Chapter 270
ask me?

Chen Jingke quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know anything about these things, so I don't know how to change them."

"I am only responsible for bringing the knowledge in my mind back to Datang. As for how to use these things, that is His Majesty's business and has nothing to do with me."

The eldest grandson Wugou said suspiciously: "Your elders must have discussed this matter too, right? Just tell me the result of their discussion."

Chen Jingke said: "They did discuss it, but in the end they destroyed all the results of the discussion, so I don't know exactly what was discussed."

Changsun Wugou frowned and said, "Why destroy it? Isn't it such a pity?"

Chen Jingke took out the reason he had made up long ago, and said: "Because they discussed and discussed, and finally came to a result, that is, what they discussed was nonsense."

"Whoever governs the country according to the results of their discussions will inevitably lead to chaos and a change of dynasty in the end."

The eldest grandson Wugou said in surprise: "How could it be? With the wisdom of your family elders, even if what they think cannot be copied, it can still provide reference for others."

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "They don't think so. An elder told me that governing the country requires targeted management according to the actual situation."

"The actual situation, including the country's system, strength, economic situation, cultural background and other factors..."

"Many policies, which are good policies in one country, may be disastrous to the country and the people in another country."

"They don't understand the actual situation of Datang, and the improvement plan they made based on their own thinking is completely empty talk. If Datang really follows their plan, there will be chaos."

"So in the end they destroyed all relevant materials, and only taught me literature and knowledge on things."

"They firmly believe that there is no shortage of wise men in the Chinese ethnic group. As long as I bring these knowledge back, someone will be able to make good use of them."

The eldest grandson Wugou couldn't help nodding his head, the truth was impeccable, but he still asked without giving up: "Did I really tell you nothing?"

Chen Jingke said with a wry smile: "I have occasionally heard them say a few words, such as land annexation will destroy the land equalization system."

"Once the land equalization system is destroyed, the current system of the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed as a they discussed restoring the well field system."

"In every dynasty, there will be wise kings, and there will also be foolish kings, so how to prevent the appearance of stupid kings?"

"They think that the abdication system should be restored, and everyone jointly elects a sage to be the emperor."

"Or decentralize power to the three provinces, and the officials of the three provinces will be rotated every five or ten years... The glory belongs to the emperor, and the power belongs to the three provinces... In this way, even if there is a fatuous king, you will not be afraid."

"Okay, okay." The eldest grandson Wugou finally couldn't help interrupting him, and complained: "The elders of the Yi family destroy the knowledge in this area, and they are self-aware."

Chen Jingke shrugged and said: "You believe it is unreliable now, no matter how smart they are, they only have experience in managing a family."

"According to the records, our family counted servants, when the number was the largest, there were less than [-] people, not as large as the population of a county in Datang."

"How could such a group of people with no experience in governing the country come up with clever strategies for governing the country?"

"The elders of our family also understand this truth, so they mainly focus on studying literature and investigating things, and basically have no achievements in governing the country."

The eldest grandson Wugou was finally persuaded, and said: "It makes sense, it seems that it is impossible to get help from you."

She expressed regret on her lips, but she was actually very happy in her heart.

Sure enough, as she guessed, Chen Jingke simply brought back knowledge, without so many calculation plans.

This is good news for Datang, himself, and Xiao Sizi.

Seeing her believe, Chen Jingke was also relieved, of course he knows a lot about policy.

Among other things, he knows a thing or two about the mainstream social system of the next 1000 years.But he dare not say these things, at least not now.

The most important thing is, can these advanced systems really be suitable for the current Datang?

A very simple example, the two-party system was a great success in the United States, and then many countries began to imitate it.Every time US imperialism evolves into a country, it will enforce a two-party system.

But it turns out that all countries that imitate the two-party system have failed.

The reason is just as Chen Jingke said just now, no system is omnipotent, it needs to be in line with the local cultural environment, economic situation, national strength and so on.

The two-party system is a product of the unique environment of US imperialism, and other countries' forced imitation is courting death.

In the same way, will the various advanced systems that emerged later be successful in the Tang Dynasty?
The greater probability is that the country will change in chaos—unless he engages in a revolution, but he does not have the ability.

Then there is only one way, to borrow the power of the natives of the Tang Dynasty and improve it according to the actual situation.

Of course he knew that it would never be possible to reform the desired world by relying on these meat eaters for improvement.

He didn't count on these people either.

What he really wanted to do was to increase productivity and promote the popularization of knowledge among the people.When the general public has mastered the knowledge and awakened the wisdom of the people, they will naturally fight for their own interests.

At that time, meat eaters will either take the initiative to decentralize power or be revolutionized.

And these awakened latecomers will naturally choose the path that is most suitable for the country.


After dealing with his eldest grandson Wugou, he immediately reversed and promoted his own plan, saying:

"Although I can't provide His Majesty with any ideas on policy, I can still help a lot technically."

After speaking, he took a book from the bookshelf, handed it to her and said, "This is a brand-new steelmaking method designed by me, covering everything from ore mining to smelting."

"Find a few large-scale iron mines for construction, and it will be no problem for Datang's steel output to exceed [-] tons within two years."

"Oh, ton is a unit of weight created by our family. One ton is equivalent to two thousand catties in Datang. It is specially used to express bulk cargo."

Changsun Wugou immediately made the conversion, one ton is two thousand catties, ten thousand tons is 2000 million catties.Now Datang's steel output is only over 100 million catties, a full increase of more than 20 times.

With so much steel, so much can be done, and the point is that railroads are also possible.

Thinking of this, she took the booklet and said, "Okay, I won't say anything about it, and I won't let you suffer in the future."

Chen Jingke just wanted to be polite.

She took another step forward and said: "Don't use the little girl as an excuse. Although my daughter is very precious, she is not worth so many things."

Chen Jingke said unhappily: "I'm not happy when you say that. Little Si is priceless in my heart, and all things added up are not as important as a strand of her hair."

The eldest grandson Wugou was relieved, but also said speechlessly: "I know, I know, I can almost hear the cocoons in my ears."

Then she thought of her son again, and said with a little pleading tone: "Qingque will learn Gewu from you in the future, help me to enlighten him."

Chen Jingke asked strangely: "You didn't tell him about the closure of the country?"

Changsun Wugou shook his head and said: "The matter has not been settled yet, who knows what will happen in the future? I am afraid that if I give him hope now, it will be even more unacceptable if it cannot be realized in the future."

Chen Jingke understood, and said: "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely like him."


While they were chatting, Li Shimin also summoned a group of confidants in Ganlu Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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