The Tang Dynasty started from saving Empress Changsun

Chapter 25 Dig a hole and bury yourself

Chapter 25 Dig a hole and bury yourself

This morning Chen Jingke woke up with a familiar sound of 'hum haha', and he didn't need to ask to know that it was Kong Zhengping and Yang Tianlu who were fighting.

At first they were concerned about the feelings of Sun Simiao and Chen Jingke, so they didn't dare to do it here, and even moved to the small yard next door for their usual exercise.

When everyone got acquainted, Chen Jingke took the initiative to invite them back.Firstly, these two people are very punctual, they are human-shaped alarm clocks; secondly, he also wants to learn one and a half tricks.

In the past three or so, the level of Taoism of both of them is not bad, everyone can exchange knowledge by the way.Well, it belongs to the small student mutual aid organization.

Getting up, washing his face and going outside, Sun Simiao was already playing the improved version of Wu Qin Xi.Chen Jingke was not in a hurry, and watched the two fight while exercising his hands and feet.

Kong Zhengping's moves are open and closed, every punch and every kick is full of power.Yang Tianlu is as flexible as an ape, wandering around to avoid the opponent's attack while waiting for an opportunity to launch a counterattack.

But in general, Kong Zhengping still has the absolute upper hand.

The martial arts training field is just a piece of flat land, there is no special terrain to borrow, and Yang Tianlu's advantages cannot be brought into play, so he can only swim and fight purely by flexibility.

But Yudou consumes much more physical strength than the opponent, and sooner or later he will lose.

If the battlefield is extended to the entire courtyard, the situation will be completely different.As mentioned by Chen Jingke before, the two completely let go of the fight once, and Kong Zhengping was completely defeated.

Chen Jingke was very envious of Yang Tianlu's ability, but he mainly learned Kong Zhengping's kung fu.There is no way, the former has too high requirements for talent and he can't learn it.

After the morning exercise was over, a few people sat in the yard and chatted.

Chen Jingke said: "Zixiao Temple is about to be built, and I will move there with Master by then. I really miss the two of you."

Kong Zhengping smiled and said: "It's just a common thing to go in and out of the palace as a little real person. Whenever you miss me, just turn a corner. Besides, even if you don't leave, the three of us will not have many days to get along like this."

Chen Jingke was puzzled and said, "Oh, what's going on?"

Kong Zhengping pointed to Yang Tianlu and said, "Junior Brother Yang is very anxious and wants to leave."

Chen Jingke was stunned for a moment, and said, "Really? I don't know where you want to go to raise a friend?"

Yang Tianlu said: "There is no place in the world that I can't go to. In fact, I don't have any specific destination. I just want to go out and take a look at this great river and mountain."

Chen Jingke enviously said: "It's really nice to have a Taoist friend, unlike me, a layman can't leave this world of mortals."

Yang Tianlu shook his head and said, "It's just that I've stayed in Sanqing Temple for too long, and I want to go out and change my way of life."

Kong Zhengping persuaded from the side: "It's easy to go out but difficult to come in. It's better to think twice about raising a junior."

Chen Jingke also persuaded: "Yes, why don't you find an excuse to go out for a while, and go out for a while and then come back."

The Temple of the Three Purities belongs to an institution within the palace, so it is too difficult to get in.If it were Chen Jingke himself, he would not leave unless he had a better choice.

Yang Tianlu seemed to have something to hide, and after a while he said: "I know that both of you have good intentions, to be honest, I... hey, how should I put it, all my family members died under the iron hooves of the Turks, only me is left one person."

Chen Jingke said: "You've said this before. Could it be that there are relatives outside who can't survive? This is a good thing."

Yang Tianlu said: "No, if I have relatives, I won't go out. It is precisely because I don't have relatives that I will go out."

Chen Jingke was said to be confused, what did he mean by rambling?
Kong Zhengping suddenly realized: "Could it be that you want to marry a wife and have children to continue the family incense?"

Yang Tianlu was told that something was on his mind, he was very embarrassed and said: "Exactly, the two of you should not laugh at it."

Kong Zhengping said: "Hey, this is a matter of course and right, so there is nothing wrong with it."

Chen Jingke was also a little dumbfounded, it turned out that was the case.Although Taoism does not prohibit weddings and funerals, many devout Taoists still choose to be single.

The first criterion for Sanqing's selection of candidates is not to be married, no wonder he insisted on leaving.

Kong Zhengping said again: "But you have to live after leaving the palace, otherwise how will you support your family? It's best to think about where to go first before leaving."

Yang Tianlu said: "I have also accumulated some family assets in the palace these years. I don't have to worry about my livelihood after I go out. The worry is that I may no longer be able to serve in front of the Heavenly Venerable Throne."

Kong Zhengping sighed: "There is no way to do this. There is no way in the world to have the best of both worlds. But as long as you have the Tao in your heart, you can serve Tianzun everywhere, and you don't have to be ashamed of it."

Chen Jingke's heart moved, and he asked quickly: "Do you want to go back to your hometown to get married, or can you stay anywhere?"

There was a hint of joy in Yang Tianlu's eyes, and he quickly hid it away, saying: "My hometown has long been destroyed by war, what can I do when I go back? But the little real don't have to worry about me, there is no place in the world where you can't settle down."

Chen Jingke said happily: "Then what do you think of Zixiao Temple?"

Yang Tianlu was stunned for a moment, and said: "Zixiao Temple... Well, it is the Taoist temple of Sun Zhenren, so it is naturally good, and it will become a famous temple in the world in the future."

Kong Zhengping slapped the table anxiously and said: "You are usually very clever, Junior Brother Yang, why are you confused now, the little real person is asking if you would like to join Zixiao Temple."

Yang Tianlu couldn't believe it: "Ah, is that so?"

Chen Jingke said: "Zixiaoguan is in need of talented people to join. Senior Taoist is profound in Taoism and martial arts. He is really a rare talent. It is really a blessing for Zixiaoguan to have you join."

He has even called his senior brother in advance.

Yang Tianlu was very moved, but he still hesitated and said: "I am grateful for the little Daoist's respect for Yang Tianlu, but I still need to think about it because it is so important, and it is best to get the consent of Daoist Sun for such a big matter." That's good."

Chen Jingke patted his chest and said: "Brother, don't worry, as long as I speak up, Master will definitely not object."


When it was time to eat breakfast, Chen Jingke told Sun Simiao about it with great interest.

Sun Simiao's expression was as weird as possible: "You said you took the initiative to invite Yang Tianlu to join Zixiao Temple?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, after living together for so long, you have also seen the character and ability of Brother Yang. He is a good person... Master, don't you disagree?"

"No, this is very good." Sun Simiao shook his head and said meaningfully: "As long as you don't regret it in the future."

Chen Jingke said: "How come, even if there are conflicts in the future if we can't get along, just let him go, what regrets."

Sun Simiao said, "I hope so."

Seeing that Sun Simiao agreed, Chen Jingke couldn't say how happy he was, since we used our own ability to attract a talent, right?

It seems that the ancient times were not so difficult to mess with. With my ability, I would be a hero in troubled times.

Thinking of this, he felt even more beautiful, and even ate two extra bowls of rice.


In the morning, Sun Simiao was giving a routine sermon to everyone, when suddenly Sun Fucai broke in and said, "Sun Zhenren, Xiao Zhenren, follow me quickly."

Chen Jingke was startled, and said, "Is something wrong with your mother?"

Sun Fucai said: "No, it's Princess Changle... Now that the princess has been sent to the Lizheng Palace, please come with me, two real people."

(End of this chapter)

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