Chapter 187

According to archaeological data, the history of the development of Chinese civilization is also a history of war, accompanied by countless iron and blood.

But Chen Jingke must not write this book according to the real history, because the ancestors of the barbarians in all directions are descendants of ancient civilizations defeated by Chinese civilization.

If it is really written like this, then the two sides are feuds, how can they merge together?Therefore, the Chinese civilization he wrote fabricated a lot of history.

For example, Baiyue, Liliaoren, Liuzhao, etc. are all descendants of Huaxia, and their ancestors migrated from the Central Plains to the South.

You said you need historical evidence?Yes, the Yellow Emperor defeated Chi You, and Chi You brought the rest of his troops to the south.

Later, Tang Yao's son Danzhu and Yu Shun lost the battle for the throne, and fled to the south with his clan.

Dayu also came to the south when he was controlling the water, and some river workers stayed there to guard the river...

During the Xia Dynasty of the Shang Dynasty, many people of the Xia Dynasty fled to the south... When Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty, many merchants also fled here.

The Chinese descendants who fled to the south gradually grew stronger and established their own power, and there were countries such as Yue State and Wu State.

The state of Chu was established by the down-and-out aristocrats of the Central Plains and the descendants of the southern Huaxia.

Moreover, these ancient people not only fled to the south, but also fled to the east, west, and north... For example, Jizi went to Liaodong to establish the Korean state.

Jizi Korea split into Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje and other countries, so Liaodong and the Khitan, Mohe and other tribes in the north are all descendants of Jizi.

Other merchants fled further north and have been lost since.

This is to prepare for landing in America in the future, and the Indians are descendants of merchants.

Including the well-known Shan Rong, Xuan Yun, Hun porridge, Huns, etc. in the history books, they are all descendants of China. This is not his nonsense, but what Sima Qian said.

Historical Records: The Xiongnu, the Miao descendants of their ancestor Xiahou clan, were called Chunwei.Above Tang and Yu, there were Shan Rong, Xuan Yun, and Hun Porridge, who lived in the Northern Man and moved with livestock.

Anyone who opposes it can argue with Sima Qian, not me.

The east is the sea, but there are islands.

In the pre-Qin period, Chinese ancestors went to sea by boat to escape the chaos of war, and went to live in the Japanese slave islands.

During the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu took [-] pairs of boys and girls and many soldiers to the sea together, and also went to the Japanese slave islands.

Wonu Island has been my Chinese territory since ancient times, and the people on it are all descendants of my Chinese.

The same is true in the West. The 36 countries in the Western Regions are all descendants of the Chinese who escaped and married and multiplied with the local natives.

Anyway, the core idea of ​​this book is just one meaning: Civilization arose in China, and all alien races are actually branches of China Yanhuang.

Since they were originally a family, wouldn't it be normal to return to one place now?
Of course there are many loopholes, but so what?Can you prove this book is fake?And as long as the people are willing to believe it.

When archeology develops thousands of years later, it will be useless to prove that this book is fabricated by scientific means.

National integration has already been completed, can it be artificially separated?

But he wasn't naive enough to think that everyone would support his big concept.Someone will definitely object, and he has already guessed who the most fierce objection will be.


A very simple question, who cares more about ethics and morality, modern people or ancient people?The answer is modern people, because people who know more pay more attention to ethics.

So who cares more about ethics and morality among the ancients, the gentry and ordinary people?

The answer is gentry.

The common people have not read the book, and they do not understand these great principles at all.They don't care about the identity of Han people or barbarians, they only care about who can feed them.

It is the scholars who really have prejudices in their hearts. The more books they read, the deeper the prejudices in their hearts, and the harder it is for them to accept new ideas.

Especially for the gentry, this is more related to their vital interests.

They hold the right to interpret knowledge and always stand at the commanding heights of ethics and morality. Whoever shakes this will shake their foundation.

There is no problem with Chen Jingke's concept of Chinese civilization, but he turned the barbarians from all directions into descendants of Chinese civilization, which will definitely not be accepted by the gentry.

This is simply killing them, and it will inevitably be opposed by them.

But he is not afraid of the opposition of the gentry, because the Guanlong army headed by Li Shimin and most of the people who have risen through military merit will support him.

National integration is indeed a major trend in history.


He proposed the concept of Chinese civilization, not just for the great integration of the nation, this is only the first level of function.

Another purpose is to transform the culture in the future.

One of the reasons why Chinese civilization can stand still is that it is constantly innovating itself, and schools are born in every period.

These schools conveyed their essence to the Chinese civilization, and then retreated behind the scenes to become part of history, and the Chinese civilization continued to move forward with these essences.

Take the schools of thought as an example, most of them have disappeared, leaving only a glorious legend.

But their thoughts did not disappear, but integrated into the Chinese civilization, helping the Chinese civilization go further.

The Qin Dynasty completed the geographical unification, and the Han Dynasty completed the ideological unification with the help of Confucianism.

