Chapter 215 Guan Zi's Disciple
Li Shimin was also taken aback by his violent reaction, how much he hated Shang Yang and Han Feizi.

No, it should be said that I hate Jinfa faction.

But at this time, he somewhat understood why Chen Jingke despised the powerful and nobles so much, and why he told Xu Shanying and others what the military and civilian fish and water were like.

It turns out that the roots are here.

But he still persuaded: "Shang Yang and Han Feizi are both sages of Legalism, don't be rude to them, especially don't be so disrespectful in front of outsiders."

Chen Jingke said casually: "Hey, I'm not stupid, so I just said a few words in front of you, I can blow them up in front of outsiders."

Li Shimin couldn't laugh or cry, the more he talked about it, the more he didn't slip away.He also knew about Chen Jingke's problem, and when he got excited, he didn't have a clue.

The reason why he didn't help to correct it was because he was afraid that Chen Jingke would suddenly become more scheming and his personality flaws would be easier to control.

Of course, the premise can't be that kind of principled flaw, otherwise he wouldn't dare to marry his daughter off.

"Okay, okay, I know you're not stupid. Since you don't like Jin Fa faction to treat people harshly, is it because you support Guanzi's rich country and strong people?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, Guan Zi's family has experienced hardships. He knows the sufferings of the people, understands the demands of the people, and considers the feelings of the people when he governs."

"But he didn't blindly sympathize with the common people. He was born in a powerful family, and later served as the prime minister of the country, which gave him a broad enough perspective to look at the whole country and know what the country wants."

"Then combine the two and choose one of them to find a balance between the country and the people to achieve the goal of taking both."

"His thinking is really derived from practice, it is practical, and it is also a long-term way."

Li Shimin nodded involuntarily, his experience was somewhat similar to Guan Zhong's in some places.Although the Li family didn't fall into poverty, he had suffered a lot.

When he was young, his father Li Yuan was an official outside, and he followed his mother to farm in his hometown.It is to cultivate the land personally, not to supervise the tenants to plant.

At that time, the whole country was short of population, and the imperial court conducted a population check every few years, and implemented the land equalization system to distribute the land to the common people. Even the rich and powerful like the Li family lacked tenants.

The land that Li Yuan earned was not planted, and it was a pity that it was deserted, so his mother took the brothers to cultivate it by himself.

There are records in the history books that Li Shimin plowed the fields and went to the fields to pick up wheat when he was a child.

As a rich family, one has to be careful of looting by rebellious soldiers and bandits. The Li family has suffered from bandits more than once. Until the 21st century, Wugong County still has the cave where he took refuge as a child.

This situation lasted until Li Yuan took them to his side.

Therefore, although Li Shimin was born in a powerful family in Guanlong, he really suffered when he was a child.He knows the life at the bottom very well and knows what the people need.

This experience affected his whole life, and directly affected his policy towards the people after he became emperor.

Therefore, he could indeed resonate with Guan Zhong in some respects. Hearing Chen Jingke praise Guan Zhong was like praising himself.

Chen Jingke didn't know what Li Shimin was thinking, he said to himself while he was in high spirits:

"Shang Yang is different from Han Feizi. They were born rich and have no idea what the common people are thinking. Or they know, but they are noble and don't bother to consider the feelings of ordinary people."

"They simply considered issues from the perspective of the superiors, put forward all kinds of taken-for-granted ideas, and set up many harsh laws and regulations."

"In a short period of time, their ideas and decrees are indeed very effective. Under the guidance of their ideas, Qin State rose rapidly and eventually unified China and rebuilt China."

"However, they ignore one of the most realistic issues. People are not livestock, and they have their own emotions."

"When there is a common enemy, the conflict can be shifted outward, and the people have to endure this kind of oppression and exploitation for safety reasons."

"When the foreign enemy is eliminated and loses the direction to divert the conflict, and then oppresses the people as before, the result is that Daze Township will cry out, and the whole world will respond, and Qin II will die."

Li Shimin said thoughtfully: "Everyone is saying that Qin died due to tyranny, but your explanation is indeed very novel, and it sounds like it has some truth."

Chen Jingke said proudly: "That is, when I was in the ... family on the Internet, the demise of the Qin Dynasty was always one of the key topics of discussion."

"Everyone conducted an all-round analysis from various angles and summed up many lessons learned. Some people imagined how to resolve these problems if they returned to the Qin Dynasty."

"But no matter from which angle you look at it, Qin law's harshness and divorce from human nature are one of the main factors for its demise."

Li Shimin immediately became interested, and said, "Oh, have you ever conducted such a deduction? Come and tell me."

Chen Jingke said with some embarrassment: "This matter is so complicated that it is difficult to explain it clearly for a while. Why don't I go back and organize my thoughts and write out the results of the discussion for you to see?"

