Chapter 217
Chen Jingke is really not in a hurry. At the beginning, he hated to bring Datang into the 21st century at once, but now he is really free.

The people's minds associated with the information explosion in the previous life also began to become impetuous, and more and more people lost the ability to read information for a long time.

According to scientific research, the average time for children in the age of smartphones to read a piece of information with concentration is no more than 15 minutes.

This is another big background for the rise of short videos, and short videos have also contributed to the deterioration of this situation.

In the 5G era, online teaching is already possible, but schools still organize offline teaching, which is also an important factor.

Only under the influence and constraints of the school atmosphere, can children settle down to study, not to mention that it also involves social, sports and other factors.

It is not only children who are affected, adults are also more or less affected, and Chen Jingke is no exception.

Rather than reading a complete book, he prefers to read the essentials extracted by others.

He has read too many similar condensed versions, which is why he dared to say that he has a general understanding of all schools of thought.

A general understanding is not something to brag about in the 21st century, but it is a remarkable achievement in ancient times when the precious information of books was not transmitted smoothly.

However, the essential book has almost lost its original meaning, and there is not much to gain from it.

Datang has no Internet, no telephone, no motorway, and it takes a whole day to go to the market.

When he first time traveled, he was extremely uncomfortable and almost went crazy.But fortunately, he is not a child after all, and slowly adapted to this kind of life.

He began to be able to read boring classical Chinese, and it took a day to read a book in his arms.The impetuous heart gradually became calm, and patience was found again.

So at this time, he is really not in a hurry, and he is moving towards the final goal step by step, and solves any problems encountered on the way.

No matter which step you can take in the end, it will always bring changes to the world.

Of course, the main reason is that his body has become smaller, and he has enough time to do it slowly, and there is no need to rush for success.

For the next period of time, while writing a summary of Qin Xing's lessons, he trained the five of Xu Shanying.

The training content includes cultural courses, explaining the brief history of China, Chinese civilization, and mathematics enlightenment.

There are also ideological education courses, the core of which is loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, protection of the environment and peace of the people.

Those who wield knives at their compatriots are cowardly butchers, and those who wield knives at foreign enemies are the highest honor of Chinese soldiers.

Only soldiers who fight for a just cause are fearless and invincible.

Then there are the two magic weapons of the unexplainable person, the v. k conference and Y bittersweet.

However, he found that the effect of this method on the five of Xu Shanying was not as good as he had imagined.

He was very puzzled, could it be that the method he used was wrong, or that the time and space were different and the environment was not acclimatized?
After careful exploration, I realized where the problem lies, identity.

The five Xu Shanying are all sons of good families.

What is a good family?Just the kind of guy who has a family.

Although their lives are still a long way from the rich and beautiful food, they can definitely be regarded as a little rich, so it's no wonder that the effect of making them complain will be good.

But it doesn't matter, your life is not bitter, let you listen to other people's hard life.

He called all the craftsmen and servants from the outer courtyard, and held a complaint meeting, and everyone went up to talk about their miserable life in the past.

The effect is really outstanding, Xu Shanying and five people burst into tears, shouting that a man should carry a three-foot sword...

Chen Jingke was afraid that they would yell something they shouldn't say, so he said: "For the king, to seek security for the country, and to seek happiness for the people."

Even so, when the matter spread to the palace, Li Shimin could hardly sit still.

This thing is much more powerful than "the prince and the general are kind" and "the age is in Jiazi".

If it wasn't Chen Jingke who did this, he would have wanted to kill someone.Even so, he still sent a message to Chen Jingke, so don't mess with these two.

Knowing his concerns, Chen Jingke stopped decisively and switched to normal education courses.

Internally, he advocates protecting and caring for the people, but externally, he has another rhetoric:

Wherever the sun and the moon shine, and where the rivers and rivers flow, are all Han soil.

Anyone who offends my Huaxia prestige will be punished even if it is far away
Truth is only within range and under the iron hoof.

Use the sword in your hand to obtain more land for China's pears.

In short, the thoughts of outward expansion must be full, and you must not be the person who is self-styled and sits on the sky.

He not only taught orally, but also summed up his own words and wrote them into booklets, which will be used as teaching materials in the future.

This textbook soon appeared on Li Shimin's desk. After reading it, he felt his blood boil, and he wished he could take up his gun and mount a horse to fight in all directions.

In addition to cultural and ideological education, physical fitness is also indispensable.

At this time, the set of training equipment built earlier was fully used. The five Xu Shanying, who originally thought they were physically fit, finally realized that they were too happy too soon.

After killing the arrogance in the hearts of the five people, Chen Jingke started the military training normally.

