Chapter 183
After flipping through a few pages, he couldn't see why, so he stopped thinking about it and turned directly to the general ledger at the back.

Then I was surprised to find that there seemed to be a problem with the data, and asked quickly: "Auntie, isn't the business we cooperate with only donkey-hide gelatin, canned food and sugar production? What's the matter with this paper?"

Changsun Wugou had already guessed that he would ask this question, and said with a smile, "I built a paper-making workshop using the method you mentioned last time, specializing in the production of bamboo paper."

"You invented bamboo paper technique and the most important tool shredder, how can you not give you a dividend. I will give you a share according to the previous discussion on my own initiative. You don't think it's too little, do you?"

Chen Jingke was moved and said: "How is it possible, I'm too happy to be happy. I just think it's a bit too much, and I'm too embarrassed to ask for it."

The eldest grandson Wugou said with a smile: "Is this little money embarrassing? Then when the sugarcane matures at the end of the year, wouldn't you dare not ask for it when the sugar business starts."

Compared with sugar, donkey-hide gelatin, canned food and the like are nothing worth mentioning. The speed of these things is comparable to coinage.

The two talked about the process of doing business.

Ever since he learned about these recipes last year, Changsun Wugou has used his strength to organize the production.The efficiency of ancient times is really criticized. Even with the queen's ability, it took nearly three months to establish the workshop.

This workshop is not just as simple as boiling glue, there is also a canning workshop to process donkey meat in time.There is also a donkey farm, after all, is it sustainable?

In short, it has been busy until the beginning of this year, when donkey-hide gelatin and canned donkey meat were officially launched.

There is nothing to say about the business of Ejiao, and a word of royal tonic is enough to make it popular all over the world.

As Chen Jingke thought before, those who buy it are rich people, and the poor cannot afford it, so there is no psychological burden to cut such leeks.

"The best thing to sell is the canned meat that we were worried about not being able to sell at the beginning. The transport ship has been divided up before it lands."

"Later, in order to get the meat, those merchants paid the money first and then took the goods. Our orders were all queued until the end of the year."

If it was just when he crossed, Chen Jingke might wonder why the business was so good, but now he thinks this is normal.

There is a lack of meat, the whole country is short of meat throughout the entire era, and even the rich peasants in the countryside can't afford to have meat every now and then.It's not that they don't want to eat meat, but that they have money and no place to buy it.

The appearance of canned meat is like a drop of nectar under the long drought for the entire Tang Dynasty.

Yes, a drop of nectar has evaporated before it hits the ground.Just like their canned meat, it has been sold before it is produced.

It's all about money. For the red-eyed couple who are short of money, there is no greater motivation than this.

"After discussing with His Majesty, I decided to open a canning factory in Fengzhou, Shengzhou and other places in Hetao. This place is close to the northern nomads, and they can buy grassland livestock through the mutual market, slaughter them on the spot and make them into cans."

"Besides, it is close to the Yellow River, so the cans can be transported to the prosperous places in the Central Plains for sale by means of water transportation."

Speaking of this, Changsun Wugou said with regret: "Unfortunately, it takes too long to transport by land, and the cans are fragile ceramic bottles that cannot be bumped. Our canning factory can only be opened near the river and transported by water. .”

"It would be great if the land transportation problem could be solved, so that the cannery could be opened in every border town. Jing Ke, you have always had a lot of ghost ideas. Is there any way to solve this problem?"

Chen Jingke was already shocked. Is this Queen Wende?I admire you.

Chen Jingke has nothing to do with her problem. He can't tell her to build railways and trains, but the problem can be considered in a different way.

"I really don't have a good solution for land transportation, but why don't we think about it from another angle, maybe the problem can be solved."

Changsun Wugou was just asking casually, but when he heard that there is a way, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Tell me, what is the way."

Chen Jingke said: "Since land transportation is inconvenient, let's find the answer in the water. Fish is also meat, and it can also be made into cans."

"There are many rivers and lakes in the world. It is not easy to build a few canneries? There is also the sea, where the fishery resources are rich enough for our Tang Dynasty to eat for tens of thousands of years."

"Build a sea-going ship for fishing, make canned fish on the spot, and transport it to the inland for sale through the river connected to the sea. Then go to the border town to open a canning factory, which is cheaper and more convenient."

"Crack." Changsun Wugou clapped his hands and said, "I was only thinking about the meat of cattle, sheep and livestock, why did I forget about fish meat, but luckily you reminded me."

In fact, it's not that she forgot the fish, but that she doesn't know enough about canned food.Chen Jingke told her to use livestock meat to make canned food, and she subconsciously thought that only this kind of meat was suitable.

At this time, as soon as he reminded him, he immediately realized that beef, mutton and fish can be used naturally.

There are more ways to obtain fish than cattle, sheep and livestock, and the cost is lower, and they live in the water to facilitate the construction of factories and transportation.

Looking at it this way, fish is the most suitable thing for canning.

Thinking of the profits from the canned food, Changsun Wugou couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart: "Jing Ke, you have many ideas, and you have solved a big problem for me. I really don't know how to thank you."

