Chapter 150
The group soon arrived at their destination, a Huangzhuang outside Chang'an City. The owner of the Huangzhuang, who had received the news in advance, came to greet him with his big and small stewards.

The eldest grandson Wugou just spoke a few words to them briefly, and then led the large army to the farmland.The purpose of their coming today is not to play and go outing, but to farm, actually farm.

The royal family wanted to express their support for agricultural production through this behavior, and at the same time let the princes and grandchildren know the hardships of the people.

However, when Chen Jingke saw the land they needed to cultivate, he frowned: "This land..."

Wu Chenghe, the steward of Huangzhuang, quickly asked: "Is there something wrong? Please give advice to Master Chen."

Changsun Wugou also asked, "Did Jing Ke discover something?"

Looking at the unaware crowd, Chen Jingke finally understood what it means to be out of touch.

People often use "the queen works with a golden hoe" to mock the ignorance of the people at the bottom, but "why not eat minced meat" is not a satire of the ignorance of the high-level people.

Saying why Changsun Wugou, Li Chengqian and others don't eat minced meat is a bit insulting to them, but the reason of their birth did make them out of touch with the real bottom.

Even if they consciously remind themselves of the hardships of the people's livelihood by personally farming and weaving, but now it seems that this experience is basically just a formality.

Why do you say that, just look at the land in front of you.

There are complete irrigation facilities, and the canals have been built to the fields, and there is clear water flowing in them, and irrigation can be completed by hand.

The ground had obviously been turned over, and the few weeds left seemed to have been left on purpose.

To put it bluntly, this is a field that has been prepared in advance.Ninety percent of the work has been done, leaving only the most relaxed ten percent for them to 'experience life'.

Farming on this kind of land will not let them appreciate the hard work of the people, but will cause them to misunderstand:
Isn't it difficult to cultivate the fields?

Once those in power come to such a realization, the consequences will be disastrous.

After he pointed out all these things one by one, Changsun Wugou's face turned cold, and Li Chengqian was also very angry.Li Tai looked left and right, looking thoughtful.

Li Zhi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and even thought that this was a good thing. At this moment, they were not aware of the problem.

But Wu Chenghe, the steward of Huangzhuang, was already breaking out in cold sweat, and said, "My lord, please forgive me, I... I... just don't want to... the nobles are already very busy with daily affairs, I just... just..."

The eldest grandson Wugou didn't get angry, but said flatly: "I know what Director Wu thinks, but the purpose of our coming here is to understand the suffering of farming, so don't cheat in the future."

Wu Chenghe hurriedly said: "Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness, I will never dare again."

Changsun Wugou said, "Let's change to an ordinary land."

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away." Wu Chenghe left in a hurry after finishing speaking.

When he was far away, Changsun Wugou smiled wryly and said: "I claim to know a lot about farming, I never thought I'd been cheated for so many years, I'm ashamed."

Chen Jingke understood her difficulties, and said: "You come from a noble family, I'm afraid you haven't seen real farming, it's normal to be deceived by others."

In the 21st century, there are too many people who can't even tell the difference between wheat seedlings and leeks, let alone her.Thinking about her background and experience, it is quite normal not to know what real farming is like.

After all, going to the countryside once in a while to have a look, and farming for a long time are two completely different concepts.

The eldest grandson Wugou said to Li Chengqian seriously: "Did you see that? Even a manager of Huangzhuang dares to lie, let alone others."

"Too many people want to block your ears and eyes, make you deaf and blind, so that they can do illegal things. You have to have the ability to discern what is true and what is false."

Li Chengqian said: "I see, it's just...why didn't you punish him?"

Changsun Wugou didn't answer him, but said: "Think about it yourself, and tell me the answer when you figure it out."

Li Chengqian seemed to be used to this method, and he didn't ask any more questions, but said, "Here."

Chen Jingke was also very puzzled, but he also didn't pursue it. He thought about it first, and then asked others if he couldn't think of it.

Taking advantage of the gap between Wu Chenghe and arranging new farming land, everyone chatted.

Chen Jingke said: "Auntie, how many cotton seeds did you collect this time?"

Changsun Wugou said: "According to what you said, the cotton velvet in the Western Regions is relatively short and unsuitable for weaving, and the cotton in the south is better. I sent people to Liuzhao and Lingnan to collect about two hundred catties of seeds."

Chen Jingke said happily: "One mu of land needs about two catties of seeds, and the ones you collected can plant at least one hundred mu of land. In this way, we will have enough seeds next year."

There are three types of cotton, African cotton, Indian cotton, and American cotton.

African cotton was introduced to the Western Regions via West Asia, and it was this cotton that was grown in Gaochang at this time.It has the shortest cotton wool, and the artificial weaving is not bad, and the mechanized weaving cannot be used.

Tianzhu cotton was introduced into southern China via Bangladesh and Myanmar.Its cotton wool is a little longer than African cotton, and it is more convenient to weave, barely able to use mechanized weaving.

There is also American cotton, which is thin and long and is very suitable for mechanized textiles. In the 21st century, American cotton is commonly grown in the world.

At this time, it is unrealistic to engage in American cotton, and it is more appropriate to promote Tianzhu cotton.

Although mechanized textiles are still far away, Tianzhu cotton with long velvet is more suitable for textiles, and it has greater potential than African cotton.

Speaking of the seeds, Chen Jingke remembered another thing, and asked, "What happened to the carrot seeds? Have you found them?"

Li Chengqian took the initiative to say: "The carrots are indeed in the Tocharo country. I have bought them from Hu merchants at a high price. It's just that Tocharo is too far away from Chang'an. It takes more than half a year to go back and forth. See its seeds."

He didn't dare to take it lightly when it was related to the high blood pressure of the royal family, and contacted several groups of Hu merchants in private.And it is not purchased directly with money, but with Shu brocade.

A piece of Sichuan brocade and a catty of seeds, at this price, the eyeballs of those Hu merchants are red.

As long as the Sichuan brocade is shipped back to their country, the price can be set at any price, and they can easily earn dozens of times the difference.

It's a pity that this thing is a scarce commodity, and it is something that even the rich can't buy in Datang. It is almost impossible for Hu merchants to buy it.

Now that there is an opportunity available, they cannot be willing to give it up.

Knowing his method, Chen Jingke also had to give a thumbs up in his heart.There is one thing to say, Li Chengqian, who has not gone astray, is indeed a very good talent, in all aspects.

After chatting for a while, Wu Chenghe ran over sweating profusely: "Ma'am, the ground is ready."

(End of this chapter)

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