Chapter 17 Journey to the West Again
"This day coincides with the preaching period of the Haotian God's Yiyuanhui... The Yiyuanhui is 12 years old..." At this time, there is no such thing as a Yuanhui, so Chen Jingke made a special explanation.

Just a date makes Princess Chengyang excited. Although she is not sensible yet, she also knows that 10,000+ years is very powerful.

Sun Simiao and Changsun Wugou on the side also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear how Chen Jingke made up this story.

"This kind of opportunity to listen to the voice of the Great Dao is rare. All the immortals and gods gathered in Zixiao Palace, the dojo of Haotian God 33 days away."

"Sanqing, Liuyu, Wufangwulao, Nuwa, Fuxi, Suirenshi, Youchaoshi, Shennongshi, Huangdi...all of them are among them..."

"God Haotian doesn't move his heart, but the voice of the Great Dao resounds in everyone's ears, and I see golden lotuses springing from the sky..."

"The voice of the Great Dao has all kinds of mysteries. Everyone hears the same voice differently, but it is what they need most. It is the answer to all the doubts they have accumulated..."

This kind of novel setting, the little girl Princess Chengyang has nothing to do but thinks it is very powerful, while the eldest grandson Wugou and Sun Simiao are very surprised.

Especially Sun Simiao, he thought more.The sound of the Dao is transmitted to everyone's ears, and it turns into different contents. Isn't it just a coincidence: Dao can be said to be very Dao, and the name can be named but not very famous.

Chen Jingke himself didn't think of this, and he continued to preach: "During the lecture, a bloody evil spirit suddenly rushed from the world to the sky, and Haotian God's lecture was forced to stop."

"This evil spirit contains boundless death intent, and even the gods are frightened by it, asking where this evil spirit comes from."

"God Haotian said that the creatures of heaven and earth do not know etiquette and morality and only act according to their preferences. Their unrestrained desire and killing breath merge together to form a catastrophe.

"If the catastrophe cannot be resolved in time, it will accumulate more and more, and it will explode every time the one-yuan meeting alternates. It can also be called the calamity of measurement."

"Once the calamity arrives, not only will the human beings be devastated, but even the gods of the heavens will be in danger of falling, but the most dangerous one will be the immeasurable calamity..."

"When the immeasurable calamity comes, the heaven and the earth will return to chaos and nothing will exist... The gods were shocked and asked for a way to resolve the immeasurable calamity."

At this moment, Sun Simiao and Changsun Wugou had finished their inspection, and they were all listening attentively to his story.

When I heard the amount of calamity and the immeasurable calamity, I was also very surprised. I didn't expect that the gods would die, and even the world might be destroyed.

They couldn't help having the same idea as the fairy god in the story, how to resolve it?
"God Haotian said that only by teaching all living beings with Taoism, so that all living beings can understand the meaning of the heavenly way and do things according to the heavenly way, can the calamity be resolved..."

"And resolving the calamity is an act of accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, and you will receive merit from heaven. Merit is a blessing to mortal souls, and you can receive blessings... If you have virtue in this life, you can transfer to a wealthy family in the next life without any worries."

"It is also of great use to great gods and powerful people. It is no different from a great tonic. It can increase mana and refine artifacts... If the merit is enough, it can resist immeasurable calamities."

"In the world, only Empress Nuwa has obtained immeasurable merits and virtues because of the great fortunes such as creating man and mending the sky. The other great gods lack this thing. When they learned of this method, they were overjoyed and wanted to go down to the world to preach."

"However, the heaven and the earth have their own rules. The three realms perform their duties and must not interfere with each other, nor can the gods interfere with the affairs of the world at will."

"So the gods decided to recommend a great virtue to go down to the earth to preach, but many great gods had their own plans in their hearts. Except for Empress Nuwa, they all wanted to go down to earth by themselves..."

"At the time of the stalemate, Empress Nuwa suggested that all powerful people explain their understanding of Taoism in front of Haotian God, and God will select the best one to go down to earth."

"This method was unanimously approved by all the gods... people with great abilities came to the stage to perform the method... and in the end, Tianzun of Morality won."

