Chapter 282 The Second Knife
"Admiral Xuezheng, supervising local cultural and educational affairs... that guy finally showed his fangs." Zheng Song said.

Wang Zhuo, the representative of the Wang family in Taiyuan, said: "The name is to supervise local culture and education, but it is actually aimed at our gentry. It is not a day or two that the person wants to take away the right to interpret the classics."

Cui Qian, the representative of the Cui family in Boling, sighed: "The printing technique has helped him a lot, otherwise the Nine Classics annotated by the Hongwen Museum would not even be able to get out of Chang'an City."

Wang Zhuo suddenly said: "The printing technique was created by Master Zixiao Guansun, do you think he will fall to that one?"

Lu Xiu of the Fanyang Lu family shook her head and said: "It's hard to say, the original intention of his invention of printing was indeed to print Daoist scriptures, there is no doubt about it."

Everyone nodded. After all, the first thing printed by printing was indeed the Taoist scriptures used for the innovation of Zixiao Temple.

Later, the printing technique was taught to Maoshan, Louguandao and other major Taoist sects to print Taoist scriptures, which was created for the promotion of Taoist scriptures.

Lu Xiu changed the subject and said, "Of course, we don't know the purpose of giving this technique to that person later on."

Wang Zhuo added: "Everyone, don't forget, that disciple of his is the concubine's concubine. If he doesn't offer enough benefits, will he take out the concubine's daughter for marriage?"

Li Hong, the representative of Zhaojun's Li family, said: "Chen Jingke claims to be a descendant of Chen Yangong. I wonder if you have found any clues?"

Zheng Song shook his head and said: "We have checked, and during the Yongjia Rebellion, there were indeed children of the Chen clan in Yangwu household who scattered and migrated."

"It's just that the Chen family has a large population, and it's been hundreds of years, so it's hard to find everyone."

Wang Zhuo said contemptuously: "He must be a fake, otherwise why don't you contact the Chen family to retell the genealogy."

Lu Xiu reminded helplessly: "Everyone, don't forget that it is not Chen's Yu Yin who he can rely on today, but Sun Zhenren."

"We don't need to pursue his true origin, we just need to know that he is a disciple of Sun Zhenren."

Except for Wang Zhuo, everyone else couldn't help nodding again. It doesn't matter what Chen Jingke's background is, the important thing is that he represents Sun Simiao.

Besides, the Chen clan has long since declined, so what if it is proved that he is a branch of the Chen clan in Yangwuhu?
Wang Zhuo said unwillingly: "He and the queen are called aunt and nephew, and he also favored Princess Jinyang. It is said that he loves the princess very much, so it is impossible to stand on our side."

Zheng Song was puzzled and said, "Then why did he still write articles praising the gentry? Is it really Sun Zhenren's persecution?"

Cui Qiandao: "I don't know, maybe there are other plans. In short, it can't be Sun Zhenren. He left Beijing in early February to search for medicine and has not returned yet."

Zheng Song couldn't help complaining: "This old fairy is really restless. He wandered around in the first half of his life. Now he is too old to take good care of his life and run around."

Cui Gandao: "He stayed in Beijing for so long because of this disciple, maybe seeing Zixiao Temple gaining a firm foothold, he got old."

Wang Zhuo interjected: "Could it be that he learned about this in advance and deliberately avoided it?"


Everyone ignored his words, Sun Simiao left in early February, and the emperor held an imperial meeting in March, with an interval of more than a month.

Li Shimin was so overwhelmed that he actually told Sun Simiao such a big plan more than a month in advance?

It doesn't make sense logically.

They knew very well in their hearts why Wang Zhuo aimed at Zixiao Temple everywhere, the reason was very simple, he had personal enmity with him.

Wang Xiuqi was the branch of his house, who was first beaten by Chen Jingke and then punished by the emperor, which severely swept away the face of his house.

Seizing the opportunity this time, he naturally tried his best to put on small shoes for Zi Xiaoguan.

Everyone was very dissatisfied with his behavior of avenging his personal revenge. Qinghe Cui's Cui Yun, who had been silent all this time, said bluntly:
"Sun Zhenzhen is the leader of Taoism. At this critical moment, we must not offend easily, lest we push them there."

Lu Xiu also said: "Yes, since Daoist Sun's reform, the strength of Taoism has increased greatly, and there is a faint tendency to overwhelm Buddhism. At this juncture, we must not offend them."

Others echoed the decision.

