Chapter 274 Trading
Establish a medical school?Everyone has different expressions.

If there is no previous proposal to become a medical saint, then this move is purely to promote medical skills and improve the survival rate of the population.

But the combination of the two, no matter how you look at it, is to create a golden body for Sun Simiao. The emperor is really planning to win a saint who belongs to the Tang Dynasty.

These people think more, and they praise the medical saint who is closely related to the people. The emperor can gain great prestige through this move.

But precisely because he is a medical sage, when Sun Simiao is gone, the Sun family will only have an honorary status and not a particularly high political status, so there is no need to worry about them rebelling.

If you think about it a little deeper, Sun Simiao is the leader of Taoism, and making him a medical saint is also a way to win over Taoism.

The emperor is the emperor, really brilliant.

If it was before, they would definitely object. From the economic point of view, the imperial court could not afford such a large expenditure.

But it’s different now. Glass can generate millions of dollars in income every month, and with the granary of the Indochina Peninsula, there is no problem supporting this plan.

In addition, the enfeoffment is imminent, and the doctors trained by the imperial court can directly get some of them to their own feudal kingdom in the future.

It is equivalent to using the resources of the imperial court to train talents for oneself, why not do it, so everyone approved the plan unanimously.

Li Shimin's plan does not stop there. After confirming the medical school plan, he said: "In the future, we may establish dozens or even hundreds of feudal states, which will require a large number of officials."

"Do you want to use the powerful children of the gentry to govern your own country, or do you want to use the children of the humble family?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.But they both saw the other party's thoughts from the other party's eyes, so the idiot used the powerful sons of the gentry to manage his own feudal country.

This is not the first time that the emperor has publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the gentry. Before, they were just watching jokes from the sidelines, unwilling and unnecessary to offend the gentry.

It's different now, who is willing to share the feudal country that I have worked so hard to share with the gentry? Is the brain sick?

But if they want to directly confront the gentry tyrants like this, they are not willing in their hearts.

The two sides have coexisted for hundreds of years, there are fights and cooperation, and there are intermarriages with each other. The relationship is intricate and they are unwilling to fight each other to the death.

However, history has proved that this is just a unilateral and naive idea of ​​the Guanlong Group, and the gentry did not take them seriously.

When Wu Zetian came to power, the gentry seized the opportunity to pack up the Guanlong Group and send it to the grave.

I don't know if they regretted it at that time, why they didn't help Li Shimin deal with the gentry at the beginning.

Li Shimin has always known that the Guanlong Group has selfish intentions, which is why he hesitated to do anything to the gentry before.

But it's different now, the power of enfeoffment is in my hands.If you want to close the country but don't want to contribute, how can there be such a good thing.Unless the gentry is overthrown, none of you will want to seal the country.

So he immediately stated his plan: "In order to have enough talents to manage the Tang Dynasty and the feudal kingdoms of the princes, I decided to comprehensively build the academic and political system and the imperial examination system."

He talked about the school politics and the imperial examination system in his mind again.

To put it simply, the school-government system is to establish a talent training system from the central government to the local government, that is, public colleges.

The imperial examination system imitated the mature model of later generations and was divided into county examinations, state examinations, Beijing examinations, and palace examinations.

You can become a scholar after taking the county examination, and automatically have the qualifications to be a teacher and start a private school.

Scholars can participate in the state examination, and if they pass the examination, they can be promoted, and they can directly become officials and officials below the seventh rank.

Juren is eligible to take the Beijing examination, and those who pass the examination are Huiyuan.Members participate in the palace examination, in principle, everyone will have a ranking.

The top three are Jinshi on the first list, and the top ten on the second list are also Jinshi; No. 11 to the [-]th on the second list are also Jinshi; the rest are from the third list.

The top thirteen Jinshi can directly enter Hongwenguan as officials, while Tong Jinshi and Ci Jinshi are appointed as local officials.

"The textbooks used in the academy include the Nine Classics, Suanjing, and Tang Law compiled by the imperial court, and books such as the "Tao Te Ching" and "Nan Hua Jing" annotated by Sun Zhenren...they will also be used as the standards for the imperial examination."

Everyone couldn't help being startled, the emperor was going to completely tear his face off with the nobles.

What is the biggest capital of the gentry?Monopolized the right to comment on knowledge.

The academic and political system uses the classics of the national annotated version, completely abandoning the gentry.The imperial examination is also based on the national annotated version, which is to force the gentry to voluntarily give up family culture.

Do you want to give up your family knowledge?The emperor will only be happier, and it won't be long before the gentry will be completely driven out of the bureaucracy.

And once the knowledge mastered by the gentry can't be an official, who else is willing to follow behind them?
This can be said to put the knife directly on the neck of the gentry.

In fact, someone had already done similar things back then, and that was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In fact, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not directly shout the slogan of exclusive Confucianism, nor did he publicly attack any of the hundred schools.

He just gave priority to promoting and appointing Confucian-born scholars in practical actions, and then hundreds of disciples from Mohism, Yin-Yang, and famous schools switched to Confucianism.

No successor of these schools is inferior to one generation after another, and they will die out naturally.

These schools have also resisted, but the power of the available people is in the hands of the emperor, and they have nothing to do.

rebel?The military power is in the hands of the emperor, try to rebel.

The current situation faced by the gentry is very similar to the situation faced by the Baijia back then.

This series of plans is really perfect, obviously well thought out.Everyone in the room couldn't help admiring that the emperor really planned before moving.

Then there is helplessness, it seems that this time it is necessary to confront the tyrants of the gentry.

At the end of the meeting, everyone left with a lot of worries, only Changsun Wuji stayed.

Looking at the tired Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji asked with concern: "Saint, are you alright?"

Li Shimin leaned on the chair and said, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired... Do you think these people will help us deal with the nobles?"

Changsun Wuji said without hesitation: "It will definitely, no one can refuse the real feudal kingdom."

A person appeared in Li Shimin's mind, and he said with a smile: "Is there really no one who can refuse?"

Changsun Wuji immediately guessed what he meant, and said with a wry smile: "It's because I'm narrow-minded. I forgot that there are people like Jing Ke in the world."

Li Shimin sighed: "Why am I not? The more I know about Jing Ke's knowledge, the more difficult it is for me to feel at ease."

"If it wasn't for Guanyin's maidservant to mediate, I'm afraid I couldn't help but want to attack him. But if I really attack him, the loss will be immeasurable."

Changsun Wuji echoed, "In Jing Ke's own words, the unknown is the most dangerous and frightening thing. The Chen family is too powerful and mysterious, anyone would doubt it."

"However, I believe that with His Majesty's heart, you will definitely not do anything to him. You are not such a person."

"To be disrespectful, this is also the reason why I married my sister to you and followed you, and you have never let me down."

"Haha..." Instead of being angry, Li Shimin laughed heartily, and said, "The one who knows me is the auxiliary machine."

After the joke, Changsun Wuji said sternly: "If you want these people to go all out against the gentry and the powerful, it is useless to rely on promises, and you must take practical actions."

"I suggest that we first select a few companies to establish a closed country as a model, so as to completely dispel their doubts."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Which houses do you think should be confiscated first, and where should the fiefdom be placed?"

Changsun Wuji was about to answer when he suddenly heard Ren Feng shouting outside: "Sage, I have something important to report."

Li Shimin frowned, showing displeasure on his face, but he didn't vent his anger on others, but asked, "What's the matter?"

Ren Feng said: "The East Palace has come to report that the Crown Princess is about to give birth."

(End of this chapter)

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