Chapter 171 Taoyuan Restaurant
In the early court of this day, Tang Jian, Minister of the Ministry of Households, wrote a letter saying: Households and land are the foundation of the country. It has been [-] years since the seventh year of Wude, and the imperial court has never conducted a population inventory and land clearing.

For the long-term stability of the country, the sage is specially invited to carry out the work of national population inventory and land clearing.

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the court, and everyone talked about it.Those who support it think that it is necessary to find out the basics, while those who oppose it think that it is a waste of money and people.

Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair and witnessed all this, and he knew everyone's thoughts very well.

Those who support the investigation are not necessarily loyal, but may also want to take the opportunity to achieve their own small calculations.

Those who oppose do not necessarily have selfish intentions, because these two tasks do require the mobilization of national resources, and it is not always possible to find out why.

"Quiet." Ren Feng stepped forward and yelled loudly when he saw that the crowd was making noise.When everyone stopped, he bowed and retreated to the corner.

Li Shimin did not express his opinion on the spot but asked: "What do Fang Qing think?"

Fang Xuanling came out and said: "Return to Your Majesty, I think what Tang Shangshu said is true."

"14 years is enough for a generation to grow up, but the number of household registration population reported by government offices in various places is no different from that of 14 years ago. Isn't it strange?"

"Before, the imperial court had no time to be distracted due to the Turkic and other foreign aggressions. Now that the Siyi have surrendered, it is time to conduct a population and land inventory."

Li Shimin nodded and asked Cheng Yaojin, "What does Cheng Qing think?"

Cheng Yaojin came out and said: "The Siyi are only temporarily subdued. They are like wounded beasts hiding in the dark and licking their wounds. Once they recover their vitality, they will definitely fight again."

"My Tang Dynasty should also take advantage of this gap to take inventory of the family property, so that when the war starts, we can mobilize food, grass and troops accordingly without causing domestic chaos."

Li Shimin still did not express his opinion, and asked several people one after another, including Yuwen Shiji, Wei Zheng, Wang Gui, Qin Qiong, Li Ji and others.

Everyone's attitude was surprisingly consistent and supportive.

These people are not only representatives of civil servants and generals, but also representatives of the gentry, Guanlong and emerging dignitaries. Their statements directly affect the choices of most people in the court.

At this moment, everyone still doesn't understand that this matter is not Tang Jian's sudden suggestion, but the bosses have already discussed it in private, and now it is just a formality.

If I objected, I was going against all the big bosses. Although there are some tough guys, there is really no need to be tough on this kind of thing.

So the matter passed.

Li Shimin immediately ordered the Ministry of Household Affairs to be responsible for this matter, and all local officials must cooperate unconditionally to complete the population and land inventory work by the end of the year.


At this time, Chen Jingke was discussing with Cheng Huailiang, Qin Huaidao, and Yuchi Xunyu about the location of the new restaurant.

Cheng Huailiang looked at the sketch of Chang'an City, and said: "The east and west cities are the most prosperous and crowded places in Chang'an, and the new restaurant was elected here."

Yuchi Xunyu said directly: "Then open one in each of the two cities, and we don't lack this little money."

Qin Huaidao supported it: "Brother's words are true. We are not short of money, and we have cultivated enough manpower in the past six months. We might as well open one in each of the two cities."

He married Yuchi Xunyu's own younger sister, so he must be called "big brother".

Cheng Huailiang obviously agreed with this plan, saying: "In this way, there will be three Tianranju houses."

Chen Jingke is not opposed to the plan to open a restaurant in each of the eastern and western cities. With their current strength, not to mention opening two branches, three or five are more than enough.

What he cared about was another thing: "What do you think the name of the branch is?"

Qin Huaidao said suspiciously: "Naturally, it is also called Tianranju. With this signboard, the business in the new restaurant will be booming immediately."

Both Yuchi Xunyu and Cheng Huailiang also meant the same thing.

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "Tianranju is no longer a restaurant, it is a gathering place for dignitaries, literati and poets... The benefits brought to us are something that a hundred restaurants cannot exchange for."

"Once we open a branch in the capital to attract diners, it will become an ordinary restaurant, at most the food is better."

"This kind of loss is the most fatal to us. I would rather not open a semicolon than ruin the reputation that I have finally built."

Yuchi Xunyu was still at a loss, but Cheng Huailiang and Qin Huaidao had already fully understood.

"Oh, how did I forget this, it almost ruined the big thing."

"Yeah, thanks to the presence of a real person."

Chen Jingke didn't feel very proud, it wasn't something he thought of, but he had seen it a lot in his previous life and heard about it.

It is precisely because of the additional cultural attributes that natural residences are unique.

Many restaurant stealers have learned how to cook and want to challenge the status of Tianranju, but they are all defeated by this attribute.

Merchants gathered in the eastern and western cities, and the main customers of restaurants here must also be those merchants.Once the name Tianranju is associated with merchants, no amount of cultural added value will be lost.

At that time, those competitors will probably laugh their teeth out of joy.

After some explanations, even Yuchi Xunyu understood this truth, and gave up his plan to continue using the name Tianranju.

After deliberation, everyone unanimously decided that the new restaurant should be called Taoyuan Restaurant.

"Tao Yuanming's Tale of the Peach Blossom Spring depicts a carefree paradise. Our restaurant can also use delicious food to make everyone forget all their troubles."

After solving the name problem, the rest is easy to handle. For them, site selection and renovation are just lip service.

Another major event was accomplished and everyone was very happy. If it wasn't for Chen Jingke not drinking, they could have a few drinks on the spot to celebrate.

After talking about the business, they began to chat, and the topic inevitably touched on the family's shortcoming.

Cheng Huailiang first complained that one of his concubines was pregnant, and Princess Qinghe quarreled with him for several days and refused to let him in.

Everyone didn't sympathize with him at all and laughed at him one after another.

The main reason is that it was not the first time that his concubine was pregnant and gave birth to a child. Princess Qinghe gave birth to two children at most, and the weather would not be really good.

Of course, the main reason for her anger is that she failed to give birth to a son and a half.

I don't blame her, mainly because she is too young to have children.Even though she has been married for four years, she is only 13 years old this year.

Cheng Huailiang's complaints are more of an interesting story.

The situation of Qin Huaidao is similar, Yu Chiyue is only 13 years old this year, and it is too early to want children.He talks more about his father:
"My lord had a blood transfusion a few days ago, and this time I only lost about half a bowl. Sun Zhenzhen said that as long as there is no accident, he can last for a year or two without another blood transfusion."

"The empress also sent donkey-hide gelatin to mend her body. Now her body has returned to normal, but she can no longer practice martial arts."

Chen Jingke also knew from the blood transfusion a few days ago that Qin Qiong's ischemic symptoms had been brought under control after half a year of treatment.Next, as long as Qin Qiong's body does not suffer from trauma and blood loss, he can persist for a long time.

As for not being able to practice martial arts, everyone was just a little regretful, and didn't think it was a big problem. Compared with life, it was nothing at all.

The matter of Yuchi Xunyu was a tricky one, and it was very uncomfortable for him to be caught in the middle of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.The key problem still lies with his mother, and he can't even say it.

What's even more uncomfortable is that, as the eldest grandson, he can't even live in a separate family, so he can only live under the same roof with his grandfather and parents.

Chen Jingke has nothing to do about it, it's hard for an upright official to decide on housework.

Others have talked about their own affairs, so naturally they will not let him go.

Cheng Huailiang winked and said: "I heard that you are going to marry the second wife of Duke Ying's family? Is it true?"

(End of this chapter)

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