Hearing this, Changsun Wugou and Sun Simiao roughly guessed what will happen next, after all, Daode Tianzun is Lao Tzu.

The eldest grandson Wugou was even more excited. This story obviously raised the status of the ancestor countless times, and it also gave Lao Tzu an extra layer of destiny.

By the way, the Li family's world is also the end of destiny, this story must be vigorously promoted to let everyone know.

Chen Jingke continued: "Tao Dao Tianzun was born in the world under the pseudonym Li Dan, but at this time he has lost all the memories of his previous life, leaving only his perception of Tao..."

"Soon he became a world-renowned university student, and countless people came to study here, including Confucius..."

"One day, when Lao Tzu was opening an altar to preach, someone suddenly asked: The vastness of the world is hundreds of thousands of miles long. Apart from the middle land, there are four lands in the south, east, north, and west. All living beings in these four lands are suffering..."

"Since you are a great virtue in the world, how can you only care about the living beings in front of you, and ignore the living beings in all directions? I am ashamed that I am sweating profusely."

"Ask this person where is the most bitter place in the four directions, and the answer is that the west is the most bitter, so he decided to go to the western world to preach... At this time, the person who came here suddenly turned out to be Empress Nuwa."

"It turns out that Empress Nuwa saw that Lao Tzu, who was the incarnation of Daode Tianzun, lost his memory of his previous life, and also forgot the important task of evangelizing the world, so she came down to the mortal world to give advice."

"Not only that, but she also gave me two magic weapons. One is the fairy clothes with purple ribbons, which can prevent me from falling into reincarnation; the other is the yin and yang flag, which can prevent me from being poisoned... Then I bid farewell to King Zhou Jing and set foot on the road west..."

At this time, the eldest grandson Wugou suddenly asked: "Will I get married when I go down to earth?"

Chen Jingke is not a fool, so he knew her intention of asking this question, so he said with certainty: "Of course there are marriages and heirs, but I forgot to mention it just now, and I will bring it when I write the book."

Changsun Wugou nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's good... What's next?"

Chen Jingke coughed dryly, and said: "I went west to Hangu Pass, and Yin Xite came to ask for advice, so I left five thousand words, which is the "De Dao Jing."

The eldest grandson Wugou interrupted again: "Is it the Tao Te Ching?"

Chen Jingke said: "No, it's the Classic of Virtue and Taoism. Virtue is the way of the world, and Tao is the way of heaven. Master's teaching is from the simple to the deep and from the easy to the difficult. Is there any saying that it is difficult first and then easy?"

Changsun Wugou was speechless, she really had no way to refute this truth, even Sun Simiao didn't know how to refute it.

"But hasn't it always been like this? The Tao Te Ching has been handed down since ancient times. I have never heard of the Tao Te Ching."

Chen Jingke asked back: "When did the name Tao Te Ching appear? What was its name at the earliest? Or what is the name of the five thousand words copied by Yin Xi?"

Sun Simiao replied: "It's true that the Tao Te Ching was first named Lao Tzu, but what you said about the Tao Te Ching... really doesn't have any evidence."

Chen Jingke thought to himself, there is evidence, and it is buried in Mawangdui.It's just that the current technology must not be able to dig, and whoever touches it will be a sinner through the ages.

So he could only forcefully explain: "Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching is the first and the Dao Jing is the second, and the same is true for Yin Xi's copying of five thousand words."

"In the early Han Dynasty, it was also the Tao Te Ching. It was only later that some people intended to misinterpret Lao Tzu's meaning and usurp the right to interpret "Lao Tzu", so they deliberately reversed the order and changed it to the Tao Te Ching."

"If the order of Dao Jing and De Jing is changed, no one in the world will be able to understand Lao Tzu's true meaning."

Changsun Wugou said with a bit of a head: "Do you know what kind of uproar these words will cause if they are spread?"

Chen Jingke said: "Of course I know, that's why I put this matter in Journey to the West and said that those literati won't have trouble finding a legendary novel, right?"

Regarding his rascal behavior, Changsun Wugou was very helpless: "Okay, let's continue, what happened next?"

(End of this chapter)

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