Chapter 226
In Sanyuan County, Chang Dan, Cheng Hetai, a pair of old enemies gathered together again, looking at the thin dozen pages of paper in front of them, they were all amazed.

Chang Dan exclaimed: "It's a strategic location, it's really a strategic location, just for this article, my money is not wasted."

These ten or so pages were torn from Moonwatching Talk. At that time, he heard that there was an article by Sun Simiao in this issue of Moonwatching Talk, so he asked everywhere to buy it.

It's a pity that the person who snatched the book was either unwilling to sell it, or the price was too high and he was unwilling to part with it.

In the end, I managed to find an acquaintance who was not interested in medical skills, so he tore off these dozens of pages and sold them to him.

Cheng Hetai said in admiration: "The most admirable thing is that the old man has no secrets and is willing to make his medical skills public to the world."

"This is really our fortune, the fortune of medicine, and the fortune of all people in the world."

Chang Dan thought deeply and said: "Yes, Sun Zhenren really deserves to be the leader of my medical family."

At this time Cheng Hetai said suddenly: "I am going to send my useless grandson to Zixiao Temple to serve the real Sun."

"Ah?" Chang Dan said in surprise: "Sun Zhenren is an expert outside the world, how could he easily accept disciples? Besides, he already has a successor."

Cheng Hetai said: "Not to be a disciple of Sun Zhenren, how dare I think of such a good thing, but to be a medicine boy to serve his old man."

Chang Dan still shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not so easy to be a medicine boy for the old man. Besides, you are only a grandson, are you willing to let him suffer?"

Cheng Hetai said: "As long as you are sincere, I believe he will be able to impress the old man. As for suffering..."

When he said this, he also had some reluctance on his face, but it was quickly replaced by perseverance: "There is nothing in the world that does not endure hardships. Now enjoy the blessings with me. If you don't learn the skills, you will suffer for the rest of your life."

"Now follow his old man to suffer for ten years, and enjoy life in the future. I still know how to choose."

Chang Dan was secretly surprised by his determination, but he himself was also touched by these words.

How big is the difference between the treatment of famous doctors and ordinary doctors? Simply put, famous doctors will become guests of the powerful.

But an ordinary doctor like him would be a bit timid when he saw a yamen servant, that's the difference.

If you can really learn medicine from Sun Zhenzhen... No, even if you follow him as a medicine boy, you can become a famous doctor after ten years of exposure.

What's more, that is the drug boy of Sun Zhenren, the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, and his old man's drug boy is also a glorious identity.

Not to mention far away, it is no problem to be a decent person in this Sanyuan County after returning.

The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks it's a good idea. Cheng Hetai only has one grandson who is willing to send it over. Why don't I dare to send several grandchildren?
Immediately he made up his mind and said: "Okay, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, and I will also let my useless grandson accompany me, so that there will be someone to take care of me when the time comes."

Cheng Hetai said that this was the purpose of this matter, and when he saw that he was hooked, he said happily: "Okay, brother Chang did not disappoint me, let's go to Chang'an together in three days."

Chang Dan said: "Let's go to Chang'an together in three days."

The two went home and called their families together to talk about it.

Chang Dan's family has a large population, and his wife didn't say anything except a little reluctance.

His son and daughter-in-law heard that they were acting as drug boys for the living god Sun Simiao, and they were more active than the other, and they even told the children to be obedient and study hard.

Cheng Hetai's side is different, after all, they are only seedlings.His daughter-in-law is naturally reluctant to part with his grandson, and so is his son and daughter-in-law.

Although his grandson was not spoiled and spoiled, he also grew up in a honey pot and became panicked when he heard that he was going to leave home.

But the more so, Cheng Hetai became more determined to send him away.How can this kind of character support the door, it must be tempered a little bit.

Three days later, amidst the crying and abuse of his old wife, he set off with his grandson.

Meet with Chang Dan at the gate of the city, and take an ox cart to Chang'an City.

The two children are only thirteen or fourteen years old, and they were still panicked when they left home for the first time, but they became less panicked when they saw their peers.

The two began to whisper and chat, one named Chang Bokun and the other named Cheng Yun, both of them were in their early thirteens.

The family runs a pharmacy, and they have helped with odd jobs since they were young, and have a certain understanding of medicine, and now they are sent to Zixiao Temple to study medicine together...

With so many similarities, the two quickly became good friends who talked about everything, and the fear of the future in their hearts was gradually diluted.

Seeing the two children so speculative, Chang Dan and Cheng Hetai were also very pleased.The two have been fighting for so many years, but they didn't expect to reconcile because of this matter, which can be regarded as fate.

It took them two full days to get there from Sanyuan County to Chang'an, more than 100 miles away, but they didn't suffer much on the way.

It was the first time for the two children to see Chang'an City, and they were deeply shocked by this tall and majestic capital, and they felt curious when they entered the city.

Chang Dan and Cheng Hetai were not in a hurry to go to Zixiao Temple, they took their children around the city to learn a lot, and inquired about the situation of Zixiao Temple by the way.

As a result, they inquired about a piece of news that shocked them. Sun Shenxian took the baby by caesarean section and saved a mother and child.

Operation?Caesarean section?They couldn't believe their ears, how could this be possible?But the uproar in the city didn't seem to be fake, and they couldn't judge the authenticity for a while.

But from the mouths of the common people, they realized Sun Simiao's status more clearly.This made them even less confident. Will the old man want his own grandson?

After resting in Chang'an City for a day, they took their grandson and pretended to be pilgrims into Zixiao Temple.

After turning around, I couldn't help being shocked by the scale and incense of this Taoist temple.

Especially when they saw the rich and powerful wearing silk and satin in an endless stream, the pressure on them was even greater, which once made them retreat a little.

But it has come, and it is too unwilling to leave without trying.So he gritted his teeth and found Zhike Daotong, explaining his identity and purpose.

What they didn't expect was that Dao Tong didn't refuse after hearing their identities and intentions, but took them to meet a manager named Yang Tianlu.

The steward named Yang Tianlu checked their guides, asked some medical questions, and briefly inspected Chang Bokun and the others.

After confirming that they are not impersonators, a certificate was issued to them, saying:
"Turn right out of the Taoist Temple and there is an inn, you go there to settle down first. Show this to the shopkeeper, and he will arrange everything."

Cheng Hetai asked cautiously: "Yang Zhenren, I wonder if we will be lucky enough to meet Sun Zhenren?"

Yang Tianlu smiled and said: "I want to verify your identities first, and if there is no problem, I will take you to see the temple master. Don't worry, just stay in the inn for a few days and wait for news."

Cheng Hetai and Chang Dan looked at each other in blank dismay, they thought of all kinds of difficulties, but they didn't expect it to be this kind of problem.

Want to verify your identity?How to verify? Go to Sanyuan County to ask?

But Yang Tianlu has already made it very clear that everything is for the safety of Sun Zhenren, and he is free of food and lodging in the inn.

They couldn't say anything, so they could only go to the inn with their hearts full of worries.

Yang Tianlu immediately arranged for someone to do the investigation, and then took their materials to the backyard to find Chen Jingke.

(End of this chapter)

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