Chapter 205 Official Retail Price

Through Wu Shu's narration, Chen Jingke realized that the matter was far from as simple as he thought, and two nephews of the warrior Xun were also involved.

As the saying goes, when one person achieves the Tao, the chicken dog ascends to heaven, and when the samurai develops, his fellow clansmen also benefit, and many clansmen work beside him.

There are two family nephews named Wu Weiliang and Wu Huaiyun, whom he takes with him as adopted sons.

Yang, who came from an aristocratic family, felt that their behavior was not kind, and was very displeased with these two people, and asked the warrior Xun to send them away several times.

It's just that the samurai did not do this because he cared about his kinship, but he also strengthened his teaching to the two.

The two harbored a grudge when they heard about this matter, so they naturally didn't dare to directly offend the Yang family, so they went to provoke the relationship between the Wu Yuanqing brothers and the Yang family.

The method used is very simple: you are not born of Yang Shi, and Yang Shi said that she will kick you out of the house when she gives birth to a son in the future, and let her son inherit the title.

This can be said to be an old routine that is universally useless. Since ancient times, there are not many people who have been recruited.

In fact, this lie is so low-level that no one with a little brain will believe it.

At that time, Yang was over 50 years old, six or seven years had passed since she gave birth to her third daughter, Wu Chang, and the possibility of rebirth was almost zero. Naturally, Wu Yuanqing and Wu Yuanshuang did not believe it.

But this provocative statement is clever, even if you don't believe it, it will leave a thorn in your heart.

Living under one roof, it is inevitable that there will be times of disharmony.This is true between father and son, between mother and child, and between brothers and sisters.

Usually, everyone resolves conflicts. After all, there is blood and family ties, but now there are thorns in the heart, it is different.

From then on, whenever there was friction between the Yang family and the Wu Yuanqing brothers, this thorn would be touched.Even conflicts between brothers and sisters will touch this thorn.

Without the knowledge of Yang's mother and daughter, the grievances in Wu Yuanqing's hearts could not be resolved.

Wu Yuanqing was a little better, after all, he was old and sensible, and he didn't treat their mother and daughter badly.The younger Wu Yuanshuang was different, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"So after his father passed away, he, Wu Weiliang and Wu Huaiyun despised his mother... Mother had never been so angry, and moved to live in the old house in Luoyang."

When mentioning Wu Weiliang and Wu Huaiyun, Wu Shu gritted his teeth with hatred: "They are both thieves. If there is a chance, I will make them look good."

In the original history, she did indeed do this, poisoning the food they dedicated to Helan.

He not only got rid of the niece who threatened his status, but also killed the two of them under the pretext of poisoning, killing two birds with one stone is very slippery.

Chen Jingke said thoughtfully: "In other words, my aunt was not kicked out, but she couldn't bear it and moved to live in the old house. Wu Yuanqing didn't do anything out of the ordinary, right?"

Wu Shu said bitterly: "Although he didn't do anything, he was very indifferent to our mother and us. Later, he even sat by and watched us be bullied, which is not a good thing."

Chen Jingke comforted him: "He is the eldest brother, and he is indeed to blame. However, if he doesn't have too much malice towards his aunt, it would be a good breakthrough."

It's not that Wu Shu didn't understand this truth. After getting angry, he said, "He really didn't do you have any solutions?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "Not yet. But now that the situation has reversed, we are Daozu. They are at best meat on a felt board. There are too many ways to deal with them."

"It's just that they are your elder brothers after all, so you can't be accused of harming your elder brother. Auntie's purpose is to return to the house in an open and aboveboard manner, so you can't make things too rigid."

"Our goal is to make things beautiful and happy for everyone, so it's a little troublesome. But it's just a little troublesome, and it's not too difficult."

Seeing his confident appearance, Wu Shu was even more heartbroken, and said, "Well, I believe in you."

The two chatted like this for a long time, and Wu Shu went back to the room to take a look halfway, and felt relieved when he saw that Mrs. Yang had fallen asleep.

After telling my sister to watch carefully, she ran out to find Chen Jingke again.It's just that she, who was in love with her lover, didn't realize that Wu Chang looked at her very strangely.

After chatting for a while, and finishing all the words in their hearts, the two left the small courtyard to inspect Guannei's property, mainly the outer courtyard.

There is nothing to say about the printing workshop. Every day, I work step by step to print more books, and nothing major happens.

The focus is on Mochizuki Tan Magazine and Erya Academy.

"After the dictionary is compiled, Yihe and Zhou Xiang have nothing to do. I want them to take over Wangyuetan and be responsible for screening and reviewing the content."

Wu Shu said cautiously: "You won't blame me for making my own decisions, will you?"

Chen Jingke's eyes lit up, and said: "Let them become editors, why didn't I think of this, you are still smart, Sister Wu."

Wu Shu felt relieved, and said happily: "You have too many things to do, it's normal that you can't think of it for a while, I just thought of it one step ahead of you by luck."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "Oh, Sister Wu is considerate... By the way, I once said that I would let them go out to become officials, but now I let them stay, do they have any objection?"

Wu Shudao: "I told them, you can stay as you like. We don't stop those who want to go out to be officials. We welcome those who want to stay. Everyone is willing to stay."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "Everyone is unwilling to go out to be an official?"