It is no different from the military training of college students in the previous life, except that the amount of training has increased several times, and the standards are more stringent.

However, squatting to stand up and turning left and right are not invented by modern military, but the training methods left to us by the ancients.

Wu Zi said: Sit and rise, walk and stop, left and right, front and back, divide and unite, tie and untie, practice every change, and teach him soldiers...

This method of military training has been practiced for thousands of years, and it is still in use until the 21st century. At most, there are differences in details.

So he used the method of military training to train soldiers, which did not cause any fuss.

The five of Xu Shanying didn't appear to be indiscriminate between left and right. They were all trained military soldiers, and these things belonged to skills they had mastered long ago.

So in this regard, Chen Jingke just finished a few days of simple training, and the main energy was spent on cultural classes.

As for why I don't do intensive physical training, it's not that I don't want to do it, but that I don't have the conditions.

When nutrition cannot keep up, forcing physical training is murder.

Of course Zixiao Temple would not be short of food for the five of them, but what about the other troops?
Three meals a day of coarse grains during the war, and two meals a day in normal times, it is impossible to support this kind of intensive training.

He did not come up with these things to train a small group of troops, but hoped to promote them in the whole army, so he had to simulate the situation of ordinary troops.

Ordinary soldiers usually practice basic military drills, and only practice physical fitness every three days.Even Baiqisi is no exception, there is really no condition for intensive physical training.


Once people get busy, the time will pass quickly, and before they know it, it will be the Double Ninth Festival.

Wu Shu personally prepared cornel sachets for Chen Jingke and Sun Simiao, Qingju specially learned how to make Pengbai (Chongyang cake), and went outside to buy chrysanthemum wine.

In short, this Double Ninth Festival was very lively.

After such a long period of exercise, Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Yang can already stand up with some support, and she will fully recover in a short time.

The impact of her recovery is not small, the eldest grandson Wugou personally came to express condolences, and old friends who had ignored them before also visited one after another.

Even if you don't give face to Duke Ying's mansion, you still have to give face to the Yang family.

What's more, everyone knows that Wu Shu is in charge of Zixiao Temple, everyone understands what it means, and many people regret why they were so unfeeling back then.

At this moment, he just took advantage of the opportunity of Yang's waking up to make amends.

Both the Yang family and Wu Shu are not stupid, and each family received them warmly, as if the previous incident had never happened.

It's very simple, even if the relationship can't go back to the past, it can't be an enemy.

On the second day of the Double Ninth Festival, Chen Jingke did not go to the backyard to teach Xu Shanying and the others.Not being lazy, but having more important things to do.

Harvest rice.

The rice seeds of this kind of rice come from the Northeast, and the production cycle is a bit long, about 140 days.It has been 150 days since breeding, and it has already matured and it is time to harvest.

This morning he put on a bamboo hat pretendingly, brought two little maids to the flower pond, and cut off the ears of rice one by one with scissors.

The two little maids each held a basket, waiting to pick up the ears of rice he had cut, and each time a basket was full, it was sent to the prepared room to dry.

Chen Jingke was very careful when cutting, for fear of shaking off a few grains with too much force.These are seeds, each of which may turn into thousands next year, and cannot be wasted.

It took him almost an hour to cut more than 300 ears of rice.

The rice ears of those few male sterile plants were stored separately, and the normal rice ears were piled up on a piece of cloth in the room.

Then start counting.

The three counted for a long time, and came up with a number that made him very happy, more than [-] seeds, [-] more than the previous estimate.

He estimated the yield, and the yield per mu should have reached more than 400 kilograms.This is not low in the conventional rice in the previous life, and it is a miracle in this era.

However, Chen Jingke knew that this output did not have much reference value.

He planted more than 30 plants. Although there is no chemical fertilizer, Tujia fertilizer is enough.Taking care of other aspects is also in place to have such an output.

There is not enough fertilizer for large-scale planting, and it is impossible to take care of it so meticulously. It is not bad to have a production capacity of more than 200 kilograms per mu.

However, in this era when the yield of rice per mu is generally less than 140 kilograms, even if it is only more than 200 kilograms, it is an amazing progress.

The yield per mu has increased by [-] kilograms, and all the paddy fields in the country add up to a terrifying figure.

This estimate was not made casually. During the Song Dynasty, Champa rice was introduced for cultivation, and the yield per mu could reach about 230 kilograms.

By the time of the Republic of China, the maximum output of conventional rice had reached about [-] kilograms.

He uses rice seeds bred in the 21st century, and it is not difficult to produce more than 200 kilograms per mu.

After getting this data, Chen Jingke felt four characters popping up above his head: Infinite merit.

(End of this chapter)

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