Cui Yun said again: "Everyone seems to have forgotten the purpose of today's gathering. It's not because of the Zixiao Temple, but about the admiral's study and politics. Don't make a distinction between priorities."

Everyone couldn't help looking at Wang Zhuo, it was he who brought the topic to Zixiaoguan.

Wang Zhuo, who was targeted, was shocked and angry, but he also knew that what everyone said was reasonable, and he didn't dare to really offend so many people, so he could only sullenly say nothing.

Everyone ignored him and continued to discuss the original topic.

Lu Xiu said: "The former Nine Classics who intended to promote Hongwenguan's annotations competed with our gentry for the right to annotate."

"We were forced to publish part of our family knowledge, but we finally blocked his attempt, which shows that scholars are still more willing to believe us."

"Admiral Xuezheng should be a counterattack made by him unwillingly. When these inspectors take office, they will inevitably promote the Hongwenguan Nine Classics. We must guard against it."

Li Hong said: "Is there any way to force him to cancel this plan? The construction of a brand new Yamen requires countless manpower and material resources. Can the court afford it?"

Cui Qiandao: "The imperial court can obtain tens of millions of grains from glass and sugar every year, and can also buy millions of grains from the small country in the south. There is no shortage of money and grains."

"And the admiral's study of politics is an act of enlightenment, which has been advocated as good governance... The key is that once this plan is passed, nearly ten thousand officials will be added, and even Wei Xianggong dare not object."

"It is almost impossible to sabotage this plan from the DPRK. All we can do is sabotage from local areas."

Zheng Song agreed: "I also think so. The only way to destroy this plan is to start from the local area. At present, I only think of two methods."

"One, find a way to stuff our people in as school inspectors; two, buy these school inspectors and let them be used by me."

Everyone nodded in agreement with his approach.

Zheng Song said: "Since everyone agrees with this policy, let's start to act. First, go to visit Kong Yingda, the son of the state, to offer wine to Bachelor Kong."


In the palace, Chen Jingke also raised his own doubts: "I'm afraid it's not good to hand over the responsibility of selecting the inspectors to Bachelor Kong? He is also from a noble family."

Li Shimin stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Then if I told you that when the imperial court was annotating the Nine Classics, Kong Jijiu happened to be a scholar of Hongwenguan, would you still think so?"

Chen Jingke understood instantly, and said, "You mean the Nine Classics were written by Scholar Confucius?"

Li Shimin said: "Not before, he was just one of the hosts. But now, he can be the one who takes the lead."

The annotations of the Nine Classics in Hongwenguan were mainly carried out by those few scholars, and Kong Yingda played an important role in it. It can be said that he poured his heart and soul into each book.

But it would be unfair to other people to say that he is the editor-in-chief, so the column of editors has always been written by the scholars of the Hongwen Museum, and there is no editor-in-chief.

But now, if he mentions his position a little bit, even if he is not said to be the editor-in-chief, the effect will be the same.

Li Shimin said: "The gentry wantonly interpreted the knowledge of the sages, and Kong Jijiu, as a descendant of Confucius, has long been dissatisfied with this, and has always wanted to regain the right to interpret the ancestral learning."

"So he and the gentry are naturally at odds, so don't be afraid of their collusion."

"Confucius' descendants personally served as the son of the state to offer wine and preside over the innovation, which can influence a large number of scholars and also contribute to the construction of the academic and political system."

Chen Jingke was once again amazed by Li Shimin's political wisdom. He really considered all aspects, and did not leave any room for the gentry.

Another point is that the gentry probably thought that the admiral Xuezheng just sent an official to promote the Nine Classics in the local area. Although they would pay attention to it and destroy it, they would not really care too much.

After all, it is unrealistic to rely on one or two officials to reverse the overall situation.

However, they don't know that this position is completely supporting the academic and political system and the imperial examination system.

After the inspector took office and secured his position, there will be government schools all over the country, and the imperial examination system from the local to the central.

The last time the imperial court promoted the Nine Classics, the gentry blocked it by publishing some family knowledge. This time, let's see what else they can do.

After talking about this matter, Li Shimin turned to say: "I called you here this time because I couldn't make up my mind about something and wanted to ask your opinion."

Chen Jingke said: "Just ask, as long as I know everything, I can tell you everything."

Li Shimin took out a map of the world and said, "I'm going to enfeoff a few kingdoms to set an example. Where do you think it would be better to put this kingdom?"

Chen Jingke found that there were a lot of details on this map, so he knew that Li Shimin was not idle during this period of time, and he should have sent people around to investigate.

