Chapter 27 Arabic Numerals

Chen Jingke could guess why she was nervous, so he comforted her: "Don't be nervous and relax, it is checking your body, if you are too nervous, the check will not be allowed."

It's fine if he doesn't say anything, but Li Lizhi becomes even more nervous when he talks about it.

Chen Jingke was a little helpless, knowing that this was not the solution, he had to find a way to divert her attention.Seeing the constantly flipping numbers on the screen of the bracelet, he immediately had an idea.

"Let me tell you what these words mean."

The eldest grandson Wugou also guessed his plan, besides, she was also very curious about what it meant, so she quickly agreed, "Okay, I'll grind ink for you."

As she spoke, she took the Four Treasures of the Study, poured some water into the inkstone, picked up the ink ingot and gently spun it to polish it.

There was a stark contrast between the white jade-like hand and the black ink ingot, and there seemed to be a strange melody in the rotation, which made Chen Jingke couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

The eldest grandson Yanmo has another bragging capital, he couldn't help thinking.


He explained in detail how to use Arabic numerals - of course, there are no Arabic numerals in this world, and now they are part of Chinese.

Zhangsun Wugou suddenly realized: "I see, these new fonts are amazing, and they are very convenient to use. Did you create them?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said, "No, I learned it from others."

The eldest grandson Wugou nodded and said: "Write 140 in order, is it 140?"

"Yes, your mother is smart, and you can learn it as soon as you learn it." Chen Jingke always felt that something was wrong, and said absent-mindedly.

Originally, he was worried that his eldest grandson Wugou would ask him who he learned from, but he didn't expect that she didn't ask at all, which made him feel awkward instead.

Isn't that what normal people should ask?Is it because the focus of the ancients is different from that of today's people, or is it that the brain circuit of a boss like her is different from that of normal people?

But no matter what he said, the fact that Changsun Wugou didn't pursue him made him feel a lot more relaxed.The next step is further teaching, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The more you know about Changsun Wugou, the more you will be surprised. These ten numbers are really convenient. The person who invented this thing is a genius.

Li Lizhi's attention was also successfully diverted, and her mood gradually relaxed.

Soon there was a beep from the wristband, and everyone stopped. Li Lizhi looked at him at a loss.

Chen Jingke said: "It's okay, check it out." When he saw the red number displayed on the bracelet, he couldn't help sighing.

The eldest grandson Wugou asked anxiously: "Jing Ke, how is your sister?"

Chen Jingke took off the bracelet and said, "Hypertension."

The eldest grandson Wugou said: "What is high blood pressure?" Li Lizhi and Sun Simiao also looked at him, this is another new disease.

Chen Jingke thought about it and said: "We generally call high blood pressure wind disease or wind dizziness, but this name is not accurate."

Sun Simiao already showed a clear expression. He knew about this disease, but he didn't understand it deeply.

The existence of high blood pressure has been discovered in ancient times, but because the medical level is not enough, neither the principle nor the cause is known, so we can only deduce it according to the symptoms, and then take medicine.

The effect? ​​It can only be said to depend on luck.It is said that even bloodletting therapy was developed during Li Zhi's period, which shows how superficial people's understanding of hypertension was at this time.

It is normal for Sun Simiao not to know much about it and not be able to diagnose it. Chen Jingke was able to diagnose it not because of his high medical skills, but because he already knew that he had this disease, and it was easier to get the desired result based on the pulse condition.

Using the metaphor of a river again, he explained to the three what happened to high blood pressure and emphasized the consequences.

"Cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, cerebral infarction..." Every word made the faces of the mother and daughter turn pale.

After he finished speaking, the eldest grandson Wugou was already in tears, and he hugged Li Lizhi and cried bitterly: "My poor child, why did God treat you like this?"

The people waiting outside couldn't help but rushed in together, Li Shimin said anxiously: "What's the matter with Lizhi? Isn't it the asthma that was promised? My lord, what disease does Lizhi have?"

Sun Simiao couldn't answer, so he could only look at Chen Jingke.

Chen Jingke stood up and said: "Your Majesty, please be safe and don't be impatient. Auntie, don't cry in a hurry. Although high blood pressure is dangerous, it is controllable. As long as it is well controlled, it will not endanger life."

The eldest grandson Wugou wiped away his tears, and said: "I'm making you laugh, Jing Ke, tell me slowly how to treat your sister."

"Wait, who told me what high blood pressure is first? Isn't it asthma?" Li Shimin asked.

Chen Jingke told everyone about high blood pressure again: "So the eldest lady not only has asthma, but also suffers from high blood pressure at the same time."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions tightened, and Li Shimin's body shook even more, and he covered his forehead with his hands, showing a look of pain.

"What's wrong with you, Your Majesty?" Everyone quickly helped him to sit down.

Chen Jingke's face on the side had already become serious, and he guessed right, he had high blood pressure from his ancestors.

After a while Li Shimin said: "I'm fine, just a little anxious and dizzy, I'll be fine if I get sick for a while."

Before everyone let go, they heard Chen Jingke say: "I'm afraid things are not as easy as your Majesty said."

Everyone was puzzled, Changsun Wugou seemed to have thought of something, grabbed his arm and said, "You mean...impossible, impossible."

Li Shimin calmed down instead, and said: "There are no outsiders here, if you have anything to say, Jing Ke, just tell me, is there something wrong with my body?"

Chen Jingke sighed and said, "Hypertension is a genetic disease. It is passed on from father to son, and from son to grandson. Children and grandchildren will suffer from this disease."

"Boom." It was Changsun Wugou who stepped back in a daze and knocked down the stool. If it wasn't for Chen Jingke's quick reaction, she would have fallen down.Li Shimin also had a gloomy expression, with a look of pain on his face, as if he had another headache.

The rest of the juniors were at a loss and didn't know what to do.

Changsun Wuji stood up and said: "Stop talking nonsense, little real man, how could your majesty be the real Dragon Emperor..."

"Auxiliary machine." He was interrupted by Li Shimin before he finished speaking: "Don't scare Jing Ke, it's a big taboo to avoid medical treatment."

"Here." Changsun Wuji apologized to Chen Jingke: "Just now I was in a hurry and made a mistake, and I hope the little real person will forgive me."

Chen Jingke said: "Where is the eldest grandson, you also care about your majesty and the princess, which is human nature."

At this time, Li Shimin stared at him, and said seriously: "What the little real person said about high blood pressure, but also said that it is an inherited... genetic disease, do you have evidence?"

Chen Jingke had already guessed that he would ask this question, so he took out his bracelet again and said, "You can tell if it is true or not."

(End of this chapter)

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