Wu Shu explained: "Being an official is not as easy as you think. They have no money and no family support. Even if you help them find an official position, it will be difficult to accomplish anything."

"Maybe I will be angry with the Shangguan, and my whole life will be wasted. It's better to stay in the temple. Writing books will not only have a good reputation, but also leave a name in history."

Chen Jingke nodded repeatedly and said: "That's true, it seems that everyone is thinking clearly... How is Mochizuki Tan now?"

Wu Shu couldn't hide his joy and said: "The fourth issue printed [-] copies. According to the channel dealer, it was sold out as soon as it arrived. The fifth issue is scheduled to have more than [-] copies."

"Private transactions have already appeared in many places. The cheapest price is one or two hundred coins, and the most expensive is more than one coin."

"It can be seen that this book has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and everyone can accept a relatively high price. How about we price it at [-] yuan in the future?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "Those who are willing to pay for it may just be looking for something new, and they won't buy it often."

"It may also be that they just have some spare money to buy the first issue, and they may not be able to afford the next one month."

"Mochizuki Tan is a periodical, and it must follow the path of small profits but quick turnover. If it sells too expensive, it will only turn away customers."

"Besides, the purpose of our establishment of Mochizuki Tan is not to make money, but to need its influence. If the price is set too high, it will put the cart before the horse."

"You ask people to calculate a minimum price based on the standard of not losing money, and then sell it at this price."

"To prevent some booksellers from privately increasing the price, we have to write the price on the cover and let everyone know."

"Oh, by the way, we still need to leave some profits for the booksellers. The minimum price can be increased by 20.00% as the retail price."

Wu Shu was a little shy, and said in frustration: "I'm too short-sighted, I'm not as far-sighted as you are."

Chen Jingke laughed and said: "Where are you talking, that's because you don't know enough about Mochizuki talk, and you don't know its importance. In comparison, I am not as good as you in too many places."


The two first went to Erya Courtyard, and made a face in front of Yihe and the others.

Everyone was so happy to see him come back, they didn't even do their work, and gathered around to chat.

He also likes chatting with these people very much, and even eats lunch with everyone here.

There is nothing to say about the dictionary editing work. After he enlightened everyone last time to let go of the one-sided pursuit of progress, the work is so relaxing and comfortable.

Although the progress has slowed down, everyone is working more easily, and the error rate has plummeted.

And there is more time to learn and improve, which is a more cost-effective thing in the long run.

During the period, Chen Jingke also reiterated his previous promise that if he is willing to go out to be an official, he will use his relationship to recommend him.

Those who don't want to go out to be officials will take over the work of Mochizuki Tan after the dictionary is compiled.

Anyway, you can go or stay as you like, you don’t have to have any psychological burden, and you don’t have to worry about your future. Everyone will have a bright future.

Once the pie was painted, everyone's enthusiasm was even higher.

Coming out of Erya Courtyard, Chen Jingke saw a familiar figure flashing away in the distance, and hurriedly searched for it but couldn't find it.

Wu Shu found out and asked, "What are you looking for, real man?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "Just now I seemed to see that Yangdu was in charge there, but when I went to see it again, there was no one there, maybe I misread it."

Wu Shu also looked over there, but didn't see anyone, so he said, "Maybe you misread it, but Yangduguan really often comes to the outer courtyard recently."

Chen Jingke asked curiously: "Oh, what is he doing here?"

Wu Shu said: "I haven't bumped into it a few times, but other people told me. I asked him, and he said that he came here to meet Xu Huwei and the others to learn martial arts."

Xu Huwei is Xu Shanying and five people, because of their special status, everyone calls them "guards".

Chen Jingke said with a smile: "He is a martial arts practitioner. It's normal to see similar people come over to learn from each other with itchy hands."

The two of them didn't think much, just talked and laughed and left.

When they were far away, Yang Tianlu's figure fell from a big tree, and he cried out in fear.In the future, you must be more careful in your actions, so as not to be discovered.

Thinking of this, he turned and left and returned to the temple.

Chen Jingke and Wu Shu went to the printing workshop again, and all the craftsmen were even more happy to see him.

It can be said that apart from Sun Simiao, Wu Shu and others in Zixiao Temple, they are the ones who care most about Chen Jingke.

Because he is the one who gave them all this and the guarantee of their life.

Chen Jingke didn't show up for more than a month, and they were very anxious, fearing that one day their family would be sold.Seeing him come back now, my heart is relieved.

Feeling everyone's enthusiasm, Chen Jingke was also very happy and even more gratified.

Seeing her lover so popular, Wu Shu was both proud and inspired.

After walking around the workshop, Chen Jingke bid farewell to the enthusiastic crowd and left.

When he went out, he called Mei Laoshi out, got a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to draw a sketch, and said, "Can this thing be made?"

Mei honestly looked at the picture and studied it for a while, then asked a few more questions, then patted his chest and said, "No problem, I'll start now, and I can make it tomorrow."

"However, bearings are used here. I am a carpenter and I can't do it. I need an old cow to do it."

Lao Niu is the blacksmith Niu Ben.

Chen Jingke said: "You can find Lao Niu for bearings, and let him make as big as you need."

Wu Shu asked with some doubts: "Is this a car or a chair? It's so strange, what did you do it for?"

Chen Jingke said mysteriously: "It's very useful, you'll know it when you make it."

(End of this chapter)

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