The Tang Dynasty started from saving Empress Changsun

Chapter 221 The First Caesarean Section

Chapter 221 The First Caesarean Section

Dystocia?There was also a shadow over Chen Jingke's heart.

In a previous life, a scientist observed more than 6000 primiparous pregnant women in four years, and the dystocia rate of natural childbirth was nearly 15.00%.

It's just that human medicine is developed, and various targeted drugs can be used to reduce the dystocia rate to about [-]%.

If it is really impossible to have a normal delivery, a caesarean section is performed. Under normal circumstances, the number of deaths due to childbirth is infinitely close to zero.

But you must know that this is in the 21st century, and the age of marriage and childbirth is generally over 20 years old.

In ancient times, early marriage and early childbearing, the age of first childbirth was generally around the fourteenth five-year period, and the probability of dystocia increased sharply.Because of the low level of medical care, dystocia almost means death.

That's why there is a saying that giving birth to a child is a ghost gate. In ancient times, it was really a ghost gate.

The situation of the second child will be much better. With the experience of the first time, the mother is also older, and the probability of dystocia will be reduced several times and tens of times.

This is also one of the reasons why widows who have given birth to children are easy to marry. Many people specialize in this kind of marriage, and sometimes there are even a few such women in the palace.

It was not until the Song Dynasty that the etiquette and laws were strict, and the remarriage of widows became a despised thing.But even that doesn't stop this from happening.

Under the haze of dystocia, everyone knows what is the right way to do it.

There are many kinds of dystocia, but I don’t know which kind of parturient is involved.But it's useless to think too much, let's go and have a look first.

So he ran to the dressing room next door, put on his white coat and mask.

Without the mask of melt-blown cloth, it can prevent saliva and so on, which can only be said to be better than without it.

It was only after entering the ward that he could barely hear the faint groans of the pregnant woman, and his heart sank even further. The loss of strength of the parturient could almost be a death sentence.

There were four or five people inside, besides Sun Simiao, there were two Wen Pos next door, and two Kun Dao as assistants.

At this time, the two stable women were carefully rubbing the pregnant woman's belly. When he saw this, he didn't need to ask him to know that the fetal position was not right.

If the baby is hypertrophy, the pelvis of the pregnant woman is small or the force is lost, there is still the possibility of saving.Improper fetal position can no longer be said to be a narrow escape, it can be called ten deaths.

He took a look at the pregnant woman, she was very young and could even be said to be young, at most thirteen or fourteen years old.This made him panic even more, and he lost the desire to speak.

There was no B-ultrasound, and the two midwives were helping her correct the fetal position based on their experience. They were also sweating profusely from exhaustion, but they dared not relax in the slightest.

Sun Simiao also focused on observing the situation of the pregnant woman. From the deeply frowned brows, it could be seen how critical the situation had become.

The atmosphere in the room was very depressing, and every second was a torment. Chen Jingke only came in for a while, as if it had been a long time.

Seeing the mother's voice getting weaker and weaker, he couldn't help but said, "Feed her some ginseng soup."

A Kun replied: "I have already fed it twice, and I am afraid that the mother will not be able to bear it again."

Chen Jingke felt suffocated, and the situation became even more troublesome.

Now even if the fetal position is righted, I am afraid that the mother will not have the strength to give birth. Is a young girl in the blooming season withering like this?
No, there is another way.

He took a deep breath and said to Sun Simiao, "Master, this is not the solution."

Without turning his head, Sun Simiao said, "Is there anything you can do?"

Chen Jingke spat out three words with difficulty: "Cesarean section."

Sun Simiao paused, then turned around and said, "This is just a theory, and I haven't used it once so far."

Chen Jingke said: "There must be a first time, besides, we don't have any experience, do we?"

Sun Simiao stopped talking, struggling in his heart.

He did have a certain amount of experience in autopsy, and he had already said before that he wanted to have a few working identities, so that he could come into contact with corpses openly.

Li Shimin heard that it was used to study medical skills, so he asked Chang'an and Wannian counties to approve it without further ado.

He usually does experiments with small animals, and when he encounters a murder case, he does an autopsy. He has indeed accumulated a certain amount of experience.

But theory is theory, practice is practice, the difference is still very big.

In the past, he only used a knife and ax to perform amputation 'operations' on living people. He had never done such a serious operation before, so he would inevitably hesitate.

However, Chen Jingke's next sentence made him make up his mind: "There is still a glimmer of life for her to have an operation, and she will definitely die if she does not have an operation."

"And regardless of the success or failure of this operation, we can accumulate valuable experience and lay the foundation for the next success."

"One day we will master the mature caesarean section technique and save countless lives."

Sun Simiao's eyes gradually became firmer, and he said, "Okay, let's have a cesarean section. I'm going to have an operation. You can discuss this with the family members and try to get their consent."

"Okay." After Chen Jingke finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the ward. He didn't feel relaxed, but the pressure in his heart was even greater.

They can completely ignore everything, and if the fetal position is not correct, the family members cannot be saved and there is nothing they can say.

Failure of the caesarean section will make Sun Simiao infamy and affect his reputation.

But their respect for life and devotion to medical skills prompted them to take this path.

Previous lives have proved that this path is correct, if you dare not do it when you know it is correct, then just find a urine jar and drown yourself.

Then Sun Simiao told Granny Wen to let them rest and leave the rest to him.The two Wen women fell to the ground as if they had been cramped when they heard this.

Sun Simiao said to the mother again: "My lady, I am Sun Simiao. Now there is a way to save you, but the process will be painful. Would you like to try it?"

There was a glimmer of hope in the terrified eyes of the parturient, and a force gushed out from nowhere, and said in a hoarse voice: "I am willing, the real person begs you to save me."

Sun Simiao said: "Okay, you take a break to rest and refresh yourself, and I will save you right away."

After comforting the mother, he said to the two Kundao, "Push her into the operating room and prepare for the operation."

The two Kun Dao were shocked, and said: "Monastery Master, this is too dangerous, you can't do it."

Previously, Chen Jingke recruited a dozen or so male and female Taoist priests who were interested in medical skills and had a certain foundation, as Sun Simiao's research assistants and apprentices.

The quotas of those few co-authors are hung on them.

So they also know about surgery. How can they not be afraid when they hear that surgery is going to be performed on a living person.

Sun Simiao said in a deep voice: "Stop talking, I've made up my mind. As a doctor, I can't watch the patient die before my eyes. Call everyone over and prepare for the operation."

The two Kun Dao didn't dare to stop them any more, they worriedly made preparations.

Chen Jingke went to the study room first, took out a box from the cabinet, and opened it to reveal contracts, including a letter of knowledge, a letter of consent for surgery, and so on.

These were all prepared by him before, and he didn't expect to use them so soon.

 I went for massage and acupuncture again today, and the situation has improved a lot.

  I have to go to the hospital these days, and the coding time is squeezed. I try to code as much as possible according to the situation.

  I'm not sure how much I can write, but at least two 4K updates will be guaranteed.

  If the recovery is good, continue to [-]K, and I will spare time to make up the two chapters yesterday.

  Sorry again.

(End of this chapter)

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