This was right in Li Shimin's arms, so how could he disagree, saying: "Okay, write it out as soon as possible, and let me see how your family views the death of Qin."

This was indeed a pleasant surprise for him. They all say that history serves as a mirror, but different people see different things from history.

It can be seen from Chen Jingke that the excavation and interpretation of history by the "Chen Clan" surpasses all others.

He really wanted to know the family's analysis of this period of history, to see if they could learn lessons from it and prevent Datang from repeating the same mistakes.

However, he did not forget the main purpose of today, and said, "Let's continue to talk about your understanding of Guan Zi's thinking."

At this moment, Chen Jingke had already understood that Li Shimin made such a big circle because of what he said yesterday.

He was able to connect his words yesterday with Guan Zhong's thoughts, and he admired Li Shimin's brain circuit a little bit.

However, the other party also reminded him that he can indeed use the thoughts of ancient sages to package his new thoughts.

In this way, it will not appear too different, and it will be possible to find like-minded people from various schools and schools openly.

But these are things that will come later. For now, let's pass Li Shimin's case first, and try to get him to agree to promote this idea as much as possible.

"An elder in my family analyzed Guan Zi's thoughts and built a model based on it. You can understand it when you see the model."

Li Shimin said with great interest: "Model? What kind of model?"

Chen Jingke said: "Can you give me a pen? It's hard to say, but it's clear when I draw it."

Li Shimin pointed to the side of the case, and said, "Come on, just draw here."

Chen Jingke went over, drew a triangle with a pen and paper, then divided the triangle into three parts horizontally, and wrote down three words: survival, belonging, and transcendence.

Putting down the pen, he pointed to the painting and explained: "This triangle is like a tall building, and the bottom part is the foundation..."

"Survival is to human beings what the foundation is to tall buildings... Survival is the most basic need of human beings."

"Belonging to survival is a matter of belonging. Only when food and clothing are guaranteed to survive can people have the energy to pursue ethics and morality, and to pursue a sense of national identity and civilization identity..."

"In short, whoever can feed and clothe people, who can guarantee people's safety, people will have a sense of belonging to whom, and they will identify with who they are."

"Once encountering foreign enemies, people will unite and fight to the death to protect everything they own..."

"At the top of the building is transcendence, self-transcendence. Solving the needs of survival and forming a sense of belonging, human beings will have ethical and moral needs beyond themselves."

"For example, Boyi Shuqi would starve to death rather than eat Zhou's millet, for example, he would rather die than eat the food that came, for example, Su Wu Beihai Shepherd is still loyal and unyielding."

Li Shimin nodded thoughtfully, it really sounds like this.Although this model is simple, it really points to the core of Guanzi's thinking.

He has already confirmed the conjecture of the eldest grandson Wugou, the Chen clan is greatly influenced by Guanzi's thoughts.

They can condense Guanzi's thoughts into a simple model diagram. If they don't believe in Guanzi, they don't believe in ghosts.

Chen Jingke continued: "Guanzi's rich country and strong people, Tibetan soldiers and people can all be incorporated into this model... It can be said that he is acting in accordance with this idea."

"Compared to it, the Jin Fa sect is a bit unrealistic. Isn't it a joke that they want to hollow out the foundation?"

"A country has no way to feed and clothe its people, and has no way to guarantee the personal safety of its people. How can people have a sense of identity and belonging to it?"

Speaking of this, Chen Jingke changed the subject and began to defend the "military and civilian fish and water situation": "On the other hand, if a country wants to last for a long time, it must create a sense of identity and belonging."

"The inheritance of Chinese civilization has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for a long time. This is our greatest advantage. We should strengthen this concept and let everyone agree with it."

"But for ordinary people, the concept of Chinese civilization is too big and too far away from them, and it is far less convincing than the parents and neighbors around them."

"So we have to tell them that to protect Chinese civilization is to protect their parents, wives and children, and to protect everything they have... That's why I said 'military and civilian fish and water'."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "When I just heard about it yesterday, I was really anxious because I didn't know the whole picture. I was afraid that you would be taken advantage of by saying something you shouldn't say when you are young and ignorant."

"Now that I know that you have been influenced by Guan Zi's thoughts, I feel relieved. But in the future, you should be careful in what you say, and don't let others catch you."

"I see, thank you Your Majesty for your kindness." Chen Jingke said respectfully.

Although I don't know how Li Shimin connected the "military and civilian fish and water situation" with Guanzi's thought.

But that doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't object to his promoting it.

The two discussed the publicity and education plan that Chen Jingke was going to adopt in the future.Although Li Shimin reserved opinions on many points of view, he did not object.

Let him try it in Baiqisi, it's best if it works, and it's not too late to stop it if it doesn't work.

The two kept talking about noon, and it was almost lunch time that Chen Jingke offered to resign.

Li Shimin originally wanted to keep him for dinner, but he bluntly said that he wanted to discuss something with the queen, so he declined to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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