At this time, Confucianism had completed its historical mission.

It should be the same as other hundred schools of thought, leaving its own essence to take a back seat and give up the position of Big Brother to a more suitable school.

However, a new school of thought was not so easy to be born. Confucianism not only did not retreat, but went a step further to truly "respect Confucianism" in the Song Dynasty.

Although the Song Dynasty was the peak period of Chinese traditional culture, walking with a limping leg also made it one of the most criticized dynasties.

What Chen Jingke has to do is to send Confucianism to where it should go, as well as Taoism, Buddhism, etc.

But to send these schools away is not as simple as talking about them, you must come up with a better ideological system than them.

Does Chen Jingke have this ability?
Even though he was a time traveler, he didn't dare to say arrogantly that he could come up with a better thought system than the sages.

He does have many advanced viewpoints in his mind, but it is difficult to connect these viewpoints together to form his own system and adapt to the current era.

He's not that sure, and he's not that cocky, but he can find another way.

The combination of the three teachings is the best way, and this is also the direction he has been working hard for.

But as he deepened his understanding of the Three Teachings, he found that this matter was not so easy to accomplish.After all, the current three major studies are not something you can combine if you want.

No matter who takes the lead in the integration, there will be fierce resistance from the other two.Even Louguan Taoist and Maoshan faction, who are allies with him now, will turn against each other.

Even with Li Shimin's support, it would be difficult.

What's more, it is not certain whether Li Shimin will support him consistently.Sometimes there are things that you can only rely on yourself, and you can't expect others to take care of them.

Another question is, what happens after the integration of the three religions?
In the previous life, Confucianism was the mainstay to complete the integration of the three religions, and everyone has seen the final result.Is it possible to change to Taoism or other schools of thought, will it be able to do better than Confucianism?

Here Chen Jingke is also a little confused, what should I do right?
After thinking about it, he was inspired by a history book he read in his previous life.

Some experts and scholars in previous lives put forward a point of view. At the turn of Tang and Song Dynasties, the gentry disintegrated, the three religions merged, knowledge flowed to the grassroots, and the inherent ruling system collapsed.

At this time, a greater view of nationalism should have been born, complete ideological integration, and continue to guide the Huaxia ethnic group to move forward.

It's just that China at that time went another way, and the nationalist view was not formed, but Confucianism became the dominant family.

If the concept of nationalism had been born at that time, perhaps the history of ancient China would have been different.

Of course, history cannot be assumed, and it has no meaning, but will create unnecessary ethnic hatred.

So we will not discuss whether this point of view is correct, but it did inspire Chen Jingke.

Can you come up with a bigger concept that includes everything from a hundred schools of thought, three teachings and nine streams?
As long as the concept is so big that they don't even dare to resist, they can be forced to accept the integration passively.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

However, he did not choose the view of nationalism, which is a bit narrow for Datang at this time.The one who can take on this important task is none other than the 'Chinese Civilization'.

We do not practice nationalism, but directly engage in civilizationism.

If you go out, you will be barbarians, and if you enter, you will be in China.

Moreover, no school of thought dares to oppose the view of Chinese doctrine.

Confucianism and Taoism are very powerful, right?That is only a part of Chinese civilization, and in this point it is the same as the legalists, military strategists and other schools of thought.

Let them jump out and say something that does not recognize the view of Chinese civilization, and give them ten guts.

What, you said that your Buddhism is foreign, not the native Chinese thought?

Hehe... I will give you a chance to reorganize the language and talk about what you are.

No matter what you were before, when you come to Middle-earth, you are all serving the Chinese civilization.

From the perspective of objective conditions, in addition to the three major schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, legalism and military thinking are also relatively active, as well as the Hu people's thinking from the Western Regions...

Datang's cultural and ideological circles can be said to be equally important, and in this case it is easier to accept a new concept.

Another point is that Datang is strong enough to carry out this plan.

In the early decades, the Han regime was too weak, and if the main ethnic group was not strong, it would be a joke to make a big concept.A few hundred years later, Confucianism had become the dominant family, and it would be considered a joke to think of doing so.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, this is an excellent time to put forward the concept of Chinese civilization.

Of course, this ease is only relative, and there are still many things that need to be done to accomplish this.

Right now he is just proposing this concept to lay the foundation for subsequent transformation.

In order to prevent Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other schools from targeting, he did not dare to express his thoughts in this regard.

Now he disguised himself as a harmless person, pretending that he proposed the concept of Chinese civilization in order to integrate the various tribes.

Of course, this is not a disguise.

The original intention of proposing this concept was to integrate hundreds of races, but now it is just a longer-term plan.

When the world has accepted the big concept of Chinese civilization, it will be too late for the various schools to discover its true purpose.

 Thanks to Shuxun Shule, Shuyou 20190703125159330, Mango Bumang, Yunge Fans, Cyndi1982 for their rewards, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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