Chapter 285 Sincerity
Chen Jingke found Wu Shu in Erya Academy, which had become the editorial office of Mochizuki Tan at this time.

The original team of the dictionary editing team took up the post seamlessly without even changing their names.

Wu Shu, Yihe and the others were discussing something, and when they saw him coming over, they said, "Really, the new issue of Mochizuki Talk has been preliminarily finalized, please come and see if there is anything that needs to be revised."

"Can I still worry about you doing things?" Chen Jingke said with a smile, took the sample booklet, flipped to the catalog and glanced at it.

The author's name appended to the back is probably a well-known scholar, such as Kong Yingda, Chu Liang and others.

The current Mochizuki Tan is not famous when it was first published. It has sold about [-] copies per month and has become Datang's first publication worthy of the name.

How many great Confucian scholars have volunteered to contribute articles, wanting to promote their views on it.Scholars with little reputation contributed even more manuscripts, receiving more than a thousand manuscripts every month.

But in the end, only about [-] articles can be published, and the competition is fierce.

In order to prevent being monopolized by great Confucian scholars, Chen Jingke formulated a rule that the contribution of ordinary people in each issue should not be less than one-third.

He directly explained this to everyone in the journal, and it was unanimously recognized by everyone.

No one can say anything against the training of young people.


He had full trust in Yihe and the others, so he just looked through the catalog to see which famous authors had published articles, or if there were any strange articles.

Then he found a name that was both familiar and unfamiliar, Yu Zhining.

Familiar because this is also a celebrity in history, unfamiliar because the two have never dealt with each other since time travel.

This person was one of the eighteen bachelors of the Hongwen Museum, and later served as the East Palace Zhanshi.But he also has a hidden identity, one of Li Chengqian's persecutors.

Whenever Li Chengqian made any small mistakes or slack, he would immediately yell that what you did was wrong, and he wished that everyone in the world would condemn him.

It can be said that Li Chengqian's "evil deeds" can be known by so many people, and he has made great contributions.

Just imagine how you would feel if your teacher criticized you in front of the whole class and students at every turn.

If he was consistent, he could still be praised for being upright, but when Li Zhi ascended the throne, he seemed to be a different person.

First of all, he became a fence-sitter in the matter of Li Hou, neither supporting nor opposing.

Later, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian did many things, as the prime minister, he did not say a word and let them go.

However, Wu Zetian is more ruthless than he imagined. If you don't support me, you are against me, and you will directly demote him to the local governor.

Some people may say that he is aware of current affairs and so on, which is actually true.But to explain it in reverse, it can also be said that he is not a loyal and upright minister.

He dared to treat Li Chengqian so stubbornly, because he was sure that Li Shimin would not do anything to him.

He didn't dare to offend Li Zhi and Wu Zetian because he knew that these two people really dared to kill him.

It is such a person whose historical evaluation is surprisingly high, and I don't know if Pei Ju will call for double standards.

In fact, people like him are the most indispensable throughout history, including Chen Jingke himself.

Anyway, he didn't have a good impression of Yu Zhining, but it wasn't a bad feeling either.There is just one thing, he will never have a deep friendship with such a person and entrust him with important affairs.

"Scholars must not be Hongyi" This is the title of Yu Zhining's article. Chen Jingke read this article specifically, and the whole article is about the way of being a scholar and the way of being a minister.

It probably means that a soldier must have a lofty ideal and a resolute character, and a minister must be upright and courageous.

The article was written very gorgeously and wonderfully, and people read it so passionately that they wished they could turn into Wei Zheng and spray Li Shimin with saliva.

Chen Jingke also has to admire these people, the article is so well written, no wonder he can become a high official.

As for the evaluation, he only has two words: Hehe...

After reading this unappetizing article, he no longer wanted to turn the pages, closed the book and handed it back, saying, "That's it, we can start printing."

Yihe took it, and said, "Okay... Zhou Xiang, you should go to the book printing house."

Zhou Xiang laughed and said, "Sure enough, I'm running errands again, but who made you the editor-in-chief, the first-rank official crushes people to death."

Yihe's face darkened, and she said, "Will you go or not?"

Zhou Xiang shrunk her neck and said, "Go, go. Hey, the official power is getting stronger and stronger, and now I can't even make jokes. It will be fine in the future."

Yihe got angry: "You can die if you say a word less."

Zhou Xiang muttered, "I can hold back my madness."

"Haha..." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Chen Jingke showed a thoughtful expression.

He and Wu Shu came to a deserted place, and he said, "These two seem to be having an affair."

Wu Shu covered his mouth with a smile and said, "What kind of adultery, you can talk nonsense. It's true that the two have a crush on each other. Zhou Xiang has been showing affection, but Yihe seems to have concerns and has been afraid to agree."

Chen Jingke was puzzled and said: "Both of them are free agents, and there are no parents or elders to supervise them, so what concerns can they have?"

Wu Shu said: "This is her concern."

Chen Jingke was puzzled at first, both of them were successful in their careers, they had a house and savings, and they were not restrained by the elderly.

In the previous life, this was a good marriage that was hard to find without beating gongs and drums. Why did it become a concern?
But if you think about it carefully, you can understand where the problem lies. It is precisely because Zhou Xiang is alone that people cannot be trusted.

After all, he himself is only a teenager, how can he trust others for life?At this time, it is a good thing if there is restraint from parents and family members.

This habit existed in previous lives. Many people will first check whether their parents are present when they get married.If you are a single parent or your parents are absent, marriage will be more difficult.

Yihe was relatively happy when she was a child. Her parents passed away suddenly and the sisters were sold out. This experience made her more cautious and hoped to marry into a complete family.

So her hesitation is understandable.

Thinking of this, he said with a smile: "Then Zhou Xiang may have chased him, let's see his luck."

Wu Shu said in surprise: "I thought you would help."

Chen Jingke said: "If necessary, I will definitely help with this, but it is best to let them solve the emotional matters first."

"As the so-called sincerity goes, gold and stones can be opened. As long as the kung fu is used, I believe he will be successful."

Wu Shu nodded, and then said angrily: "I shouldn't have agreed to you so easily at the beginning, and now looking back, I lost a lot of fun."

Chen Jingke took her hand and said: "If you really do that, you will not be Sister Wu. If you dare to love and hate, if you love it, you will love it vigorously, and if you hate it, you will hate it deeply. This is you."

Wu Shu said with a smile: "You can talk."

After being gentle for a while, Chen Jingke asked, "By the way, what do you want from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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