The Tang Dynasty started from saving Empress Changsun

Chapter 194 National Legislative Protection

Chapter 194 National Legislative Protection
When Chen Jingke entered the palace this time, he finally saw the little Sizi whom he had been thinking about, and was warmly welcomed by her, and then he had a little lolita version of the koala pendant on his body.

Regarding his coming again, Changsun Wugou was very surprised: "Shouldn't you be busy right now? Why are you running over again?"

Chen Jingke hugged Sizi and sat down on a chair at the side, took out the page and pushed it in front of her, saying, "A betrothal gift for Sizi."

The eldest grandson Wugou didn't look at the paper directly, but asked: "Didn't you say you want to study it yourself, why did you bring the paper here?"

"Does my little one miss me?" Chen Jingke said while teasing his little daughter-in-law: "This thing is too expensive, I'm afraid that the dead should come and study it."

"Retire first." Changsun Wugou's expression became more solemn, he waved the waiter away first, and then picked up the piece of paper to read.

Then came the deeper doubts, and said as if you don't lie to me: "This is... the treasure you mentioned? Why is it all sand and stone? Can this thing be a treasure?"

Chen Jingke knew why she thought so. People who knew the formula of glass for the first time in this era probably all had this expression.

"You remember the adrenaline bottle? That's the technique used to make that bottle."

At that moment, Changsun Wugou's hands trembled a little, how could she not know about the magic medicine that prolongs her life.

Of course, she also knows the bottle containing the magic medicine. Pure and transparent gemstones are very valuable.

"You said... this is the recipe for making gems?"

Taking off the little hand that was trying to grab his nose, Chen Jingke explained: "I prefer to call it glass, but it is actually made of sand. The difficulty is to produce glass with high purity."

"... mastering the technology can mass produce...whatever glass bowls, jars, bottles, basins, etc., ceramics can be made into whatever shape they can be made into."

Then he said proudly: "Do you think this thing is worth money? It's okay to use it as a betrothal gift for my little son?"

The eldest grandson Wugou's eyes flickered, and said: "If what you said is true, then this is really the most expensive dowry gift."

Suddenly her face became cloudy and uncertain, and she said, "Who else knows the formula of this glass except you?"

Chen Jingke immediately understood what she meant, worried about the family he had fabricated, and immediately said: "Don't worry, everyone can't tell this formula. I am the only one who knows in this world."

"And I only know the general formula and production process. If you want to produce high-quality glass, you need a lot of exploration."

Only then did Changsun Wugou's expression return to normal. Glass is made of very ordinary materials.

If technology is only in your own hands, then it is the most valuable thing in the world.If it leaks out, it's the cheapest thing available.

Chen Jingke also explained: "Actually, the ancients discovered long ago that some sand and gravel will turn into crystals after being burned with fire. They call this kind of glass."

"Westerners have also discovered this and sold this thing as a gem."

"But they only know what it is and don't know why. The glass produced has too many impurities and is of poor quality, and cannot be sold at a high price."

"The elders of my family have collected various refining methods, and after decades of research, they have mastered the production method of high-purity glass."

"Originally, I wanted to study it by myself and give you a surprise by getting familiar with the technology. Then Master taught me a lesson and asked me to come to you to study."

Changsun Wugou knew the cause and effect, and angrily stretched out his hand to hit him.

Xiao Si quickly opened his small arms and said, "Don't bully brother."

Chen Jingke couldn't be happier: "Little Si is so good."

The eldest grandson Wugou said angrily, "Just be angry with me."

Then she glared at Chen Jingke and said, "You... think twice before acting, think twice before acting, I don't know how many times I have told you this, why don't you have a long memory?"

The little si was not happy at first, and shouted: "Don't talk about brother."

"Puff haha..." Chen Jingke was about to admit his mistake, when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

The eldest grandson Wugou was furious, pointed at her and said: "You little heartless, your elbows went out before you got married."

Xiao Sizi was not afraid at all, put his arms around Chen Jingke's neck and said, "Don't bully brother."

Chen Jingke's heart was as warm as if a little sun had been stuffed, he kissed her on the cheek and said, "Little Si is so good."

The eldest grandson Wugou wasn't really angry, he glanced at them blankly, sat down again and reminded: "You should pay attention to the influence, you are not allowed to kiss her like this outside."

Chen Jingke naturally understood this truth, and said, "I understand, don't worry."

"Hey." Changsun Wugou shook his head and said, "It's hard for you, you have to learn so much knowledge at such a young age."

"I must have a lot of homework every day. I don't have time to study other things. It's normal to be lacking in scheming and wisdom. But don't underestimate yourself. No one is perfect, and you have done a good job."

