Chapter 166 The Girl's Surprise

Chen Jingke took Zhang Ping all the way to the outer courtyard, and first visited the printing workshop.

After receiving the news, Tian Dachun hurriedly greeted him, and said, "Your Majesty, you are here."

Chen Jingke nodded and said, "How is it? Work is going well recently, right?"

Tian Dachun said vigorously: "Don't worry, everything is going well, there is no problem."

The current printing workshop is no longer the original two or three kittens, but a large team with more than [-] people.

As the actual manager of the printing house, he can be regarded as a second spring.Similarly, he is more loyal to Chen Jingke who gave him everything.

After chatting for a few words, Chen Jingke took Zhang Ping into the workshop for a tour.

Ink making, paper cutting, printing, inspection, binding...all are separated separately, and each room is responsible for one job, which is an alternative assembly line operation.

In this era, the efficiency can be said to have been mentioned the highest.

Zhang Ping's eyes shined brightly at this scale of book printing and working methods, and it was the first time she felt the shock of factory-style mass production.

In the blink of an eye, a page of the book was printed, and it was so clean and tidy.

It takes at least one cup of tea to copy a page of paper by hand even if there are no mistakes, but now the same time is enough to print hundreds or even hundreds of pages.

After looking around, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "The printing speed is so fast, no wonder the price of printed books is low, and Sun Zhenzhen's invention of printing technology is really invaluable."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "Hehe, Master doesn't care about merit or not, as long as it can benefit the people. Anyway, my Taoism has benefited a lot from printing."

Zhang Ping nodded approvingly. In the past, copying Taoist scriptures was difficult, and preaching was very troublesome.Now that printing is available, not to mention that everyone has a copy of Taoism, at least those who need it can buy it at any time.

She randomly picked up a printed page, the content of which was Kuang Heng's digging a wall to borrow light, and his later experience as an official.

Chen Jingke said from the side: "The name of this book is Wangyue Tan. It is a collection of essays created by me. Every time the moon is full..."

He explained the operation mode of the magazine, and published one at a fixed time, all of which were poetry articles and anecdotes about literati.

The first issue is now being printed, and Excuse the Wall is just one of the stories.

This kind of story is very selling point, and it is also in line with the values ​​of the time.It is worth mentioning Kuang Heng, who was rumored by many tabloids to become a corrupt official later.

However, in fact, he is a very capable official, admonishing the emperor to recuperate, reduce taxes, be diligent in government and love the people, and so on.

Later, the eunuch Shi Xian formed a clique for private interests and controlled the government. He bewitched Emperor Han and Yuan to increase taxes and exploit the people.

Kuang Heng withstood the pressure to collect evidence to overthrow Shi Xian, but soon he himself was impeached for corruption, and the emperor took advantage of the situation to demote him as a commoner.

Then he becomes a villain.

There are many people who have encountered the same situation. For example, Li Shen, who wrote "Compassion for Farmers" during the Tang Dynasty, was rumored to be a corrupt official when he was still alive.

But in fact, he attacked the gentry and lawless dignitaries, and suppressed land annexation.And the methods are extremely fierce, as long as the crime falls into his hands, regardless of his status, he will be severely punished.

Wherever he was going to work, the powerful and powerful there would be in panic all day long, shouting that the King of Hades is coming.

History books commented on him as violent, a word that goes further than staunch, which shows his temperament.

As for who is smearing them, it is impossible to test, but we might as well speculate based on their experience.

Chen Jingke published Kuang Heng's story on Mochiyue Tan. On the one hand, it was really inspirational. On the other hand, he wanted to justify his name. The third aspect was to increase the interest of Mochiyue Tan.

Moreover, watching the inspirational stories of predecessors can also shape cultural and national identity to a certain extent. There will be several similar stories in each issue in the future.

Zhang Ping was naturally very curious when he heard about the operation mode of Mochizuki Tan, and when he learned that it was Chen Jingke who came up with it, he admired him even more.

Then he seemed to think of something, hesitated for a while and asked tentatively: "Then... can the matter of farming be published on it?"

Chen Jingke said as it should: "Of course, there is no distinction between high and low in labor, but the division of labor is different. There is no food from farmers, and houses, tools and clothes from craftsmen."

"It's a pity that there are not many people who study farming now, otherwise I would have prepared a forum dedicated to introducing knowledge in this area."

Zhang Ping's joyful eyes turned into crescent moons, he is really not a layman.I have already started thinking about whether I should write an article, or ask Er Weng to write one.

Looking at her eyes, Chen Jingke was very surprised. Books always said that the eyes were squinted and bent into crescents, but this is just an adjective. In reality, I have never seen one bent into crescents.

But today he really saw it, really squinted into a crescent moon.

It turned out that the person who wrote the book did not make a mistake, but that he was too ignorant.

This little girl is really a 'treasure' girl, her face will bulge when she is unhappy, and her eyes will narrow into crescent moons when she is happy.

Zhang Ping looked a little embarrassed by him, but he was not angry, but very happy.

Chen Jingke was just curious, so naturally he wouldn't stare at it all the time, and then took her to visit other links.

What interests Zhang Ping the most is the making of typefaces, and he even made one by himself under the guidance of craftsmen.

Although the 20 type models of the printing workshop have been completed, Chen Jingke still retains a small mold-making team of five people.

On the one hand, it is to repair the damaged fonts, and on the other hand, it is to make more fonts.

20 only meets the basic needs of printing. If you want to expand the production scale, you need more fonts, especially for commonly used characters.

Moreover, Chen Jingke knows that printing dictionaries requires a lot of special fonts, and starting production in advance can save a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

When he was about to leave after the visit, he saw a group of children running and playing.

Seeing these children, he couldn't help but slapped his forehead, and said, "I just said I forgot something, Tian Dachun, how many children over six years old do we have here?"

Tian Dachun quickly said: "There are 32 children over the age of six, both men and women."

Chen Jingke nodded and said: "The book printing workshop has outstanding achievements. As a commendation to you, I decided to build a school in the outer courtyard. All children over six years old can come to study."

Puff, Tian Dachun knelt on the ground and said excitedly: "Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness."

Many people around looked over suspiciously, and Tian Dachun shouted: "Big fellow, stop, the real person said that we will build a school so that our children can go to school."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole workshop buzzed like a frying pan, and everyone rushed over to express their thanks.

Reading is such a sacred thing that ordinary people dare not even think about it.

This is no longer a matter of money or not, it is a matter of identity.

Ordinary rich families have money and no place to study, and most small landlords at the township level are illiterate, so they can only choose a person who knows numbers to take charge of the family business.

Of the more than 60 workers in the printing workshop, only two could read, one was in charge of typesetting, and the other was in charge of random inspection of finished products.

They did not expect that their children would have the opportunity to study.

No matter it was as a reward for them or for any other reason, in short, they were only grateful in their hearts, and expressed their gratitude one after another, dedicating their loyalty to Zixiao Temple and the real person from generation to generation.

Chen Jingke was very pleased, encouraged everyone, and said that as long as he performed well, there would be many benefits in the future.

After a round of chicken blood, he took Zhang Ping and left.

Even after walking far away and looking back, he could still see craftsmen saluting to him. Zhang Ping said adoringly, "You are really amazing for making so many people truly surrender."

Chen Jingke was a little complacent, but said solemnly on his face: "It's just a heart-to-heart comparison, let's go and let's go to Erya Academy to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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