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "Auntie, where is this? You gave me more. The little one alone is enough to cover everything."

The eldest grandson Wugou smiled even more happily, and said: "You, you spoiled her too much, spoiled her, I'll see what you will do in the future."

Chen Jingke lightly tapped Xiaosi's nose with his hand, and said, "Our little Si is the most obedient and cutest, so she won't go bad, right?"

The bored little si who was listening giggled, nodding his head non-stop: "Well, I am the most obedient and obedient to my brother's words."

"Haha..." Chen Jingke couldn't help laughing.

The eldest grandson Wugou who was at the side was very relieved, and there was a hint of deep thought in his eyes, maybe it was time to make a decree to finalize the marriage of the two.

Go back and talk to His Majesty about this matter.

Next, while Chen Jingke was making fun of the little girl, he was talking about business matters with his eldest grandson Wugou.

Most of the good paper in this era is made of vines, but the number of these things is small and difficult to grow, which leads to the high price of good paper.

When Chen Jingke was making hydraulic tools last time, he mentioned the technology of bamboo paper by the way, and Changsun Wugou immediately asked people to study it.

The quantity of bamboo is too much, the growth rate is also fast, coupled with the use of shredders and mixers, the price of good paper has been lowered several times.

The low price and the quality of rattan paper quickly became the first choice of scholars, and the price of rattan paper was also driven down.

If it weren't for the limited production and inconvenient transportation, bamboo paper could only be promoted in some areas, and rattan paper workshops would be run out and all closed down.

Even so, the far-sighted rattan paper workshop also began to seek solutions, trying to research high-quality and cheap paper.

It can be said that Changsun Wugou's bamboo paper workshop is about to set off a revolution in the paper industry.

By the way, ancient people have been using paper to use toilets for a long time.At least in the Tang Dynasty, it was very common for rich people to use paper, but paper with words was not allowed.

There is even a law promulgated to prohibit the use of written paper in the toilet.On the other hand, the paper without words can be used casually.

It can be seen that the ancients were still very sober and not as pedantic as we think.Paper is just a tool, and words are truly worthy of respect.


As for sugar production, limited by the one-year growth cycle of sugarcane, mass production of sugarcane cannot be done until after October when the sugarcane matures.

Changsun Wugou introduced: "There are two sources of sugarcane. One is to let the barbarians in the south of the Five Ridges grow it, and the imperial court buys it from them. The other is to use captives to reclaim land to grow sugarcane..."

"This is the first year, and the barbarians don't trust us very much. Only a few tribes have planted some, which add up to about seven or eight thousand acres. We planted more ourselves, with [-] acres."

[-] mu, Chen Jingke couldn't stop talking, this is definitely not a small amount in the Tang Dynasty.

He made a calculation in his mind.

In previous lives, the yield per mu of sugarcane was generally four to five thousand kilograms, and some varieties of sugarcane could reach [-] kilograms.In the Tang Dynasty, there were no varieties of sugarcane, no chemical fertilizers, etc., so the calculation was based on the yield of [-] kilograms per mu.

The sugar yield of sugarcane ranges from 14.00% to 24. Considering the variety improvement, a relatively low value is taken, and the sugar yield is 15.00%.

One hundred thousand mu is the yield of 500 million kilograms, which can extract 1000 million kilograms of sugar.Calculated according to [-] million kilograms after removing the fraction, that is also a terrifying number.

The price of sugar in the Tang Dynasty was as high as one or two twenty cash, and the price of stone honey, that is, sucrose, was as high as sixty cash.

Of course, the high price of sixty cents and one tael is due to the scarcity of the quantity, and the inflow of 1000 million kilograms of sugar into the market will inevitably lower its price.

But no matter how low the pressure is, it is still high-quality sucrose, so it is calculated at twenty cents and one tael.

1000 million kilograms are worth 400 million renminbi, and at this time Datang’s annual tax revenue was only more than 300 million renminbi.

Although this is only an idealized figure, it is also of certain reference value.It is conceivable that the imperial court will greatly solve the financial pressure because of sucrose.

Don't forget that all the money belongs to the internal treasury. With the money in his hands, Li Shimin will have more say and be able to do more things.

As for Chen Jingke, 40% of the members can also get about 10,000 coins, and it is no problem to get [-]+ coins after excluding the cost.

This is 10,000+ coins.

Two words, sent.


Later, he learned about the application of the machines he invented by the way.

Pulverizers and mixers are widely used. In addition to papermaking workshops, they are also applied to ceramics and metallurgical production.

Not to mention hydraulic saws, which are the fastest-growing tools.The imperial court issued an order to promote it, and the Ministry of Industry, General Superintendent and other departments took the lead in building a large number of them, and then major shipyards began to use them one after another.

But even so, the total number of existing hydraulic saws does not exceed one hundred, which is really caused by the inconvenience of transportation in this era and the slow transmission of information.

A new technology can be popularized quickly in a few years or decades, and it will take hundreds of years to be popularized, or even never have a chance to be popularized.

Other tools have also been used where they should be used. In short, none of them are idle, which gives Chen Jingke a sense of accomplishment.

(End of this chapter)

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