"Eh..." Chen Jingke didn't know what to say, judging by his current appearance and age, it was true, but in fact... forget it.

But Zhangsun Wugou was so considerate of him, he was still very moved.

What he didn't know was that Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou were also very happy, not only happy but also let go of the stone in their hearts.

A person who is full of black technology in his head, but has a simple mind and little scheming.

A person with a complex background full of black technology, but a deep scheming mind.

It is clear at a glance which one is easier to control and which one is more reassuring to use, and Chen Jingke belongs to the former.


After that, the two discussed the specific production methods of glass, and Chen Jingke explained them one by one.Tell her the specific materials needed, where to collect them, how to build the workshop, what tools are needed, etc.

The eldest grandson Wugou immediately stated that he would set aside a place in the palace as an experiment site, and collect all the materials within three days.

After discussing the matter, Changsun Wugou said again: "Go back and let Zhenren Sun prepare for it. Two days later, let the matchmaker come to propose marriage on an auspicious day."

"Okay, it's just a pity." Chen Jingke said with anticipation and disappointment.

This time he didn't ask why. With the earning power of glass, if he dared to say that he knew the technology in this area, he would be a living target.

So he can only pretend that he doesn't know anything, and there is no way to use it as a bride price, which makes him very disappointed.

The eldest grandson Wugou persuaded: "Don't do this, the saint and I will remember this matter. It's the same to announce the truth when there is no need to keep it secret in the future."

Chen Jingke sighed: "It's different... Forget it, as long as Xiao Si can understand my intentions in the future, it will be fine."

The eldest grandson Wugou felt amused, and was also happy for his daughter. After thinking about it, he said: "According to the agreement, you will also have a share of the profits of the glass in the future."

Chen Jingke hurriedly said: "No, I gave this to your elders. Thank you for giving birth to your little son and marrying her to me. The things are yours, so you don't need to share them with me."

The eldest grandson Wugou knew that he didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't want it, but he was very relieved, and said: "Little Si will definitely remember your kindness to her when she grows up."

Chen Jingke grinned, and said: "I suggest that most of the profits from glass be sent to the national treasury, and a small part of it is better to go to the internal treasury."

"In this way, glass is no longer the royal family's business, but an industry related to military and national affairs. The imperial court can use the law to protect this formula openly."

"This can not only achieve the effect of keeping secrets, but also prevent people in the world from saying that the royal family is competing for profit with the people."

"This is just my personal suggestion. You two must have considered it better than me."

Changsun Wugou first frowned and thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more surprised he became, at last he looked him up and down and said, "You came up with this method?"

Chen Jingke was a little sad, and said, "Couldn't it be me who came up with it?"

The eldest grandson Wugou was amused, and said: "Yes, let me look at it with admiration. This is a good idea. I will discuss it with the saint later to see if it works."

This suggestion was summed up by Chen Jingke based on his previous life and real historical events, and it can barely be regarded as his own thought.

In the [-]th century, the Venetians were the first to master the mature glass production technology. After consultation, the power holders decided to bind the glass with the treasury and use legislation to keep it secret.

Anyone who dares to steal or reveal the secret of the glass shall be executed.

The craftsmen and production workshops were also moved to a small island: Murano Island to prevent people from approaching and stealing secrets.

Under this high-voltage red line, no matter how red-eyed Venetian careerists are, they dare not trace the production technology of glass in private.

Foreigners don't know where to start if they want to steal technology, and Chinese people dare not steal it due to laws and interests, so Venetian people can enjoy the huge profits of glass for hundreds of years.

It was not until the seventeenth century that Britain and France made breakthroughs in technology and broke the monopoly by producing high-quality glass.

From the 400th century to the [-]th century, for [-] years, the Venetians can be said to have made a lot of money.

Chen Jingke felt that Datang could emulate this method by binding the glass with the treasury, and then legally protect the production technology.

In this way, even if someone really stole the technology, they would not dare to produce it—glass technology is in the hands of the state, where did you learn it?
There is no doubt that it must have been stolen.

If you dare to steal the country's technology, the whole family will die without discussion, and it is the kind of complete annihilation of the nine clans.

How many people dare to risk the death of the whole family to steal an unusable technology?
As for whether other people will develop this technology and be killed by mistake, this concern is completely unnecessary.

High-quality glass cannot be made by burning sand. It requires some special materials, such as soda ash.

If this thing is not guided by the traversers, relying on the ancients to explore by themselves, it will not be produced in 800 years without Qianer.

Even until the 40s and [-]s, the production technology of soda ash was monopolized by Europe and the United States, and was later broken by Mr. Hou Debang.

Therefore, in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about someone being able to break through the glass production technology.After several decades, Datang may no longer need to keep this technology a secret.

(End of this chapter)

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