print religious books, and tomorrow it can be used to print other books.

As far as China's cultural atmosphere is concerned, this is an inevitable result.

The more he knows about the Tang Dynasty, the more Chen Jingke feels lucky that he joined Taoism in the first place.Many things that were difficult to do before can become easy with the aid of religion.


With the release of more and more news and the publication of these two books, the content of this innovation of Zixiao Temple has finally become known to the outside world.

Naturally, the reactions of all parties have also been different.

The courtiers let go of their worries. This reform did not touch the fundamental content of the court, nor did it touch their interests.

The gentry are also held high, and many people who have a good relationship with Sun Simiao also expressed their support for innovation.Especially after reading the New Danjing, I became more active.

Buddhism also breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, the Louguan Sect was worried about whether they would fire at them when they joined in. However, this innovation did not involve Buddhism at all.

Instead of attacking Buddhism, there was a conflict within the family, and they wanted to attack the alchemy sect.

Eat melons and eat melons.

Then there are traces of Buddhism in many places in the new Zhaijiao ceremony, such as those mantras.This made them feel a little proud while relaxing.

But innovation will always touch the interests of some people, and this time is no exception.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the Alchemy sect, and the new alchemy scripture directly broke their roots.

(End of this chapter)

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