This is a good thing, Datang has taken the lead, the stronger the outward heart, the better.

He didn't answer directly, but asked, "Where is Your Majesty going to put the kingdom?"

Li Shimin pointed to the map and said: "Two places, one is Luzon Island, where the vast territory and indigenous people live in villages and are weak, it is very suitable. The second..."

He moved his hand a long distance, put it in a place, and said, "Here."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "Kyushu Island? This is the place of Fusang Kingdom. Their strength is not weak. Are you ready to go to war with them?"

Li Shimin said: "It's not as complicated as you think. The locals call this place the Zhuzi Kingdom, which is a vassal state of Fusang."

"The country has always refused to accept Fusang and raised troops to rebel several times, but it was suppressed because of its weak national strength, and even the king was killed."

"I have found the descendant of the country's lord, and I am going to support him to restore the country. Then cut off a part of the land from this island as the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and distribute it to the heroes."

Chen Jingke really didn't know there was such a period of history, but he still worried: "Will Fusang allow him to return to the country? What will happen to them when the whole country comes to commit crimes?"

"Our army is an expedition after all, so we can't stop there every day to protect them, right?"

Li Shimin shook his head and said: "It seems that you really don't understand, why can't an army be stationed here?"

"Have you seen this? Tsushima Island and Tamna Island, I plan to station a navy here. I believe they will be very happy to provide food and salaries from the Fengguo on Kyushu Island."

"As for Fusang, have you forgotten the new sea ships and gunboats? On land, they may still be able to resist one or two with their blood and courage, but at sea they will have no power to fight back."

Chen Jingke said in surprise: "Have you built a gunboat?"

Li Shimin nodded and said: "It has been built a long time ago. Although it is not the kind of large warship you mentioned, it is more than enough to deal with the Fusang navy."

Chen Jingke had no objection, and said: "Then I have no objection. Although Kyushu Island is not rich, it has been cultivated by the Zhuzi Kingdom for hundreds of years, and it is more suitable as a model than the wild Luzon."

"Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of people from the Chikushi Kingdom, who can be used as the source of the population of the feudal country. After one or two generations of enlightenment and intermarriage, they will become Tang people."

"Well, it can also deter Fusang, and you can also contact the Ainu people in the north, and jointly cause trouble for the Fusang people, and consume their national strength a little bit."

"When the time is right, we can take Fusang Kingdom in one fell swoop, completely turn it into the territory of Tang Dynasty, and then entrust it to more heroes."

Chen Jingke also became more and more excited as he talked, and finally couldn't help but praise: "Your Majesty is wise, you can think of this place. At first I thought of Luzon Island..."

Li Shimin liked this flattery very much, and said happily: "Since you agree, let's put Fengguo here."

"Qingzhou's navy has been formed, it's time for them to show their minions."

The Qingzhou Navy was not formed out of thin air. Last year, the imperial court had already started to build sea-going ships and recruit soldiers to form a navy.

It's just that it was experimental at that time, and it was not given an official designation, it was only built as an auxiliary military branch.

This year, the Naval Yamen was formally established on this basis, so it took shape very quickly and directly possessed combat effectiveness.

This also marks the first time that the navy has appeared in this world as an independent arm.

In fact, the first time the navy existed as an independent arm in the previous life also appeared in the Tang Dynasty.I have to say that Datang Wude is abundant.

After discussing the matter, Chen Jingke left with excitement.Playing a small day... the Fusang country, which has a good life, is really happy.

I really hope that this country will be wiped out as soon as possible, so that he can completely disappear from the earth.

Chen Jingke has already decided to completely destroy all traces of their existence, even dig out their ancestral graves and destroy them.

It will be recorded in future history books that Xu Fu led [-] virgins and boys to the sea, came to the Fusang Islands to multiply and live, and returned to China in the Tang Dynasty.

As for the history before Xu Fu's arrival, none of it existed.

What is the Jomon period, the Asuka period... similar words will never appear in the history of later generations.

In the case of writing, the knowledge of various schools of thought can be lost. Why can't the myths and legends of Fusang without any written records disappear completely?
It's hard, but you always have to try.


And looking at the back of Chen Jingke leaving, Li Shimin also showed a happy smile.

The reason why he put the feudal state here is not limited to this. The first target is not Fusang, but the Liaodong countries that are close at hand.

Chen Jingke only saw Fusang, but did not see this point, which shows that his scheming and political vision are very mediocre.

Mediocrity is good, mediocrity is reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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